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Category Archives: Crafts

And she pondered these things in her heart…

My Holly is still in town visiting–and we spent a day at the craft store…with no agenda–just picking up canvases and random things…and decided we’d have some art fun while she was here. She leaves tomorrow for Virginia–sad to see her go…she is dear, dear, DEAR to me…and I couldn’t be more thankful for the […]

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Shelby - November 27, 2012 - 11:51 am

WOW!! I can’t believe you call that a “craft.” I could show you a picture of a “craft” that my two year old and I did together. (His always looks better than mine!) That is absolutely beautiful. I so have a artistic son I may get to make me one of those. Our fireplace stones look just like yours, so I can completely picture it above our mantle. If you ever want to make another one, I would be happy to purchase it from you. (hint, hint) 🙂

Chores Made Fun for Little Ones…

We have two 3 year-olds, a 1st grader and a 2nd grader. I homeschool–so finding time to get it all done around the house is near to impossible…without HELP. I need my little ones to be aware when they pull things out–that they need to put them up…and really there is no better way to […]

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Ashley - September 18, 2012 - 12:56 pm

That’s a really cute idea! I don’t think there is anything wrong with rewarding children for working hard..I could see it as a problem if they don’t listen to you, and have discipline problems, but that’s another can of worms! My little one is 2 1/2 and I’ve been wondering of a fun way to help encourage her with chores. Although I think she really does a lot for her age! She helps me load the dryer, pour in the soap for the washing machine, is learning how to fold clothes, cleans the part of the counter she can reach, helps make beds. No she isn’t perfect at it, but it is very sweet to see her try and help me! I think I may start a reward system for her, and see how it goes. I also think it helps them learn to give to others, and tithe! She loves giving to the offering plate at church so I’m sure it would mean a lot to her to put her own money in there!

tiffany - September 20, 2012 - 12:06 am

I was just going to send you an email the other day to see if you had a way of handling chores….funny…like you read my mind. We have struggled perpetually with chores at the Moody house…tried different ways and the bottom line is that I always run out of energy to keep up with it. This is really cute…and seems pretty easy…think we might give something similar a go. You are one smart and creative mama!

Rachel Goode @ Heirs with Christ - September 21, 2012 - 12:03 am

Totally unrelated to this adorable post…

I linked to you on my blog today (link below). You’re under #4 of 12 Reasons Christians Should Blog, as, (you’ll get a kick out of this,) “the trendy mom in Atlanta willing to do the not-so-cool through homeschooling, simply because she thinks God called her to.” 🙂

We’re doing part-time homeschool for 4k, and you’re part of the encouragement causing us to consider kindergarden.


Easy Fall Art {you don’t need to be artsy for this one!}

I purchased a Fall packet of scrapbook paper at Michael’s–and I’m determined to get my money’s worth out of it. It was regular $19.99 but all Fall scrapbook paper is 1/2 off right now–so it was just $10. Their canvases are 60% off right now–so I bought this 2 inch thick 8×10 canvas for just […]

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Kathryn - September 14, 2012 - 1:51 am

Lifting you up in prayer…thank you for sharing your heart. Everything happens in God’s perfect timing. It is something I have to remind myself of often & I take great comfort in it. Hugs sent your way.

Karen - September 14, 2012 - 8:14 am

It is a great book, isn’t it? :o)

marci - September 14, 2012 - 11:10 am

So sweet . Winks from God are such a blessing. love that book.

Karen Twombly - September 14, 2012 - 2:14 pm

I am encouraged to hear how God is comforting your heart! For me, having other children was part of the mourning. I knew from having others what I was missing. But God is so good. My niece had a dream of my *daughter in heaven.*
Hugs and prayers, Karen Twombly

Corinne Cline - September 15, 2012 - 12:54 am

So sorry to read of your loss. All three of our losses were painful, whether at 5 wks or 16 wks. It always hurts because they are our babies. And I truly believe God gives us glimpses to see that He is caring for them He shows us in very personal, very real ways that our babies are in the safest, most wonderful place they could be with their Creator. It’s just hard to see it clearly from down here.

Jeanne - September 17, 2012 - 11:15 am

I often think a miscarriage for a mother is in many ways harder than those without children. As then we know what we are missing out on in a way we can’t understand before our hearts know the love for your child. Hang in there, we’re all sending our love to you and the whole family. xo

Keely - September 17, 2012 - 8:43 pm

Andrea, this post speaks to my heart. With two of my four miscarriages, I had vivid dreams (I am not one to dream or at least I do not remember them) detailing everything about the child and even a name. As I write this now, my chest feels heavy with how the Lord prompted them. I needed that. I needed the closure. I needed to name my babies so that my miscarriage was not just “something” but so that I could grieve my little babies. I am praying for you friend