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Chronological Bible Study – Finished up Genesis…and on to Job!

I’m so excited to be back on track…I was reading away while I was gone–and it’s probably a blessing that the retreat didn’t have the internet…but blogging the readings truly is such good accountability! Don’t you need it?! I know I do!!! And wanna see the Lord work powerfully in your life? I DO! To see Him work–you need to KNOW His voice. To know your Shepard’s voice, I have to be in His word. DAILY. And thinking about it…meditating on it…throughout the day. I don’t know about you, but I’ve even been DREAMING about it and expecting God to show up. OK…another God story just because this is the way He works in my life…

I got the opportunity this weekend to share a lot about Wiphan (, and there were two ladies who really expressed a desire to GO! Well, I thought I had their email addresses, and when I was talking to one of our Wiphan board members today she asked me to contact them because they are trying to get things ready for the summer trips. Welllllll…like I said, I couldn’t find their emails. I could get frustrated. I could bang my head against the wall and try to remember their names;). Or…I could pray and give it to the Lord. Thankfully, I chose the 3rd and last option. And low and behold what happened? I live in Atlanta and NEVER run into ANYONE I know at the store—much less someone I have prayed to get their contact info for…well, you guessed it! God has us go the grocery at the same time. Problem solved. Another “Yay God!” moment. Looks like God might really want someone on that trip;). I’m just sayin’.

It’s amazing how God works when our hearts are connected to His, when we know His voice and when we expect to see Him around every corner…because He is–I promise you–always there. He will never leave nor forsake you.

OK…and back to our amazing reading. Thank you Charisa for letting me link your blog so those wanting to read commentary or your two cents on the reading could. Love Charisa’s insight!!! Love this woman’s heart for the world…and she also has a ministry in Zambia, heart for adoption and the Lord so we just are sista’s on all kinds of levels:) Click on any of the weekend days to be directed to Charisa’s commentary on our final Genesis readings.

Saturday – Genesis 42 – 45:15
Sunday – Genesis 45:16 – 47:27
Monday – Genesis 47:28 – 50:26

I was going to commentate of these final chapters…but truly Charisa’s was beautiful and the only thing that I want to add from a personal take is how touched, ministered to and blown away I was by God’s faithfulness to Joseph in his obedience to forgive and love his brothers. I can’t imagine a more hurtful thing ever happening…and from those you love most…but Joseph was forgiving. I want to be quick to forgive and abundant in love–even in the hardest situations. Joseph truly had a beautiful life. He is officially one of my favorite Bible characters!!!

And next we move on to another man after God’s heart…only I’m afraid this is going to be a book a bit harder to read. I don’t know about you but reading Job always freaks me out—like I’m gonna have to deal with hard stuff. Let us not give up reading the Word together friends. Let us learn from Job in his struggles and cling close to the Savior. He will carry us through, speak to our hearts and let us know His. If you have gotten behind in your reading…catch on up…because I know God wants to teach us BIG THINGS in this chapter!!!

Tomorrow’s reading is Job 1:1-4:21. It’s a hard read ladies…and as you read…really try to put yourself in the position of Job. Imagine EACH circumstance. Let your heart identify. Consider people you know today in hard circumstances. What hard things are happening in your world? What does today’s reading leave you feeling? I’ll be posting first thing in the morning on this reading. Praying tonight that each of us will be protected from becoming distracted from reading each day and that we will make His Word a priority in our lives!

And speaking of Job’s disaster–what a fitting time as we watch the disaster of Haiti. Our state has been named one of the places for refugees, and they are looking specifically for families able to speak French. I have a good friend who’s friend with a precious family who has been trying to bring their son home for some time. Join with me to pray Frankie home during this disaster!!! Some how–ABC found this sweet family and they JUST did a story on them! Pray that this platform would be used to bring Frankie and ALL orphans already with family referrals HOME! You can follow Frankie’s story at:

Let us pray together as we cling to our Savior and read His Word,


Megan - January 18, 2010 - 10:54 pm

Thank you Andrea for your honest words…they inspire me! I agree that when you are in His word daily, He speaks to you and guide you in ways that you may have missed otherwise just by not being close enough to Him to recognize His voice!
In all honesty, I’ve never been great about doing daily devotions and Bible readings. I’ve struggled with it all my life. I’ve never signed up for a Bible study b/c my husband and I have always had crazy work schedules. For the same reason we haven’t joined small groups. But it’s pretty rare that I don’t have access to the internet, so I thought this was a great way to be held accountable!
I love how my mind is so filed with His voice throughout the day. The more I delve in, the more I want to know. God is good!

Andrea Young - January 19, 2010 - 6:24 am

Thank you for sharing Megan! What a beautiful testimony of being in His Word!

Melissa - January 19, 2010 - 12:52 pm

Oh, yes! I am so glad you posted about Frankie. I followed their blog for about a month and learned all about Haitian adoptions through them, then I deleted it for some reason. Then all this happened and I wondered what happened to that family, but I could not remember the blog name or the child’s name,so I could not find it on the internet. I was thrilled to hear that he is ok and how neat that Diane Sawyer picked him up and they were able to be on ABC to spread the word. So amazing! I started crying when I saw this! Praise Jesus! Thanks for sharing!

I’m back! New and (improved? maybe) but refreshed for sure!

Another sweet piece of our adoption story…

What a joy and a blessing to be able to retreat this weekend at a Cup of Joy ( ministry retreat, yet I really missed writing about my daily scripture reading (BUT it was SOOOOO good this weekend if you are reading along, wasn’t it?!). Jesus retreated away from his disciples and all those he loved so that He could spend some time with the Lord…and what a good example of what *I* personally need…REALLY NEED…in my own life! As mommies, we can get so busy with the day to day—and before you know it…we’re tired, empty and more tired. But you know what? Our time in the Word this year had prepared my heart to meet with my Savior. Really meet with Him…and I couldn’t wait! OK…this is the part if you are coming to my blog to read my scripture commentary—bear with me. This entry today is more for my son than anyone else as I want him to be able to one day read our journey to him and see the Lord’s constant affirmation that, indeed, he was part of our family and hearts long before we saw one another face to face.
Winshape 003Did you know geese never fly alone? Two are better than one right? We were not created to be alone. Being such, you’ll never see geese flying in odd numbers. Crazy huh? Part of God’s design…and I guess we can learn something from even God’s creation the geese. It just takes slowing down to see things some time and to really listen. Go ahead…count them for yourself;)

Winshape 009_2
Even the mountains declare His righteousness. Even the mountains bring glory to God (isn’t this a beautiful place to retreat to?!)…The CREATOR of these mountains…and even the geese—He has my life in His hands…our children a part of His plan and our baby safely protected. What do we have to fear or worry about when the creator of this is the One writing our stories?

One of the most AMAZING parts of the weekend was the women were all asked to sign up for a 15 minute aloud scripture reading the chapel (all in between sessions) of Psalms. Scripture would be continuously read aloud as an act of worship. Some ladies would even come in and sit just to listen to someone read–while some times there was only the reader…but it was so powerful. I randomly signed up for an open spot on Saturday at 4:30pm–one of the few spots left when I got there on Friday. Of course I had no idea what chapters in Psalms I would read, I would just pick right up where the lady in front of me finished after her 15 minutes was up.

Prior to this, in worship–I began to pray to the Lord. “Lord, here are my hands—they are open to You. I have felt your call to bring home our son in Ethiopia–but I open my hands again…oh Lord–we’re open to Haiti, Uganda, anything for Your glory! But I continue to feel we are right where we should be Lord.” The Lord listened, and I know He just looks down and smiles (and probably shakes His head an awful lot too) because He knows our future and how the rest of our story looks. As I thought about this throughout the day, I showed up at my appointed time at 4:30pm on Saturday to read…and OPPS…I forgot my Bible:). SO…I just picked up the New Living Translation that was left on a table (for me I know to read as you’ll soon see;).

The lady ahead told me where to start, and my reading began. What scripture did the Lord set aside for me to read as I retreated to Him? Psalm 82…

(beginning in verse 3) Give justice to the poor and the orphan;
uphold the rights of the destitute.
Rescue the poor and helpless…

Tears. Lots of tears. The Lord had set aside these exact verses just for me to read today. “You are in my will my child. Stay right where you are–and continue to follow me.” There were two other women sitting in the back listening to my reading–and they must now think I’m crazy as I continue to read–and it’s very apparent that I can barely get through the reading because of my tears. I read on…Psalm 83…and then Psalm 84…
How lovely is your dwellling place,
O Lord of Heaven Armies.
I long, yes, I faint with longing to enter the courts of the Lord.
With my whole being, body and soul,
I will shout joyfully to the living God.
Even the sparrows finds a home,
and the swallows builds her nest and raises her young
at a place near your alter,

What joy for those whose
strength comes from the Lord,
who have set their minds on a
pilgrimage to Jerusalem.
When they walk through the Valley of Weeping,
it will become a place of refreshing springs…

I continued to read–Psalm 85…and Psalm 86. I could barely make it through Psalm 86 as my heart felt every word to it’s core…I am devoted to you…I serve you and trust you…You are my God…I give myself to you…Oh Lord, you are so good, so ready to forgive, so full of unfailing love for all who ask for your help…listen closely to my prayer Lord…you will answer…Grant me purity of heart…teach me your ways…I will give glory to your name forever…you are a God of compassion and mercy filled with unfailing love and faithfulness… And then almost to the end of my time–Psalm 87.

On the holy mountain stands the city founded by the Lord…O city of God, what glorious things are said of you!(speaking of heaven) The Lord speaking…I will count Eqypt and Babylon among those who loved me…and even distant Ethiopia…when the Lord registers the nations he will say, “They have all become citizens of Jerusalem

What a beautiful reminder how the Lord is calling His children from ALL over. And Ethiopia–appears just ONCE in the entire book of Psalm—a beautiful reminder of God’s love for these people…and I felt like He was reminding me that He loves my baby and is the One protecting him! Yes, the One who created the mountains above…the One who created my very own life…He even finds the sparrow a home…and doesn’t let the geese fly alone…He is protecting the life of my baby–He is the One who has written my beautiful story…it is all in His hands, and He just wanted to remind me of that…simply because He loves me. As I thought about 200 women reading and how He perfectly orchestrated my reading of those particular chapters, I couldn’t help but be blown away by the beauty and magnificance of God!!! I not only believed that He had set aside those chapters for ME to read…but that God had actually inspired David to write those in the ancient days for me to read them as well! Do you believe His Word is for you?! Do you believe He is still speaking today?! Do you believe He loves you deeply and every detail is orchestrated by Him?! As soon as I read the word Ethiopia, which by the way is the word choice for the New Living Standard…which I would have missed had I remembered to bring my Bible to the chapel or chosen a different time to read…I was in tears again.

And to end on this Psalm 89…

(15) Happy are those who hear
the joyful call to worship,
for they walk in the presence of your light, O Lord…
(18) Yes, our protection comes from the Lord,
and he, the Holy One of Israel,
has given us our king.

How sweet it is to meet with the Lord. How precious it is when He not only meets you there–but confirms so evidently that He is with you. And how excited I was to share how the Lord had met me. I actually ran back to my room to tell my sweet sister, April, the verses the Lord had so sweetly set aside for me…
Winshape 014

It is amazing how the Lord wants to speak and encourage our hearts?! He is NOT a confusing God. He is NOT a God of disorder, but order. He will always lead you–and confirm His plan for you over and over again. May your heart be opened to hear His sweet voice this week dear friends.

And I can’t WAIT to jot down everything that I learned in our scripture reading…I’ll be jotting down the WOWs from my journal on Genesis chapters 42-50…and I’ll be back rollin’ again! How you all have blessed me in our reading and our commitment to read through the Word this year. I hope you all had a blessed weekend!



[All images taken with Canon 5D, 70-200 1:4L at 4.0 fstop, 1/400 shutterspeed, 250 ISO)]

Shannon - January 18, 2010 - 12:58 am

He is so awesome! What a beautiful testimony of His faithfulness! Wow…what a gorgeous place to retreat! So glad you were filled up and refreshed this weekend!

april - January 18, 2010 - 2:06 am

WOW…amazing how God confirms it over and over through scripture to us all about us adopting and specifically how He chose to remind you that your specific call is to ethiopia…amazing…truly awesome! God is so great! Thanks for this post…it was an uplifting post for me…we are leaving here soon its 4am to go to the childrens hospital for my 10 year old nieces skull surgery so i am indeed refreshed by reading your post! Thanks!

Charisa - January 18, 2010 - 5:38 am

Love it Andrea! I am always so amazed when God becomes so personal. He hears our hearts and questions and answers in such a sweet tender way. I bet you were bawling…Geez…Hope you had tissues with you!

cris - January 18, 2010 - 6:50 am

Such a beautiful reminder that God has you where you are to be. Right inside His will. Again, I love how God uses situations to bless us.

Amy @ Filled With Praise - January 18, 2010 - 7:35 am

WOW! That is so beautiful and just like our God to give us exactly what we need to confirm His will in our lives.

Courtney - January 18, 2010 - 10:43 am

wow! i don’t know why i’m amazed when our God shows Himself like that…
thanks for sharing!!!

Heidi - January 18, 2010 - 10:47 am

I just love God moments like this… we call them “YEAH God” moments .. seeing how he works through every detail is just beyound our comprehension. Thanks for sharing your powerful message .. how quickly we lose perspective while busy with all the small stuff!

Melissa - January 18, 2010 - 10:49 am

WOw! So neat! I got chills and I was crying too when I read this! God truly does meet us where we need him! What a special blessing! I cannot believe the verse said Orphan and Ethiopia! Amazing!

Dawn - January 18, 2010 - 1:15 pm

What a beautiful way to be refreshed…by God’s AMAZING word!!!! I have been feeling refreshed because of some awesome words He has given me as well. How GREAT it is to be in His Word & in His Will!

Jackie - January 18, 2010 - 1:24 pm

I just have tears streaming down my face. I know this so well… it reminds me of how God orchestrated our own adoption from Russia, and how he would use Scripture or even people to come across my path to remind me that he was still “in” this even though there was no movement. He was still orchestrating everything behind the scenes for us to adopt our son. I love how he orchestrated that Scripture reading just for you. Isn’t He awesome??? I just love that the translation you had is the one that references Ethiopia. I grabbed my Bible to check mine and it didn’t have it. I love it!

There is a wonderful song by Steven Curtis Chapman called “Believe Me Now” and whenever I heard that song I would remember all the times God would whisper in my ear… “I’m in this, I’m right here.” It minstered to me so much. I left my family blog here, but the address to our adoption blog is You’ll find that song and a photo slide show of our son. Thank you for such a blessing to read today. Such a wonderful devotion! God bless you as you wait on God’s timing for your next little child.

7 more days:) » Babe of my Heart - May 6, 2010 - 1:50 pm

[…] IT CRAZILY LINED up for me to read a piece of scripture…Psalm 82-87. You can read the post here The Lord assured me through the verses like Psalm 84:3 Even the sparrow has found a home, and the […]

[…] …when I LONGED for you so deeply and wondered if we were in the right place waiting…and the Lord so clearly spoke to me through scripture…oh such a sweet story you can read here […]

Preparing for what is ahead…Valentine’s the NEXT HOLIDAY! (Genesis 40, 35:82-29, 41)

I LOVE holidays. Love them. Of course if you’ve been around…you know Christmas is my favorite. And although many bark that most other holidays are commercialized and just to make a buck–I like to use them to love on my kids and create traditions with our family. I’m SO EXCITED about Valentine’s day that I’ve already got my materials for every February craft…and because we’ll start this one on the 1st of February—I just *HAD* to share today for those of you who just MIGHT want to do it too!

*Disclaimer in case I appear to be super mom: There are 4 loads of undone laundry upstairs. I BARELY made it through my day—and I have to live one day at a time…or my head would fall off. I also *have* to create schedules, crafts, goals and a daily plan for my kids—or else…well they’d be watching cartoons, jumping on furniture and I’d be pulling my hair out. Seriously. And because doing activities like this liven up the house, my time with the kids and help me feel not quiet SO crazy at home because we have a plan of action…I have to share them with YOU…so you can be inspired too…and hopefully FEEL like a better mom in the process and even share these ideas with other moms to inspire them also…and well, you’ll have to also explain that you, too, are just trying to stay focused and HAVE FUN as a mommy. Being a mom is the BEST job–but the hardest and we need all the inspiration we can get! So…here’s my inspiration for the month of February for ya…

“Valentine BLESSING Cookies”

Valentines Craft 023 copy
This is a set of 28 fortune cookies. 14 (red) for Parker. 14 (pink) for Laney. The “cookies” are made our of felt, wire and glue. And guess what is inside each one? There are 7 Bible verses proclaiming the Lord’s truth and LOVE to Parker and Laney AND THEN there are 7 statements of love and affirmation from me (& Rich too of course;). Beginning on February 1st, each day each child will get to choose one from our cookie jar to start off their day leading up to Valentine’s!

I’m so excited to do this with them each day…and for someone who used to ROLL their eyes at Valentine’s Day…I’m really excited about this activity and the other crafts ahead. This is the only “make ahead” craft if you, too, want to start this on February 1st–so I decided to share it early so you have plenty of time to get rolling! Here’s the steps to make it:

1. You will need approximately 5 pieces of 8×11 felt per child (each piece will make 3 4-inch circles and I also chose to do all of my son’s in red and my daugther’s in pink just to make sure the boy doesn’t get some of the more cheesy love notes from me), florist wire, hotglue (regular glue works too–but not as good) and printed “fortunes”. Also–use the SOFT felt. I tried everything from the thicker felt to foam–and the softer felt folds into cookies best.

2. Draw 4-inch circles on felt and cut out.
Valentines Craft 005Valentines Craft 007
3. Cut florist wire the diameter/length of your circle. Apply hot glue in a straight line down the center and carefully press wire in hot glue…Valentines Craft 010 copy(You can also use pipe cleaners and Elmer’s glue if you don’t have florist wire or hot glue BUT florist wire and hot glue work BEST)
4. Cut 4 x 1/2 inch strips of felt to hot glue OVER the wire…(this keeps the wire from showing when you fold your cookies as you will be able to slightly see the center)Valentines Craft 016 copy
5. Create your “fortunes” or use mine.
Valentines Craft 018 copyValentines Craft 019 copy
6. Fold the circle in half (wire in center) and carefully bend the wire sideways to create a fortune cookie! If you have older children then you can probably get away with displaying them on your coffee table in a really fun way…Valentines Craft 022 copy(AND you can use this year after year! How fun would this also be to do when you travel and you have to be away from your kiddos for them to get “love notes” from you each day while you are away!)
Unfortunately…that display would last 10 minutes in my house! So…until they are bigger—we’ll display our cookies appropriately in a cookie jar!
Valentines Craft 024 blog
FUN, fun, fun! Aren’t those ADORABLE!? Please let me know if you end up making these and how your children enjoy them! Also–I have some precious crafts I’ll share in February–so if you want to do those too…while you are picking up your felt buy these items also: wax paper, crayons, different shades of pink and red thin silk ribbons, red paint pen, white paint pen, plain plastic brown bandaids and construction paper (pink and red).

Do you HAVE to have these but you just don’t have the time or creative energy whip these up? Well…let ME do them FOR you! Haiti has been on my heart and they are who I would love to feel our love this Valentine’s day! So…if you would like to purchase a set of “28 blessing cookies” for $35-100% of the proceeds will go to Heartline Orphanage in Haiti to help rebuild their orphanage. If you would like an additional 14 added on–just add $15 to your donation per set of 14. If you would like to donate directly to the orphange you can do so here. Times are tight at the Young house saving for our Ethiopian adoption, so I have to get creative in how I can do SOMETHING to raise money and still help! FEEL FREE to “feel the love” with me and do your own fundraiser using my blessing cookies to raise money for the children of Haiti also!

I know some of my friends are going to think I’m crazy–but let’s just say I’m crazy for Jesus and get your…

“Cookies for a Cause” to benefit the children of Heartline Ministries in Haiti here:
$35 for a set of 28 – $15 per additional set of 14 (recommended 14 per child)



One Year Bible Study Reading – January 15 – Genesis 40, 35:28-29, 41
Today’s reading makes me want to shout, “There’s a light at the end of the tunnel!”. Don’t you always think those people are so funny that follow that statement with, “Just hope it’s not a train.” Nice. Thanks for the encouragement;). Times are getting better for Joseph–but let’s not forget to read between the lines and really think of the details of today’s reading.

Chapter 40 – Joseph is still hanging out in prison, and the Lord is still giving Joseph prophetic dreams…only now, he also has the gift to interpret them. I have heard believers talk about how the Lord has spoken to them in dreams–and I have also heard people say “let’s not over spiritualize things”, but I really do believe the Lord is a consistent Father and He moves today in the same ways He moved in His Word—it’s just a matter of us knowing our Shephard’s voice and listening.

Pharoah’s chief cup-bearer and chief baker offended him and were put in prison with Joseph. Verse 4 says they were with Joseph for QUITE SOME TIME…we’re talking YEARS before they had their dreams. Then one day, they asked Jospeh to interpret their dreams–and Joseph prophesies that one will be released and the other killed. He asks the cup-bearer who will be released and returned to work for Pharoah to PLEAAAAAASE remember him and tell Pharoah so he might be released from this injustice. Just THREE DAYS later the cup-bearer is released. And in his excitement of his freedom HE FORGETS Joseph. I felt like poor Joseph was on an island pain-stakingly writing SOS in the sand and his only chance for rescue just whisks by overlooking him. How devestating for Joseph! But, he is a man of perserverance.

TWO YEARS go by before the cup-bearer remembers him as he hears Pharoah’s disturbance and confusion of his own dream. He remembers his failure (41:9) and tells Pharaoh about Joseph. Joseph interprets the dream…and I *LOVE* how he tells Pharoah in his dream that he should actually appoint a wise man to be over his land! From prison to given the king advice—to practically hiring himself. He has been remembered and rescued—and indeed it IS the light at the end of the tunnel (and not another train;). Today this made me think and identify more with the cup-bearer than any other character. I am afraid I get too busy to remember those my heart has longed to help. I often say “I’m going to be praying for you” and forget. I say in my heart “I’m going to do something to help that community that is hurting” and don’t. Reflect on those today who the Lord has put on your heart to HELP but the busyness of my lifestyle has caused me to forget…the excitement and blessing of my own life has caused me to quickly forget those in need. AND THEN ACT.
A CUPBEARER Cupbearer in Hebrew is pronounced mash-keh and it means “causing to drink”. English translates it to butler or cupbearer. In Biblical times, cupbearers not only acted as the king’s survivors but also as their protectors. A cupbearer would take the first sip of the king’s wine at feasts to make sure his glass was not poisoned–helping perserve and protect his life at the risk of his own. WOW. It was an honor, but it was also a risk and sacrifice! Lord, please help me to life unselfishly. To stand in the gap for those who have been forgotten and to be willing to take risks for them. By your power, help me to make my heart and life available to go anywhere and do anything for Your name’s sake and Your will.

Chapter 41 – Joseph made ruler of Eqypt

Pharoah makes Joseph the leader—and no one is more powerful than him other than Pharoah. He gave him a wife, and verse 46 says he was 30 when he came to Pharoah’s court. Don’t miss this! Remember how old Joseph was when he was sold? 17. How many years of trial after trial does Joseph have to go through before getting to say, “Finally! It makes sense!” ??? 13. THIRTEEN LONG YEARS. A handful were spent at Potipher’s, but the majority were spent in prison. We don’t know much about those long, hard years. But let’s not miss them or forget they happened–and THEY TOO WERE PART OF THE STORY!

Are you going through something today that you feel will never end? Are you, like Joseph in prison, feel confused, hurt and frustrated by injustice? Remember today that THE LORD WAS WITH HIM. THE LORD HAD A PLAN. Wouldn’t you rather have this than your way? And that Joseph’s time in jail ended up bringing more glory to God in the end as he was paired with Pharoah at the PERFECT time. We will never know what happened for those 10 some odd years while Joseph sat. I, personally, have never even thought about them. But remember today that the LORD WAS WITH HIM. Oh Father, will be–too–be with us today? Will you use us right where we are? Will you give us patience to perservere? And will you help us to remember those who desperately need our help today? Here I am Lord, use me.

My favorite illustration in today’s time of perserverance is Team Hoyt. They didn’t compete in their first race until he was much older, and the years before anyone knowing them were filled with constant caregiving…and I’m sure days of frustration. Although their son would never be healed, walk, or talk–they have used their hard stuff for His glory and to be a platform to encourage others. Help us Lord to do the same…

***Guess what?! I’m heading out of town–SOLO! Ok…not completely solo–but with 100 other women to spend a KID-FREE weekend seeking the Lord together and having some much needed quiet time at a Cup of Joy retreat ( We’ll be staying at a lodge that has NO TV and NO INTERNET. So…I’ll be MIA for the weekend! BUT–I’ll still be reading friends! So–let’s not give up and keep reading together!!! I’ll be back on Sunday to share some pics from the retreat and some insight into my time in the Word. Until then–please read the commentary and 2 cents of my friend Charisa who is also doing the reading and posting daily insights on her blog from the readings. HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND!

Christie - January 15, 2010 - 10:06 am


Being a super mom isn’t about doing laundry, it’s about loving us as much as you do! You are soooo creative and we are SUPER excited to have YOU as a SUPER Mom!!

Parker, Laney, Frank & Baby #4

april - January 15, 2010 - 10:25 am

wow…what a great valentines project and way to bring in scripture! love it!

Amy @ Filled With Praise - January 15, 2010 - 10:36 am

Love the craft and that you are helping Haiti. Check out my blog for an easy way to help too ๐Ÿ™‚

Paul and I are really enjoying the Bible reading time each night. It is like a date ๐Ÿ™‚

Have a great trip.

Courtney - January 15, 2010 - 12:10 pm

just wanted to say thanks…for being real, for sharing the hard stuff, and for sharing that great craft!!! i LOVE it and hope that i can find the time to do it – my kids would love it!

Melissa - January 15, 2010 - 12:24 pm

Love it! I loved the disclaimer! And I love the cookies! What a great and creative way to help Haiti! If you get lots of orders, let me know and I can help you! You are a super mom, don’t deny it! Just kidding! Love you!

Shannon - January 15, 2010 - 1:12 pm

oooh I love a good craft and these look like so much fun! Thanks for the craft supply list too! I must admit I used to roll my eyes at Valentines but now love making it about our kids and since our #3 was born on Valentines it’s an extra special holiday now! {We also have a 4th of July baby…we like the holidays I guess:)} Thank you so for such a beautiful post…oh the waiting! It’s so hard and I feel I often second guess His voice…is it my Father speaking to me or my own ideas? Am I being an Abraham and trying to manipulate? I know the only way to know is to be closer to Him, praying without ceasing! I am so thankful for your blog and I know He is doing amazing things through your heart and words! Have a great weekend Andrea! Sounds wonderful!!

Stacy - January 16, 2010 - 12:56 pm

Andrea, wow! what an inspiration you are, especially to moms who are just trying to make it through each day. One question though: DO you ever sleep? I love reading your blog! And I am praying for your family as you draw closer to your adoption. Such an inspiration! Love, Stacy

kristi johnson - January 16, 2010 - 8:27 pm

that is the cutest thing ever…love it!!!! Ok, so I opened back up last night LATE…I wonder how long I’ll get to stay OPEN this time?? LOL…have fun this weekend, kj

amy beyer - January 16, 2010 - 8:43 pm

andrea – this post sums up your heart – love!!!! love for jesus, love for your dear family and love for others. your love inspires me to stay on fire for jesus. thank you. hugs from reynolds plantation!

Amber - January 16, 2010 - 8:50 pm

Hey, Andrea! So…I hope you don’t mind making my “cookies” for me because I just ordered a set of 28!!! I could make them with your great instructions, but why not help those precious people in Haiti instead! So, thanks in advance. ๐Ÿ™‚ And, I’ll be out to purchase my supplies for the rest of February!

Heather - January 17, 2010 - 2:39 pm

Just wanted to say, I’m still here & reading! I got a little bit behind, but I’m still gonna push through! This week was a little crazy for me, but thank you for the blog & your encouragement!

Megan - January 17, 2010 - 11:59 pm

The first time I felt God confirming our calling to adopt from Ethiopia was in a dream many years ago. I shared it with a few friends from church who said, “Wow, God must be calling you to adopt!” And to hear those words spoken out loud by people I admired meant sooo much!

Lord, can we just skip the process? (Gen.37, 38, 39 and 1 Chr.2:3-6,8)

Ever feel like that? The process is never “fun”…the refiner’s fire isn’t icing on the cake…it hurts. It’s painful. It’s broken. And…it’s part of it. The process. But—the process…will always, always, always, ALWAYS friends—lead to praise. Because—HE IS FAITHFUL. ALWAYS. Do you believe that?!

Looking back on my life at just the wee age of 33;)–I already see this over and over again. The Lord took me to China to do mission work after I graduated from Auburn at 22. It was one of the most amazing years of my life. It was SOOOO hard. But it was so worth it. Some days I would stay in my room just crying to the Lord that I felt SO ALONE–everyone I tried to talk to didn’t speak English…I missed my family and friends…and some times at night I would wake up to Asian cockroaches…and trust me–they are huge. BUT my poor husband STILL has to hear me talk 10 years later about what the Lord taught me during my time there. How my faith was strengthened! How thankful I am that the Lord carried me–that HE was always there for me to talk to…that even on days I felt crazy, He blessed my socks off. I saw many come to Christ. I cried with them through persecution. My faith was tested big time through it. And in the end—my hands were lifted high in praise. GOD IS FAITHFUL.

Me and my girl Shang Dan-Dan. Her father shined shoes on the streets while her mom sold cigarettes. And we became fast friends. She would climb four stories by herself and tap, tap, tap on my door. My heart misses her so! How thankful I am that she was part of my process and now I praise the Lord for her. To think…she is out there and 12 now!

Fast forward after returning home…thinking I was going to go right back over…meeting my husband…change of plans…fell in love and 10 days after we got engaged–we lost Richard’s father to leukemia. Quite the roller coaster. My engagement was filled with tears…lots of them—walking my fiance/husband through pain. AND praising God that his father trusted the Lord as his savior before he went to be with Him…FOREVER. GOD IS FAITHFUL.

I struggled with fear that I would never be able to have children (heck, I was convinced I’d never marry and was called to the nations instead)—and 14 months after our wedding date–Parker was born. 14 months later Laney came. And then I had the joy of experiencing a difficult time trying for another…at the time it wasn’t joyful…but when baby Frank came—it sure was. GOD IS FAITHFUL.

OVER AND OVER AND OVER…God is always faithful! But in between the “overs”–there is usually a process.

And that brings us to the story of Joseph. A story of pain, rejection and injustice. We start today with the beloved 17 year old son of Israel (Jacob), Joseph. Israel adored Joseph. He was the son bore to him by his beloved Rachel…the son they never thought they would have. And if anyone knew about the process in the chapter of Genesis–hands down…it’s Joseph. Rachel has gone to be with the Lord…and the only thing he has left to remind him of her are her precious children…Joseph and Benjamin. At all costs–he will protect them. And treasure them.

While Joseph possesses his father’s favor, the coveted coat of many colors and things are on the up and up, the brothers are jeolous…and the process begins again. Joseph was a very godly man, but he unwisely added to their jeolousy by sharing his dreams with his brothers, gloating in their meaning and their having to bow down to him in them. Later, the brothers (minus Joseph) were all tending flocks in Shechem which was about 45 miles from Hebron where they lived while Joseph and Israel…were doing what? Just spending a little quality time together at his mere age of 17. Times were good. Until he was asked to go check on his brothers. A 45 mile hike–90 mile round trip? Makes you hear a different tone in Joseph’s voice when he says “Very well” to his father’s instructions to just go check in on them. Today’s teens wouldn’t go for that would they? He FINALLY gets to Shechem–and they aren’t there. He had to be so frustrated and tired!!! They have moved on to Dothan. Um. Another 20 miles away. SO…he FINALLY gets to Dothan. And how do his brother greet him? They betray him. They plot to kill him. They throw him in a cistern and sell him. They are done with him, his coat and his silly dreams. And they never have to see him again.

The only one who doesn’t betray him completely is Reuben (Leah’s firstborn son…and Jacob’s actual firstborn…fitting, huh?, to have Jacob’s firstborn the one who should probably struggle the most with jeolousy be the only one to try and save him)–but because Reuben was away when they sold Joseph to the Ismaelites there was no one to stop them. Joseph goes from being a favored son to a slave. He is lifted up in Potiphers house and favored again…but thrown in prison after being wrongly accused…yet in prison he won favor again. Over and over—Joseph hit the valley, but over and over the Lord lifted Joseph back up AGAIN and AGAIN. It was part of the process.

We can look at Joseph’s story and read it–and the pain of his process doesn’t bother us so much because WE KNOW the outcome. But remember–WHILE it was happening Joseph DID NOT. It didn’t make sense. Their were tears of loss…of frustration…of hurt. PAIN. He lost his mom. He now lost his dad. His brothers had turned their backs on him…and just as things started to finally come together–his life would fall apart all over again. But THE LORD WAS WITH HIM. He was with Joseph when he was sold as a slave. He was with him at Potipher’s. He was with Him when he resisted seduction. And again in prison. THE LORD WAS WITH HIM! HE HAD A PLAN FOR THE PROCESS! Do you believe that the Lord has a plan for your process? Whatever it is. Joseph didn’t lash out at his brothers when they sold him. He didn’t argue with Potipher or his wife when he was put away. He trusted the Lord–and the Lord was with Him!

Let us trust the Lord in our process knowing that their is PURPOSE and even a praise story in the end! It will not be easy. It may not be fun. It may be full of pain, uncertainty and tears. But I can promise, that like Joseph’s process, IT WILL BE WORTH IT. Take some time today…no matter what PROCESS you are in or where you are in it…and remember God’s faithfulness to you…OVER and OVER and OVER again. He promises to never leave or forsake those who have trusted Him as Lord. Hold tight to Him. BECAUSE–GOD IS FAITHFUL.



Charisa - January 14, 2010 - 7:50 am

yes, agree! One time I had to do a lookback at my life and write down how God was there. I put it off and put if off because I didn’t want to deal with all that old stuff. Finally did it…and I could finally see where God was ….I didn’t know it at the time (I was not even close to walking with the Lord) but I could see where God had place people around me or kept me safe and lots of other things…Because He WAS there whether I knew it or acknowledged Him!

cris - January 14, 2010 - 8:03 am

I just studied this with the kids the other day. Did you notice that Joseph says that it is GOD who brought him to Egypt. Not his brothers. He understands that what others intend for evil, God can cause good out of it. He was there all those years later to save their lives during the famine. God knew it all along. He just had to continue to wait for God’s plan.

I know we all want to see the big picture, but we have to trust God and His plan and rest in the truths of knowing He is in control.

Beautiful post my friend.


Dawn - January 14, 2010 - 9:27 am

TRUE, but the process is still tough……trying

Andrea - January 14, 2010 - 9:41 am

I’m with you Dawn…and that’s why my flesh would just like to SKIP the hard stuff. The process. Speaking of—Dawn, have you purchased Steven Curtis Chapman’s new cd “Beauty Will Rise”???? You would love it…especially during this hard time in your family’s life. PRAYING.

kristi johnson - January 14, 2010 - 10:47 am

awesome post..I love the pic of you…You haven’t aged a bit ๐Ÿ™‚ kj

Shannon - January 14, 2010 - 11:17 am

I have to share my devotional for today as it is so fitting for the “process.”
Oh this is bitter work for Him and us-bitter for us to go, but equally bitter for Him to cause us pain; yet it must be done. It would not be conducive to our true welfare to stay always in one happy and comfortable lot. He therefore puts us forth. Take heart! It could not be better to stay when He determines otherwise; and if the loving hand of our Lord puts us forth, it must be well. On, in His name, to green pastures and still waters and mountain heights! He goeth before thee. Whatever awaits us is encountered first by Him. This is the Blessed Life-not anxious to see far in front, nor careful about the next step, not eager to choose the path, nor weighted with the heavy responsibilities of the future, but quietly following behind the Shepherd, one step at a time. From Streams in the Desert by Mrs. Charles E. Cowman
Happy Thursday!

Melissa - January 14, 2010 - 11:50 am

I remember that picture! You sent it to me when you were over there. I have it saved in my scrapbook! I loved this picture! Just precious! So neat to see God’s fingerprints on your life and I am glad I have been able to be apart of a lot of it!

Natali - January 14, 2010 - 2:05 pm

preach it, girl! That is one of the BEST posts I’ve ever read, anywhere! It speaks of our Father’s faithfulness and love for His people. Thanks for posting. I really need it!

kellycoury - January 14, 2010 - 8:35 pm

Don’t you wonder where Shang Dan-Dan is and how she’s doing?

Sandee - January 14, 2010 - 10:40 pm

This is so right and so timely, that I had to link to it on my facebook and send it to a couple folks.

I needed this reminder and fresh word, that he is all over this process…and that what may be intended for evil or looks like it doesn’t fit with what we know of God, like Joseph, is meant for our good, the saving of many souls…including mine!

Thank you for speaking life and encouragement.

Julie - January 19, 2010 - 7:53 am

Wow. I really need that today. So tired of the pain of the process,but keep feeling in my soul that God has a purpose in the timing.
Thank you so much for your encouragement!!

Discovery of a Continent…January 13 (Genesis 36 and 1 Chr.1:35-2:2

Yesterday I received the SWEETEST thing in my mailbox from a photographer in Asheville, North Carolina. I can’t believe I’ve never met this sweet family in person because we have so much in common and have kept up with each other for a couple of years now through photography—our hearts connected when we discovered we both had hearts for Africa. They not only have a heart for Africa…but also for the Lord and especially for children. I have a feeling they will one day be on our same journey but for now it’s amazing to see how the Lord is using them as foster parents. They blessed my soul yesterday when I got a package and found this inside…

Discovery of a Contenent: Foods, Flavors, and Inspiration from Africa
You can get this at Starbucks–but I’m sure you can get it online as well. It’s amazing because it’s FULL of recipes that are favorites all over the continent! Even cooler—is that Samuelsson explains the history of the people with the food…looks like it’s time for the Young’s to stir up some Ethiopian cookin! I was so excited to see so many Ethiopian dishes—and this is going to be a treasure for us as I want to make Ethiopia a part of our lives for our child’s sake. And well…it’ll be really good for my stay-at-home mommy brain to branch out a bit, learn some history and to get my cook on.

THANK YOU COLLIE FAMILY FOR THIS GIFT! You made my day…and I’ll smile thinking of your precious family every time we whip up lentil stew with berbere (berbere is used to flavor Ethiopian stews and each Ethioian family has its own recipe for this universal seasoning…and thanks to the Collie’s and Samuelsson…we now have ours too!)

Today’s Reading: Genesis 36 and 1 Chr. 135-2:2

So today’s reading…was quick. A run through of the descendents of Esau. We needed a little break after all that drama though didn’t we?! BUT I did read a GREAT commentary…on EVEN this. Today’s reading is a rundown on the success of Esau and prosper of those who came after him. And while he and his people were growing in rule–they were also not following the Lord. This can be such a hard concept to grasp–and watch. But here we sit today–watching the success of Esau. It is said “children of the world have their all in hand and nothing in hope—while the children of God have their all in hope and nothing in hand”. We have to remember as believers–we were not made for THIS world. We just weren’t. I feel that EVERY day. And when you feel like you are different…no one gets you…things just aren’t what you thought they would be…hold fast the Lord—and remember…it is better to have Canaan in promise than Mount Seir in hand. Let us keep our eyes fixed on the race the Lord has called us to. I tell my friends all the time and I tell you today “do not look to the left or right–keep your eyes focused on the prize the Lord has set before you AND do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow has enough trouble of it’s own”. Esau. The Jone’s. The success of man here–is just here. Let us not become distracted from our calling by it. But the success of man living through the power of the Holy Spirit is forever. May you live through His power today!

Charisa - January 13, 2010 - 9:38 am

Love the book! I will have to look that one up! Also look up Tsion’s Life! Great book! Ab really enjoyed showing me things about his life in it.

Charisa…trying her best to focus on Jesus…but sometimes I feel like I need the horse eye cover things so I can’t see to the left or the right!

april - January 13, 2010 - 11:11 am

that is awesome adn so sweet of them to get that for you! we are hoping to find some good ugandan recipes to make for when we bring home our little one!

Andrea - January 13, 2010 - 11:46 am

April–this book would have them! It’s features recipes from the WHOLE continent!!!

Dawn - January 13, 2010 - 6:21 pm

Loving the readings….and staying connected! ๐Ÿ™‚

Kim - January 13, 2010 - 7:47 pm

Ok girls, I’m reading along, but I was wondering which translation you guys are using, there are a lot of reading lists for different translations, and I was just curious if you all decided to use one particular one? If so can you let me know? I’m just now figuring out that you guys are discussing here! I love to study the Word with sisters in Christ!


Asher Collie - January 13, 2010 - 8:55 pm

Aww, you are so welcome! I think this dude is adopted too…I might be wrong. Did you see the other little thing that was in there? I forgot to wrap it so it might have gotten lost at the bottom of the package.
I CANNOT wait to meet you one day soon. I feel like I’ve known you for years. ๐Ÿ˜‰

admin - January 13, 2010 - 9:14 pm

ASHER! You have to tell me what I missed in that package! I’m so not beyond diggin’ through some trash to find a treasure! And I can’t stand the thought of tossin’ a treasure. You just tell me what this momma is lookin’ for and I’ll put on rubber gloves;)

admin - January 13, 2010 - 9:15 pm

And Kim—we all are reading different versions I’m sure. We didn’t pick one…I’m pack and forth between NIV and Living.