Happy 10 day anniversary of reading through chronologically with me in 2010! 10 days…and how closer to the Lord do you already feel as you commited to read daily to know Him more?! Isn’t it amazing what the Lord does in your mind AND heart when you saturate them with His Holy Word? I have a confession to make. For the last 5 years of my mommyhood, my scripture reading has been scattered and noncommitted. I have justified it by saying “this just isn’t my season” and confessing to other mommies who agree that they don’t have time either…which has made me feel better. I watched a GREAT video this week by Colt McCoy the quarterback for the Texas Longhorns where he talked about our walks with the Lord. He said it best, “Your time is now.” There is no better time to grow closer to the Lord than now. Not 10 years from now when you are married and have a family. Not 5 years from now when all your kids are in school. Not when things are slower…and right now we’ll toss up “popcorn prayers”…but YOUR time is NOW. Can’t you hear Him calling? As I have committed to reading and LEARNING and being CHANGED this year through scripture–my mind is also prompted more to PRAY. As I see the Lord in His Word and HOW He works…I see the POWER of prayer. If I want to raise my family to KNOW Him, if I want to break the chains of the past, if I want to be transformed—then it won’t be through popcorn prayers or quick little verses of the day. It will be through MEETING daily WITH HIM. Studying and being DESPERATE for MORE of His Word…and talking to Him throughout the day…every day! I want to raise my children on my knees rather than through my own power and strength. And it will be on my knees that I can’t take the glory for…and in the end–I hope they see that it was NOTHING of me or Richard…but all through Him. AMEN.
And today’s reading–prompted me to say all that…to YOU. I don’t know who all is reading this. I know 5-6 people comment and 20 or so have told me they are reading along. But I see on my statcounter that 400 visitors come by daily to read. What in the WORLD do I have to say that 400 people would want to read? Absolutely nothing. Nothing. But what does the Holy Spirit have to say to your heart right now as you read? Everything. So as you open your Word to Genesis 28:6 and read to Genesis 30:24—here is my blessing to you…MAY YOU BE TRANSFORMED BY THE RENEWING OF YOUR MIND. MAY YOU HEAR THE HOLY SPIRIT SPEAK TO YOUR HEART. MAY HE GIVE YOU UNDERSTAND OF HIS WORD. MAY YOUR HEART BE DRAWN CLOSER TO YOUR SAVIOR TODAY.
Some things that REALLY stuck out to me today…
Genesis 28:15 – I love this verse and promise to Jacob from God – “I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go”…this is how the NIV states it. BUT…I love how the KJV and Living both have a translation that really grab my heart. King James has “Behold” and the Living says “Whats more, I am with you”. Basically, the Lord is telling Jacob first everything he will give him. Who wouldn’t want a lot of land, descendents to large to count and for all peoples to be blessed through your offspring? But the Lord adds to this “But what’s more is that I will be with you.” Does my heart long more for the Lord to be with me than ANYTHING else? Do I long more for the Lord’s plan that my own?
We found out this week that that the USCIS is taking longer than usual to get clearance back to families so they can adopt. So, our adoption could be put on hold if we don’t get clearance back before referral time. I wasn’t slacking my feet. I just didn’t know we should have sent it off sooner. I have two options. To get frustrated. OR to remember looking at that form on my desk all of November and December and sensing I had time to send it in. I have asked others to pray that the form will be back before referral because this is my heart’s desire. But I recognize that it may not be God’s. More than anything I want the Lord’s will. And I want the child the LORD has for us. And this may just be HIS way of perfectly matching us with our child. Honestly, if I hadn’t been doing this reading with all of you–I probably would have reacted differently to this news. But seeing how the Lord works over and over again in scripture—knowing that the Lord loves our baby and us—I know that this may be His perfect way of working in our adoption.
by admin