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The power of words & One Year Bible Reading (Leviticus 9-11:46)

First–I want to say how much I appreciate the comments left on this morning’s post. How beautiful it is to know there are others out there who are in the SAME EXACT place and the Lord is doing the same things in your hearts…thank you for doing this journey of life with me and for your longing to be obedient to Him. Love you all.

Second…gonna keep it light with today’s reading…can’t miss a day! But first—the power of words. I have words all over my home. Every where. This is one that always makes me smile in our guest bathroom downstairs…IMG_1183I’m a fan of Uppercase Living:). And I’m also a fan of my label maker. I got a little crazy today in the playroom. I was thinking “word association” and labeled EVERYTHING…well, almost everything. The play frig, stove, oven, sink, dollhouse, clock…even the toilet…all have labels. Frank was napping, the older two were playing and I got OOC (out of control) with the label maker.

Then…during the kids bath-time. I got it back out. Rich is working late—so I thought it’d be fun for him to find this when he gets in and goes to brush his teeth:)…IMG_1188So…label makers aren’t just for labeling:). They can be for encouraging too:)

LENT DAY 3 – The Fall (Ornament: The Apple) We just got done discussing the Fall with the kids. Kids always amaze me what they remember. I stopped at the eating of the apple and just starting talking about how they disobeyed and how it’s so important to listen to and obey the Lord. I thought, “Okay, for a 4 and 5 year old…that’s enough.” Then Laney piped in and said I left out a bunch of stuff…and she proceded to tell the “rest of the story”. Wish I had that on video tape…”and momma, they had to work and work and work and WORK!” So true Laney. Oh how I wish I, too, didn’t feel like I needed to always know everything. I confess that I do—and I give this over to God. Help us to follow you Lord and not have to know anything other than Your voice.IMG_1182

One Year Scripture Reading – Leviticus 9 – 11:47

Thoughts on today’s reading…

9:5 – I love how the entire community is there for Aaron and the other sons commissioning. Such a beautiful picture of them being sent out into service.

9:24 “Fire blazed forth from the Lord’s presence and consumed the burnt offering and the fat on the alter. When the people saw this, they shouted with joy and fell face down on the ground.” Can you imagine what this was like?! Did you know the Lord STILL works in MIRACULOUS ways TODAY?! Yes He does! He tells us in His word to watch and be amazed!!!

10:1-7 – Nadab and Abihu (Aaron’s sons) disobeyed–in every way…and a day that should have ended in worship ended with a funeral of two sons. They were the wrong people to be handling the incense. It was the wrong day to take insense to the Holy of Holies. They should have asked Moses, but they acted on their own. And based on what the Lord tells Aaron in verses 9-10 we get the impression that they were also under the influence. The same fire that just caused everyone to fall down on their knees in worship–came right back, consumed and killed Nadab and Abihu for their disobedience.

I think of Aaron being told by Moses just after this that he can not show grief of his two SONS and must stay in the Tabernacle…or he, too, will die. But inside he was dying. Aaron couldn’t even eat of the sin offering as he was hurt so—and explains to Moses in verse 19 why he couldn’t partake…”Then Aaron answered Moses, “Today my sons presented both their sin and offering and their burnst offering to the Lord. And yet this tragedy has happend to me. If I had eated the people’s sin offering on such a tragic day as this, would the Lord have been pleased?”

Aaron was saying here that going through the motions would not have pleased or honored God. That for him, it was better to not take of it. The Lord looks at the heart and wants OBEDIENCE not sacrifice.

Leviticus 11…Ceremonially Clean and Unclean animals. Is it just me or does anyone ever read chapters like this one and think, “Oh no…I just ate bacon?” Here are 3 facts that should be noted about the dietary laws:

1. They were for the Jewish nation.
2. They guaranteed ceremonial purity but not change in character.
3. These laws were temporary and were ended on the cross of Christ.

So…it’s okay to eat my bacon. I love bacon:).

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend…and hope those of you doing the Lent Tree with your sweet children are being blessed during your sweet time together. A friend of mine said she is putting the ornament for each day in a bag and letting her son open it…and each day is like Christmas morning to him! So fun! Just another way to make this activity a highlight in the day for your children!


Renea - February 19, 2010 - 10:26 pm

I’m spent today…. so just wanted to say, AMEN! I love you and I love BACON!!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ โ™ฅ

kristi johnson - February 20, 2010 - 12:44 am

great post..i love upcase too ๐Ÿ™‚ kj

Where do the roads meet?

***They told me adoption was not for the faint of heart. And this post isn’t either. This is just my heart and where I am today. It’s not fluffy or pretty—it’s just real. It’s a part of our family’s faith journey…to look back and remember every question we asked and to later see how His perfect plan so beautifully would unfold…

Three years ago this month, the Lord led our hearts to Africa. I was sitting in Sunday school with Africa heavily on my heart. I was in the midst of a successful photography business—feeling led to do something different with the profits. And that’s when we heard Kevin share his story. Kevin had developed a friendship with a Zambian pastor years earlier when Timothy came to the US for a pastors conference and stayed in his home. During his stay–brothers were made between these two. Across the world, their friendship continued. Then one day, Timothy became very sick and died later of tuberculosis.

In Zambia, when someone dies–the community shuns the widow saying she is carrying the deceased ghost. Timothy’s family came and took everything his family owned, leaving his wife Kunda and their precious girls on the street. The Lord pressed Kevin to begin sending Kunda and her family money to live–and their live took a turn for the worse…from on the streets to abundance. She had money left over each month from what Kevin was sending her and she took that money to the compounds and began paying teachers to teach the orphans who were too poor to be schooled. This had been Timothy’s dream—and now it was going to begin through Kunda and Kevin. When Kunda told Kevin what she was doing, his curioustiy was too much and he traveled to see for himself. He took pictures and came home to tell the story…

Kunda and Kevin picture above

And that’s when we met. We heard the story, and hearts were immediately in. We started supporting Kunda’s mission—our ministry had doubled. My passion to photograph families grew as I had a new purpose. My heart began to live, eat, breath Africa—and in July 2007 Richard and I went over for ourselves to see the work. Every day 400 children were showing up to learn in old rented out mud church buildings. Rain or shine—they were there. When it did rain, the children would sit in the rain to learn. They were hungry for knowledge—for hope and a future. Approximately 100 widows showed up each day later to learn how to sew on sewing machines that had been purchased. The Lord was doing a great work…
Hope was being born in the lives of these widows and orphans–and we came home with a fire lit under our tail to build these kids what our hearts knew they deserved. A school with a roof over their heads. An opportunity to receive an education. A chance to hear the Word of God. A meal a day. We could not be quiet. The Lord raised up 3 other couples to join us. And without even going over yet–they too were in. Within just a handful of months, the money was raised–our non-profit status achieved–and we were building. It went from this…IMG_1113
To looking more like this…DSCF0658

God has been soooo good—and three years later we have TWO schools, a sponsorship program and regular trips going over FULL of people wanting to be a part of Wiphan Care Ministries! We are keeping these precious children off the streets, in their country and in many ways–helping foster families for them as they have teachers and other widows parenting them. So…with that—I come to the adoption front with a much different background. And for me, it makes some things a bit harder.

***STOP READING NOW IF YOU WANT IT TO REMAIN LIGHT, FLUFFY AND EXCITING. Oh, this part is still exciting—just depends on how you define the word. The Lord is really walking me through some things…and if you want to really know me and for this blog to be honest–well, this is part of it too. There are a couple of things that I’m not yet comfortable with–and this is what makes this adoption wait good for me (more time to process things ahead).

When we came into adoption, we had a picture in our mind what our child must look like. I say must as in—we assumed this is what every orphan “must” look like…we guessed. We pictured the double orphans (meaning no mom or dad alive) needing a home…with no family to care for them—oh but the Young’s would galliantly ride in and save a child…give him a home. And we would live happily ever after.

We heard the stats–145,000,000 orphans in the world—but of those approximately 100,000,000 have a mom or a dad still living. Best guess from UNICEF stats is approximately 40,000,000 double orphans out there…and we assumed ours surely must be one of those. BUT later we realized that many (maybe I’ll even say most) adoptions take place with a living parent who has given up their rights to keep their child due to poverty. Many of us want to turn our heads to the orphan crisis. But some of us also want to turn our heads to the statistic of mothers who desperately want to keep their babies, but feel they have no other choice because of their poverty. And while I can afford to adopt—A ITTY, BITTY PART OF ME WANTS TO DO THAT TOO…BUT THE LORD WON’T LET ME. And if I chose to adopt a baby with this story—I can’t NOT do something about it. It’s just not okay with me. I don’t want to just think of her every year or lose sleep over her at night. My heart wants to do more. My heart has no other choice. I can’t go to Disney world every year and smile with Mickey while someone across the world is hurting. After 3 years of learning Africa’s culture, I can’t take a baby from that either. When we chose to adopt a baby from Ethiopia–we knew it would mean more than just to dabble in the culture with fun meals and token outfits. We will make life-long commitments to in many ways to LIVE that culture. And we knew that coming in. This would mean MANY trips across the world with our baby. This would mean our family possibly learning another language. For us, this will mean a lot more than just growing our family. We having chosen to be orphan advocates–not just adoption advocates…and these are two seperate things. Some times they work together—but not always.

So…this is where I stand. Asking the Lord…”Where do the roads meet? Where does Wiphan—a ministry that keeps families together—and adoption come together for our story? The Lord continues to press on our hearts this verse: “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” James 1:27. I need my child to know that I not only fought for him, but I fought for EVERY avenue of him. I need him to one day read that I didn’t come in not considering EVERY avenue and praying for any other way. I have to search my heart—search my motives—and trust the Lord with what He shows me in the process. I am called to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep myself from being poluted by the world. I hear the opinions of friends. I hear the opinions of other adoption advocates. I hear the opinions of the world. But it is the Lord’s Word that matters. It is Him we as believers are called to be obedient to—no matter what. How O LORD do you want me to “look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep myself from being polluted by the world?”

So Lord…where do these roads meet? How can I make a difference in the lives of widows in Ethiopia so those who want to keep the babe of their hearts CAN? How will our adoption bring the most glory to Him? Can I really just walk away and live happily ever after? OR DO YOU WANT ME TO DO MORE??? And I don’t want to wrestle with these questions later…but I know I will. My eyes were open long ago to families like these…DSC_6244 bwAnd maybe I’m a dreamer…but Wiphan was started on a dream—and 450 orphans and 150 widows later…it is thriving…offering hundreds of children a chance to grow in their cultures and make a difference in their worlds.

I wish I knew the end of our story. And I’m sorry that you have to see the hard part too. But today this is all I got. It is for our child to read and understand why we never gave up. And how this, too, was part of our journey to him. I wish I knew how those roads meet because I can’t walk away with what I know and have lived. Maybe it’s the beginning of a new ministry in Ethiopia. Maybe it will be through our child’s birth family where a ministry is begun. Maybe it’s to have an open adoption…a crazy commitment to a family across the world to actually do life together. God made a way for Moses—and it wasn’t easy…but the Lord also made change in this way through him. Maybe it’s opening my silly eyes that know and have seen so little to understand really what God is doing. I want to be obedient whatever it is. And it probably won’t make sense to the rest of the world…because that is often how my God seems to work…at least in my life anyway.

Give us direction Lord. Courage to be obedient. Faith to follow. And help me to live for You alone.

Whenever…wherever…however…Your will be done. Thanks family, friends, readers for being here with me even for the hard stuff. Our family covets your prayers as we are on this journey to do His will. I guess when I share the hard things you (my sweet readers) just become a little more a part of our story. Our journey and where the Lord takes us…will just be all the more meaningful that you walked through every avenue with us. Thank you for being a part…for still reading…and listening. I appreciate you and your prayers. I really do. Many of you may be on your own journey to adoption…each and every journey WILL look COMPLETELY different. Just be obedient to what the LORD CALLS YOU TO—don’t look at me, to the left or to the right—keep YOUR EYES FOCUSED ON HIM and be OBEDIENT to what HE calls YOU to. Don’t give up to the race He has called you to. And remember—He is ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS faithful.

Amy @ Filled With Praise - February 19, 2010 - 9:38 am

Beautiful and so true…. Obedience and living in HIS will is truly filled with the only true beauty on this earth. Because through the good and the bad, HE remains true and will lead you exactly where He has planned for you to be.

missy - February 19, 2010 - 9:42 am

love love love this post. the ministry of wiphan care is so beautiful. i appreciate your heart so much. loved the juxtaposition of the disneyworld trip and many family trips to your child’s birth country. what is it all supposed to look like for this little family? i struggle with this so much. great question to ponder…where do the roads meet. you’ve given me much to ponder, pray about and praise god for today.

Marci - February 19, 2010 - 10:14 am

Trust and Obey. Andrea, God will make it chrystal clear His will for each of you…it is too big for man to figure out…it is truely a God situation…place All of your TRUST and OBEDIENCE in His palm and He will lift the cloud to make His will so clear in your HEART ! I know you do this …tell Satan of doubt ,the theif to destroy JOY to GO AWAY…Jesus ,the gentleman as Father Dan refers to HIM, KNOCKS at the door…open it and talk to him..tell Him to make it CLEAR !!! Be prepared for the JOYS ahead for you and your family.

Jackie - February 19, 2010 - 10:30 am

Andrea- what a wonderful ministry! I just love how it came to be, and how God tugged at your hearts as well. I have learned so much through our own adoption journey. God placed adoption on my heart in 2004, and it was 4 long years later when our adoption was finally completed. At times He seemed so silent, and at times I couldn’t even begin to see the road through all the fog. But I have learned that his timing and his plan are perfect.

As I was reading I was thinking it may even be through this child you will adopt from Ethiopia. This new babe may grow up to be the orphan and widow advocate that God intends…. I am reminded of Hannah and how she prayed for her child.

I can’t wait to see how He unfolds your adoption journey and how he grows this Wiphan ministry.

Leigh - February 19, 2010 - 10:31 am

LOVE THIS POST! it is SUCH a struggle, and almost too heartbreaking to bear most days. If we are seeking Him then He will guide us in how He wants us to raise these precious children. Your heart for your son and his birth family is beatiful and what a blessing that is going to be for him but also in the midst of this struggle it is blessing you too.

And I’m sure you hear this a lot but I have noticed how many people tell me I am going to bring so much hope to my children, I try to gently remind them that bringing them to the US is not giving them hope but pointing them to the Lord is pointing them to the only hope any of us have!

Renea - February 19, 2010 - 10:40 am

I think we must have been separated at birth!!! Oh how are hearts are equally yolked. =) This is the part I try to get my poor husband to see. When he doesn’t understand me, when he thinks I’m going crazy because I cry for no reason. I don’t just want to add to our family, I want to save them all! To restore their own families. To feed every hungry PERSON, child and adult alike. Some days my heart is so overwhelmed I feel I will never be able to do enough.

They say be careful what you wish for, and I definitely didn’t foresee what was ahead when I ask the Lord to break my heart with the things that break His. I can’t wait for you to read ‘The Hole In Our Gospel’ A quote from the book–“if Jesus was willing to die for this troubled planet, maybe I need to care about it too. Maybe I should love the people who live on it more. Maybe I have a responsibility to do my part to love the world that Jesus loves so much.” I hope you don’t buy it yet, I’m sending you my copy when I’m finished! โ™ฅ Thinking of you and praying for you and with you today!

Vanessa - February 19, 2010 - 11:56 am

wow. I have been STRUGGLING with this exact thing as well. Thanks for struggling right along side me!


Rebecca Harley - February 19, 2010 - 12:13 pm

so incredible that someone that I have never met in person just spoke the words of my heart perfectly! I struggle every day knowing that the daughter that I am yearning for probably still has a mother who is yearning to keep her – how do we function daily with these thoughts and feelings tugging at my heart and soul! Thank you so much for putting on “paper” what I have not been able to! Perfectly written. Know that we are praying for you all as you make this journey…

melissa - February 19, 2010 - 12:53 pm

this is so good – super encouraging. thank you for speaking truth! praying with you and your family.

JonesEthiopia - February 19, 2010 - 1:25 pm

Thank you for sharing your heart today… It is E’s birthday, and a year ago today was when we really opened our hearts to the idea of adopting an infant instead of an older child. Now she’s asleep in her crib! Adoption is amazing, but my passion doesn’t end there, either. I know my role in Ethiopia isn’t over, and I can’t wait to see what will happen next!

Courtney - February 19, 2010 - 1:59 pm

thanks for sharing and for being real. don’t apologize! my heart feels the same way on this “adoption journey” and i get to the point some days where i will get so worked up…but then i have to give it to HIM…HE is the Father to ALL the children in the world…and He will show you and me how to help Him care for them…

Kimberly - February 19, 2010 - 4:03 pm

So true, this is something we have discussed and struggled with as well. With my husband and I both having multiple trips to Africa you are ‘ruined for the ordinary’ and that constant prodding from the Holy Spirit reminds us that we can’t just settle into life here and be OK with that. 5 years ago we looked at a ministry in Uganda to work with over there, and God didn’t open those doors. But we’re reminded that just becuase that wasn’t His plan, it doesn’t mean that something like that won’t happen in the future. We are called to walk with faith – waiting to see how and where God will lead us. For now, adoption is in His plan, maybe another time – we’re running an orphanage or living there doing some other ministry. Either place we are – we are to follow – through the good times and bad, and those tough thoughts that don’t allow us to become complacent.

Dawn - February 19, 2010 - 5:00 pm

So very true….that is something we have really learned. It seems so distant and hard, but in the end it is God’s Story. That is why it is sooo important for all to know that AGCI offers them a chance to keep a child if all they need is monetary support. Makes my soul rested to know this fact.

I think God works sooo deeply in our hearts on this journey that there is no real way to describe it. There is no “easy” adoption. There is no way we can be left unchanged. It amazes me that through all of our very dark tunnels as we have been through the adoption process 7 and now on our 8th time…..that God has changed our hearts in tooo many ways to even begin to describe in a comment.

Praise God for your journey. Praise God for changing our hearts to live radical lives! Praise God that HE ALONE GETS THE GLORY for our lives. May we really see what HE IS DOING….not just what number we are on the waitlist. Praise God!

Vanessa - February 19, 2010 - 10:26 pm

Thanks for sharing your heart! You are such a gifted writer and such an inspiration. I just love your spirit!!!

Kim - February 19, 2010 - 10:42 pm

Oh thank you for putting words to all that is on MY heart as well!
Love & Blessings from Hong Kong,

Jennifer - February 19, 2010 - 10:50 pm

I totally understand and have the same thoughts. It is my drive to continue with our orphan care ministry as well! We were told that we would not get any info. on our child…just the way the country works. Ended up getting WAY MORE than I thought and it was quite a process for me working through our little girl’s story, understanding the culture, mindsets, etc. Also opened my eyes to organizations like Smile Train and how a $250 surgery can change a life and the families’ living conditions (families with a CL/CP child are basically shunned in the village). God is good and I believe with all my heart that God has chosen Abby to be in our family for the call He has on her life!

Sarah - February 19, 2010 - 10:52 pm

Thank you for this post Andrea! Ever since we started our adoption journey, we have prayed and prayed that the Lord would direct us in how we can help children who have living relatives keep them instead of having to make the heartbreaking decision to relinquish them for adoption. I can’t wait to see what he has in store for our family and yours!!! I pray that the Lord will use each of our adopted children as emissaries to draw attention to the great need and bring help to the children and families of their beautiful birth country.

Praying for you!!!


Jenn - February 19, 2010 - 11:16 pm

This road we are on is definitely a hard one. I’m so glad that God is in control of all the details…I certainly can’t handle the pressure alone! Glad for friends who are like minded and trudging through the hard stuff with us!


kristi johnson - February 20, 2010 - 12:50 am

Awesome post…and that is exactly WHY i’m still at it and can’t STOP!!! I know God is asking MORE of us!! I can’t wait to see HOW that plays out ๐Ÿ™‚ kj

wiphan care ministries « love is spoken here - February 21, 2010 - 2:38 pm

[…] in the middle),ย is on the boardย for anย organization called wiphan…you can read about it here and hereย on andrea’s […]

What does His faithfulness sound like? (Lent Day 2 & Leviticus 7-8:36)

The Sound of His Faithfulness…

Over and over again in the old testament as we have been reading together, we have seen God’s people build alters…stones of remembrance…that thank Him and honor His faithfulness in their lives. When they would pass it, they would remember how the Lord delivered. They would remember His faithfulness.

I have often thought of what that would look like today. To have little reminders in my home that remind me, too, of God’s faithfulness during my journey. After losing the necklace Richard gave me in the delivery room and finding it again months later—I am reminded again how He wants us to not only receive, but to also remember. So today…the children and I set out to find our stones…

And where might one (if you know me;) go to find such treasures? Well, Hobby Lobby of course;). As we walked the aisles, the four of us talked about God’s faithfulness and what treasure we could find to mark His faithfulness in our family’s journey. Parker said crosses. Laney said bells. And Frank—well, Frank just wanted the banana I had in my purse. And we needed to agree on the same thing, so throughout the years we could add to our beautiful collection representing His faithfulness.

I told the children that I needed something to “stand for” each of them—for the Lord had been so faithful to me to answer my prayers to be a mommy. Almost 13 years ago I knelt in my college apartment closet and as I prayed for my future children and begged God to one day pour His grace down and make me a mommy—I heard a baby crying. This isn’t a sound you hear after 9pm on a Wednesday night on Glenn Avenue in Auburn, Alabama. I have it marked in my journal, and I believe it was assurance from the Lord that He heard my prayer and to turn this request over to Him. So today, 13 years later as I walked the aisles with two preschoolers tagging behind and a toddler in my arms…we squatted together to discuss and tried to agree on crosses OR bells.

Then–a lady in a yellow jacket excused herself by us and as she did, her windchimes sung the sweetest sound. Parker and Laney looked at me and chanted, “Those mommy! We want those!”

“Outside?” I thought. I was really wanting to put this inside to remember, but immediately I thought about that old closet and I knew this was the perfect thing. Richard and I have been dreaming about a garden—and I can’t think of anything sweeter than sitting outside one day in our garden and HEARING the Lord’s faithfulness. Indeed, these would make great stones of rememberance! I let Parker and Laney each chose the windchime that they loved…and we all chose Frank’s for/with him:).IMG_1052While we drove home, we talked about how each windchime represented each child that God had given mommy, and as the Lord did great works in our family’s life—another windchime would be hung. (I know…I know—you are sad that you aren’t OUR neighbors, aren’t you?!) We were all so excited that we could hardly get home fast enough to hang them!IMG_1047

As the years go by, I know I will begin to recognize the different sounds. Which chimes belong to Parker…

IMG_1060…and which belong to Laney and Frank…and our future children. I was so excited over dinner telling Richard about our windchimes—imagining us sitting in that garden one day when all the kids are grown and gone…but we’ll hear the chimes…”Parker, Laney, Frank, our baby from Africa…a new opportunity chime, an unexpected miracle”…and as time goes on we will know each sound and what it represents. And this will be our song of His faithfulness.

Laney got the best of both worlds when she found a windchime that made bell sounds but was also a cross. She picked it out herself, and I couldn’t help but smile as I read it…IMG_1071 blogOh sweet girl—this is my prayer for you. What a sweet whisper from God to have her pick this one!IMG_1080 blog
Psalm 36:5 “Your love O Lord, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies.”

Lent Day Two: Ornament – The World (The Story of Creation)
If you are just reading my blog, we are walking through the 40 days of Lent by doing a Lent Tree. You can go to Crafts and look under Easter where you can download the ornaments we are hanging along with the scripture we will be reading with our family each night.IMG_1178

One Year Scripture Reading: Leviticus 7-8:36

Hang in their friends…today’s reading is another day of instructions for offerings and cleansings for the Israelites. The things that really stuck out to me most today as I read these chapters is how messy this all actually was. As I read Chapter 8 and tried to visualize Moses sprinkling oil all over the alter, sprinkling oil all over Aaron’s head, slaughtering a bull and pouring it’s blood on the base of the alter, and we haven’t even gotten to the part where he’s taking the fat out and burning it at the alter. Then out come the rams…it just isn’t pretty. I imagine priests getting ordained and I picture the black robes and holy water—but not this. But this is how the priests, the leaders of the church, were ordained. In this ordination, they were showing their submission to the Lord. And again we see the God of details who never leaves His people in the dark–He left them exact instructions for the ordination ceremony.

We are no longer the old covenant as Jesus Christ brought the new covenant and was the final sacrifice for our sin. Today’s church leaders are also offered clear instructions in God’s Word how to lead the church. Pray for those leading the church that they would be in God’s Word. We are given clear instructions how to live. This is why it is SO important for us to not give up on being in God’s Word. These chapters create in my heart a holy reverance for who God is and how I should come before Him.

Let us not give up on the reading of His Word!

Frances Worthington - February 18, 2010 - 8:28 am

Andrea! I emailed you back from a long time ago the other day…and then I read your post today and realized that not only do we live close…we are both Auburn girls!! I actually lived on Glen Avenue too!!!! We have to get together some time soon:) My hubby and I both are graduates and met in Auburn…it is one special place!

Thrive and a big War Eagle!
Frances Worthington

Marci - February 18, 2010 - 9:40 am

Andrea, do you realize the power of the wind chimes is from what we can not see…..
the wind is sooo representative of the Holy Spirt and the result of the Holy Spirit is all about Faith. Hebrews 11:1 …Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we cannot see…Voila ! We hope to hear the chimes and by the power of something invisible it happens. The faith of the promise of the Lord through out the OT delivered His people through the tough times. Such a gift from God that your children picked wind chimes to be their reminder ,their stones of remebrance. How sweet you are and guided by the Holy Spirit to help your children on thier journey to Christ Jesus. I bet little one in Africa will hear bells and chimes coming from his Atlanta family…The Holy Spirit can send those sweet sounds all the way across the seas ! And our mustard seed reminds of our faith to believeth all things are possible through Chrit Jesus !

Dawn - February 18, 2010 - 10:07 am

What a beautiful post ๐Ÿ™‚

Elle J - February 18, 2010 - 11:31 am

I seem to be stuck on the same comment, but I speak the truth ~ another amazing post! =) I just love reading and learning from you and your family experiences, and your writings on the Bible readings. Enjoy your day.

Heather - February 18, 2010 - 10:30 pm

I thought the same thing! How messy that must have been & how grateful I am that JESUS died on the cross for the ultimate sacrifice! I’m so thankful for His sacrifice!

[…] who asks–how He was the one who did this and who was faithful. Maybe your memorial will be windchimes in your yard that sing…maybe it’ll be a necklace bound around your neck for others to […]

[…] been in craft mode lately—but I needed some time out with my girl. Laney passed the windchimes, and she begged to buy one for Isaac. I told her no, that we’d let him pick his out. Really […]

First day of Lent, a quick dish & One Year Bible Reading


Ahhhh…Wednesday, February 17th! The day we have looked forward to so we can begin our Lent Tree (GO TO CRAFTS and scroll down to EASTER – LENT TREE to download our guide to do one yourself!) When the children wake up–we’ll begin our first day of Lent together…with the first ornament: a teeny, tiny mustard seed. Our scripture reading today with the children is short–Matthew 17:20. Short, but not simple. It is about faith. And faith we will need on this journey to the cross.

Matthew 17:20 says, “And He said to them, “Because of the littleness of your faith; for truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you.” Oh Lord, will you give my little preschoolers faith for this journey with us. Oh that Your Holy Spirit would teach them and do a miracle in their great big hearts the Lent as we travel the Lent Tree journey together…

Now it sits empty…but in a few hours it will have a mustard seed. If we have faith the size of an itty, bitty mustard seed…then nothing will be impossible for us.IMG_1044


We found twigs from our own yard for our Lent Tree. We attempted spray painting it white–but found it much easier to paint it with white acrylic paint and sponge brushes. Two paint cans are needed if you spray paint only. Just a small amount of acrylic white paint and a single sponge brush is needed to paint it yourself. This would be a fun (and messy…but in a good way…fun/messy:) do to with your children!

For those of you without little ones at home or with wee ones too young to understand, consider doing this with your spouse! This is a worshipful way to walk through Lent together, and what fun it could be to treasure hunt each day for that day’s ornament. At the end, you’ll have a precious set to keep in a Hope Chest for that baby you have hoped for or even as a gift to a grandchild. Either way, the Lent Tree isn’t just for families with children. I think adults enjoy it just as much…if not more!

A quick dish….
Ever in a fix for a last minute meal? Having guests over but not much time…and you would have children of all ages coming too? Here is a quick dish that takes 5 minutes to prepare…10 minutes to cook and wa la! A Yummy Meal!

Glazed Apples and Ham

2 lb Ham (already cooked and sliced) – [I couldn’t find a 2 lb-er…but 1.8 lb was close enough;)
1/2 cup orange marmalade (found in the jelly section…I actually used orange marmalade perserves…YUM!)
4 Granny Smith apples
2 tablespoons butter
1/2 teaspoon ginger
1. Combine ginger, butter and marmalade. Melt together in microwave. This is your yummy glaze.
2. Cut apple in half and remove core—then slice.
3. Spray/grease pan and alternate slices of ham with apples. Pour marmalade on top and spreak over ham and apples.
4. Bake at 375 for 10 minutes (or until apples are soft). YUM.
We served this with sauteed and baked brussel sprouts. Super yum! The kids can’t get enough of either of these!!! If you’ve not a brussel sprout fan, then you need my recipe!

Then for dessert tonight…Quick and Easy Tiramusu!
IMG_1041This was another quick and easy recipe…and it was altered by yours truly;)…and quiet YUMMY! I’ll be munching on this throughout the day. No, dessert isn’t my choice for fasting this Lent—it wouldn’t be right for a “paper pregnant momma” who is adoption anxious to fast chocolate of any sorts;).

So…that was our dish for the Denton family—some of our DEAR friends who we dine with EVERY Tuesday night! We’ve been doing “Dinner with the Denton’s” EVERY TUESDAY night for over TWO YEARS now! Rain or shine…snow or sleet…we are feasting together and celebrating life together. Even with crazy schedules, sports practices…our commitment to do life together still stands strong. VERY little of our lives are written without the Denton’s some how in it.. I love having families to do life with! Their oldest son, Jack, is Laney’s age–today when I picked her up from preschool she informed me…”Momma, I’m gonna marry Jack and live at our house.” Perfect. They’ve been plotting and planning for years now—Jack even proposed back in the summer of 2009 unexpectedly before one of our dinners. Yes, some how it was miraculously caught on tape even. There’s some tough competition for anyone coming between those two I’m afraid!

One Year Bible Study – Today’s Reading: Leviticus 4-6:30

Some things that jumped out at me in today’s reading…

Even if the people didn’t realize what they were doing was sin–they were still guilty (Leviticus 4). “But I didn’t know” wouldn’t work here. And ignorance never cancels guilt. Ouch. But it’s true. How many people don’t want to hear the truth because they think then they will be accountable for what they know? How many of us avoid digging into the world’s issues and problems for fear we might have to do something?

The sin offering—the higher the position of the sinner–the more expensive the sacrifice. Greater the priviledges, greater the reponsibility, the greater the consequences. And something amazing I read in a commentary–the sin offering had to be burned outside the camp because it was too holy to remain in an unholy camp. This was a picture of the Lord Jesus Christ who died “outside the city gate…outside the camp” as our sin offering”.

The rest of today’s reading classified which offering was to made for different sins. I can barely keep up! BUT for us—Jesus paid it all! ALL to Him I owe!!!

Warren Wiersbe says it this way….

“Jesus provides all that we need. He is our burnt offering, and we must yield ourselves wholly to Him.
He is our meal offering, the seed crushed and put through the fire, that we might have the bread of life,
and we must feed upon Him.
He is our drink offering who poured Himself out in sacrifice and service,
and we must pour ourselves out for HIm and for others.
He is our fellowship offering, making life a joyful feast instead of a painful famine.
He is our sin offering and our guilt offering, for He bore our sins on His body
and paid the full price for our sins.

“My soul magnified the Lord, and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior!” Luke 1:46-47

Jenny - February 17, 2010 - 9:24 am

Yum, that ham recipe looks wonderful. May have to add that to our list of things to try. And I’m all for a yummy dish that’s easy too! Thanks for passing it along. And love your weekly dinner with your friends. What a sweet blessing to have friends to live life with! Have a wonderful day!

Dawn - February 17, 2010 - 10:01 am

Love your lent tree…… ๐Ÿ™‚ Love Matt 17:20 too!

Renea - February 17, 2010 - 11:36 am

You’re killin me with the recipes girl!!! Must…. have…. ham!! lol I’m stock piling recipes for next weeks menu. And where did I miss the Lent tree? I want details! That looks like a great activity for my kids. I still have a mustard seed bracelet that a woman gave me when I was about 8 years old. It’s always been my ‘lucky charm’. 30 years later and it’s still one of my favorite most cherished possessions. Link me up for the tree! Oh…. and I made my very first McKlinky today! And it worked! lol Check it out.

Andrea - February 17, 2010 - 2:57 pm

The guide to the Lent tree is under CRAFTS…under Easter:). It’s going to be a really meaningful 40 day journey!!!!!

Megan - February 17, 2010 - 5:34 pm

“How many of us avoid digging into the world’s issues and problems for fear we might have to do something?” — This statement you made really hit me hard. That used to be me. I didn’t want to know. I didn’t want to cry. I didn’t want to feel guilty. I didn’t want to have to do something. How funny that God turned that person into a mother with a heart for adoption. Now I DO know. Now I DO cry. Now I DO feel guilty. Now I DO want to do something. I don’t know where the verse is found…but goes something like, “once your eyes have seen you can not turn back”. How true it is. Thank you for being a stepping stone for opening my eyes to the truth.

Lindsey Petersen - February 17, 2010 - 7:45 pm

Congratulations on your new addition! Adopting is such an awesome way to add to your family!

Lindsey Petersen

Heather - February 17, 2010 - 9:54 pm

I caught that too this morning about the sin offerings. They had to be burned outside of the camp no where near the Tabernacle. That just reminds me that I need to be pure & holy before God. I need to ask for forgiveness of my sins, even hidden ones, & ask Him to reveal them to me so that I can make my requests known to Him. God can’t be near sin, so we need to purify our hearts before we come before Him. - February 18, 2010 - 2:40 am

So excited to get started on the tree! Doing it a little different since I slacked on getting all the ornaments. For this year I’m just pulling together some clip art to represent all of the items. Might not be as fun as the actual ornaments but I’m hoping the end result is the same! Megan, I really appreciated your comment! I totally relate…I didn’t want to know, didn’t want to cry or feel the guilt but now I stand asking God to send me. How can I serve them Lord? He is AWESOME! Proverbs 24:12

[…] was special and like no other for our family?! Well–guess what day he arrived??? ON THE VERY FIRST DAY OF LENT! Guess what ornament we placed on our Lent Tree on this day? A mountain and a mustard seed! On this […]

Yummy Recipe, Dance Me Daddy & One Year Bible Study

If you are a Southern Living magazine subscriber, you have to make the yummy Banana Bread Cobbler in February’s issue. (If you aren’t…I found the recipe and linked it below!) The cobbler after being half devoured…IMG_1003
Imagine yummy bananas and pecans all throughout this dish. And of course it’s best served hot with vanilla ice cream…IMG_0999Here’s a link for the recipe! YUM!

Our visit to the doc for Frankie-poo proved to be worth it. Double ear infection and slight case of bronchilitis:(. Please say a little prayer that he’s well soon! Thank you. After yesterday’s fun craft, trip to the doc…we were all worn slap out! I caught Laney snoozin’ away in my bed reading her FAVORITE BOOK (which is also a song by Point of Grace). You can buy your copy here.

How sweet is this book…

One Year Bible Study: Numbers 8-9:14; Leviticus 1-3:17

Numbers 8-9:14 The Levites were set apart to serve the Lord at the tabernacle. They would care for the temple, take the structure down for each trip and then carefully place it in it’s new location. The Lord wanted the Levites to be set apart—clean and holy. Cleansing consisted of two specific things. One–cleansed by water (they were sprinkled) and through blood (put their hands on two young bulls–one as a sin offering and the other as a burnt offering). It wasn’t enough to be cleansed by water–but also by blood. Such a beautiful picture of our being set apart in Christ.

The dedication of the Levites in this reading offers 3 practical Christian principles…

1. It is God who chooses and equips His people for His service.

2. Those who serve must FIRST serve the Lord and then others. Our direction must come from God.

3. Christian leaders in the church are to protect the flock. We are warned in Acts 20 that dangerous people will arise both outside the church and within the church…Christian leaders are called to be on guard, aware and couregeous to confront.

On a personal note, I think it can be really hard to know the difference between when to love those that oppose the ways of God and when to be on guard for the protection of His flock. When do we love and welcome and do we ever overlook? When do we guard ourselves and others in His flock? Oh how we need the Lord’s direction!

Leviticus 1-3:17 – Offerings presented to the Lord

The Burnt Offering – Represents devotion and dedication to the Lord. As you read, you see how detailed the instructions are for presenting this offering. So detailed! There was always death and blood involved. Aren’t you thankful we no longer have to do this? Such a foreshadowing though of what was to come.

The Grain Offering – The grain or meal offering could be in 1 of 5 forms: fine flour, oven-baked cakes, cakes baked in a pan, cakes baked in a frying pan (griddle) or crushed roasted heads of new grain. Only a portion went on the alter, and the rest went to feed the priests and their families (but only the males could eat it–6:16). This was a way for the people to thank the Lord for helping them in what they were able to produce…representing the fruit of their labor. This sacrifice of bread points to the ultimate sacrfice—the Bread of Life…Jesus Christ.

The Peace Offering – This offering is also referred to as the fellowship offering. It was going to be used as food for the priests and the offerer’s family so it could have some defects and was still welcomed. It was the only offering that was shared with the worshippers. The peace offering was an expression that the offerer was at peace with God and was able to enjoy communion with Him.

The blood had been shed—sins were covered…thanksgiving for His provisions followed—and then communion with God was celebrated with the body of Christ. This is a picture today, how communion with God happens. Search my heart Lord…show me if there is any offensive way in me and lead me to the way of everlasting. Reveal yuck that I may not see. Help us to confess if, turn from it and come to the cross today. Give us wisdom in our words as we ask forgiveness of anyone we may have hurt or offended. Give us courage when we are called to protect your flock. Protect our hearts and minds—and lead us in Your way. Amen.

Shannon - February 16, 2010 - 11:26 am

Such a sweet picture of Laney! Thank you for breaking these principles and offerings down. This stuff is easy to read over and miss so much of the significance. So many details and instruction! Let my heart be open to the instructions He has for my life!

Renea - February 16, 2010 - 11:39 am

Total yummy!!! I got that issue over a week ago and hadn’t even flipped it open yet! Found the recipe and guess what’s for dessert tonight?! lol Thanks for the heads up! I need to read my magazines more!

Amy @ Filled With Praise - February 16, 2010 - 12:04 pm

Bless Frank’s heart. I said a prayer for him. The picture of Laney is just too precious.

Dawn - February 16, 2010 - 12:40 pm

AMEN! Love these posts….real encouragement for THE REAL SOURCE!

Megan - February 16, 2010 - 5:20 pm

Saying a prayer for Frankie. We just got over a stomach virus and ear and eye infections for my lil man. I feel your pain! I pray its short lived!
Sweet SWEET picture of Laney. Sounds like a precious book.
On the reading today…I feel like its getting very repetitive the last few days and I’m really bored of it but I’m continuing my reading. I’m just thankful when I get something out of it. Like today when they were talking about the offering of your BEST (and yes, I was thankful we don’t have to do this anymore either, yuck!) I was thinking of the fact that we buy all homegrown beef and pork from my ILs. God was very particular on age and no defects. Well I can tell you that some of the younger ones taste the best, and how much it shows of thier hearts that they would give that up as an offering to God. I know I would pay so much extra for that meat! It’s incredible, really.
Well, I’ll keep up with the reading…thank you for the accountability. I know you don’t specifically email me and remind me, but I feel totally guilty if I don’t! So thanks for blogging!

melissa - February 16, 2010 - 9:54 pm

I loved that book! So a cute picture of Laney!

Renea - February 16, 2010 - 9:55 pm

Holy WOW! That Banana Bread Cobbler is to die for!!!! I made it tonight for dessert and it’s over half gone! Very inexpensive and delicious! We’ll definitely be having this again….and again….and again. Please don’t be offended when I blog about it tomorrow! lol ๐Ÿ™‚ โ™ฅ