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Honey…don’t ya wanna…

Move to Tennessee;)?! A short and sweet hello from Tennessee…and can’t wait to upload pics from our fun when we get back home! Rich didn’t have to twist my arm to come up on a biz trip with him. Sweet Parker has blown one of his ear drums so he was out of school ANYWAY…so we jumped in the van and came up with him! Love that his family lives just a hop, skip and a jump away from so many of my AGCI family too!!!

Just got back from a fun morning with a fun Nashville area crew!!! SUCH fun…and as always…love that these families are a part of our lives and we get to do life with them. NOOOOOWWW…I want this kinda adoption community in Atlanta! Another thing I love about AGCI (All God’s Children) is the awesome community of families you meet with them. I *know* every agency has awesome families…but I have to say I’ve been blown away by the families with AGCI and how they have loved and ministered to ours!!!

Today’s scripture reading…

Today’s Scripture Reading is: Exodus 22:16-24:18…do I still have some folks out there reading with me?! Can’t wait to post my thoughts on today’s reading…and to share a few fun pictures from our weekend too.

Let us not give up on the reading of His Word! Wish us safe travels back to Atlanta…and how thankful I am for the amazing friends I have made on this beautiful journey of life! (Yes…that includes YOU!)



Amy - February 8, 2010 - 3:53 pm

LOL. My husband actually asks me that question almost daily. In honesty we are actually considering moving to Nashville (shhh, that’s a secret ๐Ÿ™‚ So part of DH’s business trip is actually a scouting trip. It would be quite an adjustment for us Oregonians, but seriously homes are soooo much cheaper in the south ๐Ÿ™‚ Right now my biggest concern is moving away from our families but seriously, we could bring so many more children home through adoption if we moved to Nashville. Cost of living is just way to high and seriously the houses down your way are way huge for the price compared to here so if I can handle the summer heat, it would be a no brainer.

Amy @ Filled With Praise - February 8, 2010 - 4:15 pm

It was so much fun visiting with you this morning. Wish I could have stayed longer. Seriously, you should move here. Now I really wished you lived closer so that we could visit more.

(I haven’t stopped reading ๐Ÿ™‚

Nikki - February 8, 2010 - 5:12 pm

I’m still with you! I’ll try to comment more… time is not my friend right now. Frankly, I’m amazed that I’m not behind, given the week we have had.

We actually lived in Nashville for several years while I went to grad school at Vandy. Great town, wonderful people. We almost moved back a few years ago, but instead chose Denver… my husband says the mountains beat out the music.

cris - February 8, 2010 - 5:28 pm

We had a BLAST. SO much fun. Thanks for taking the time to head our way. And YES…we would love to have you closer. I love the support group we have here. It is FANTASTIC.


Dawn - February 8, 2010 - 6:05 pm

I’m Still reading ๐Ÿ™‚ Hanging in there. So glad you had a great time!

Megan - February 8, 2010 - 6:22 pm

Funny Andrea…I had the same thoughts this morning. I was reading Kristi’s blog and feeling really jealous about all the families at the baby shower! I only know two families from our area and we haven’t even met yet! I wish I could meet every blog from AGCI I’ve come across, including you! Hopefully someday! =)
Still following your reading I’ve just had some internet issues…satan trying to prevent it, I’m sure of it! I’m tryng no to let it get me down. Hopefully I’ll be posting again soon.

emily v - February 8, 2010 - 7:16 pm

Amen sister, I’m praying for community too!! Atlanta has some good families…we just need to get them all together! Soon, very soon friend!

kellycoury - February 8, 2010 - 9:19 pm

I think that you’ll have some families in Atlanta that will object to your move! ๐Ÿ™‚

becky - February 8, 2010 - 9:41 pm

move to TN! still haven’t met you but love reading your blog and enjoy your great pictures!

Making the Sabbath Holy…Sunday Scripture Reading – Exodus 20-22:15

Saturday night…what sweeter way to begin my Sabbath prep than celebrating what is to come with fellow “waiting mommies”…
Our Atlanta Ethiopian Adoption group got together…my first time to go…and we met 25 other families at Queen of Sheba for dinner. YUM. Candi (left) is just waiting on her court date to get her baby boy and Angie (right) is on the waitlist…this is her 2nd Ethiopian adoption and will be her 4th child…packin’ out the mini-van like me:). I’m so thankful to have met some fun mommas to share this journey and our families with!!! There were 25 other families who joined us…and even another AGCI family! Such fun:)

And today…we celebrate the Sabbath. Ahhh…to be with Him and with family…no sweeter way to celebrate the day…
Help me Lord today to sit back and enjoy You…to celebrate you in all the moments…from sweet moments watching my little ones as they discover new things…
to fixing lunches and getting children nustled in their beds for nap time…

I praise you today…throughout the day…so many reasons to offer you praise…I praise our Father that He loves us too much to let us stay in our comfort zones…and in less than a month, my hubby gets to leave us for 10 days to be with some of the children we love most in the world…
u-7Oh Father—pour down your love on these sweet children…how thankful I am you know their needs, their hearts…their joys and sorrows…let them feel Your love today…Jehovah Jireh we trust in You…use us for Your glory—how thankful I am that You are writing our story! Raise up others to join us Lord…how thankful I am for how our worlds are changed the more we become a part of theirs…these too, are our children…

Take these tiny feet…that pitter patter the floors of my home…that make messes…that play chase…that some times stomp and disobey…Oh…that you would help me to love and lead wisely…I rest in You today…I pray that these feet would learn to dance a life for You…
IMG_0201 copyFill me Lord today with Your sweet Holy Spirit…so my life may shine so they go whirling right behind me…for Your glory. I pray that the mommies who read this…that you will bless them this day…call them away for quiet moments with you…fill them Lord with Your Holy Spirit and speak to their hearts as they open up Your word today…

Jennie Allen - February 7, 2010 - 9:54 am

I feel a bond with you- we are awaiting a child from Rwanda and I just moved from blogger to wrodpress- and it is kickin my boohinie!

Found your link on Suzanne’s maybe- anyway! I will check back- so exciting!

angie - February 7, 2010 - 11:38 am

great seeing you last night ๐Ÿ™‚

have fun on your little road trip!

april - February 7, 2010 - 2:14 pm

i LOVE the prayer you wrote about their little feet…how beautiful!

Heather - February 7, 2010 - 4:49 pm

Thank you for reminding us to keep this day holy!

Jamie - February 7, 2010 - 5:18 pm

I absolutely love the pic with the barefeet – I think I may try a shot like this with my little blessings!! Beautiful blog…

admin - February 8, 2010 - 12:23 am

And what powerful reading today!!! I am amazed today at God’s grace and love that He didn’t leave us to blindly figure it out for ourselves but He clearly gave us boundaries to safely remain in…for our good and for His glory. This is souch more powerful to me to have Him clearly speak after reading Job and tracking through Exodus…40 years in the wilderness…and then He graciously gives us guidance. Each of these commandments are so powerful…and some more difficult to follow. I love that He did not say love no other gods more than me but instead He said love no other gods BUT me. What do I put before Him? What does my daily calendar…how I spend my time say about my priorties? Is God first in my world?

Shannon - February 8, 2010 - 2:49 am

Beautiful post Andrea! We just talked about keeping the Sabbath holy at my womens’ bible study on Friday…it’s so good to be reminded that He intended this day to be one of rest and setting our eyes upon Him.

Moses (Exodus – 16-19:25)

One Year Scripture Reading – Exodus 16-19:25

Some thoughts on today’s reading…

Chapter 16
The people forgot so quicky about the Lord’s great deliverence once hard times set in again. They were in the wilderness–and they were hungry. They complained and the Lord heard them. The Lord told Moses his plan to rain down manna and quail from heaven–and He would provide JUST ENOUGH for each day. On the 6th day, he would rain down twice as much. The Lord will always provide. He is our Jehovah Jireh. Our great Provider! BUT…

Check out 16:7 in the morning you will see the glory of the Lord, because He has heard your complaints, which are against Him, not against us… Do I realize that when I complain that it isn’t man that I am complaining about. It is the Lord. Philippians 2:14 instructs me to do everything without complaining. It breaks my heart to think that when I complain I am actually complaining “against the Lord” (verse 7). Forgive me Father.

I love verse 18But when they measured it out, everyone had just enough. Some got a lot, some got a little. But when they measured it out–everyone was provided for. God has truly given me and my husband much in comparison to the world. What will we do with it? How will we use it for His glory? The Lord has provided for all—but I believe He is seeing how He can trust us like He did with the Israelites. Oh that we will be faithful. Help us Lord to look away from the world and keep our eyes on YOU.

verse 23This is what the Lord commanded: Tomorrow will be a day of complete rest, a holy Sabbath day set apart for the Lord. So bake or boil as much as you want today, and set aside what is left for tomorrow.”

Hmmm…I think I hear you Lord. Coincidence that I read the chapter from “No Ordinary Home” today about making the Sabbath day holy and how to do that with my family?? From sundown on Saturday night to sundown on Sunday…it is YOUR holy day. My holy day to BE WITH and CELEBRATE You. Help Richard and I to lead our family in making this day holy.

verse 29…They went out anyway on the Sabbath…and the Lord asked…how long will they disobey? “They must realize that the Sabbath is the Lord’s gift to you.

Is it coincidence that you and I are reading this the DAY BEFORE THE SABBATH?! I think not. This is how much God wants us to understand this day. To wake back up—understand that it is HIS GIFT to us…to experience His holiness in a new way…to experience Him…to be filled for the week ahead…to enjoy and be with Him.

And this is how the Lord provided–with manna and quail–and REST on the Sabbath…for the next 40 years in the wilderness.

Read on to Chapter 17 where the Israelites complained yet again…this time for water. The Lord again heard and was their Jehovah Jireh. Water poured from a rock. Yet another miracle of God’s faithful provisioin and grace.

Chapter 18…Jethro comes to visit Moses…brings his wife and sons with him…and they give honor to the Lord for all He has done. Jethro teaches Moses the art of deligation (an art I need to learn!).

Exodus 19 The Lord reveals Himself at Sinai

Let us not give up on the reading of God’s word!!! How powerful it is when you open it each day!!! Thank you Lord for this sweet manna…prepare us Lord for tomorrow—the Sabbath. May we keep it holy and draw near to you on your holy day.

Heather - February 6, 2010 - 4:26 pm

It is very easy to get caught up in the world. To think, “Okay, I went to church & honored Christ…now the rest of the day I can do whatever.” That’s not how it’s supposed to be though. He wants it to be a Holy day & we should honor that. Congrats on you new numbers!

april - February 6, 2010 - 5:49 pm

LOVE the pictures of your kids…they are beautiful and adorable!

Angela - February 6, 2010 - 10:25 pm

Stopping by from Patty’s party. I’m not at Blissdom either, but reading the Word brings a feeling of bliss doesn’t it?

patty - February 7, 2010 - 2:29 am

love the photos of your kiddos… they are beautiful! {and cute boots, too!}
and i also love your background.. beautiful color and design.
polly of bliss and bumps, who linked on my party, is also considering an ethiopian adoption, and her blog is dedicated to that… you might want to visit her… ๐Ÿ™‚

thanks for blog-hopping with me! would you please include a link back to my blog so that your readers can join the party, too? thanks!

Today’s Scripture Reading – Exodus 13, 14, 15

For those of you following along in the One Year Bible read through—I’m so sorry to post today’s reading late. It was one crazy day. USCIS fingerprinting this morning, prayer time with my friend Addie for our baby, pick up older 2 from preschool, lunch with Parker’s preK teacher to celebrate her birthday…naps…yes, we ALL took naps together today…raining outside, snoozing together…bliss:). New numbers received on the waitlist. Big day. Daddy finally came home after days of being out of town (he travels a LOT during the week)…now finally—I sit. And open God’s word. AHHH…super bliss.

A few gems from todays scripture reading to my heart…

Chapter 13…

Verse 18 “…so God led them in a round about way through the wilderness to the Red Sea…”

The Lord was delivering them. But not in the fastest or easiest way. When the Lord delivers, it may not always look like WE want it to look. It may be a very difficult, long road. But the Lord is ALWAYS faithful. And good.

For me…the Lord has been delivering me from the living in the world. I think part of my flesh at some point wanted it. And by His good grace–He brought Africa into my life through Wiphan ( I could no longer live with an agenda to get the “next thing”, go on the “next vacation”…everything changed. As a mom, I looked into the eyes of children in Zambia–and thought, “You were some body’s baby. But they are gone. It could have just as easily been MY child who was orphaned.” And then the Lord laid on my heart…”if you are mine–then, so are they”. More change. I came home and looked around my house. And there was room. I wasn’t called to adopt any more than I’m called to go to Target. When I have a need to fill my frig–I go. And because we have room in our home and hearts…we made a call that is changing our hearts and lives even more. Now to Exodus 13:18. Lately, I have become impatient. I have prayed for and dreamed of our child. And lately, I have asked the Lord, “Why not the foster system? Why not something faster? Why Ethiopia and why with an agency that maintains birth order so I’m standing in a long 0-12 month line?” Then…I remember Job. (Ahhhh…the reading of God’s word is SOOO good isn’t it?!). I think of Job and his why’s—and I remember…because He is I AM. I think of Moses and how God didn’t take them on the fastest route, but the route best for them. A route that HE would be MOST glorified on through them. (On a side note, I’m praying we get to adopt through the foster system for baby #5…but that isn’t my choice is it?! And on a super side note—I know adoption is NEVER easy–and the grass is ALWAYS greener—so please hear that I’m not saying adoption from the foster system is easier…because it’s NOT…there is nothing easy about adoption or any “pregnancy” for that matter) The paths the Lord leads us on–may be harder, may be longer, and may be more of a roller coaster…but the path the Lord leads us on will also bring HIM THE MOST GLORY! And that is the path I wanna be on!

Chapter 14…
GOD hardens Pharoah’s heart (again!) and Pharoah has a wake up call…and comes after the Israelites. When the Israelites see Pharoah’s army charging after them they doubt Moses and cry out with wonder why Moses brought them out into the wilderness to die.

I love verse 13…Don’t be afraid…just stand STILL and WATCH the Lord rescue you. The Lord will fight for you…just stay calm.

A beautiful story of deliverance today. A local adoption family is in Uganda RIGHT NOW trying to adopt their baby girl who has HIV. As most of you know Ugandan adoptions are all on hold—so they were told they could not be issued visas and they would have to go home WITHOUT their sick daughter…who without treatment…would be fatal. “DON’T BE ARAID…JUST STAND STILL AND WATCH THE LORD RESCUE YOU. THE LORD WILL FIGHT FOR YOU…JUST STAY CALM.” Go to to see how the Lord delivers today!!! Being faithful to their child in Uganda has not been the easiest, but the Lord is being glorified! Many of you are called to adopt from Uganda, Haiti…even countries that are currently closed. It is a longer, more uncertain route. It is your Red Sea experience. But take heart. The same Lord who parted the Red Sea is the same God you and I serve today! He is able! He can make a way where there seems to be no way!!! Do not give up or lose heart!!! The Lord wants you to NOT BE AFRAID, JUST STAND STILL AND WATCH THE LORD RESCUE! THE LORD WILL FIGHT FOR YOU. JUST STAY CALM! Praise Him, Praise Him that He fights our battles for us!

Verse 17…the Lord hardened Pharoah’s heart again—they will almost attack them…WHY? WHY? WHY? they asked! But what does the REST of verse 17 say??? MY GREAT GLORY WILL BE DISPLAYED Do you want the route and way that displays His great glory??? Then trust Him!!! And go look at verse 31!

The Lord was glorified! They couldn’t believe it! They saw God’s mighty power and put their trust in Him! Praise Him for the longer route! Praise Him when it doesn’t make sense! If you are in His Word, clinging to Him, staying on His path…then rest assured even when it doesn’t make sense it’s only for Him to receive the glory in the end!!! AMEN! And finally…you, too, will sing your song as Moses does in Chapter 15!

Chapter 15…a beautiful song of deliverence. What is your song? How has the Lord delivered you? How have you seen His faithfulness???

Here is mine…IMG_7832

From the day of my birth you protected me.
You touched others hearts to pray for and encourage me.
As a child, I knew you were there—you spoke to me even from the beginning.
Your faithfulness is too much to count, Your mercy overwhelming.

All my fears have been washed away.
When we had nothing, you provided.
You gave me joy and laughter and covered my eyes to my own need.
Your love was forever calling me…I always knew you were there.

Years of rebellion as a youth–yet you protected me.
Loss of friends and then a grandfather, in these you showed me yourself.
A grandfather (Frank) who never stopped praying, and it would be at his funeral
That I felt Your Holy Spirit flood in.

You changed my mourning to dancing.
You gave me a new life.
I feared I would never marry or have children because my heart wanted these so.
My house is full of laughter, pitter patters and romantic love.

And now I persue a child–as you persued me.
You never gave up on me…although the road was long.
You fought for me–and called me Your Own.
Forever I am Yours and You are mine.

My Deliverer.
My God.
I trust in You.
.Anticipating…sweetly…calmly…waiting on Him…for baby #4. Trusting in His ways!

Kim - February 6, 2010 - 2:35 am

Another beautiful post with powerful scripture and breathtaking photos!
Love & Blessings from Hong Kong,

april - February 6, 2010 - 9:28 am

Your song of deliverance is just wonderful, beautiful! THank you from the bottom of my heart for what you wrote to all of us adopting from Uganda…i really needed that this morning. Thank you!

Megan - February 6, 2010 - 1:58 pm

Never apologize about not posting! You are a busy mama, and that comes first before blogging! But I do thank you for posting, because your insight and your perspective on this reading really touched me! You are an amazing woman of God and I am enjoying getting to know you through your blog SO MUCH!

Our February Numbers:)

Yay! We have our new numbers! And congrats to Amy S for guessing them right! What a fun little game some of my blog readers just had;)! (Shannon and Caitlin…you two were crackin’ me up!) OK…here are our NEW numbers…

For girl we are number…girlnumber

For boy we are number…dugger#19OK…so start counting the Duggars and you have our boy number…it’s number…

FINALLY…we are in the teens baby! Another step closer! We got our USCIS fingerprints completed today too…so now we just wait on that final piece and keep tip-toeing to number 1! Thank you friends for celebrating every step of our journey with us!

And for those of you reading through the Bible with me…I’ll be posting that later tonight. It’s been one of those days! But I’m itching to get in the word as soon as the babies are all down later tonight!!! XOXO!

Marci - February 5, 2010 - 10:01 pm

Hooray ! Getting closer…my bible study women prayed for you on Monday and again an email reminder to lift your adoption in prayer,,,Prayer changes things. Yeaaah !

Leigh - February 6, 2010 - 9:49 am

YAY! Referrals are moving right a long!!! You are getting closer!!!

Charisa - February 6, 2010 - 12:33 pm
