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Feelin the Love & Job Chapters 30 & 31

I grew up in a house where we used everything…I mean EVERYTHING…and my momma could always make somethin’ out of nuttin. So…with the Valentine Felt Cookies all completed and in the mail (if you ordered some to help Haiti…THANK YOU…they are on their way!), and I couldn’t bear to toss out the felt scraps. Instead of hanging pots this month…we’re getting in the spirit for a little love…
valentines 003
valentines 001I think our Valentine’s chain might even be festive on our Easter tree! And what a good reminder that chain would be of His love and that our chains are broken and we are set free from bondage through the cross.

AND…I finally finished my treasure hunt for the Easter Tree (see under Crafts for the list of ornaments) and I even made 2 extra sets for my friend Addie and sister April. Are they just lucky to have Aunt Andrea so on top of it?! Here are a few more of my favorite finds/creations for our Easter tree…

OK…how funny is this one for my day for Jacob and Esau?!
valentines 013I couldn’t resist hot-glueing the hand to the heel…my kids will be very interested in this one (Day 7) I think!

Here’s my home-made crown out of felt and glued jewels…Laney is gonna love this one as we talk about Isrel desiring a king (Day 14)…
valentines 015

I’ve never been so excited about starting Lent!!! Ahhh…what a glorious thing to anticipate celebrating the resurrections! I love that we celebrate Jesus’s birth for 25 days in December…but that we rock out His resurrection for over 40 days for Lent! I can’t WAIT for Easter morning…I feel like it’s Christmas all over again…only times 2…as it should be!

One Year Chronological Bible Reading

Job Chapter 30 This chapter is another tough one as Job reflects on the things that he used to have but no longer has. He has 5 complaints: I have no respect, I have no blessing, I have no help, I have no future and I have no ministry. He is in the pit of discouragement. And his friends are of no help either. Although I must confess that I’m about as ready to be out of this part of Job’s life as I am when I am discouraged myself—I think there is value in treading through hard chapters and really reflected upon them. They are a part of the Living Word for good reason–Holy Spirit, speak to our hearts and teach each of us what you desire us to learn and change our hearts for your glory.

I ask Lord that in times of dispair, you will comfort us…in times of sadness that you will bring friends to encourage us with YOUR words. And in times of joy and blessing, you will use us to encourage and love others who are experiencing some of these same complaints as Job. Oh that we would cling to you so our words might be YOUR words.

Job Chapter 31 This chapter is Job’s final defense putting himself under an oath before God. In front of his friends…and most likely at this point quite a crowd…Job asks God to give him 3 things: a hearing, an answer to his charges and to prove his innocence. And if God couldn’t do these things (meaning Job was quilty), then Job was willing for God to send curses his way. He has asked God before men to send some pretty terrible things his way if he is guilty: others will eat his harvest, his wife will become another man’s servant, his arm will fall from his shoulder, and his harvest will be weeds. And then “Job’s words were finished.” Silence. Can you imagine the crowd and his 3 friends standing there? Wow. What could they say? Job was sure God would vindicate. This friends were sure God would condemn…and what God decides to do next…is in tomorrow’s reading! Hang in there…and get ready—I think the light is at the end of the tunnel…and we’re pretty certain it’s not another train.

Let us not give up on the reading of God’s Word!

Amy @ Filled With Praise - January 27, 2010 - 3:26 pm

Love the links of love and the additions to the Easter Tree.

I read through and finished Job today. I was really getting frustrated with all of their complaining 🙂 So, I was happy to see that there was a somewhat happy ending. I won’t spoil it though 🙂

april - January 27, 2010 - 3:27 pm

haha love the jacob esau babies…lol

LOVE what you did with your extra felt! so pretty!

Job 26-29:5

Chapter 26 My, this chapter starts out with Job sounding a bit sarcastic doesn’t it?! In verses 1-4 Job is simply saying to Bildad that his words have done him no good. Bildad is criticizing Job for being unwise, but he offers him no wisdom. And verse 4—says it best. Job is making the point that Bildad’s words are coming from Bildad. Not from God. Have you ever pulled a Bildad? Spoken your mind and not from God’s heart? And you know exactly when you have done it. Oh Lord—help us resist giving others OUR opinions! Help us to offer instead YOUR WORDS, YOUR ENCOURAGEMENT, YOUR LOVE!

Ahhhh…and then for the REST of this chapter–Job paints a beautiful picture of God’s power. He is truly worshiping the Lord in this! How beautiful are his words?! “God STRETCHES the northern sky over empty space and hangs the earth on nothing…He wraps the rain in His thick clouds, and the clouds don’t burst with the weight…the foundation of the heavens tremble…by His power the sea grew calm…” So beautiful.

[sidenote] And just on a funny sidenote—I had a funny college friend who really got hung up on verse 12 “the great sea monster” part. Apparently, some crazy Christian folk think this ole sea monster lives in Argentina. Are you one of those? Just kidding. I’m just sayin’. My friend actually WENT to Argentina in hopes to spot the sea monster. I’m just sayin’…he was my crazy Christian friend…wonder what he’s doing now. Maybe he’s in Argentina. [end sidenote]

Chapter 27 – Job’s Final Speech While this final speech may sound cruel to us–in the East it wasn’t enough to affirm your innocense only—but they typically followed it by a curse toward anyone who said they were guilty when they were not. We have to remember that Job lived BEFORE Mosaic law—before the Sermon on the Mount—and we can’t expect him to live like Jesus yet. In the sight of God, Job really was right. He was blameless. But still–his curse seems awfully cruel…especially the children part. That would be enough for me I’m afraid if I were one of his stubborn friends to do a double take I’m afraid!

Chapter 28 – Job Seeks God’s Wisdom In this chapter Job’s theme is that wisdom from God cannot be bought. And did you see…in the New Living Translation verse 19??? Not even “precious peridot from Ethiopia cannot be exchanged for it”! (Just had to toss that out there;)

Chapter 29 – Job Speaks of Former Blessings Job thinks of wishes for his past…again painting another beautiful picture—but it’s a picture of what he had…key word–HAD. There can be a ministry in memory when used in the right way, but dwelling on the past can also take your eyes off where God is wanting to take you next.

Gerhart Tersteegan said, “As long as we want to be different from what God wants us to be at the time, we are only tormenting ourselves to no purpose.” Don’t focus on the glories of the past and ignore the possibilities of the future. There will be hard things that come—and you will be tempted to say, “But don’t you know what I’ve done? I have worked so hard for the Lord, and why is this crumbling?” Keep your eyes up–focused on the prize Christ has set before you. I’m not planning for everything to go my way with our adoption plans, with our ministry or even with tomorrow. But I do know that if I keep my eyes on set on the cross and continue in the Word and trusting the Lord—then in the end I’ll be so thankful that it didn’t work out “my way” to begin with. He is worthy of our trust!

Megan - January 26, 2010 - 10:46 pm

I can be a witness to that! Although I wouldn’t wish it on anyone, every step that got me to being a mother was part of my growth. Difficulty getting pregnant, a miscarriage, 9 months of morning sickness, HELLP syndrome, complicated delivery, preemie…although I never planned it to be that way, each step has not only helped me to rely on God more, but has led us to the decision to adopt. With all those complications, neither myself or my husband were ready for another pregnancy so soon, but we are ready for another baby. He had a reason then, and it was all to glorify Him! Thanks again for leading this great Bible study! You have a great insight on God’s word that really speaks to my heart! =)

Shannon - January 27, 2010 - 12:52 am

Thank you for doing such a great job leading Andrea! You are helping me stick with it!

Easter Tree…(Lent Begins on February 17th!)

For those of you wanting to do an Easter tree…here is something I created to get you prepped early! You now have a couple of weeks to get everything together if you want to do it! You can find this post later under “Crafts” also so you don’t have to search through past entries to find it. Todays scripture reading…to come later:)

For those of you wanting to join me in creating a Lent tradition, I have created 5 word documents for you to download and print. This activity requires you to find 41 treasures for the 40 days of Lent (a few after to celebrate the resurrection!). The list that I used is in each document download. I found these 41 treasures (one day is a “nothing day” as you wait on the resurrection) at Dollar Trees, Hobby Lobby, ebay and some I made myself out of felt. These word documents were created to be printed on shipping labels—so you can easily print them on 2″x4″ labels and stick each label on a ziplock bag to store your ornaments in to remind you the story and verse—as well as to store safely from year to year.

All the work has been done FOR YOU! Your welcome;). Now…you just need to run to the store and buy white shipping labels – 10 per sheet 2 in x 4 in. (I bought Office Max’s offbrand and it matches the download template of Avery 8163). But as long as you purchase the 2″x4″ with 10 on a sheet—this should work!


Lent Days 1-10
Lent Days 11-20
Lent Days 21-30
Lent Days 31-40
He Is Risen Days 41-42

I followed the instructions found in Carol Brazo’s book “No Ordinary Home: The Uncommon Art of Christ-Centered Homemaking”…which by the way is a must have in any mommy’s library! Carol Brazo walks you through how to beautifully celebrate the final week of Lent, Holy Week, with your children—and this is SURE to be a memory they will forever hold dear in their hearts as they encounter the Savior this powerful week in an amazing way. My favorite is one of her explanations of how she celebrates Sunday…

“Every Easter Sunday I am the first one up. Mark, like the disciples before him, hears those magical words, “He is risen” from the mouth of a woman. The little girls are awakened by their mama’s cries of joy, “He is risen!” and they in turn wake up their brother. Those first words belong to women. They are our gift and our heritage. And every year, as I hear women cry out their joy, a place deep inside me, inside the female part of me, is resurrected and brought to nerve-tingling life. He is risen! He is risen! Wake up and rejoice!”

I hope you enjoy this wonderful experience with your family from year to year. Happy treasure hunting as you prepare for Lent!

julie@Flitterbugs - January 26, 2010 - 1:31 pm

I am soo excited about this! Thank you for sharing. i just got back from Target where I found a miniture globe on the $1 isle. I was planning on hanging it above our table with verses about preaching the gospel to all nations, but I think I will save it for the Easter tree!

april - January 26, 2010 - 2:33 pm

such great ideas…never heard of an easter tree! :0)

Amy @ Filled With Praise - January 26, 2010 - 3:31 pm

Thanks for sharing. You are so sweet!

Heidi - January 26, 2010 - 5:58 pm

I love it!! I will be for sure doing this sounds great! Thanks for sharing your creative!

Job 22:1-25:6

Today’s Scripture Reading: Job 22:1-25:6

Chapter 22 We start today’s reading with Eliphaz’s third response to Job…and his opinion of Job hasn’t changed at all. His friends continue to chastise and degrade him…telling Job again and again that if he would just turn from his wicked ways, his problems would disappear. Can you imagine Job’s hurt and frustration…bottles of emotions that must have raged in his heart. Over and over he has heard this SAME speech from one of the three. There is nothing he can do to prove his innocense to his friends—he has nothing to show them and they will not believe his words. And how does he respond after ANOTHER accusation?

Chapter 23 Job’s 8th response to his friends is not one of frustration or hurt to his friends–but now simply longing to be in the Lord’s presence—so he may understand why this has happened to him and his judgement can finally be over and the air can be cleared. OH…don’t you LONG for the Lord’s justice? Don’t you long to be understood by those who ever never “got” you? There have been so many times in my life where I have been heartbroken by sin around me, and as much as I have wanted to take a matter into my own hands I have only gotten peace as I knelt before the Lord and said, “Take this Lord. I trust you Lord. I believe you are a just God. I know you are a good God. I ask for you to work this out. May your justice prevail and Your will be done.”

His justice will always, always prevail. But I think the hardest part—is that although we are instructed in His word to seek justice, defend the cases of the oppressed—we are not promised justice in this life. But we have to remember—we are promised justice (Isaiah 10) when we all see God face to face. Defend the weak, fight for justice and trust in the Lord who is a God of justice, truth and love.

Chapter 24 Job asks in this chapter why the wicked are not punished. And oh–how this chapter I feel like I could cry out as well! Why is their pain in the world? Why hungry children? Why are children abused? Why do evil men get away with such crimes here on Earth? WHY? WHY? WHY? I have a list of whys for my own life—but looking back, I know see…that in every last one of them…THE LORD HAS BEEN GLORIFIED.

Why Lord did my father, a good man and a hard worker, lose jobs when I was little…why did everything never seem to work out…why did my parents have to struggle so? The Lord have given me a heart to give, to spot a child in need, compassion for the poor and to know the joys of not having what the world has. Oh–that I can give my children the same gifts my parents gave me! The gift of creativity…in using EVERYTHING…in not wasting…in stretching a penny. I would not change ONE thing about the things I once thought were unfair. The Lord was just. He was faithful. My heartbeat is now to care for those who are in need—forget saving for Disneyland…Heaven is going to be way cooler than that. The Lord is glorified as we love the world deeper!

Why Lord when you finally provided a job was it in a town far away where we knew no one…and in the midst of tough middle school years where my sisters and I would do anything to fit in? I felt so alone Lord…and never in the years to come was I ever so far away from you? And when I finally became a believer, I was ridiculed and mocked. BUT…I can identify with the lost. I long for them to experience the Lord. And the Lord blessed 10 years of middle school and high school ministry in my life after I finally came to him at 18. I couldn’t have understood or identified with those kids had the Lord not taken me through the valley. The Lord is glorified!

Why Lord when I was 16 did you allow me to be at the wrong place at the wrong time? When I cried out to you why didn’t you come save me? How in the heck could you ever use that for your glory? The Lord needed me to understand pain–and to also understand TRUE forgiveness and the miracle of healing. To knock on the door of an evil doer and say, “I forgive you because I was forgiven is. I have to tell you about the Lord–because He loves me. He forgives me. And if you let Him—He also wants to forgive you.” To see tears of regret and to know the Lord had already tormented one with guilt and grief…and to ask the Lord to change a heart and to please forgive…lives are changed…justice is served…I can understand those who have been hurt in a new way…the Lord is glorified!

Following the Lord to India, China and Africa in missions…why Lord are these children poor? Why are they alone? Why are they being victimized? Ah…my daughter, you know how they feel. You asked me to help you understand and to know their hearts…your life experiences have given you a gift to understand their pain and their hurt. I want YOU to fight for them. I never gave up on you. This will be how you spend your life…loving them as I loved you.

Isaiah 1:17 “Learn to do right–seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow.”

Job 25:1-6 So while Bildad comes back to Job with God is great and we’re maggots…I have to say to Bildad—that we serve a powerful, just and loving God. He changes us through the blood of Jesus from maggots to masterpieces. Bildad, you ask how a mortal can be innocent before God or how anyone born of a woman could be pure? Through the blood of Jesus. And through Jesus–we are offered a relationship with God. Forgiveness of our sins. The old is made new—and through Him we can do all things!

Today, I cling to His truths. He is just! He is righteous! And He always wins. I have seen it in my life, and in all things I know He will be glorified. Because my God wants to be glorified in all things—my God WILL be glorified in all things! AMEN!

The Lord has been faithful to me. He has blessed my life and my household. Because I have seen His faithfulness in being just—I will trust Him with the injustice I know see. And I will not give up fighting the good fight…fighting for those who aren’t able YET to fight for themselves and trusting my God to be with me every step of the way.

Charisa - January 25, 2010 - 3:40 pm

LOL! You and I put the same Isaiah verse on our posts today! We are so alike!

Megan - January 26, 2010 - 10:44 am

Wow! Powerful words Andrea, thank you!
Chapter 22: I really can’t believe how Eliphaz is giving Job a list of his sins, when he obviously doesn’t even have the foggiest clue about him! I can’t even imagine saying something like that to someone!
Chapter 23: In Job’s response, you can hear the confidence in my voice! It seems the more he searches, the more confidence he can claim! I’m so proud of him for standing up for himself! I think it is really easy when people are accusing you to either hush up and listen, or after a while kind of wonder if they are true. You wonder if you missed something in your own life. Job stuck to his guns! And again, my commentary speaks about Job’s honesty with God. “God is not afraid of our feelings, and strong emotions are a natural part of life. We should not label them good or bad. It is how we choose to express them and deal with them that God is concerned about. Honest assessment of our feelings is important as we seek spiritual growth.” Those are important words for me to hear.
Chapter 24: My commentary here summed it all up so well.
“As we face a momentous loss, we are often compelled to rediscover the foundations of our faith. Job probed the whole realm of God’s justice, judgment, and timing, and he came to a humble conclusion: God’s ways are just. We are often confused by his timing, but his ways are ultimately just.”
“Our need for security affects our decisions, attitudes, and actions every day. Each of us has a working definition of security, and we fear anything that threatens it. Job’s entire foundation in this world has been shaken, and yet he learned an important lesson: Real security doesn’t lie in what this world has to offer; it lies in the consistency, the justice, the faithfulness, and the overwhelming power and love of God.”
Chapter 25 & 26: Bildad is short and sweet, “How much less are mere people, who are but worms in his sight?” (25:6) Job is not denying God’s power, he is acknowledging it. “These are some of the minor things he does, merely a whisper of his power. Who can understand the thunder of his power?” (26:14)

Operation Haiti, Sweet Finds and Job (Sunday Reading: Job 19,20,21)

This weekend at the Young house, “Operation Haiti” was underway! Thanks to everyone who donated toward our fundraiser for Heartline Ministries Orphanage in Haiti! Parker and Laney even helped…and tomorrow we should be finished up so we can pay the post office a visit on Monday. Here is the result of today’s work…jan 002Tomorrow we’ll be cutting out the blessings and verses and folding up our Valentine Felt Fortune/Blessing Cookies for some of our sweet blog readers…YAY!

OK—random fact about Andrea (besides the fact I like to talk in 3rd person;). I love scavenger hunts. Love em. Probably why I really am so excited about my current project. In college, I actually sent my roommates and friends on multiple scavenger hunts while in college…not typical college student behavior I know…but I’ve always been a gamer at heart—and love a good treasure hunt;). I have been scavengering ALL around town this week in every dollar and craft store! So…can you begin to guess what these things might have in common??? Yes, I am actually completely STOKED about all of these finds this week…
jan 011jan 012jan 007jan 003jan 009Can you guess what these images have in common??? Okay—here are some hints. [You can also find the answer in Chapter 10 of Carol Brazo’s book (see previous post) if you have already purchased it.] Hints: 1) They are going to help us celebrate the resurrection. 2) They will be used every Easter in our home. 3) They will all teach my kiddos more about God and the journey leading up to Christ!

I want to make a BIG deal about Christmas (it is when our Savior was born)…but I want to make a BIGGER deal about Easter (when our Savior BECAME our Savior…when the curtain was torn…when the Old Testament prophesies were filled…when it all FINALLY made sense!) Lent will begin on February 17th—so after my kids have gobbled up God’s truths and our love from the 1st-14th opening their Cookies—we’ll then start walking through scripture through Lent. I’m especially excited because my oldest is 5 this year, and it’s all starting to really make sense to him—so things like this are SO MUCH FUN for me.

Beginning on the 17th and each day leading up to Easter—they will get an ornament for our Easter tree. Each figure will symbolize a story of God’s love and faithfulness—any story that played a role leading up to the cruxification and RESURRECTION of Christ. THEN…on Easter morning…momma will wake up the other girl in our home with cheers of joy…”HE IS ALIVE!” After all, women were the first to discover He was risen…it is our heritage and our joy to be the one’s to declare it in our home at Easter. Of course we may all be jumping on beds shouting—but indeed…the fact that HE IS ALIVE is a reason to celebrate! SO…I’m getting PUMPED about how I’ll be leading up to this with my kids! You, of course, can come up with your own list of 40 stories of God’s love and faithfulness leading up to Christ—but I’ll post mine here in the next day or so for anyone who would like it. I never want to overwhelm another mommy with “oh no—here she goes again…another thing to do”, but instead I want to SUPPORT YOU and give you fun, creative ideas to use in your home! It’s not “another thing to do” but rather tools to help you share the gospel with your children in fun and engaging ways! And…if you are like me and you just like a challenge and a good treasure hunt…this one might be a fun one for you! I got this idea from the author of that book I just told ya about—and I LOVED IT!

So…my finds…

Image 1: The woman at the well (found this at Hobby Lobby in the dollhouse section)
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Image 2: The Story of Abraham and Sarah (Hobby Lobby dollhouse section)
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Image 3: Jonah and the whale (Dollar Tree!)
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Image 4: Daniel and the Lion’s Den (Dollar Tree!) [Funny story about Mr.Scarey Lion (as I call him). I saw a cartoon lion in Hobby Lion and I just could NOT purchase him. He wasn’t scarey at all. I could just see myself telling my kids the story of Daniel and the lions with Mr.Cartoon Hobby Lobby Lovey Lion—and I could see them thinking, “Big deal. God saved Daniel from THAT?!” So…after holding Mr.Cartoon Hobby Lobby Lion…I laughed and put him back. And headed to the Dollar Tree. I felt like a kid in the candy store when I found THIS ONE! Scarey, huh?
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Image 5: Judas’s betrayal (Hobby Lobby party favor section!)
jan 009

More to come later this week folks…I’ll try to post my list for anyone entertaining the thought of doing your own Easter tree. I was going to do felt–but I think I’ll keep our Jesse Tree as our felt tree and mix things up a bit! I have a fun idea for the tree display—so I’ll post that asap too:) XOXO…and on to the reading…

Job Chapters 19, 20, 21

Chapter 19: Ahhh…this chapter makes me feel like Job is finally exiting the fog. His ailments are the same. His circumstances no different. BUT–instead of trying to prove himself right, he begins to ask his friends to have mercy on him. Although you can still sense some frustration, he finally makes a request for them to have mercy. He is being honest, not as defensive and real. When someone makes a judgement about me, of course the first thing I want to do is ask a lot of questions and then help them see ME the way I want them to see me. I wish I could say that I don’t care what others think of me…I feel like slowly I’m getting there—less concerned about the world’s thoughts and more concerned about how the Lord sees me.

The Lord has laid something crazy on my heart. It’s crazy. It doesn’t make sense. And I wasn’t sure, at first, if I wanted to do it. I had prayed, “Use me Lord” and since becoming a believer my hearts cry to Him as been, “I will go any where and do anything when it is Your voice calling me”. No matter what the world thinks. Then I heard the Lord speak to me. One word. And that was enough. This has happened in the past in miraculous ways—and over and over I have see the Lord’s faithfulness as I followed. There have been really hard times in the following–but in the end…it REALLY did make sense AND it really did God the glory instead of me. And it sure as heck didn’t fit in with the world’s thinking! As a mom though, some times I feel like it can be harder to hear…maybe it’s all the noise we have going on and our tired brains. But in the midst of both of those things, last month the Lord laid something on my heart and a few weeks ago I heard His voice. I knew it was Him speaking to me–and I know to some of you it may sound crazy…but it was quite clear in my heart and mind and as in the past when the Lord really needed to get my attention to answer my “Do anything, go any where prayer” it startled me. I am trying to be obedient. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t scared or dealing with doubt. And if the world knew they would think I was crazy. The few friends I have shared with and asked to pray are on the edge of their seats praying alongside me. And how thankful I feel to have friends that follow the Lord, trust when I hear His voice because how they have seen Him work in my past and how especially thankful I am that they don’t think I’m crazy! And I hope I have a really good story to share with you one day. But even if it doesn’t pan out like I think it could—I am called to be obedient. I told Rich tonight that I am more concerned about obeying God than what the world thinks. AND I MEANT IT! I really did! And that is SO EXCITING TO ME! I also told Him I feared God way too much not to listen and be obedient. And I heard His voice. One word. And I knew EXACTLY what it meant. In the past, I would have been tempted to worry about what others thought about me. But when you hear God’s voice and know He is asking you to do something…it is much EASIER to not worry about what the world may think!

The problem for Job…is he was not hearing the Lord’s voice…yet. He wanted a word. But there was silence. Oh Lord, even when I don’t hear your voice—help me to keep my eyes on you. Help me to not worry about what the world thinks…or even what my closest friends think. And finally, how does Job end this chapter? BUT AS FOR ME, I KNOW MY REDEEMER LIVES! I love that Job used the word REDEEMER here! AND HE WILL STAND UPON THE EARTH AT LAST! Doesn’t that make you want to jump up and shout! And…I WILL SEE HIM…WITH MY OWN EYES…AND I AM OVERWHELMED WITH THAT THOUGHT!

Chapter 20 – Zophar’s Reply
I don’t like Zophar’s reply. He just doesn’t get it…and neither he nor his boys are gonna let it go, are they?! I get their point—I think we all get their point. But we are clearly being taught in this book that while some times Zophar’s words may be true—this obviously isn’t always what happens. I like what Matthew Henry says about Zophar’s speech here: “Never was any doctrine better explained and worse applied”.

Chapter 21 – Job speaks again
Job is trying in this chapter to address the issue they are debating—whether outward blessing is a mark of a true believer and a ruined life would prove you to be a hypocrite. Oh if his friends could just see and understand that this is not true—then they would be able to hold his hand and help Job through this difficult time. They want to make sense of his life, and they think they have the answers. How I wish they could be a friend to Job right now…but for Job, this too is part of the process.

Looking forward to the chapters ahead! Now…it’s getting hard not to read ahead all over again:). Have a beautiful Sunday:)



Heather - January 24, 2010 - 3:32 am

That is a wonderful idea! I can’t wait until I have a little one to try the Easter tree with! You are very inspiring. I want to be a mom like you that instills Jesus in their everyday life. I love that Job calls God his REDEEMER! He is our Redeemer. One of His many names! I hope that when my friend’s have times of need that I can encourage them & not be like Job’s friends. I want to help them through the rough times, not add to their stress! Have a blessed Sunday!

Amy @ Filled With Praise - January 24, 2010 - 9:06 am

What a great idea. Thanks for sharing.

julie@Flitterbugs - January 24, 2010 - 2:42 pm

I love your Easter tree! We gathered symbols last year and I hung them from the chandilier above our table. Easter was special to me in a way it has never been before! Also, we made a “tomb” out of a type of homemade play dough (and baked it). We sealed Jesus in, and on Easter the tomb was empty. (The kids were totally amazed that he was gone!!) Have you read “Treasuring God in Our Traditions” by noel Piper? It is greatand she talks a lot about the true meaning of Easter. We still give each child a small basket on Easter morning, but I hope it is not all they remember when they grow up!!

Megan - January 26, 2010 - 10:39 am

Chapter 19:
Poor Job! Everyone he has ever loved has turned from him. What would you do in a situation like this. Would you cling closer to God? I hope I would! It’s amazing that he still states the truth with such certainty.
“I know that my redeemer lives.” (19:25)
“I will see him for myself. Yes, I wil see him with my own eyes. I am overwhelmed at the thought!” (19:27)
I kind of feel sorry for Job’s friends, because we need to remember that we will be judged by the measure with which we judge others (Matthew 7:1-5, James 2:12-13).
Chapter 20: Really? Let’s further insult the insulted and suffering…nice.
Chapter 21: This chapter should remind us that we worship God for who He is, not for what He will do for us…because often times the godly do suffer. Just because we are Christ-followers doesn’t mean we will escape pain and suffering. But don’t let that depress you. Take comfort in the fact that someday the wicked will be judged, and Christ-followers will be blessed (Luke 16:19-31).