Before I forget what we packed and what we needed and didn’t need–I better right it down for any mommas who might ask me our packing 2 cents. (Got an email just today–and thought it’d be a great thing to share…this is for you Katie:) When you finally get that TA–it can be so hard […]
by admin
Thank you so much for posting this! We are leaving for China in 2 weeks to go get our baby girl (she’s 2 also). This list will be SO helpful for us.
Thank you!
Thank you! We’re awaiting TA and supposed to go in August. This will be our first child (a son). This is a great help. I love the cheerfulness of your post!
I am so happy for your family! Congratulations to you all. He is adorable.
I just found your packing list and we are getting ready to leave for China in 3 weeks. How did you fit all that stuff in just 2 suitcases? How did you fit all your kids clothes in their carryons?
We actually had EXTRA room in our 2nd suitcase! SOO…we took (along with all this on the list) a backpack, 6 outfits and several books–a massive care package for another little girl’s family who wanted to send a care package. All her stuff from her soon-to-be parents took up HALF of one of our suitcases–so if you aren’t taking things for people too you should even have extra room. My kids are just 8 and 7 so their clothes are little. A carry on was plenty big for a week’s worth of clothes–and we traveled in the summer–and shorts and tees do not take up nearly as much room as sweaters and jackets (this might be tighter for winter travelers). There’s really no need to take lots of snacks either as there is PLENTY of edible yummy snacks in all the little shops on the streets:). Please feel free to contact me through my contact page if you have specific questions! Happy to give you my cell number too if you have questions too!
I googled “packing for China adoption” and your blog popped up! This list looks great – THANK YOU! We are hoping to travel to get our daughter in April or May.
Many Blessings to your family, Ashley
Thank you for this awesome list!
This is such a helpful list! I so appreciate your honesty & thoroughness! I’ll be saving this for our packing in a few months!