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Transracial adoption…”there’s nothing about this face that isn’t MOM”

*Be sure to turn music down/off at the bottom of the page before watching. A great video on transracial adoption.

april - January 12, 2010 - 1:42 pm

LOVE THIS! I will have to post this sometime!

Kim J - January 12, 2010 - 2:24 pm

Okay Andrea! Not that it is AT ALL about me or AT ALL about you but isn’t it nice to know at some point down this beautiful road we just might be a bit “cooler” in the eyes of our little ET’s babes! I’m good with that.

Andrea - January 12, 2010 - 3:11 pm

LOVED THIS too! This kid…he’s just precious isn’t he! And I have to say…I think he’s cooler because of it too. I LOVE the advice HE gave! VERY good and important to be around other families that LOOK like yours, other kids that look like him, and to have other kids in the neighborhood with diversity too. Great info here!

Rebecca - January 13, 2010 - 5:16 pm

I like this!

Tiffany - January 20, 2010 - 8:44 pm

Andrea, I have recently met your sister through our kids’ school and some other things we have in common. She directed me to your blog because we are also adopting from Ethiopia. We have three bio kids (girl, boy, girl) and are leaving to bring home our baby boy on February 5! Love this post…oh – if I could be like this mom when my precious baby is grown. Wow. Love your blog!

July 12-Genesis 32-35:27

We got a new chandelier over the holidays and FINALLY got it hung this weekend…and well, you have to do SOMETHING with the box…I used the chandelier box and an old carseat box that I was sure we could use one day—and now it’s officially been used as a pirate ship! Complete with a looking tower and a sail! And just for fun–I really need your opinion on what came in our original box—does our new chandelier need shades??? I could go either way…
011Richard said it makes him feel like we live in a gothic castle…and I disagree. I wanted something rustic, but I’m thinking without shades–maybe he’s right. OK–back to pirates—today’s reading is ANOTHER GREAT one…and the big question here–is what do you do when you face those bad pirates in your life? Or rather…when you hit trouble…what do you do?

GENESIS 32-35:27

Chapter 32
We start off the chapter with God’s grace–His sending angels to ENCOURAGE Jacob with His DIVINE PROTECTION. When you stay in God’s Word and in prayer–He will always equip you for what is ahead. Get that?! When God designs you for trials, He prepares you by great comforts. He sent angels to welcome Jacob, remind him he is on the right path AND that he will be with him on this journey. COMFORT. I’m sure that felt AMAZING to see angels…to be reminded the Lord is with Him. And Jacob would have this encounter to CLING to during the trials ahead…and in this reading friends—they are coming.

Immediately after this, Jacob sends word to Esau that he is coming. Jacob gets word that Esau got the message…and he’s making warlike preparations at his coming. At first, Jacob is filled with fear. BUT–remember the angels Jacob? Remember God speaking to you Jacob? And what does Jacob do in response???


Yes–that’s right. Jacob hit his knees. And his prayer is a BEAUTIFUL model for how we should pray in moments of fear. He declares who the Lord is–reminds the Lord and himself of the Lord’s promises, humbles himself declaring his unworthyness and NEED for the Lord, confesses his fear and confidently claims the Lord’s promise. Good stuff Jacob. I love seeing Jacob walking with the Lord here!

Jacob then has a grand plan to send gifts in seperated groups in hopes to win Esau over with gifts…or at least soften his heart and keep him from wanting to kill Jacob. Then–we have what may seem in verses 24-32 just like a random story of a man coming to wrestle Jacob. I had to pull out some research and commentary help on this one. This man is actually an angel–and this is a nightlong wrestle struggle is an emblem of the true spirit of prayer. There is no act that requires more unceasing pushing, urging…non-ending holding than wrestling. Have you had a prayer need lately that you LONGED for? And have you tossed up a quick prayer for it and something about it just didn’t seem right…or fitting? God is showing us here how to pray. He wants us to be on our KNEES…when danger comes…to hit our knees before Him and WRESTLE our cause! He wants us to plead our case…declare His promises and STAND UP with power of the Holy Spirit and TRUST HIM in the morning! AMEN!?

And that…was just chapter 32! Aren’t you glad you are reading this year. The Word is so powerful isn’t it?!

Chapter 32

And what happend after all this wrestling? Esau finally sees Jacob–he runs to him, he embraces him, he kisses him…and they BOTH wept. Thank you Jesus! We are reminded of your power and your love! GOD HAS THE HEARTS OF ALL MEN AND CAN TURN AND CHANGE THEM HOW HE PLEASES! DID YOU READ THAT?! READ IT AGAIN! GOD HAS THE HEARTS OF ALLLLLLL MEN AND CAN TURN AND CHANGE THEM HOW HE PLEASES! Never underestimate the power of PRAYER!

And now get this: When a man’s ways please the Lord—He will make a way! He will make a way where even his enemies are at peace with him!

Finally in chapter 33, Jacob does not completely follow Esau. I’m sure this saddened Esau, but Jacob was being obedient to where the Lord was calling him to go. It was also wise of Jacob to not go with Esau and to be influenced by him and his rule. He resisted the temptation to be a pleaser and to go the easy route, and instead he was obedient to go where the Lord was calling him to go.

Chapter 34

This is our dramatic chapter of today’s reading. Just warning you if you haven’t read already. Dinah, Jacob and Leah’s daughter, decides her curiosity can wait no more. She just HAS to go into the other town and see what kind of clothes the other women wear…what they people do there…what it looks like…and even to be seen. It was unwise for her to go without protection to an unknown place. And sadly, she is seized and raped by Shechem (Hamor’s son). Shechem falls in love with Dinah and tells Hamor he wants her for his wife. So…ole Hamor takes off to make a deal with Jacob.

Hamor proposes they share their sons, daughters, land and livestock–and Jacob’s sons agree if everyone in the town will get circumcized. This was all part of their plot as they were already so angered by Dinah being taken advantage of. So…while they were all still healing from their circumcisions (ouch!)–Simeon and Levi hit the town up and slaughter all the men AND led their children and wives away as slaves. They were angered and wanted justice—only this wasn’t the way to get it. They let their anger overtake them…and they tried to hide behind it righteously by saying it was for a good cause. Let us never manipulate religion or “making things right” for our own desires. Oh that the Lord would give us soft hearts that will be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry…and also quick to forgive!

Chapter 35

Our story today ends with Jacob’s sadness and anger over Levi and Simeon’s sin. They must now leave–and Jacob asks all his people to cleanse themselves and get rid of their idols. Better late than never—but oh how I wish Jacob had called his family to this earlier. Don’t wait for problems to come up before you evaluate your home and have to make changes after something devestating happens. Ask the Lord now to bring more of Himself into your home NOW—and to show you what you need out. It amazed me how the Lord caused a terror of the Lord to fall on the people of the town so they could pass without harm. Again…the Lord can do anything to make a way even when their seems to be no way–and for Jacob at the time…he probably felt that they didn’t have a chance.

God speaks and tells them another one of His names on their journey EL-SHADDAI “God-Almighty”. I love this. I’m sure so many of their family were amazed that no one bothered them as they went through the town…and God let them in on a little more of Himself…El-Shaddai.

Lastly, we end on Rachel giving birth to her second son. And sadly, she is dying in labor. She gives him the name Ben-oni (son of my sorrow), which I’m sure she felt at the time. I know Jacob felt that too. But instead of giving the boy a name where he would always have to remember that his birth caused sorrow (I’m so thankful Jacob changed it!), he gave him the name Benjamin “son of my right hand”. So thankful with the Lord we also are given a new life and a new name!

Pirate Frank and Andrea

Shannon - January 12, 2010 - 12:54 am

Andrea is it just me or are you a bit excited for the summer months to be upon us?Hee hee:)

Tracy - January 12, 2010 - 4:06 am

Thanks for posting todays lesson. We are studying “Fearless” by Max Lucado in our small group so your message today ties in perfectly:)

Charisa - January 12, 2010 - 6:34 am

love the little pirate! and yes, pirates have to be bad! LOL! understand that…I hate it when kids play shooting games…I’m the mom who says let’s love each other…how do you love each other when you are playing bad guys/good guys? reconciliation at the end maybe??
any insight on the wrestling with God? I just don’t get that all the way? how about you?

april - January 12, 2010 - 6:43 am

how adorable is the “bad pirates” box and sign! The pic of the little man in the hat is so adorable too!

Andrea Young - January 12, 2010 - 6:54 am

Charisa–I’m with you…I do NOT get the wrestling with God part of this story in today’s reading. I understand our prayers should be like wrestling as we plead…but I don’t get wrestling with God or that whole part of the story. Scratched my head on that one. Would love more insight if someone has some!

AND YEESSSSSSSS…we obviously need some outside time Shannon! Don’t you forget how EASY it is to send the kids outside where they play for HOURS on end. Now I’m being put to work inside doing things like…pirate ships:).

AND how does one get your 14 month old to wear a pirate hat AND an eye patch?! Can you say—candy corn left over from Halloween? Disgust I know…but it worked:)

Leigh - January 12, 2010 - 8:14 am

Love your new chandelier! I wouldn’t add shades but that’s just me! I like the rustic feel of it!

I feel like someone wrote a really good explination of the whole wrestling with God part of this reading but I can’t remember who it was…Beth Moore maybe? If I figure it out I will link it.

I also think it’s interesting that you hear people talk about how horrible today’s society is with all of the crazy things that go on then you open up the bible and see all this: Dinah getting rape and Levi and Simeon killing a whole people group and kidnapping the women and children to keep as slaves, and that’s just in 3 chapters. It’s just so clear that man has had a HUGE sin problem from the very beginning, once Adam and Eve ate the apple it was all over. Sin didn’t slowly creep in and just in the last 100 years exploded it has always been here and it has always been bad. It’s something has humans that we have to keep in check constantly, we have to be fully submerged in God’s love and constantly on our knees to even come close to overcoming it.

Amy @ Filled With Praise - January 12, 2010 - 10:33 am

LOVE the pirates…I am sure they are good pirates ๐Ÿ™‚ Love the chandelier.

On the readings…I just am overcome with the thoughts of how others say the Bible does not relate to today’s times…HELLO! It is all there…what happened then…happens now. Same sin, same ugliness, same curiosity…SAME GOD, SAME NEED FOR A SAVIOR. Thank you God for our Savior.

julie@Flitterbugs - January 12, 2010 - 11:39 am

Candy corn….good choice. TicTacs are my secret weapon! (And I go with white…no red/orange drizzle in all my Easter pics!) I was just blown away while reading last night. Again, and again and again, God uses such ignoble persons for His noble purposes. What a FAITHFUL, PATIENT God we serve! How does He keep His wrath at bay with generation after generation falling so far off of the ship. It also struck me how Abraham, issac and Jacob are continually setting up monuments, memorials to God, to remember His promises and faithfulness. How easily we forget the great wonders and answered prayers of the Lord!

JonesEthiopia - January 12, 2010 - 11:41 am

I love it without shades!

And the pirate ship looks like SOOO much fun!

kristi johnson - January 12, 2010 - 12:10 pm

oh, i love the pirate kids need one of those ๐Ÿ™‚ I need to start looking for some boxes around the house…kj

January 11 – Genesis 30:25 – 31:55

Genesis 20:25 – 31:55
Today’s reading continues with Jacob beginning to want to go back to his own land. TWENTY years he has been at Laban’s land working–slaving–for both of his daughters (14 years for the girls) and he’s about to work 6 more for his flock. Laban and Jacob make an agreement–Laban keeps the perfect sheep and goats and Jacob will take the spotted ones as well as the black sheep.

Deceivement continues in both parties. Laban has his sons take the spotted ones away and Jacob streaks the stronger sheep and goats with pealed branches—as a result becoming wealthy. I can imagine he had years to think about different things he could do…and even after all of this–the Lord is with him. How thankful I am that the Lord is with us even when we do not do what it right.

Finally, Jacob decides to make his break after 20 years of labor. And it isn’t hard for him to convince Rachel and Leah to go too. HOW SAD I thought that their father had reduced their rights to the foreign women. Laban has put his girls in a position to have to struggle with feeling value from their husband by marrying the same man, and now he doesn’t even bless them with rights as his daughters. Laban let his feelings toward Jacob effect his relationship with his daughters. It’s easy to think RIGHT NOW that it would be hard to have brokenness in my relationships with my own children as they are so little…but I am NOT above anything—and I must stay ever close to the Lord for my own heart’s sake, their heart’s sake and for our relationships to be healthy and sustained.

So…they all sneak out of town–but ole Rachel steals Laban’s idols—and when Laban realizes Jacob is gone with his girls he sets out in HOT pursuit after them. Although they had a 3 day headstart, 7 days later HOT Laban catches up. The day before he caught up the Lord warns Laban in a dream. A reminder—God can put a bridle in the mouth of the wicked to refrain them from malice. How thankful I am for this!!! God is OUR protector! He will see His people through so His will is furfilled! We have no fear…when the world seems to be against us…the Lord is ALWAYS on time and will step in when He needs to for our sake. AMEN!

The part of the story here that seems like “extra” is Rachel’s stealing the idols. Laban accuses Jacob of stealing them, but because Jacob didn’t know about his beloved Rachel’s actions–he tells Laban to search for them and he can kill the person who has stolen them. For me the story is just interesting having Rachel sit on them on her camel and uses her monthly cycle as a reason she can’t get up. BUT this was recorded for a reason. And I wondered if it was more for me and my feelings this morning. I realized my heart in some way WANTED Rachel to get caught. I wasn’t empathizing and part of my heart wished Laban had caught her and that Jacob would have been upset with her. This is recorded for a reason…but I wonder if it’s more for the reader than part of the story itself. Why does my heart want Rachel to get caught? Is it because I have felt so sorry for Leah? Is it because I want her to get caught for her wrong doing? Or would it just make for a more dramatic story? Yesterday at church, our pastor gave us 4 people to pray for…and the last was for people that are in trouble. These are the people I often do NOT pray for…I just don’t. I don’t pray for those in jail who have done wrong…I don’t NOT WANT to pray for them…I just don’t think about it. I pray often for justice–but I forget to pray for those who are the ones causing the injustice. THEY NEED OUR PRAYER! Rachel in this story is the one who really needed prayer. She was hiding sin and hurt…and she was confused about what she was owed. Much sin is justified by what the sinner is owed or what has been done to them. What a reminder this morning who I need to be praying for this morning!

Thank you for walking scripture with me another day. May your day be filled with the Holy Spirit’s guidance, may your heart be filled with unspeakable, unexplainable joy among whatever hardship you are facing, and may your mind be filled with creative spurts of engaging with your child/children so your relationships may be closer today.



april - January 11, 2010 - 8:36 am

First of all how cute are those pics! I love the little grocery cart! We love bananas in our household too! What a cute face the little guy made eating snow! I have a question, where did you get those Go, seek, love shirts? I LOVE them! have a great day!

admin - January 11, 2010 - 9:14 am

April–you can get those cutie pie t-shirts here: AND they now have sweatshirts too:)

Charisa - January 11, 2010 - 10:09 am

Good reading today..I also felt more compassionate toward Leah…maybe because I have also felt her unloved feelings…you are right …we do need to pray for the Rachels in our lives and think of why they do what they do..the insecurities behind it.

I had a very different thinking on Jacob’s with the sheep…always love how God does that! …My reading didn’t jump out that he was deliberating streaking the sheep…but that herdsmen believed vivid impressions at mating (the branch) would influence offspring…hmmmm….I will have to go in an research that…back to those old hebrew words!

LOVE diving into the Word with you!

admin - January 11, 2010 - 12:21 pm

Charisa…that makes complete sense! I think that sounds right and I remember reading something about that years ago. I need a shepherd expert right now;). I have a friend doing a study on shepherds so I need to ask her what book she is reading!

Amy @ Filled With Praise - January 11, 2010 - 3:26 pm

Love the pics of the kids in the store. So cute.

Paul’s parents were here this weekend, so we are going to makeup our missed reading tonight.

julie@Flitterbugs - January 11, 2010 - 3:50 pm

You are so right about the bananas….a home can never have too many! Hey….we like to put them on a popscicle stick, dip in melted chocolate and freeze…yummy! And, Evangeline also loves to take her cart to the store. More than once I have come home and discovered I (or she!) have bought something I had no idea about ๐Ÿ™‚ Praying for your approval letter!

Dawn - January 11, 2010 - 3:59 pm

Loving reading through with others ๐Ÿ™‚
Love your pic…..unfortunately with as many as we go shopping with…..we would cover the whole aisle with carts ๐Ÿ™‚ he he he he….so we don’t do that. We do take turns with the older ones pushing our usual (2 carts minimum) for our funsized family.

Heather - January 11, 2010 - 6:24 pm

More drama! Laban & Jacob have a horrible relationship. Jacob is afraid of confrontation it seems. He shows this over & over.

Raise your children on your knees – January 10 Reading: Genesis 28:6-30:24

Happy 10 day anniversary of reading through chronologically with me in 2010! 10 days…and how closer to the Lord do you already feel as you commited to read daily to know Him more?! Isn’t it amazing what the Lord does in your mind AND heart when you saturate them with His Holy Word? I have a confession to make. For the last 5 years of my mommyhood, my scripture reading has been scattered and noncommitted. I have justified it by saying “this just isn’t my season” and confessing to other mommies who agree that they don’t have time either…which has made me feel better. I watched a GREAT video this week by Colt McCoy the quarterback for the Texas Longhorns where he talked about our walks with the Lord. He said it best, “Your time is now.” There is no better time to grow closer to the Lord than now. Not 10 years from now when you are married and have a family. Not 5 years from now when all your kids are in school. Not when things are slower…and right now we’ll toss up “popcorn prayers”…but YOUR time is NOW. Can’t you hear Him calling? As I have committed to reading and LEARNING and being CHANGED this year through scripture–my mind is also prompted more to PRAY. As I see the Lord in His Word and HOW He works…I see the POWER of prayer. If I want to raise my family to KNOW Him, if I want to break the chains of the past, if I want to be transformed—then it won’t be through popcorn prayers or quick little verses of the day. It will be through MEETING daily WITH HIM. Studying and being DESPERATE for MORE of His Word…and talking to Him throughout the day…every day! I want to raise my children on my knees rather than through my own power and strength. And it will be on my knees that I can’t take the glory for…and in the end–I hope they see that it was NOTHING of me or Richard…but all through Him. AMEN.

And today’s reading–prompted me to say all that…to YOU. I don’t know who all is reading this. I know 5-6 people comment and 20 or so have told me they are reading along. But I see on my statcounter that 400 visitors come by daily to read. What in the WORLD do I have to say that 400 people would want to read? Absolutely nothing. Nothing. But what does the Holy Spirit have to say to your heart right now as you read? Everything. So as you open your Word to Genesis 28:6 and read to Genesis 30:24—here is my blessing to you…MAY YOU BE TRANSFORMED BY THE RENEWING OF YOUR MIND. MAY YOU HEAR THE HOLY SPIRIT SPEAK TO YOUR HEART. MAY HE GIVE YOU UNDERSTAND OF HIS WORD. MAY YOUR HEART BE DRAWN CLOSER TO YOUR SAVIOR TODAY.

Some things that REALLY stuck out to me today…
Genesis 28:15 – I love this verse and promise to Jacob from God – “I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go”…this is how the NIV states it. BUT…I love how the KJV and Living both have a translation that really grab my heart. King James has “Behold” and the Living says “Whats more, I am with you”. Basically, the Lord is telling Jacob first everything he will give him. Who wouldn’t want a lot of land, descendents to large to count and for all peoples to be blessed through your offspring? But the Lord adds to this “But what’s more is that I will be with you.” Does my heart long more for the Lord to be with me than ANYTHING else? Do I long more for the Lord’s plan that my own?

We found out this week that that the USCIS is taking longer than usual to get clearance back to families so they can adopt. So, our adoption could be put on hold if we don’t get clearance back before referral time. I wasn’t slacking my feet. I just didn’t know we should have sent it off sooner. I have two options. To get frustrated. OR to remember looking at that form on my desk all of November and December and sensing I had time to send it in. I have asked others to pray that the form will be back before referral because this is my heart’s desire. But I recognize that it may not be God’s. More than anything I want the Lord’s will. And I want the child the LORD has for us. And this may just be HIS way of perfectly matching us with our child. Honestly, if I hadn’t been doing this reading with all of you–I probably would have reacted differently to this news. But seeing how the Lord works over and over again in scripture—knowing that the Lord loves our baby and us—I know that this may be His perfect way of working in our adoption.


Raising Your Children on Your Knees – Genesis 28:6-30:24

Happy 10 day anniversary for those of you reading the Word with me this year! Isn’t it AMAZING to have your heart SATURATED with His Word?! I just wrote the LONGEST post…and with one click of the wrong button—it all erased…don’t you hate it when that happens? But I have something to say–and I guess someone doesn’t want me to say it—so here I am…typing it again! Today I am reminded of the POWER OF PRAYER, listening to the Lord and acting on what the Holy Spirit leads and asks you to do. ONLY–the only way to hear from the Lord is to be in PRAYER with Him and to know His voice through the practice of reading His Word. I have a confession to make. For the last 5 years–as long as I’ve been a mommy–my time in the Word has been scattered and some times the only praying I do in a day consists of a “popcorn prayer”. I have justified it as it only “being a season” and by confessing this to other moms in the same place…and hearing them say the same thing has helped me tell myself it’s okay. The more I dive into the Word and get to know His heart (again) I realize HOW MUCH I REALLY NEED HIM. I was watching a video last night posted on my friend Kim’s blog and Colt McCoy, the quarterback for the Texas Longhorns, said it better than I could “Your time is now”. There is NO better time to dive into the Word and know Him…than now. There is no better time to hit your knees for your future, for your children’s behalf…than now.

I do know that some 400 people stop by my blog every day–and I also know that the only thing that I have to say of value is…well, actually I don’t have much to say of value. But if you are here–and you are reading this RIGHT NOW…then maybe it’s not me who is trying to talk to you. Maybe the Lord is calling you deeper into His heart. Maybe He wants you to do some shifting in your schedule…stop reading books on parenting…not worry about measuring up to someone’s craft in a blog or for that matter having a really cool blog at all…maybe He wants you to take some time out and make more room for Him. To invite Him to be a part of your life…right NOW. It is through reading His Word and prayer that we will connect with Him. And these two things I want to be a priority in my life—for my sake and for the sake of my children and generation after generation…if I want to break the chains…I can only do it through His power…through getting to know His heart through prayer and His Word.

I am reminded also as we read His word, we need to pray for Him to open our ears and our hearts…to soften our hearts to the Holy Spirit so we can hear His voice. As you read Genesis 28:6-30:24, ask the Lord to speak to you. I can’t wait to share what He showed me today in His Word. And I can’t wait to hear how He is calling you more to Himself today too.

Some verses that stuck out to me…

Verse 28:15—in the Living and King James version—the Lord says “Behold” and “What’s more” before “I am with you”. He wanted to bless Jacob. Give him land. Bless his children. To bless others through his children…but WHAT’S MORE…BEHOLD…He was going to be with Him. AND THIS IS GREATER than ANYTHING else! Is my being with God and God being with me GREATER than ANYTHING else I could get? Is being with God the most important thing in my life?

Ch. 28 – Isn’t it interested how Jacob is deceived much in the same way he deceived his own father??? He was sleeping in the bed and got fooled in his moment of weakness (it was probably very dark and after the wedding feast/celebration he probably had wine—Isaac was nearly blind and in bed when Jacob deceived him…it makes you wonder if Jacob ever thought about this and regretted his actions)

29:31 – I love the Lord’s compassion on Leah here! He saw her pain…her rejection…and the Lord enabled Leah to bear children while causing Rachel to remain childless. I felt so sad for Leah here, and I was so comforted to see the Lord’s grace upon her life. Yet, I couldn’t help but wish that Leah would have just tried to find her worth in the Lord. I also, though, can’t imagine her pain and desperation to feel loved by her husband. After all, it wasn’t her choice to marry Jacob but her father’s. She wasn’t as pretty Rachel–and I’m sure there was a lifetime of comparison between her and Rachel. And as if that wasn’t enough–she had to marry the SAME man as Rachel and live with rejection. Do I live for the approval of man—or the approval of the Lord? Is He enough for me???

THEN FINALLY in verse 35—Leah finally says what I’ve wanted her to say all along…forget Jacob…”Now I will praise the Lord!”

Chapter 30 – But Leah’s eyes quickly get off her praising and back to her sister and her jeolousy when Rachel get’s ole Sarah’s bright idea to get her servant to sleep with her husband so she can have a child. See some generational repetition here?! HOW WE NEED TO BE TRANSFORMED THROUGH PRAYER! Oh, how I wish that Sarah had the opportunity to sit with Rachel and tell her all about her life—and even her sin. Would she have told her about Hagar and her regret? I think it’s so important for us to use our lives—living testimonies—for the glory of God! As much as I don’t want my children and grandchildren to know everything about my crazy high school days…I know if they are going to be any different, I have to be transparent in my regret and how the Lord changed me.

And are these sister’s SERIOUSLY in a rat-race to see who can birth the most children from Jacob with their concibines? Is this FOR REAL? This reading just BLEW my mind! And boy was Jacob busy wasn’t he?! If anyone ever thought the Bible wasn’t full of things that make your eyes big…they need to read this reading don’t they?!

30:15 – Ouch! (That’s all I can say right now about that!) What pain and hurt is in this verse. For the most part it seems Leah has remained pretty quiet…but here she has just had enough. It makes me so sad to see these sisters torn apart. But because of their parent’s sin—how could they not be? Oh that I would live a life on my knees on my children’s behalf! That I would be changed daily…and that I would do nothing to create bitterness between them.

I have A LOT of thoughts on today’s reading—but I want to hear first how the Lord spoke to you! Love you my friends!!! Press on…and do not give up on the reading of His Word! And speaking of reading…I’ve started a sweet little collection basket of my favorite books that are full of diversity, love through adoption, and Africa for our baby…


In our basket…
I Wished for You…an adoption story by Marianne Richmond
On the Night You Were Born by Nancy Tillman
Whoever You Are by Mem Fox
The Lion that Finally Roared by Obi Chidebellu-eze
Animals of Africa – Planet Earth
A Mother for Choco by Keido Kasza
Please Baby Please by Spike Lee and Tonya Lewis Lee
Pancakes with Chocolate Syrup by Rebekah Barlow Rounce
The Colors of Us by Karen Katz

If you know of a children’s book that is just too sweet not to share and a must have—please let me know! I’m always looking for books to add to all of my children’s library to remind them HOW much they are loved! I know our baby throughout the years will have many questions, and I want to always have lots of books on hand that makes him feel like he knows his heritage and that it is also a part of him. Having a ministry in Africa, we plan to continue yearly trips to Africa—and it will be so fun to have our little man in tow as he grows so Africa can remain a part of his precious life. And who knows–maybe one or all of our children in the process will develop a heart for Africa in the process and bravely set off to make a difference there in time as well. I am reminded that I need to pray for my children’s future in the mission field. How DIFFERNT I seem to think and REACT when I realize I am raising future missionaries! It is my prayer whether they are in the “work place” or on the field that they would be missionaries for the gospel. Something to reflect and remember throughout the day when I make discipline and my personal reactions to them throughout the day!



Heather - January 10, 2010 - 1:58 pm

I love Jacob’s vision. “Jacob’s Ladder” is what we hear it called. God told him He would bless him & be with him where ever Jacob went. Jacob & Esau both married their cousins! Esau went to his dad’s brother to find a wife, & Jacob went to his mom’s brother to find a wife! Interesting! Jacob must have LOVED Rachel. It said that him working for her for 7 years was only like a few days to him because of his love for her! That’s precious! But I often wonder, why didn’t he realize the first girl he married wasn’t Rachel, it was her sister Leah, until the morning? What took so long? That just seems a little strange to me, but I don’t know all of the culture from back then. This is all just the start of a bad father-in-law & son-in-law relationship! Here on out Jacob & Laban pretty much constantly are trying to deceive one another.

Then Leah is blessed with 4 little boys! Rachel is jealous & gives Jacob her maid & she has 2 boys, then Leah gives him her maid & she has 2 also. Then Leah has 2 more! Wow! Finally Rachel has 1 child, Joseph, & I believe he turns out to be a favorite! Back to 30:15, that’s a big OUCH! I can’t imagine how Leah felt. Her husband didn’t really want her, he wanted her sister & her sister is jealous of her. I’m sure in Leah’s eyes she doesn’t think there’s anything to be jealous of except her children because Jacob is deeply in love with Rachel still. He shows that over & over in the next few chapters. It’s a little crazy though, Rachel & Leah are bargaining or “selling” him out! I wonder how that made Jacob feel!?

julie johnston - January 10, 2010 - 2:18 pm

Andrea..thank you for the reminder on prayer! I had the priviledge of being at the bedsides of 3 of my grandparents before they went on to glory, and each one reminded me that they had prayed for me earnestly my whole life, and instructed me to pray earnesly for my children. I spend lots of time nowdays praying for our adoption and our adopted child… but this was a good reminder to pray for the hearts and minds of those littles ones in my care now! OK, so as to Jacob and all of his women…. let me just say I am so glad that I did not live back in the day. Ugh, can you imagine, these women (sisters no less!) and fighting over a comon husband and even throwing their maidservants (slaves) at him, fighting for nights with him…um, so glad God saw fit to intervene in this lifstyle. I’m kindof laughing, thinking, “what you sow, you shall reap.” Take a lot of wives… you are pretty much asking for it!

Nikki - January 10, 2010 - 2:31 pm

Since we’re going to be dealing with this issue throughout much of the OT, I have to say that every single time I read about men sleeping with — and having children with — more than one woman, it makes me sick to my stomach. I can’t imagine how broken those women were, how defeated they must have felt. It’s no wonder they sought to have the most children, to be the “favorite”, to literally fight for their husband’s love… because it’s not the way God designed it to be. So sad… and yet again, God does so much with so little. Amazing.

Thanks so much, Andrea, for taking the time to spur us all on in the reading! ๐Ÿ™‚

april - January 10, 2010 - 2:44 pm

thanks so much for mentioning about colt mccoys link…i sent it to my husband who is a BIG football fan!

emily v - January 10, 2010 - 6:19 pm

Hey Andrea:
Just stopping by to say hello! I met some friends of yours at Passion2010 (can’t remember their names right now…but I was running on zero sleep at that point so forgive me!) I hope to meet up with you soon in real life, but for now, I enjoy reading your posts and celebrate with you as you inch your way closer to the Babe of your Heart.

Emily V.

Dawn - January 10, 2010 - 7:08 pm

I just started my readings for the year….almost caught up. What can I say….we have had a really rough start. I know reading the Word is where I need to me. I was not in the Word enough for many years….same thing really. I would have great spurts, but that was it. Last year I was challenged by another blog to read the Bible in 90 days (which was a little longer than that for me, but not bad). I LOVED IT!!!! So if there is anyone out there in doubt- it may not be easy….may seem like a chore….may seem like too much to ask, but once you are into it….once God has Blessed your socks off…… will CLING TO IT!!!! Because STORMS WILL COME- not if, but WHEN they do……your heart will be GROUNDED in HIM!!!! Just know that ๐Ÿ™‚

april - January 10, 2010 - 9:19 pm

thanks for posting the books you have gotten so far…i have a mother for choco but want to get many more!

Megan - January 11, 2010 - 1:30 am

I feel convicted all the time of my lack of devotions and personal prayer time. I keep justifying to myself that I’m busy and later is okay. But you’re right, NOW is the time! So thank you again for starting this Bible study. I feel grateful that I feel a sense of accountablility to actually do my devotions every day. And yes, when you are immersed in The Word you have a whole different perspective on life! Even something as simple as my husband asking me to make dinner after I’ve had a crazy day and I’m tired. I want to answer, “How about you take a turn” but instead I catch myself not even hesitating to not only make him dinner, but serve it to him. And the glory goes to GOD because that is soo not me! =)

More thoughts on the reading on my blog.

julie johnston - January 11, 2010 - 5:38 am

Hey Andrea… I just have to add that my husband and I also pray for our children to one day go into “all the world”. Their little hearts are already so sensitive in that arena. We have some friends, who are 11th generation missionaries. Way back when, a little old lady on her deathbed prayed that God would raise up missionaries from her descendants, and now 11 generations later, her descendants are literally all over the globe, still spreading His good news!

Shannon - January 11, 2010 - 2:02 pm

SOOO much great insight! Andrea, I just love your commentary and I’m so thankful God led me to your blog and you invited us all to take this journey. I love what you said about excusing ourselves because of the “season” were in. With four kiddos it would be easy for me to try to justify my lack of time for bible reading and devotion. But look again at my life and yes I am busy with four kids but there are so many other “things” that distract me from being in the word and in prayer with Him. Oh how I have loved doing this reading and how I feel Him calling me each day to open up my bible and read more. The best part is I CAN’T wait to spend time with HIM! I love what Megan said about your change of perspective when you’re immersed in the word. I find myself doing/saying things that are not from me but truly the Holy Spirit working…praise God! Something I want to share that keeps pressing on my heart as I do this reading is how disgusted and disappointed I feel with so many of these people. Why couldn’t Abraham learn his lesson and stop manipulating? Why did Sarah have to be so hurtful to Hagar and Ishmael? What kind of wife and mother is Rebekah to play favorites and then fool her husband? And then’s there’s Jacob and his deceit and of course Rachel and her cruel heart towards Leah. Just as I’ve had enough of these people guess what He does? He reminds me I am no better. I am a sinner just like them, I fall short every day and He STILL loves me even with all my messiness. I manipulate, I judge, I covet and the list goes on. Oh thank you Lord that your ways our not ours. Thank you for forgiving me and thank you for your word that I can see how since the beginning we have been falling short and since the beginning you continue to love us.

Betsy - January 11, 2010 - 7:36 pm

I love children’s books! So far in my “collection” I have
“Little Miss Spider” David Kirk ( did you that the Spider family is a transracial adoptive family!? )
Spotlight on Shimmer – Kirk- Shimmer talks about being adopted
I Like Myself- Karen Beaumont
Shaoey and Dot – Mary Beth and Steven Curtis Chapman
A Blessing from Above- A little Golden Book that I found at Lifeway

On my wish list is:
It’s OK to be Different – Todd Parr
How I was Adopted- Joanna Cole
Happy Adoption Day- ?

Have you been to the Amharic Kids website? They are linked on my blog, near the bottom right I think….