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Over the Top…and a BIG, HUGE prayer request

My sweet friend at “Filled With Praise” nominated my blog for this fun award. Thank you friend! You know I think your blog is over the top too:).

over the top
The award states you have to use only one word answer the questions, pass along to six favorite bloggers, and tell ’em you did so. I’ll be posting tomorrow’s reading…tomorrow morning…but just for fun I’m doing this tonight;)

1. Where is your cell phone? Coat.

2. Your hair? short.

3. Your mother? quiet.

4. Your father? funny.

5. Your favorite food? chocolate.

6. Your dream last night? dream?

7. Your favorite drink? coffee.

8. Your dream/goal? shine.

9. What room are you in? office.

10. Your hobby? photography.

11. Your fear? roaches.

12. Where do you want to be in six years? airplane (adopting again maybe?;)

13. Where were you last night? home.

14. Something that you aren’t? short.

15. Muffins? blueberry.

16. Wish list item? approval (USCIS)

17. Where did you grow up? Alabama.

18. Last thing you did? Ate.

19. What are you wearing? sweater.

20. Your TV? Off.

21. Your pets? none.

22. Friends? Love.

23. Your life? joy.

24. Your mood? happy.

25. Missing someone? BabyY

26. Vehicle? Dents;) (so not a good driver)

27. Something you’re not wearing? shoes

28. Your favorite store? books

29. Your favorite color? red

30. When was the last time you laughed? tonight

31. Last time you cried? today (my new cd mix will get ya!)

32. Your best friend? hubby

33. One place that I could go over and over? Beach

34. One person who emails you regularly? Addie

35. Favorite place to eat? Macaroni

And I’m nominating for the OVER THE TOP BLOG award to my 6 fabulous bloggin friends…
Kim, Kelly, Shawnda,Melissa, Dawn, Charisa. Their blogs may all look completely different…some update often others here and there…but the one thing I love about all of their blogs is that when you read them they are saturated with their love for the Lord. They have all encouraged me in my walk with Christ, as a mom and during my adoption journey. That definitely deserves an “Over the Top” award from me;).

I have a prayer request concerning our adoption, and our family would appreciate…truly covet…your prayers for this. We just mailed off our I600 to the US Immigration and Services. The form basically states that the US has approved your family to adopt internationally…why this form is often referred to as “the golden ticket”;). We had NO IDEA how long processing would take, and the office recently moved to Texas and the processing time is taking LONGER than usual. Currently, it’s approximately 3 MONTHS to process. Because of this delay–our agency is saying that in the best interest of the child, referrals won’t be made until you have this form returned. The way our list is beginning to move, it’s very likely we could get a referral in this time frame. So…I’m calling upon my prayer warrior blog readers!!! I mean, I’M SERIOUSLY asking you to join me in prayer! We need a miracle here people…and from what I hear about the USCIS…it would take a miracle of prayer to get our form back BEFORE we get to the end of the referral list. Will you please join me in praying over the next couple of months that the HOLY SPIRIT will act upon this for us and this form will be expedited…that some HOW our papers will fall into the right stacks at the right times to get processed quickly. There are about 6 steps our forms must go through, and we signed up to receive updates—so I will let those of you praying with me know when it’s at each stage so we can have a HUGE party (even if it’s cheering online and lifting our hands in praise in our own homes!) when we get that form and it’s here in TIME! Join with me praying…and if you feel led to pray this with me for the next few months…please let me know so I can let you know it’s progress! I’m oddly a little thankful for this…it’s an opportunity to see the Lord work and for me to trust in Him deeper. Thank you friends.



Jenny - January 9, 2010 - 10:45 pm

definitely praying!!!
strange b/c we have to have that approved before we can even submit our dossier and be considered a waiting family. we’ve been waiting on the CIS for a few weeks now … hoping they are speedy for us both!!

Amy - January 9, 2010 - 11:57 pm

I will be praying for you! I pray that we both get our approvals before working our way to the top of the wait lists!

Shannon - January 9, 2010 - 11:59 pm

Absolutely!-your family is already in my prayers but I will specifically remember this request when I’m praying.

Kathryn - January 10, 2010 - 11:01 am

Praying… And if the time gets close or referral comes, call your local senators office. We did that and they pushed ours through the next day!

But hoping it will all happen on it’s own!


Amy @ Filled With Praise - January 10, 2010 - 12:06 pm

Love your answers. You know I am praying…you have to travel with me…have to!!!

Jenn - January 10, 2010 - 12:17 pm

Andrea…we had our appointment Dec 23rd to be fingerprinted and received our FDL letter back in our mailbox the next WEEK! It was postmarked Dec 28th…I’m not kidding. So don’t freak out…it could happen super quick too!!


Nikki - January 10, 2010 - 3:34 pm

Praying for you!

Marci - January 10, 2010 - 5:09 pm

Puttting the request up on our Prayer Angels…it will be exciting to see the miracles appear…PRAYER CHANGES THINGS ! Psalm 91

Melissa - January 10, 2010 - 6:43 pm

Andrea, Thank you for nominating me. What an honor coming from you. Oh, I will definitely be praying that you would be approved really fast! Looking forward to Thursday!

Kelley - January 10, 2010 - 7:24 pm

I will certainly join you in praying for a miracle and for expediency!!!! We got our USCIS form back in under 3 months, so it can happen! Love you!

Karee - January 11, 2010 - 7:52 am

Hi Andrea! Remember, me? We spoke on the phone and you answered some of my preliminary adoption questions. Although I rarely comment or post, I just wanted to let you know that I am praying for you all! We are praying about moving forward in adoption too. Also, thank you for your encouragement…I am reading the bible with you too. šŸ™‚

kellycoury - January 11, 2010 - 11:43 am

I’m praying about the 1600! šŸ™‚ Love you!

January 9 Reading – Genesis 25:27-28:5

Reading through in a year…just some thoughts on today’s reading…ok—a lot of thoughts…but today’s reading is REALLY good! Promise to not be so long winded next time;) BUT IT’S GOOD! I want to give my sweet blog friends a BIG HUG and thank them for reading this with me this year. I have to confess…it is such a BIG challenge to read through in a year and an even bigger challenge for me to actually blog about it (I confess I like sharing my pictures, photography tips and “appearing like I have it together”…but I’m really just like any old mom…living one day at a time and doing the best that I can—BUT I felt the Lord asking me to BLOG about His Word…but I have to remember who I am really writing for…to KNOW HIM more)…I want to NOT just whisk through it…but REALLY read it and be CHANGED by it. I am thankful for those who read my blog to be encouraged by our adoption—but nothing will encourage you MORE than GOD’S WORD. This is just a confession that I don’t want my blog to be about me…and I don’t want my life to be about me…I want it to be about Him. I love sharing our lives, photography, my favorite things…but in no way do any of these things touch HIS WORD…so today…be fascinated by HIS WORD…and seek deeply as you read what He is trying to ask YOU to do, change and become through it. In just 9 days I have already felt changed through this commitment in going deeper. Let us not give up our commitments to know Him more! May His Word change your heart today and call you into a deeper more passionate love relationship with Him. HE IS SO GOOD! All the time!

Verse 27-28 We have been prepped from yesterday’s reading when Esau was born first and Jacob followed grasping his heel. Esau with all that hair…I think of him as a rough and tough guy–and that he did turn out to be. He loved hunting and eating wild game…and this is why Isaac loved him. He was more than a man’s tough as they come. But Jacob–he was always a shepard, had a quiet temperament and loved to stay at home…what his daddy probably rolled his eyes at being a momma’s boy. There was definitely contention between Esau and Jacob—and his parent’s favor for different children surely only the matter worse.

This is such a good passage to reflect on and to remind us as parents to never show favor to one child over the other. Most every family will have the child who is more spiritual, a child who quickly obeys (or obeys quicker than the others rather), a child who seeks approval or to please…and then you have the one—who does not or is not those things. I know I need to be very careful not to compare my children—especially outloud to them. How easy some times it would be to say, “Laney–Parker cleaned his room so he’s going to get to have play time and you aren’t going to get to” or vice versa. It can almost become natural to say those things…but then again, our sin nature is also natural so I need to be very careful and only compare Laney to Laney, Parker to Parker and Frank to Frank. What an eye opener to think how we PHRASE things and ultimately without realizing potentially show our favor, we could be building contention between our children. Oh that our children would feel justice in our home and equally loved—and that we would be examples for them to live just lives and love others equally.

Verses 29-34
This story always leaves me scratching my head. Esau comes in the house starving, wants some of Jacob’s stew and then the boys trade a bowl of stew for a birthright? Seems like a good trade right?! Not so much. Esau doesn’t appreciate or see the value in his birthright, but Jacob does. And you can imagine how that frustrated Jacob. Jacob wasn’t wrong in wanting the best gifts…in wanting the birthright and inheritance. But he was wrong how he chose to trick Esau into the trade. It’s almost as if Esau wasn’t taking Jacob seriously–he was more concerned with satisfying his appetite and then carelessly goes away. He gave away his birthright for dish of stew. Oh that I wouldn’t live my life to satisfy my own pleasures! Open our eyes Lord and help us to see…we want our birthright as sons and daughters in Christ…help us to live like we are!

Shaking. My. Head. Seriously, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree does it?! Can you BELIEVE that Isaac pulled Abraham’s trick on Abimelech? “She’s my sister.” I almost laughed out loud when I read that. And the cycle repeats itself. What do I struggle with that I need the Lord to help me with that I do NOT want my children repeating? Take some time to sit and think about this one…then think about practical things you can do to keep yourself from doing those things—AKA: breaking the cycle with the Lord’s help:).

Verses 12-16: For real? That is like a miracle. Isaac harvested 100 times more grain than he planted “because the Lord blessed him”. Next he becomes rich. The Philistines become jealous and Abimelech kicks him out of the country because of Isaac’s power.

Verses 17-25 So Isaac leaves town–moves and reopens the wells that had been filled with dirt. Then everyone started fighting over the wells. So…he moves on and builds another. Another fight over a worldy thing…so he moves on and builds yet another. Then he moves AGAIN and the Lord appears to him. Can’t you just feel the Lord’s loving, care to him as he says “Don’t be afraid for I’m with you and will bless you”. Do you ever have one of those days or weeks where nothing seems to work? You feel like you are going and doing exactly what the Lord asks you to but roadblock after roadblock…keep your eyes on Jesus and stay close to His heart. Remain faithful in the task He has called you to…to know HIM…and hear His words to you today “Don’t be afraid for I’m with you and will bless you”.

Verses 26-35 – I just want to say I love Isaac’s response to King Abimelech here. Where many would have hated Abimelech for kicking him off his land and making he and his family and people move—when Abimelech came and wanted Isaac to basically promise he would never harm him…a oath that they would be at peace with one another…Isaac not only agreed but put on a FEAST and celebration. They ate and drank together. And there was peace.

Chapter 27 – Jacob steals Esau’s Blessing
And this is the drama I was talking about yesterday! Oh what drama in this chapter. Jacob had alrady stolen Esau’s birthright, and Isaac’s blessing would be all Esau had left. There was brokenness in Rebekah’s heart toward Esau and for her to go behind Isaac’s back and trick him for Jacob’s sake–there was brokenness in their relationship too. This is a BIG thing that probably started as very small in the beginning. A reminder for us to put our marriages BEFORE our relationships with our children. And Rebekah–she thought of everything. She knew how to make the dish, how Jacob should dress…and even thought of how to cover his skin to make Isaac think he was Esau.

After the blessing is given it’s given…and Esau comes in pained that it, too, has been given away. For the first time, I felt sorrow for Esau. And even more frustrated with Jacob…and Rebekah. But they were ALL at fault here. From the very beginning of choosing favorites, building contention between the brothers and then the desperate end.

My munch on thoughts from today’s reading—the power of blessings. Why is it that today we give our children inheritances and not really blessings? I think at carpool drop off instead of saying “Have a great day”, I’m going to start saying “May your day be full of laughter…may you love your friends and be an example of Jesus’s love to others as you share and forgive…” Hmmm…doesn’t that seem so much more powerful;)!?

(No crazy pictures today…the Word is plenty today;)…but we got our new numbers!!!! See last post for the update! Also–I made the most inspirational sweet adoption cd yesterday with the help of iTunes. Adopting or know someone adopting? Check out the playlist under “Adoption” in the menu above. Such sweet songs for someone’s adoption journey. Consider making your own cd with these songs on iTune or making one for someone special that is adopting or has adopted. These songs are sure to inspire and carry you through your journey reminding you of the Lord’s hand along your way.)

Charisa - January 9, 2010 - 8:19 am

It was a good reading today! I enjoy reading the passages we know so well and then God speaking a fresh word. What hit me today is what do I not find valuable in my life? What would I trade for instant gratification such as a bowl of stew? On the surface, nothing…but when I dig deeper…do I trade a time of bonding with my children and husband for the instant gratification of tv? Do I trade off a deep relationship with a friend with the instant gratification of using my tongue in a hurtful way?
Geez….I’ve come so far….but yet am still filled with such junk at times. Thank God for His neverending circumcising of my heart.

by the the song and sara groves…she is probably my all time favorite singer. such a worshipper

Amy @ Filled With Praise - January 9, 2010 - 9:07 am

I nominated you for an award at my blog šŸ™‚

Heather - January 9, 2010 - 4:45 pm

Such good stuff! The Word changes people for sure! I think Rebekah & Jacob were worried that God couldn’t do what He said. God promised the blessing to Jacob, so they were just trying to help Him out. I’m thankful for the relationships I have with my husband, brother, & sisters!

april - January 9, 2010 - 5:48 pm

Hello! Found your blog through another adoption blog! ;0) We are adopting from Uganda! So excited to follow your journey now! :0)

Megan - January 9, 2010 - 11:44 pm

Can you believe that Esau actually gave up his birthright for stew! Iā€™ve worked some long, exhausting days before, but Iā€™ve never been so hungry as to make a stupid oath like that!

And then Isaac makes the same stupid mistake his father made time and time again! I just canā€™t even believe this family!!! And STILL Abimelech is kind to him, promising that if anyone harms him or his wife they will die. This ruler just continues to treat Abrahamā€™s family better than they deserve!

Now I know we have talked about this before…back when Abraham deceived Abimelech…Sometimes we feel like God wonā€™t use us for something big, something huge, because weā€™re not worthy. Somehow we have messed up one too many times and we have this skewed image in our head of how God views us. But watching Abraham (and Isaac) mess up time and time again and God not only still loves them, but uses them for amazing things! Reminds me that nothing is too huge for God, including taking a sinner like me and doing something amazing!

Then there is this conflict over water rights. Isaac and his family are just being pushed from one area to another. And why? Because he is doing too well. It just shows that there has always been an issue with people being jealous of the wealthy. Fortunately Isaac handles it in a very mature fashion.

On the story where Jacob steals Esauā€™s blessingā€¦I canā€™t imagine as a mother favoring one child over the other. Not to mention to the extent that you would trick one out of something like this! This is what the commentary said in my Bible:

“It is heartbreaking to watch Rebekah and Jacob conspire to deceive Isaac. Notice the great lengths to which they go to fool the old man. They already knew that Jacob was the heir to Godā€™s promises through Abraham, but through their deceit they were trying to make Godā€™s plan happen. That never works without causing pain or added trouble somewhere else. God is in charge of the timetable of our lives. We need to stick with the truth and move at his pace.”

Wow! That really relates to the adoption for me! Godā€™s plan is perfect. His timing is perfect. Why do I continue to try to rush or slow things down to make them happen the way I plan? Regardless of what I do, God has a handle on the situation and it will happen in His timing.

I love the story of Jacob dreaming about the staircase of heaven. I have daydreamed about seeing such a vision! I canā€™t even imagine how amazingly beautiful it must have been!

This is barely even touching all the thoughts swirling around my head this morning after todayā€™s reading, but hopefully it has provoked some thoughts for you too!

What an amazing God we have. Is anyone else feeling extremely touched and blessed that our God loves us enough to leave us His holy, breathing word to reflect on?

New numbers…YAY!

Just had to throw in a quick post to celebrate our NEW numbers! I’ve waited since the first week of December for these! We knew there would be very little movement this round…but we are sooooo excited about what is ahead! The referrals have just started back up! We were told in the beginning it’s ebs and flow…we’ve been in the eb the whole time—so bring on the flow baby! There’s already been referrals for 2 girls and 4 boys—which aren’t reflected in our new numbers…so that’s even more excited. Last month we were 26 boy and 40 girl. This month (not counting the recent referrals!), we are boy…kobe
Maybe he’ll play some b-ball;) like ole Kobe here.
Our GIRL number is CATCHING up. This little stinker has us wondering what our child is now! This should be fun to watch! Our girl number is…
They are now just 10 spots away…and with the girl moving 6 and the boy just 2…this could get interesting;). BUT there was 1 girl and 4 boy referrals AND it’s just beginning of January SO….we’re guessing by February we’ll definitely be in the teens. It’s actually likely we will get a referral by March…but we’re still telling our hearts May. Can’t wait to share our February number in just 3-4 weeks! YIPPY! The flow has begun:).

Amy - January 8, 2010 - 6:13 pm

Things are going to get super exciting and now you are soooo close to the teens Yay!!!

admin - January 8, 2010 - 6:18 pm

I soooooo wanna be a teenager! Bring on the teens!!!

Dawn - January 8, 2010 - 7:01 pm

You are getting there!!

Nikki - January 8, 2010 - 8:39 pm

Great news! Can’t wait until we’re officially waiting, too!

Jenn - January 8, 2010 - 8:56 pm

We got ours too!! We are boy 26 girl 35. Can’t wait to watch those numbers dwindle together!!!!


Shannon - January 8, 2010 - 11:29 pm

Yeah!! So exciting!

Chrystal - January 11, 2010 - 8:05 am

I have been following your blog and I am SOOOO excited for your family, you have no idea! šŸ™‚

Preparing for what is ahead – January 8th Reading…

Look what I got in the mail today! Yes…2010 is my year of organization. It IS going to happen;). Step 1. The pantry…(I even went to Kroger in the snow to buy…NO not milk or bottled water…but AAA batteries so my label maker would work;)

It’s the Brother PT-90 version and might I add I am VERY happy with it! It was one of the cheapest and it’s just the perfect thing for labeling when organizing…
Then after the inspiration of my friend Addie’s pantry…and a couple of years of making fun of her…I joined her…
snowday jan 2010 025
And YES…I have a shelf for my hot cocoa:). An entire shelf…hot cocoa, cocoa “condiments”…you name it, it’s in my pantry if it has to do with hot cocoa:).
snowday jan 2010 023
Now, someone get my label maker before I start labeling my children…it is so easy and even fun to use…I kind of went crazy labeling everything!

Before I get rollin’ on today’s reading–I want to say just ONE thing about yesterday’s that I did not. One of my favorite marriage verses in the entire Bible was in the last reading. Gen.24:67 “Isaac brought her into the tent of his mother Sarah, and he married Rebekah. So she become his wife, and he loved her; and Isaac was comforted after his mother’s death.”

I could go on and on WHY I love this verse. Some of it’s principle and some of it’s personal. The principle is great. First Rebekah became his wife. And THEN he loved her. Why don’t we get this? He trusted the Lord that this was the women for him. He trusted the Lord over feelings, logic and unknowns. There wasn’t any “I just don’t feel the sparks yet” or “I’m not sure if she really KNOWS me”…”Um…we connect some, but I just want to wait and see how I feel”. He married her because He felt the Lord’s hand…And then he loved her. I’m not sure if there is anyone reading who is not married—but this is a great principle to remember. Our feelings are fleeting. Always. They come and go. You can’t start a relationship on feelings–because it will likely end on feelings. Did you heart that? Let me repeat–you can’t start a relationshiop on feelings–because it will likely end on feelings. We should start relationships based through the love of the Lord and asking the Lord to help us see a person how He sees them. The only thing that ever stands is the word of the Lord. It is the word of the Lord that will hold you together. It is the Lord that will help you through the hardest times. And it is the Lord and the Lord in your spouse’s heart that will make you fall in love with him (over and over again) and have a solid marriage. I could write a book about my thoughts on truth over feelings—but I just love the basic principle here that are feelings can’t be trusted—but the LORD can. I personally think too many people in relationships, families, marriages, friendships trust and make decisions based on their feelings…and it’s just not a Biblical principle. I am thankful I married someone who agrees that our personal feelings cannot be trusted. God and His Word should be a director of our relationships. He is the only one that can be trusted.

Richard and I trusted the Lord with our courtship. I’m so thankful for that. He persued me and loved me as Christ loves His church. I remember when our premarital counselor asked why I wanted to marry Richard. My answer? “Because I love the way he treats me, honors me and makes me feel loved.” (Isn’t that ultimately a picture of our draw to the Lord…because He first loved us?) I felt that—and knew Richard was persuing me because the Lord laid his persuement of me on his heart. (I can be a headstrong, difficult bird—so for anyone to put up with me…trust me, the Lord would have to lay it on his heart;). And he, like the Lord, was constant in his persuement. We sought the Lord during our entire engagement and even through doubts—we felt the Lord saying “this is the one I have created for you—trust Me”. For many reasons it didn’t make sense. Mainly because it didn’t line up with MY plan and feelings. I was sure God had called me to be a full time missionary. But I was also sure God was saying, “Trust me—leave your plan for your life and take mine.” But my plan was “good”…it was full of “God stuff”…and I REALLY WANTED IT but it was not God’s plan. The pastor who counselled us told me, “When you walk the aisle, you lay China at the cross and trust God to lead Richard for your future.” At first I was scared, but it felt so right. We loved each other more as brothers and sisters in Christ–and we challenged one another and we were both sure of God’s plan for us to marry—but it wasn’t until I got married that we both fell deeply in love with one another. With a burning desire for the mission field, we began to persue how God could use us among the nations…here. Richard was sure that the Lord wanted him to work here, and just 3 years into our marriage we had 2 children…very little time for me to even think about the mission field. BUT four sweet years into our marriage we had the joy of helping start a ministry in Zambia (, and I realize now that the Lord is using us in more ways being here than there…for now;). I’m so thankful we waited on the Lord during our courtship and trusted Him with our future!!! Glory be to God!

Those verses have always been so sweet to me:). And I just couldn’t go on without sharing that one!

JANUARY 8 READING – Genesis 25:1-4, 1 Chr 1:32-33, Genesis 25:5-6, 12-18, 1 Chr 1:28-31 & 34, Genesis 25:19-26, 25:7-11

Today’s reading is prepping us for what is ahead. And it’s actually very short—just a lot of jumping around to keep us on the chronological read through. Tomorrow is going to be another CRAZY day. Not in crazy a lot to read–more like crazy in more drama. It killed me to stop reading today! So today–we need to just get our seatbelts on. Here are a few things in today’s reading that I thought were noteworthy:

Ch.25 1-11 Abraham was very wise to take care of the distribution of his estate while he was still living. He was not only seeing his children were taken care of–but he was helping maintain peace after he was gone. We, too, should carefully plan for our children…no matter how old we are. Three years ago, Richard and I sat down to begin preparing our will for our children. With regular trips to Africa with Wiphan, it just seems smart. But–none of us are promised tomorrow even being here…and a trip to the store could be just as fatal. It is wise to have a plan for our children so for their sake they are without question and peace is maintained.

Verse 9 – This is the highlight verse for me in this chapter. Isaac AND Ismael bury Abraham. They were able to do this because of the way Abraham planned and continued to love them both deeply. The two that were destined to dispise–come together at their father’s death and mourn together. They were able to bury him in peace—no fighting over who gets what…who Abraham would want to do what with…Abraham had wisely distributed his estate and although it was probably hard to do while alive as it was another thing for him to add to his “to do” list—and probably a bit uncomfortable…it made for peace and appropriate closure for these two in the end.

Verse 25 – A hairy garment? Not what I imagine cuddling with after I give birth. He was named Esau “reared already” because he looked like a grown man full of hair.

Verse 26 – Jacob holding his heel signifies his pursuit of the birthright (the drama that’s comin’ tomorrow…hang tight!)

Thanks for bearing with me another day. If you are just joining in…it’s never too late! You can download the schedule we are following at Just jump right in and…you can either double up days to catch up or just start right where we are! I have been so encouraged to hear how many are following along together this year…just 8 days into our reading…let us not give up meeting together (even if it is online…it’s 2010 people!) and encourageing one another in the Lord’s word!



P.S. I have had a few ask me if we have an adoption number update yet. The answer is NO…followed by WAAA! Followed by, truthfully—this reading is getting me so excited that I’m not fretting knowing that the Lord is in control and I have an idea of where our numbers are so I’m cool;). I’ll share them the minute we hear—but we did get word that things are about to really get moving…so that is REALLY, REALLY exciting! Bear with me friends as we read this year…when you signed up to read the Word this year with me you signed up to ride this roller coaster too;).

Megan - January 8, 2010 - 12:26 am

Oh my gosh, if you are anything like me (and it seems that you are) you will LOVE your label maker! I am also on an organizing frenzy right now! Although I can’t commit to labeling my cabinets because I change them all the time, lol! =) But one of my goals in 2010 is to find a home for everything…maybe it’s ambitous, I don’t know, but I’m striving for organization! I’ll read the verses in the morning and then post! Oh Happy Day!

Robin Zetterberg Salley - January 8, 2010 - 5:20 am

Beautiful entry (as always) Andrea šŸ™‚ I love your heart. -R

Charisa - January 8, 2010 - 5:45 am

Hear your heart on marriage…and I completely agree…as I very wounded and baggage filled person (and 19 marrying a man ten years older) when I married, I had LOTS of emotions…and if I had went with my emotions all the time…well, let’s say sometimes I did and it WASNT GOOD!

God gave me the person that completed me and who was perfect for me…even though from alot of peoples standpoint’s…we were nuts! (or more specifically they thought he was!)

I love him now more than ever…

LOVE studying the Word with you!

Amy @ Filled With Praise - January 8, 2010 - 7:26 am

Were we separated at birth? My label maker is going in my will as one of my treasured possessions šŸ™‚

Love the post today…keep it up girl.

Marci - January 8, 2010 - 8:26 am

Andrea, our family is too reading the bible together. Nightly works for us. We are using The Daily Walk. It has it broken down with bites to ponder the Word ! I have made a copy of your One Year Chronological Bible schedule and it is almost the same. Ya’ll have Chronicles added so I am going to do that too….I always get blue after our time together at night doing our Jesse Tree and that is when Doc suggested the daily reading together. Last night we missed but our Lord loves our hearts to be coming back even when we have missed Him only one day or years…doesn’t matter He is waiting and present. Some of the comments and things you write are exactly what we discuss after the readings. It tickles me to no end that we are all defying “the world” by doing something so precious by being in His word daily. Most of us do but it is spiritual exercise daily.
God is working good things in your life and I have been including your journey in my prayer life. Also, sharing and hoping that others join in on your Bible journey.
Sister and I are major labellers…even cabinets for glasses ,plates me it makes it possible for others in my kitchen to help or find things. I started this a long time ago sans machine to hellp my kids learn to read.Words are important. Also, reading the bible together in the past years has been the greatest educational boost to my boys. One time we were in Exodus and by the nice ,warm fire and Doc,Trey had faallen asleep while I was reading…I looked at my little 2 year old whose dear shaped eyes was silently looking at me while sucking his thumb. I put the Bible down and moaned”Lord,why have you put this on my heart for us to read the old testament together..everyone falls asleep except Shockley !” All at once Shockley stood up and said “Pharaoh.Pharaoh,Let MY People Go..umph” WOW, God winked at me and said keep doing this..even thoguh he is 2 1/2…he hears it and gets it !!!!! A memory frozen forever in my mind . Our children absorb more than we can imagine. I know most people are not reading with fam but if someone is this hopefully will encourage. Your thoughts on marriage and relationships are so true . Married since 1981…still loving my man because God put us together…no doubt. SIster and I prayed for exactly the man that God placed in my path.In all my life, I could not have imagined how I would find this man but, God knew ! I was way to busy in Chapel Hill working 3 jobs in grad school and I wanted a christian . Laundrymat is where it happened. I knewand he knew..he had just prayed for God to place his wife in his life. It canbe so much fun to think of our tapestry. I won’t post this long ever again(snow…relaxing day) and terrifically enthusiastic to read your blogs. You are filled with fire for the Lord and you have a team of believers helping you. Mighty and Wonderful He is and He will hear your heart and desires though your adoption process….thank you for sharing. Pax, Marci

Heather - January 8, 2010 - 9:30 am

I also noticed that Abraham took care of his estate. He still gave to every child, although the majority went to the promised seed, Isaac. One other thing I noticed is that when Abraham had another wife & more children, he sent them away as well. Do you think he was lacking a little faith there & trying to protect his “promised seed?” Or what? Not sure. I also loved that Isaac & Ishmael came together to bury their father. We don’t know all that went on there, but there’s no evidence of fightings. They were both mourning for their dad. So that must mean Abraham still reached out to Ishmael even though he sent him away. It says that Isaac was 40 years old when he married Rebekah. Then he asked God to open her womb, so she was pregnant with twins. It also says that Isaac was 60 years old when the twins were born. Wow! 20 years of dealing with barreness! I can’t imagine that. My husband & I have been dealing with that for almost 3 & it’s been hard! But back to the twins, them struggle with each other in the womb basically represents their lives in the future. Always a struggle! God told Rebekah that the younger would prevail over the older. Jacob was grasping Esau’s heel, coincidence? I don’t think so. God has perfect plans & He sees them through.

Jenny - January 8, 2010 - 5:29 pm

just wanted to say I hardly get to comment much about the reading but I’m with ya daily! I love your thoughts about the reading. I actually read your thoughts before I read so I know what’s ahead and I LOVE it! My husband and I are actually reading it together every night. If it’s something I think the kids could absorb, I usually read it out loud to them.
I know I only know you through the blog world but I do love reading your blog! I think you and I would be fast friends if we lived closer;0).

Kim J - January 8, 2010 - 7:07 pm

Love the reading! What a great start to what will be a great year. We are bringing home our little girl from ET as well through AGCI. Help me with the lable maker thing. I actually have one but I inherited it. I’m all for organization but I must be a rebel. I have visions of one of my sons future girlfriends coming over and then telling her friends/family…”okay…his Mom actually has her pantry labeled…like I could not see where the hot cocoa goes…” and then she feels she can’t measure up…that expectations are high.( ahhh..insert my own experience here…now we are on to something!) I keep pulling it out and putting it back. On a positive note… I have a label stating the machine in the plasitic storage box is a “label maker”. Does that count?

Megan - January 9, 2010 - 1:42 am

Most of the reading is about Abrahamā€™s descendants. The part that stood out to me was when Rebekah cried out to God asking why she was having difficulties in her pregnancy. She was pregnant with twins and the two boys were fighting with each other even in her womb. God explained to her that her sons would be rival nations.

The reason this stood out to me was because I remember feeling like this when I was pregnant with Skyler and throwing up for nine months. I remember crying out to God, ā€œWhy is this so hard?ā€ I wish I would have received an immediate answer as Rebekah did. Instead, I received an answer much later. Later when we were planning for our second child, we felt God telling us that adoption was the route. It was very clear to us at that point that if I wouldnā€™t have had a ā€œdifficultā€ pregnancy, we probably wouldnā€™t even had considered adoption until much later down the road. From the beginning God was writing our story, and we look forward to His perfect ending!

Merry Christmas in Ethiopia!!!

Oh how I love Christmas…and today we are celebrating it in our hearts knowing that guess what??? It’s CHRISTMAS DAY in Ethiopia! Here’s a fun little informative article excerpt I found this morning to share written by About columnist Tanya Davis:
Christmas is a major holiday in Ethiopia. More than half of the population of Ethiopia is Orthodox Christian. The celebration occurs on January 7, the Feast of the Epiphany, instead of December 25. Ethiopia has its own calendar and time system, totally unique from any other country. 7AM is 1AM, the year 2007 is currently 1999 and there are thirteen months in the year. The Ethiopian Orthodox church celebrates Christmas on January 7 as does the Russian Orthodox Church.

On Christmas Eve, January 6, the city is crowded with pilgrims and tourists from all parts of the world. The people remain outdoors all night, praying and chanting. On January 7, the Ethiopian Christmas known as Ganna is celebrated. The word Ganna is used interchangeably with the word Christmas, to mean the birth of Jesus Christ (leddat). This celebration takes place in ancient churches carved from solid volcanic rock of that day and also in more modern churches that are designed in three concentric circles. Men and boys sit separately from the girls and women. People receive candles as they enter their church. After lighting the candles, everyone walks around the church three times, and then they all stand throughout the church service which may last up to three hours. After the service, the rest of the day is spent dancing, playing sports and feasting.

The first thing I thought about when I got up this morning? Christmas in Ethiopia…and the truth that it’s now VERY likely our child has been born. It is his first Christmas and it is my prayer that his time with his family who still has him is sweet. Today’s Bible reading REALLY blew my heart away how it lines up with Christmas, adoption stories and the power of prayer. I SERIOUSLY could just study THIS all year long and talk about today’s scripture every day…so bear with me and put on your seat belt. Just when you thought you might get bored or frustrated with yesterday’s reading being full of sin…today is A NEW DAY! Merry Christmas baby…wherever you are.
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And just to make you laugh well, because in the midst of unknowns your heart can be heavy…and you some times just NEED to laugh and enjoy the humor in life too—ahhh the roller coaster of life and adoption right;)…(if you were born in the 70’s like me…and you rocked it out in the late 80’s with Vanilla…also like me!) I thought I’d share my favorite gift from Christmas. OH YEAH! This is from my sista…just 14 months older than me. CHECK IT OUUUUUUUUUT….
Yes, I wore this in public. All day yesterday. And NOT ONE PERSON commented;). Yet it made me smile…All. Day. Long. And on top of it, I wore black jeans–and black house slippers with it. Thank goodness for those people who spend a fortune on their UGGs. They look similar to my $9 Target houseslippers…so I rocked those out yesterday with Vanilla:) Can you believe my babysitter Caitlin didn’t know the words to Ice Ice Baby? Can you believe that I rapped them to her? Don’t you remember that Caitlin? Rollin’ in my 5 point 0. I hope I’m this cool when I’m 40;). Oh wait a minute…Vanilla is so not cool is he? Or isn’t he?! All a matter of opinion. If you never saw his movie “Cool as Ice”, my sister and I highly recommend it;)

Now…on to more serious matters…

January 7 – Genesis 21:8-23:20, 11:32, 24:1-67

Genesis 21 – Hagar and Ismael sent away
In this chapter, I am so drawn to Abraham’s heart for Ishmael. How he loves him! Sarah wants him gone because what was Ishmael doing? Just being a boy..doing what boy’s do best–mock, tease and pick. But Sarah does not love the boy and only sees him in the light of jeolousy and a taker of her own son’s inheritance. But Abraham loves him, and I just love Abraham for this.

It probably didn’t make sense to Abraham as God told Abraham to let Hagar go as Sarah demanded. Would they be okay? Would God truly keep His promise to him to take care of Ismael? And Hagar and little Ismael are sent away with food, skins and water. That’s it. Oh the emotions Hagar must have felt! “Ismael, why did you have to mock Sarah’s son?! Sarah you got me in this in the first place! Abraham, what about us?!” Then Hagar hides Ismael under a bush–and they both…cry. “I can’t watch my boy die” Hagar weeps. PLEASE LORD…save him!

Is this where our birth mother in Ethiopia is this Christmas. I can’t watch my boy die! LORD–please save him. I have no money. I have no food. My husband has been taken by AIDS. I can’t watch my precious baby boy die. In the months to come, our baby’s birth mother will make a difficult decision. Why God did you bring him here if he must die? What am I going to do? So many things must be going on her heart. But our God is faithful. And last summer He burdened this momma’s heart. And here I wait. Here I cry too. For her son. To be my son. And this will be God’s provision. She will open her eyes like Hagar and see Hannah’s Hope…a well of water…provision. It will not be easy, but I’m praying today that her Christmas with our sweet son is sweet.

God heard Ismael crying in hunger. He provided. Oh Lord–will you provide for all the crying babies that are hungry today. I pray specifically for the babies of future families doing this study with us. We trust in your provision Lord. AMEN. Thank you Lord for what you are doing and what you will do. We pray verse 20 over our children “God was with the boy”…be with our children Lord.
See this little guy? Just as God looked out for Ismael–God looked out for this sweet little one in Zambia. He was left at a gate as a newborn at a AIDS orphanage. He almost didn’t make it, but GOD heard him crying. Someone at the center quickly saw him—and he was nursed back to health with AIDS medication, formula and care. He was hungry, and now he is thriving in Zambia. There are thousands upon thousands just like him…and I praise the LORD when we are too close minded and safe in our own worlds to hear their cries—that the LORD hears them. When we are like Sarah and just want to protect our own children and their futures…the the LORD hears them. Oh Lord, forgive us when we play it safe and want to protect ourselves.

ā€œooh!ā€ said Susan, ā€œIā€™d thought he was a man. Is he ā€“ quite safe? I shall feel rather nervous about meeting a lion.ā€
ā€œThat you will, dearie, and no mistakeā€ said Mrs Beaver; ā€œif thereā€™s anyone who can appear before Aslan without their knees knocking, theyā€™re either braver than most or else just silly.ā€
ā€œThen he isnā€™t safe?ā€ said Lucy.
ā€œSafe?ā€ said Mr Beaver; ā€œdonā€™t you hear what Mrs Beaver tells you? Who said anything about safe? ā€˜Course he isnā€™t safe. But heā€™s good. Heā€™s the King, I tell you.ā€
Source: CS Lewis, The Lion, the Witch & The Wardrobe

And that was just chapter 21. 3 more to go. And it ONLY gets better! I’ve gotta be brief though or this is gonna be a book!

Ch. 22 – Abraham was tested
This is BY FAR one of my favorite chapters in the Bible!!! Have you heard me say that before;)?! Seriously–this is one of them! If you have never read it–you must, must, must! This is one chapter that God specifically laid on my heart as we began our adoption. We were getting several comments that we were…well, crazy. I mean–I had 3 kids 4 and under when we started the process. (It’s now 3 kids 5 and under;). And I’m choosing to make that 4 kids 5 and under? Yes. Why? Well, because. You’ll have to go back and read my first post and my “Why Ethiopia?” post.

What we do as believers, as followers of God, may look CRAZY to the world–but we are called to be obedient. This chapter is about being obedient NO MATTER WHAT. No matter what. Do you think Abraham looked crazy at that alter? What do you think his servants thought? What do you think ISAAC thought? It was nuts! But God wanted to see if Abraham would be obedient NO MATTER WHAT. And just before Abraham followed through—GOD STOPPED HIM. Praise Jesus for that. We would all think God was crazy if He actually asked Him to do that. But do you realized that Abraham actually believed God wanted him to do it and he was going to?! I can’t IMAGINE! God saw Abraham would not even withhold his most prized gift, his son, from Him and he blessed him.

It is my prayer that no matter what God asks me to do—no matter how crazy it may be…that I could and would be obedient! Whether it’s a child with tuberculosis, AIDS…whether it’s packing up and going to Africa for 2 weeks to serve in an orphanage in Uganda…go to a homeless shelter and drop off blankets…sit on the floor and look in Laney’s eyes and tell her how much she is loved…oh that I would be obedient when the Lord lays something on my heart…and oh that I would “obey right away”.

Chapters 23 and 24 are still left…I’m going to have to give the run down on these later because we have life to live over here—BOTH older kids are in preschool today and Frankie baby has his 1 year shot (OUCH!) so I’m off…but I’m so, so, so thankful I have the Word written on my heart today as I go! God is so good to make me WANT to read it. I can’t WAIT to tell you my 2 cents on 23 and 24. Orrrr…maybe one of you readers would like to sum of 23 and 24 in the comments for us! Charisa? Amy? Heather? Megan? Julie? Caitlin? Nikki? Shannon? I love, love, love having others to read and share the Word with!

Chapters 23…the death of Sarah…so sad. Great insight about paying for things so there is no contention. Love to hear your 2 cents. Chapter 24…Isaac and Rebekah…OK…seriously…this is one of my favorite chapters in the WHOLE Bible…SOOOOOOOO GOOD! LOVE IT! Can’t wait to hear what you all have to say! If you are in the midst of the reading now—check out my friend Charisa’s take on these chapters. I love especially her take on Chapter 24. You can read her blog on this here:



Amy @ Filled With Praise - January 7, 2010 - 7:54 am

I love thinking about our sons both celebrating their first Ethiopian Christmas. The only better thought is that next year they will be celebrating the Ethiopian Christmas in our homes šŸ™‚

Amber - January 7, 2010 - 9:10 am

All right stop collaborate and listen
Ice is back with my brand new invention
Something grabs a hold of me tightly
Flow like a harpoon daily and nightly
Will it ever stop yo I don’t know
Turn off the lights and I’ll glow
To the extreme I rock a mic like a vandal
Light up a stage and wax a chump like a candle
Dance go rush to the speaker that booms
I’m killing your brain like a poisonous mushroom
Deadly when I play a dope melody
Anything less than the best is a felony…

I won’t continue. But I could. I still *heart* that song. šŸ™‚

Merry Ethiopian Christmas!

Charisa - January 7, 2010 - 1:30 pm

I LOVE LOVE LOVE the quote by Lucy on Aslan! I even used it in worship one Sunday!

No, our God isn’t “safe”….but boy, it sure is wonderful, wild, crazy ride!!! I wouldn’t want any other. You just have to hold on tight when you give your whole life to Him!

Heather - January 7, 2010 - 3:09 pm

Chap. 23- well of course this is all part of God’s plan. I believe that when people would die in the Old Testament, they would bury the body back in their hometown. Abraham stayed where God had promised him his land. He asked for a place to bury his wife, paid them (which I think they would’ve given it to him anyways), and buried & mourned for his wife. She was 127 years old! Can you imagine how long they were together!? That had to break Abraham’s heart!

Chap. 24- I love this chapter too! Abraham sent out his oldest servant to find a wife for his son Isaac. The hand under the thigh oath, I believe is meant to be a personal oath. A study Bible that I read says that Abraham sent his servant back to his country to find Isaac a wife because the people of Canaan were pagans & his son was the “seed” & he wanted a godly woman. So here’s the awesome part! Abraham’s servant prays very specifically! He is waiting at the well & asks God to make it clear to him who he should take back to be Isaac’s wife. So he asks that the girl offer to draw water for him & his camels! WOW! The first girl that came up, Rebekah, did just what he asked! Before he even finished asking God!! He goes to stay with her family & he wants to leave soon. They want more time with her & ask her what she wants. She wanted to go with Abraham’s servant! Wow, don’t know that I could’ve done that. & by the way, Rebekah is Isaac’s cousin!!!!! She seemed to be respectful & submissive to her husband. Rebekah comforted Isaac in his grief for his mother.

Later in the next few chapters we’ll see that one of their sons, Jacob marries his cousins (Leah & Rachel) as well. Their father, Laban, is Rebekah’s brother!

caitlin - January 7, 2010 - 7:39 pm

All right stop, Collaborate and Listen.

Shannon - January 8, 2010 - 12:14 am

So much good stuff I’m not sure where to start! I guess first by saying “Merry Christmas!” I learned so much from your post about Christmas in Ethiopia-thanks for sharing. Second, both my husband and I were born in the 70’s and grew up in the 80’s…and still love the music from that era…especially my husband. I think he believes it part of his mission as a parent to teach our children to love and appreciate music from the 80’s. Even our 3 year old will occasionally give us an “ice, ice baby” tune. Now to the really good stuff! So much to this reading today, I love what both you and Charisa shared. I found myself once again grieving for Hagar and Ishmael-and for Abraham too. It makes me feel better that Abraham was distressed about the situation. It would be so disappointing if he easily let them go. And I can’t help but feel a little upset toward Sarah. Wasn’t she the matchmaker to begin with. I am so thankful that God came to Hagar. Jump to chapter 22…I can’t even imagine the incredible pain that Abraham must have felt when Isaac asked him “where is the lamb for the burnt offering?” Ughhh…it almost takes my breath away. Yes, please let me look crazy in the eyes of the world if it means I’m being obedient to my Savior!

Megan - January 8, 2010 - 12:22 am

Merry Ethiopian Christmas!

And wow, I’m looking at Hagar’s story in a whole new way thanks to you!!!