Ok…you know us adoption folks are always on a roller coaster ride and some days you just don’t know if we’re high or low…or just plain crazy. Ok, so today’s let’s pick crazy;). Got my new numbers. And if you are on the AGCI listserv you are NOT allowed to play (if you are family or a VBFF…you aren’t allowed to play either;). I will say that our new numbers aren’t what we thought they were…but that’s ok…but I’ll give no hints…they may be lower or higher than what we thought. OK—drum rolllllllll please…
Our new girl number is how old I was in THIS picture…
And our new boy number is how old I was in THIS picture…(don’t let the fact I was at Chuck-E-Cheese fool ya;)
OK…no AGCI list serv people can play;). The first person who gets BOTH numbers right…gets one of these…But NOOOOO cheatin! Take a guess…and smile if you win while you wear your t as this one helped send a mission trip over to love on some babies in Africa.
by admin
I don’t get to play 🙁
I’ll bite. 31 and 19. Anywhere close????
hey no fair. But new numbers are exciting no matter if they are higher or lower than what you thought!
i’m gonna go with 29 and 16. i don’t even know how old you are now, so i hope i’m not offending you. glad you got new numbers. that always is fun.
okay, totally bizarre. i feel like i know one of the girls in the chuckee cheese pic. the one in the front isn’t named stephanie by any chance, is she? if not, she has a doppleganger in ohio. 🙂
Oooh, I really want to win this!
I will say Girl #32 and Boy #14???
I love guessing games! Even though I’m not the best at it I’ll have to try because the T-shirt is toooo cute!….boy-#19 and girl-#27.
Hi Andrea! I love your blog, your ideas are wonderful! My guess is 30 and 17 – I really have no idea – just a guess! Praying these numbers fall incredibly fast, so you can be with your sweet baby.
I’m so anxious to hear your new numbers…so I’m going to play. 28 and 17. 🙂
Not on the listserv yet so I can play! woohoo! Total guess, Here goes: 28 and 16
woohoo, yay for new numbers!! i’m gonna guess.. 27 girl and 18 boy.
I’m guessing 29 and 17…This is so fun!
OK…no one YET! One of you is KILLER close (off JUST by one!)…and the boy number has been guessed and the girl number guessed…BUT NOT YET ON THE NOSE TOGETHER!…OK…you can guess more than once if you have already…who is gonna WIN?!
29 and 18?
Am I lame for guessing again? I love this game and can’t wait to hear the results! Here’s my second guess- 28 and 18.
I’ve got a HINT—I am 33 now! (Parker is 5 and Laney is 4!) And someone has gotten both right (the boy more than once!) BUT not on the nose together…oooooook…whose gonna get this ADORABLE T! Keep guessing;)! Anyone? Anyone????
Hee, hee. OK…you can guess more than twice;). Put your thinkin’ caps on…you are close:). And one person has been off just by one!
28 and 18? Can I guess 3 times?:)
No wait, I’m going with 28 and 17!
Haha! 30, 18?
Haha! 30,18?
30, 18?
haha! 29, 18?
Can I guess again? 30 and 19
Okay, seriously. So sorry! My phone freaked out.
or maybe 29 and 19
YAAAAAAAAAAAAY! Amy S is the PROUD new owner of this adorable Africa T! Amy, send me your address to andreainga@yahoo.com or on the contact page and it’s comin’ your way!!!!
Our new numbers are boy 19 and girl 30! YAAAAAAAAAAAAY! Good guessing everyone!
And Caitlin’ love that I have a junior in college playin’ so hard on their phone! The Young family loves some Caitlin!
Ahhh…what was I thinking? Of course you were older than 28…Parker is obviously not a newborn:) What a fun game and congratulations on the new numbers!!
HILARIOUS! Great memories! Look at my bangs. Great game, and I love that shirt!
We are currently on the waitlist to adopt a child from Ethiopia through AGCI. Can you tell me what the listserv is? Thanks!