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Yummy Recipe, Dance Me Daddy & One Year Bible Study

If you are a Southern Living magazine subscriber, you have to make the yummy Banana Bread Cobbler in February’s issue. (If you aren’t…I found the recipe and linked it below!) The cobbler after being half devoured…IMG_1003
Imagine yummy bananas and pecans all throughout this dish. And of course it’s best served hot with vanilla ice cream…IMG_0999Here’s a link for the recipe! YUM!

Our visit to the doc for Frankie-poo proved to be worth it. Double ear infection and slight case of bronchilitis:(. Please say a little prayer that he’s well soon! Thank you. After yesterday’s fun craft, trip to the doc…we were all worn slap out! I caught Laney snoozin’ away in my bed reading her FAVORITE BOOK (which is also a song by Point of Grace). You can buy your copy here.

How sweet is this book…

One Year Bible Study: Numbers 8-9:14; Leviticus 1-3:17

Numbers 8-9:14 The Levites were set apart to serve the Lord at the tabernacle. They would care for the temple, take the structure down for each trip and then carefully place it in it’s new location. The Lord wanted the Levites to be set apart—clean and holy. Cleansing consisted of two specific things. One–cleansed by water (they were sprinkled) and through blood (put their hands on two young bulls–one as a sin offering and the other as a burnt offering). It wasn’t enough to be cleansed by water–but also by blood. Such a beautiful picture of our being set apart in Christ.

The dedication of the Levites in this reading offers 3 practical Christian principles…

1. It is God who chooses and equips His people for His service.

2. Those who serve must FIRST serve the Lord and then others. Our direction must come from God.

3. Christian leaders in the church are to protect the flock. We are warned in Acts 20 that dangerous people will arise both outside the church and within the church…Christian leaders are called to be on guard, aware and couregeous to confront.

On a personal note, I think it can be really hard to know the difference between when to love those that oppose the ways of God and when to be on guard for the protection of His flock. When do we love and welcome and do we ever overlook? When do we guard ourselves and others in His flock? Oh how we need the Lord’s direction!

Leviticus 1-3:17 – Offerings presented to the Lord

The Burnt Offering – Represents devotion and dedication to the Lord. As you read, you see how detailed the instructions are for presenting this offering. So detailed! There was always death and blood involved. Aren’t you thankful we no longer have to do this? Such a foreshadowing though of what was to come.

The Grain Offering – The grain or meal offering could be in 1 of 5 forms: fine flour, oven-baked cakes, cakes baked in a pan, cakes baked in a frying pan (griddle) or crushed roasted heads of new grain. Only a portion went on the alter, and the rest went to feed the priests and their families (but only the males could eat it–6:16). This was a way for the people to thank the Lord for helping them in what they were able to produce…representing the fruit of their labor. This sacrifice of bread points to the ultimate sacrfice—the Bread of Life…Jesus Christ.

The Peace Offering – This offering is also referred to as the fellowship offering. It was going to be used as food for the priests and the offerer’s family so it could have some defects and was still welcomed. It was the only offering that was shared with the worshippers. The peace offering was an expression that the offerer was at peace with God and was able to enjoy communion with Him.

The blood had been shed—sins were covered…thanksgiving for His provisions followed—and then communion with God was celebrated with the body of Christ. This is a picture today, how communion with God happens. Search my heart Lord…show me if there is any offensive way in me and lead me to the way of everlasting. Reveal yuck that I may not see. Help us to confess if, turn from it and come to the cross today. Give us wisdom in our words as we ask forgiveness of anyone we may have hurt or offended. Give us courage when we are called to protect your flock. Protect our hearts and minds—and lead us in Your way. Amen.

Shannon - February 16, 2010 - 11:26 am

Such a sweet picture of Laney! Thank you for breaking these principles and offerings down. This stuff is easy to read over and miss so much of the significance. So many details and instruction! Let my heart be open to the instructions He has for my life!

Renea - February 16, 2010 - 11:39 am

Total yummy!!! I got that issue over a week ago and hadn’t even flipped it open yet! Found the recipe and guess what’s for dessert tonight?! lol Thanks for the heads up! I need to read my magazines more!

Amy @ Filled With Praise - February 16, 2010 - 12:04 pm

Bless Frank’s heart. I said a prayer for him. The picture of Laney is just too precious.

Dawn - February 16, 2010 - 12:40 pm

AMEN! Love these posts….real encouragement for THE REAL SOURCE!

Megan - February 16, 2010 - 5:20 pm

Saying a prayer for Frankie. We just got over a stomach virus and ear and eye infections for my lil man. I feel your pain! I pray its short lived!
Sweet SWEET picture of Laney. Sounds like a precious book.
On the reading today…I feel like its getting very repetitive the last few days and I’m really bored of it but I’m continuing my reading. I’m just thankful when I get something out of it. Like today when they were talking about the offering of your BEST (and yes, I was thankful we don’t have to do this anymore either, yuck!) I was thinking of the fact that we buy all homegrown beef and pork from my ILs. God was very particular on age and no defects. Well I can tell you that some of the younger ones taste the best, and how much it shows of thier hearts that they would give that up as an offering to God. I know I would pay so much extra for that meat! It’s incredible, really.
Well, I’ll keep up with the reading…thank you for the accountability. I know you don’t specifically email me and remind me, but I feel totally guilty if I don’t! So thanks for blogging!

melissa - February 16, 2010 - 9:54 pm

I loved that book! So a cute picture of Laney!

Renea - February 16, 2010 - 9:55 pm

Holy WOW! That Banana Bread Cobbler is to die for!!!! I made it tonight for dessert and it’s over half gone! Very inexpensive and delicious! We’ll definitely be having this again….and again….and again. Please don’t be offended when I blog about it tomorrow! lol 🙂 ♥