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Ok…you know us adoption folks are always on a roller coaster ride and some days you just don’t know if we’re high or low…or just plain crazy. Ok, so today’s let’s pick crazy;). Got my new numbers. And if you are on the AGCI listserv you are NOT allowed to play (if you are family or a VBFF…you aren’t allowed to play either;). I will say that our new numbers aren’t what we thought they were…but that’s ok…but I’ll give no hints…they may be lower or higher than what we thought. OK—drum rolllllllll please…

Our new girl number is how old I was in THIS picture…

And our new boy number is how old I was in THIS picture…(don’t let the fact I was at Chuck-E-Cheese fool ya;)

OK…no AGCI list serv people can play;). The first person who gets BOTH numbers right…gets one of these…ladies-mock-up-nov-091-239x333But NOOOOO cheatin! Take a guess…and smile if you win while you wear your t as this one helped send a mission trip over to love on some babies in Africa.



Amy - February 5, 2010 - 2:23 pm

I don’t get to play ๐Ÿ™

Amy S - February 5, 2010 - 2:25 pm

I’ll bite. 31 and 19. Anywhere close????

JonesEthiopia - February 5, 2010 - 2:26 pm

hey no fair. But new numbers are exciting no matter if they are higher or lower than what you thought!

missy - February 5, 2010 - 2:34 pm

i’m gonna go with 29 and 16. i don’t even know how old you are now, so i hope i’m not offending you. glad you got new numbers. that always is fun.

okay, totally bizarre. i feel like i know one of the girls in the chuckee cheese pic. the one in the front isn’t named stephanie by any chance, is she? if not, she has a doppleganger in ohio. ๐Ÿ™‚

Tara Neal - February 5, 2010 - 2:35 pm

Oooh, I really want to win this!
I will say Girl #32 and Boy #14???

Amy Kirk - February 5, 2010 - 2:38 pm

I love guessing games! Even though I’m not the best at it I’ll have to try because the T-shirt is toooo cute!….boy-#19 and girl-#27.

Sarah Beth - February 5, 2010 - 3:19 pm

Hi Andrea! I love your blog, your ideas are wonderful! My guess is 30 and 17 – I really have no idea – just a guess! Praying these numbers fall incredibly fast, so you can be with your sweet baby.

Karee - February 5, 2010 - 3:25 pm

I’m so anxious to hear your new numbers…so I’m going to play. 28 and 17. ๐Ÿ™‚

Leigh - February 5, 2010 - 3:44 pm

Not on the listserv yet so I can play! woohoo! Total guess, Here goes: 28 and 16

caitlin - February 5, 2010 - 3:50 pm

woohoo, yay for new numbers!! i’m gonna guess.. 27 girl and 18 boy.

Shannon - February 5, 2010 - 4:52 pm

I’m guessing 29 and 17…This is so fun!

admin - February 5, 2010 - 5:06 pm

OK…no one YET! One of you is KILLER close (off JUST by one!)…and the boy number has been guessed and the girl number guessed…BUT NOT YET ON THE NOSE TOGETHER!…OK…you can guess more than once if you have already…who is gonna WIN?!

Shannon - February 5, 2010 - 5:24 pm

29 and 18?

caitlin - February 5, 2010 - 5:24 pm

Am I lame for guessing again? I love this game and can’t wait to hear the results! Here’s my second guess- 28 and 18.

admin - February 5, 2010 - 5:25 pm

I’ve got a HINT—I am 33 now! (Parker is 5 and Laney is 4!) And someone has gotten both right (the boy more than once!) BUT not on the nose together…oooooook…whose gonna get this ADORABLE T! Keep guessing;)! Anyone? Anyone????

admin - February 5, 2010 - 5:28 pm

Hee, hee. OK…you can guess more than twice;). Put your thinkin’ caps on…you are close:). And one person has been off just by one!

Shannon - February 5, 2010 - 5:30 pm

28 and 18? Can I guess 3 times?:)

Shannon - February 5, 2010 - 5:31 pm

No wait, I’m going with 28 and 17!

caitlin - February 5, 2010 - 5:32 pm

Haha! 30, 18?

caitlin - February 5, 2010 - 5:33 pm

Haha! 30,18?

caitlin - February 5, 2010 - 5:35 pm

30, 18?

caitlin - February 5, 2010 - 5:37 pm

haha! 29, 18?

Amy S - February 5, 2010 - 5:40 pm

Can I guess again? 30 and 19

caitlin - February 5, 2010 - 5:42 pm

Okay, seriously. So sorry! My phone freaked out.

Amy S - February 5, 2010 - 5:42 pm

or maybe 29 and 19

admin - February 5, 2010 - 5:43 pm

YAAAAAAAAAAAAY! Amy S is the PROUD new owner of this adorable Africa T! Amy, send me your address to or on the contact page and it’s comin’ your way!!!!

Our new numbers are boy 19 and girl 30! YAAAAAAAAAAAAY! Good guessing everyone!

admin - February 5, 2010 - 5:44 pm

And Caitlin’ love that I have a junior in college playin’ so hard on their phone! The Young family loves some Caitlin!

Shannon - February 5, 2010 - 5:51 pm

Ahhh…what was I thinking? Of course you were older than 28…Parker is obviously not a newborn:) What a fun game and congratulations on the new numbers!!

kellycoury - February 5, 2010 - 11:43 pm

HILARIOUS! Great memories! Look at my bangs. Great game, and I love that shirt!

Jen - February 9, 2010 - 10:35 am

We are currently on the waitlist to adopt a child from Ethiopia through AGCI. Can you tell me what the listserv is? Thanks!

New numbers!

Nope. We didn’t get them yet. What a teaser to put that as my header;). I am discovering my lack of patience during our wait. We have our USCIS fingerprint appointment tomorrow at 10am. Pray the results come back before our referral does. But for now…I’d settle for updated numbers…much lower than last month;). And when we get them…trust me, you’ll be the first to know;). Last month we were boy #24 and girl #34. Fingers crossed they will be much, much lower. We’ll know in 24 hours;).

Singing this to my baby tonight…(by Steven Curtis Chapman “When Love Takes You In”)

I know youโ€™ve heard the stories
But they all sound too good to be true
Youโ€™ve heard about a place called home
But there doesnโ€™t seem to be one for you
So one more night you cry yourself to sleep
And drift off to a distant dream

Where love takes you in and everything changes
A miracle starts with the beat of a heart
When love takes you home and says you belong here
The loneliness ends and a new life begins
When love takes you in

And somewhere while youโ€™re sleeping
Someone else is dreaming too
Counting down the days until
They hold you close and say I love you
And like the rain that falls into the sea
In a moment what has been is lost in what will be

When love takes you in everything changes
A miracle starts with the beat of a heart

And this love will never let you go
There is nothing that could ever
cause this love to lose its hold

When love takes you in everything changes
A miracle starts with the beat of a heart
When love takes you home and says you belong here
The loneliness ends and a new life begins
When love takes you in it takes you in for good
When love takes you in

I can’t wait to bring you home!!! Mommy loves you to pieces and pieces and more pieces!!! Can’t wait to see your face, hold you and have you home!!!! Praying the Lord’s protection over you tonight sweet baby. Momma’s comin’!

kristi johnson - February 5, 2010 - 12:11 am

oh, hurt me…love that song!!! kj

admin - February 5, 2010 - 12:25 am

Sorry K! I just want my baby home:). BUT…if I can’t have him/her home…might as well come hang out with you and drive YOU crazy! Can’t wait to see ya!!!!

Kim - February 5, 2010 - 5:36 am

You are killin me. Our wait was 26 months long while we served as foster parents to the twins. That was the song we choose for Sam & Lucy’s adoption video at our celebration brunch after our final court date! What sweet memories you are in store for!
Love & Blessings from Hong Kong,

Jenny - February 5, 2010 - 8:20 am

still no numbers??? they’ve gotta be coming today! praying you’re a good chunk lower!!!

Amy - February 5, 2010 - 11:47 am

That was a cruel joke ๐Ÿ™‚ Maybe I should put “GOT THE CALL” as my header and maybe it will help with this agonizing wait ๐Ÿ™‚ I don’t know what is going on but this wait is getting so stinking hard!!!

Thinking of you today. Praying you get your FDL in record time ๐Ÿ™‚

Amy @ Filled With Praise - February 5, 2010 - 12:40 pm

Nice! You got me all excited! I was talking to Doug Frazier about our new numbers email and those referral last night ๐Ÿ™‚

We will be at Kristi’s Monday! I am so excited to get to finally meet you in person ๐Ÿ™‚

Chocolate Kabobs Valentine Treats (Scripture Reading: Exodus 10:1-12:51)

I’ve heard from several of my sweet blog readers they now have fun Valentine window decorations in their home! For those of you who ended up doing most of it yourself because you have little ones, the more you do cutting crafts–the easier it will get for your little ones. I didn’t start my crafts when I started my blog–we’ve been doing things like this since they could walk! I remember when Laney started her 2 year old preschool class and the teacher gave her scissors one day and was teaching her how to cut. She gave L-bird the scissors and she whipped out some things for her and shocked her teacher. My kids are geniouses—they just were forced to do crafts with momma from the day they could sit;). So…each year it’s LESS ME and MORE THEM…but you have to start some where. So be encouraged–when you do these crafts for awhile it may seem like they aren’t getting anything out of them–but trust me THEY ARE! AND…I really think having a plan/craft of some sort keeps us stay-at-home mommas mentally and emotionally challenged…I mean mentally and emotionally healthy;).

AND…one thing that keeps me mentally and emotionally healthy is…CHOCOLATE! Okay, so kid-crafts are great—but mix ’em with some chocolate and we’re all happy. Remember the fun marshmellow dipped treats we did for Christmas. Well…here’s a fun twist for Valentine’s. When I think of Valentine’s treats (and what I want from my hubby) I think of CHOCOLATE. These will make GREAT valentine treats—simply slip a clear bag over each one and tie with a pretty pink or red ribbon! For this yummy treat you will need…

1 bag of marshmellows
chocolate bark candy coating (or 2 bags semi-sweet chocolate chips…OR both;)
wooden kabob sticks

I love my double boiler, and it’s really the best way to make these. So…get that double boiler out and boil water in the bottom. Once it boils, plop the top pan on and toss your chocolate in…
IMG_0240The water in the bottom boiler will keep the chocolate up top hot so it stays melted during your craft (I tossed in a few chocolate chips left over from our last chocolate craft too)IMG_0241
Give each child kabob sticks and marshmellows. This is a great COUNTING GAME! Have your child count 5 marshmellows and put 5 on each kabob stick…

I got my kabob sticks at Williams Sonoma, but I’m sure you can find them just about anywhere…IMG_0233It’s a little tough to dip the entire kabob in the pan of melted chocolate so momma did this one. I just used a spoon to carefully cover each kabob while holding it upright in the pan of chocolate, put them on wax paper or foil and let your kiddos go to town with the white and red sprinkles…IMG_0251IMG_0247We had some left over chocolate…and I think it should be a sin to waste chocolate—so we did what any chocolate lover would do…IMG_0245And after that was all said and done—I spotted a fortune cookie left over from Chinese take-out earlier this week. I opened ‘er up—and what-ta-ya know…
IMG_0238I couldn’t agree more! If one thing is helping me through this adoption wait…it’s definitely—you got it—chocolate!

Adoption Update…
OK, I have no update. But I just like writing that pretending that I did. One of the hardest thing about our wait is…I stink at waiting. Stink. Don’t get me wrong, I believe this is God’s perfect plan…His way of putting us with the right child at the right time…and I smile kindly at everyone who gently reminds me of that (thank you Richard;)…but my mommy heart is really longing for our babe. LONGING. I hear the statistics—and I want to bring our baby home and have him safely here with us as soon as possible. Our family is on a list open to special needs—but we are stuck in a very fine line of 0-12 months because our agency requires our babe to be younger than Frankie baby. SO…as waiting children come in…I have to sit and watch and it breaks my heart. BUT…I can pray. I can pray the Lord would move families who are able to adopt them to say YES. I can pray that others would be moved by the Holy Spirit to say…not my will—but Yours be done! I can pray that just as the Lord finds the sparrow a home (Psalm 84) that the Lord will also provide these orphans loving homes where they can hear the gospel and know HIS love. Open our hands Lord. Open our hearts. I want nothing more than to do Your will. I wait on You. I trust in You. For Your glory…I will wait. (Our new numbers should come today or tomorrow…I will share the minute I get them:) And for those of you adopting that are reading—what a JOY to be on this journey with you. Forever you will be a part of my heart for sharing this time with me. For others who have followed our story, I can’t thank you enough for being a part of this journey with us too. I know as you have read you have thought about us throughout the day. You have voiced prayers…and those prayers have been carrying me on hard days. They have given me energy to do things with my children instead of checking my email for adoption updates…they have encouraged me…and most importantly I know they have been heard by I AM who is protecting our precious child. Thank you. Thank you for being a part of one of the sweetest times of our lives. If I don’t get to meet each of you in this life…I can’t wait to rejoice with you in heaven. Each of you are precious to me. I know there are some readers who never comment…but I sure have felt the prayers of many…so thank you. And just to make you smile:)…how cute is this picture that my Addie captured peaking in school in Zambia…aren’t they precious?!…IMG_2531Hello little bitties…don’t you all want to come live with me;)?! Ooooo…if ONLY my hubby would let us move to Zambia!!!! One day friends…one day;)

Scripture Reading – Exodus 10:1 – 12:51

Today I confess I am a bit weary…but I declare that I will not give up coming to the throne, opening His word and clinging to the One who loves me most. Speak to our hearts today…make Your Word come alive as we read…change our hearts and conform our desires to YOURS…and fill us Lord with your Holy Spirit.

Some verses that spoke to me in today’s reading…

10:2 “Iโ€™ve also done it so you can tell your children and grandchildren about how I made a mockery of the Egyptians and about the signs I displayed among themโ€”and so you will know that I am the Lord” The Lord has made Pharah stubborn not only so He will be glorified through miracles AND BE KNOWN but for the sake of Moses children AND grandchildren—so they too will know Him. The Lord wants to be glorified IN ALL THINGS. There are so many things that happen that I do NOT understand. BUT–in all things the Lord WILL be glorified. If I REALLY believe, then this world is only about Him being known and being glorified so others (my children and grandchildren included) knowing Him. He wants to shine THROUGH the darkness and be glorified. And to be glorified more here–the Lord had to harden Pharoah’s heart. Take heart that when things are hard–that it is for His greater purpose. And like Moses, no matter how hard it may be, open your hands to be used. When it is too difficult, remember the Lord is full of mercy to provide “Aaron’s in your life” to go with you and hold your hand through it. And in the end–others will know more of Him.

The same song and dance continues in this chapter…ask to leave–Pharoah bargains–plague comes…Pharoah begs for forgiveness agrees…locusts are sent into Red Sea (interested because this is also where God will send Pharoah’s army!)

This story is such a foreshadowing of Revelation and what is to come. In the last days there will be many Pharoahs whose hearts are hardened and the more they hear of God and from Him the more they harden their heart. Hebrews 3:7 “Today, if you will hear His voice, do not harden your hearts.”

Chapter 11 & 12 One more plague–the death of the firstborn and the Passover Lamb.

12:27 And you will reply, โ€˜It is the Passover sacrifice to the Lord, for he passed over the houses of the Israelites in Egypt. And though he struck the Egyptians, he spared our families.โ€™โ€ When Moses had finished speaking, all the people bowed down to the ground and worshiped. The Lord was faithful to protect His people. And it was Moses’ faith and obedience that brought Moses back to Eqypt to save them. It was his faith that helped him approach Pharoah. And it was his faith to follow through with the Passover Lamb that protected them. No matter our circumstances, we can trust the Lord to bring us out and carry us through. Jesus was the final Passover Lamb. He blood stands over us as He died for the sins of the world. How thankful I am for the Lamb of God!!!

Let us not give up reading His Word!

Shannon - February 5, 2010 - 10:01 am

mmmm…those kabobs are must! PS..posted pictures of my Valentine fortune cookies…thanks again for the easy to follow instructions!

Wednesday – One Year Bible Study (Exodus 7:14-9:35)

Yesterday was a rainy, yucky day—we pulled out the play dough, read books, tooks naps together and even ordered Chinese take-out for dinner. Our dinner guests were full of grace and were happy just have our company verses a home cooked meal. Thank you Dentons:) And I hear the groundhog didn’t see his shadow…ugh. I need flip-flops. I need t-shirts. I need culdasac fun with bikes on a warm day. But it was great to have a lazy day as we anticipate our new numbers on the waitlist!

I have a yummy treat coming up for tomorrow. SO YUM! Because every post needs a picture or two…here is L-bird showing off that $50 auction find I painted with my 2 magnet memo boards in momma’s “white, bright, peaceful, only clean room in the house”…

On the right side of this room is a little “Frank baby collage” I put together from a few of his newborn pictures (these were captured by my friend Alisha Robertson at
IMG_0160They are printed on what you call standouts—so they come ready to hang like canvases and you don’t frame them. I thought these images spoke for themselves and a frame might take away from the WOWness of them and the captured moment.

And speaking of moments. Can I just say I LOVE BEING A MOM?! I had the SWEETEST moment with L-bird as I put her down last night. I love night songs. I love to comb my fingers through her hair as I sing to her. I rarely sing songs to my children that I didn’t write myself. They are THEIR songs. They each have THEIR SPECIAL SONG. I usually follow THEIR song with one my heart just feels at the moment. About them and my love for them…or about the Lord’s love for them. There is nothing sweeter than gazing in my children’s eyes as I sing my love and the Lord’s love to them. I wish I could have a picture of Laney’s eyes as she was so full of love as I sang…I could feel our hearts beating and connecting as mother and daughter…sisters in Christ…bestfriends…I love the look of amazement as I sang to her…I prayed the Lord’s protection over her as I sang…and it just amazes me how the Holy Spirit even gave me words as He often does so it even rhymes. (Yes, their momma is a writer…so some of this may come naturally…but I can sense the Holy Spirit with us…and it is such a sweet time of affirmation and love). I love watching all of my children’s faces light up when it rhymes perfectly like they know this song is REALLY a song and it was written just for them. It’s vulnerable, intimate, real…and often they see me tear up as I sing to them. TO THINK that our Heavenly Father loves us EVEN MORE THAN THIS!!! I can’t imagine! Oh that you could hear His singing today. That you would stop and let Him touch your heart. Lay back…listen for His voice today…feel His arms around you…He is singing. A song. JUST FOR YOU.

One Year Bible Study – Exodus 7:14-9:35

If there are any new blog readers, it’s never too late to jump in our study! We are following the chronological Bible plan here and you can even sign up for the RSS feed to your google reader here. If you want to follow with us, you just need to mark your start day as January 1.

Chapter 7 – The miracles and signs are performed by Moses and Aaron are ignored by Pharoah as his magicians imitated their miracle. If they had true magical powers–one would think they would reverse the miracles God allowed Moses and Aaron to perform but they could only imitate it. Satan is an imitator of God–but he can NOT reverse what the Lord does or plans to do!

Chapter 8 – The plague of frogs, gnats and flies – The plaque of the frogs comes across the land…can you IMAGINE? Millions and billions of frogs jumping everywhere? Coming in your home? Jumping in your pantries, ovens…on your children and YOU? UGH. Pharoah agreed to let the Israelites go if Moses and Aaron would pray to God and make the plague stop. They prayed. The frogs died (the Lord didn’t just remove them or send them back to rivers and ponds, but he left them dead for the stench to remind them of Pharoah’s disobedience. But once they were gone and they had been delivered of the frogs, Pharoah hardened his heart again.

A hardened heart is refusing to see the Lord and His goodness—seeing clearly the work of the Lord but refusing to submit to Him. Many want deliverence from hard times, but few want to repent and follow Him in both the good and hard time…to be HIS. BUT oh—to be HIS! There is nothing greater! And this chapter has always been a bit mind boggling for me trying to figure out if it was the Lord hardening Pharoah’s heart or if it was Pharoah ignoring God’s call. Free will and predistination…that topic is for another day;) The truth of the matter is God was performing clear signs to Pharoah and his heart remained hard. The Lord was speaking to Pharoah through Aaron and Moses–and Pharoah was refusing to listen.

The plague of gnats and flies…same song–same story. But the magicians hearts are even changed in these and declare these plagues to be the hand of God. But Pharoah’s heart…remains hardened.

Chapter 9 The plague of the livestock – The Lord strikes all the livestock of the Egyptians but spares the livestock of the Israelites…Pharoah’s people now have nothing at all to eat…and his heart remains hardened. The plague of boils…UGH…all over Pharoah’s people…now they are in pain…yet his heart STILL remains hardened. Lastly in today’s reading we have the plague of hail. The Lord was full of grace to give a warning to protect the Egyptians who now believed and feared the Lord—but everything and everyone else was distroyed by hail…but the hail didn’t pour down on the land of Goshen where the Israelites were.

Don’t you know Moses is getting tired by this point and wants to give up? But it is Pharoah’s heart that must be changed. I, too often, pray more for the “Eqyptians” in my life (those who are enduring the pain and hardship) rather than the “Pharoahs”. Today I am praying for the “Pharaohs” who keep children in captivity…there are thousands of Pharoahs out there and many innocent ones hurting at their hand…let us not give up praying for hearts to be changed—and quickly for the sake of those hurting. Open our eyes Lord, use us for your glory and equip us with the works of your hand so your name may be made much of. Amen!

missy - February 3, 2010 - 10:54 am

what a sweet moment with your laney. bedtime is so sweet when i can rise above the exhaustion and not think about all i have to get done after they go to bed, but just BE in the moment. thanks for the reminder. great find. great pix. looks like a neat room.

Ashley Scott - February 3, 2010 - 6:04 pm

Hi Andrea! Thank you for being so faithful with the bible study. It has been such an encouragement to my heart this month. I admit, this has been an intense week and I am behind! So, I’m looking forward to catching up with all of you. I don’t know about you guys, but when things get crazy and I am busy, one of the first things to go is my bible reading and time with the Lord – and those are the times I need Him the most! We are such silly creatures!
I adore reading the sweet stories about your kids. Can’t wait to have my own!! I look forward to meeting you guys soon!

Dawn - February 3, 2010 - 6:21 pm

I have special songs for my children too! LOVE IT! Love to sing as a family, and love to hear the songs my children make up and sing too about God, His Love, and our family! That is a HUGE gift from God to us ๐Ÿ™‚

Alisha G. Robertson - February 5, 2010 - 11:57 pm

Hi Girl, came here to catch up with you and saw these prints together… OH my that looks awesome the way you hung them…. yummy little baby. Thank you so much for sharing this. It literally made my day. Hugs to you!

February 2nd – Valentine Window Mobile, a few fun things & Exodus 4:18-7:13

Today’s Valentine craft is easy, peasy—and so much fun for all ages!IMG_0210To make your own Valentine Window Mobile, you will just need crayons (pink and red), butter knife, wax paper, iron and scissors. Each child will need two long strips of wax paper (3 feet should be long enough). Give each child a bowl and a butter knife works best for making a bowl full of crayon shavings…
IMG_0123Put a towel on the floor or some type of protection for ironing (I used a white towel…but wished I used a dark one instead๐Ÿ™‚ Put one sheet down of wax paper per child and let them sprinkle their shavings all over the wax paper bottom…
IMG_0125Put the top piece of wax paper, and with your iron on a low setting–quickly iron until the crayon is melted and spreads throughout.

Trace hearts on the paper for your child to cut out. (If you have an older one, he/she may be able to draw their own hearts.) And although it may make you cringe…allow your children to cut many of the hearts out themselves (I can be a perfectionist when it comes to crafts…so this is always a hard step for me!)

I let my kids start cutting at age 2…and they have always done such a great job! After the hearts are cut out, punch holes in top and tie strings on each heart to hang from wooden dowel (I am the queen of improvising…my wooden dowel is really a blind turner that I just took off and will put back on later;)…
IMG_0142Welcome your guests with a little love…OR display these at your kitchen window…IMG_0226

Chronological Scripture Reading – Exodus 4:18-7:13

Chapter 4 – I was hard on Moses yesterday, but today I have to give him some credit. He has gone from living some where safe and comfortable for 40 years–and now he has been asked to leave…and to walk right into a dangerous situation. “Okay Lord, you want me to leave this and go tell Pharaoh what to do. Nice.” But the Lord sent encouragement Moses’s way by giving his father-in-law’s blessing, speaking promises to him, providing and allowing Aaron to partner with him, and leading his wife to obedience. This part of Zipporah has always caught me off guard and made me want to know more–so I did some research and this is what I got…

(taken form Wiersbe Bible Commentary) Moses had neglected to circumcise his second son, Eliezar, and God struck Moses down with an illness that could have taken his life. We get the impression that when Moses had circumcised Gershom, his firstborn, Zipporah had been appalled by the ceremony and therefore had resisted having Eliezar circumcised. Moses let her have her way and this displeased the Lord. Even if the Jews didn’t know it, God knew it about his disobedience, and He was greatly displeased. The servant of the Lord must be careful to “manage his own family well” if he expects to enjoy the blessings of the Lord.

My role as a wife is to submit to my husband and to trust and encourage his relationship with the Lord. I should take my opinions first to the Lord as to not wrongly influence my husband in following the Lord. Ouch. What a good lesson here. I think I could stop right here in today’s reading and that’d be enough for me to chew on all day.

Chapter 5 – It gets worse before it gets better. Don’t you hate those kinds of stories. But it seems to be part of almost every beautiful ending. It usually does get worse before it gets better—and Moses attempt to get Pharoah’s permission to go worship and make sacrifices to the Lord only brings on more harsh treatment to the Israelites. And the Israelites aren’t too happy with Moses and Aaron for what they have brought upon them in multiplied labor. How does Moses respond? He was disappointed. He was stressed. And he blamed God for their harshened treatment. “Why have you done this Lord?” As servants of the Lord, we should expect difficulty. We need to learn quickly in our journey when we experience hardship and opposition–to go back to God, get alone with Him–cry out to Him–pour our our hearts–wait on Him–and seek strength in Him.

Chapter 6 God responded to Moses’s cry with encouragement, with promises and direction. And what an honor He bestowed on Moses to give him His covenant name! God was pouring His love and encouragement on Moses. And Moses needed it. He was sure Pharoah wouldn’t listen…more sure his own people wouldn’t either…and not even sure if Aaron would be up for another visit with Pharoah either. But God continued to pour out his grace and mercy and this time spoke his instructions to Aaron too.

Chapter 7:1-7:13 – Moses and Aaron set out to Pharoah–perform the miracle with the staff…but Pharoah’s heart remains hardened. Pharaoh’s magicians imitated the miracles of God…and the court magicians are later named by Paul in Timothy when he warns agains false prophets (2 Timothy 3:8) “Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so also these men oppose the truth”. Satan is a good imitator of things that God also does–and the enemy wants nothing more than to fool someone to keep God’s will from happening. But rest assured–the battle has already been won–and NOTHING can thwart the Lord’s plans! NOTHING! Hold fast to Jesus and His Word—have these words written on your hearts so you may be able to know what His will is—His good, perfect and pleasing will. You have nothing to fear when you are a believer and trust the Lord as your Savior! Perfect love drives out fear! When the Lord gives you a task–you can go boldly knowing He is the one beside you and will carry you through.

Let us not give up dear friends on the reading of His Word!!!

Robin Zetterberg Salley - February 2, 2010 - 5:43 am

Cute Andrea! All 3 of mine have bad colds right now, so I needed a few activity ideas to get us through their sickness and these cold rainy days. I am going to do this and your pretzels today ๐Ÿ™‚

Heather - February 2, 2010 - 8:22 am

That would be a hard step to take! To talk to the pharaoh & tell him to let God’s people go! God told Moses that He would harden pharaoh’s heart. He said that the Egyptians would know who God was. He was going to keep on until they knew Him. How long does it take for God to get through to us? I want to listen the FIRST time He speaks to me. Of course that’s not always the case, but I strive to hear God’s voice. It’s hard & I often fail. This Bible study has been a real help. Being in God’s Word allows you to be more sensitive to hear His voice. We just have to keep reading & encouraging one another.

Vanessa - February 2, 2010 - 2:23 pm

I just finished your Valentine Fortune Cookies. They turned out great!!! Thanks for sharing!!!!!!