This weekend at the Young house, “Operation Haiti” was underway! Thanks to everyone who donated toward our fundraiser for Heartline Ministries Orphanage in Haiti! Parker and Laney even helped…and tomorrow we should be finished up so we can pay the post office a visit on Monday. Here is the result of today’s work…Tomorrow we’ll be cutting out the blessings and verses and folding up our Valentine Felt Fortune/Blessing Cookies for some of our sweet blog readers…YAY!
OK—random fact about Andrea (besides the fact I like to talk in 3rd person;). I love scavenger hunts. Love em. Probably why I really am so excited about my current project. In college, I actually sent my roommates and friends on multiple scavenger hunts while in college…not typical college student behavior I know…but I’ve always been a gamer at heart—and love a good treasure hunt;). I have been scavengering ALL around town this week in every dollar and craft store! So…can you begin to guess what these things might have in common??? Yes, I am actually completely STOKED about all of these finds this week…Can you guess what these images have in common??? Okay—here are some hints. [You can also find the answer in Chapter 10 of Carol Brazo’s book (see previous post) if you have already purchased it.] Hints: 1) They are going to help us celebrate the resurrection. 2) They will be used every Easter in our home. 3) They will all teach my kiddos more about God and the journey leading up to Christ!
I want to make a BIG deal about Christmas (it is when our Savior was born)…but I want to make a BIGGER deal about Easter (when our Savior BECAME our Savior…when the curtain was torn…when the Old Testament prophesies were filled…when it all FINALLY made sense!) Lent will begin on February 17th—so after my kids have gobbled up God’s truths and our love from the 1st-14th opening their Cookies—we’ll then start walking through scripture through Lent. I’m especially excited because my oldest is 5 this year, and it’s all starting to really make sense to him—so things like this are SO MUCH FUN for me.
Beginning on the 17th and each day leading up to Easter—they will get an ornament for our Easter tree. Each figure will symbolize a story of God’s love and faithfulness—any story that played a role leading up to the cruxification and RESURRECTION of Christ. THEN…on Easter morning…momma will wake up the other girl in our home with cheers of joy…”HE IS ALIVE!” After all, women were the first to discover He was risen…it is our heritage and our joy to be the one’s to declare it in our home at Easter. Of course we may all be jumping on beds shouting—but indeed…the fact that HE IS ALIVE is a reason to celebrate! SO…I’m getting PUMPED about how I’ll be leading up to this with my kids! You, of course, can come up with your own list of 40 stories of God’s love and faithfulness leading up to Christ—but I’ll post mine here in the next day or so for anyone who would like it. I never want to overwhelm another mommy with “oh no—here she goes again…another thing to do”, but instead I want to SUPPORT YOU and give you fun, creative ideas to use in your home! It’s not “another thing to do” but rather tools to help you share the gospel with your children in fun and engaging ways! And…if you are like me and you just like a challenge and a good treasure hunt…this one might be a fun one for you! I got this idea from the author of that book I just told ya about—and I LOVED IT!
So…my finds…

Image 2: The Story of Abraham and Sarah (Hobby Lobby dollhouse section)
Image 3: Jonah and the whale (Dollar Tree!)
Image 4: Daniel and the Lion’s Den (Dollar Tree!) [Funny story about Mr.Scarey Lion (as I call him). I saw a cartoon lion in Hobby Lion and I just could NOT purchase him. He wasn’t scarey at all. I could just see myself telling my kids the story of Daniel and the lions with Mr.Cartoon Hobby Lobby Lovey Lion—and I could see them thinking, “Big deal. God saved Daniel from THAT?!” So…after holding Mr.Cartoon Hobby Lobby Lion…I laughed and put him back. And headed to the Dollar Tree. I felt like a kid in the candy store when I found THIS ONE! Scarey, huh?
Image 5: Judas’s betrayal (Hobby Lobby party favor section!)
More to come later this week folks…I’ll try to post my list for anyone entertaining the thought of doing your own Easter tree. I was going to do felt–but I think I’ll keep our Jesse Tree as our felt tree and mix things up a bit! I have a fun idea for the tree display—so I’ll post that asap too:) XOXO…and on to the reading…
Job Chapters 19, 20, 21
Chapter 19: Ahhh…this chapter makes me feel like Job is finally exiting the fog. His ailments are the same. His circumstances no different. BUT–instead of trying to prove himself right, he begins to ask his friends to have mercy on him. Although you can still sense some frustration, he finally makes a request for them to have mercy. He is being honest, not as defensive and real. When someone makes a judgement about me, of course the first thing I want to do is ask a lot of questions and then help them see ME the way I want them to see me. I wish I could say that I don’t care what others think of me…I feel like slowly I’m getting there—less concerned about the world’s thoughts and more concerned about how the Lord sees me.
The Lord has laid something crazy on my heart. It’s crazy. It doesn’t make sense. And I wasn’t sure, at first, if I wanted to do it. I had prayed, “Use me Lord” and since becoming a believer my hearts cry to Him as been, “I will go any where and do anything when it is Your voice calling me”. No matter what the world thinks. Then I heard the Lord speak to me. One word. And that was enough. This has happened in the past in miraculous ways—and over and over I have see the Lord’s faithfulness as I followed. There have been really hard times in the following–but in the end…it REALLY did make sense AND it really did God the glory instead of me. And it sure as heck didn’t fit in with the world’s thinking! As a mom though, some times I feel like it can be harder to hear…maybe it’s all the noise we have going on and our tired brains. But in the midst of both of those things, last month the Lord laid something on my heart and a few weeks ago I heard His voice. I knew it was Him speaking to me–and I know to some of you it may sound crazy…but it was quite clear in my heart and mind and as in the past when the Lord really needed to get my attention to answer my “Do anything, go any where prayer” it startled me. I am trying to be obedient. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t scared or dealing with doubt. And if the world knew they would think I was crazy. The few friends I have shared with and asked to pray are on the edge of their seats praying alongside me. And how thankful I feel to have friends that follow the Lord, trust when I hear His voice because how they have seen Him work in my past and how especially thankful I am that they don’t think I’m crazy! And I hope I have a really good story to share with you one day. But even if it doesn’t pan out like I think it could—I am called to be obedient. I told Rich tonight that I am more concerned about obeying God than what the world thinks. AND I MEANT IT! I really did! And that is SO EXCITING TO ME! I also told Him I feared God way too much not to listen and be obedient. And I heard His voice. One word. And I knew EXACTLY what it meant. In the past, I would have been tempted to worry about what others thought about me. But when you hear God’s voice and know He is asking you to do something…it is much EASIER to not worry about what the world may think!
The problem for Job…is he was not hearing the Lord’s voice…yet. He wanted a word. But there was silence. Oh Lord, even when I don’t hear your voice—help me to keep my eyes on you. Help me to not worry about what the world thinks…or even what my closest friends think. And finally, how does Job end this chapter? BUT AS FOR ME, I KNOW MY REDEEMER LIVES! I love that Job used the word REDEEMER here! AND HE WILL STAND UPON THE EARTH AT LAST! Doesn’t that make you want to jump up and shout! And…I WILL SEE HIM…WITH MY OWN EYES…AND I AM OVERWHELMED WITH THAT THOUGHT!
Chapter 20 – Zophar’s Reply
I don’t like Zophar’s reply. He just doesn’t get it…and neither he nor his boys are gonna let it go, are they?! I get their point—I think we all get their point. But we are clearly being taught in this book that while some times Zophar’s words may be true—this obviously isn’t always what happens. I like what Matthew Henry says about Zophar’s speech here: “Never was any doctrine better explained and worse applied”.
Chapter 21 – Job speaks again
Job is trying in this chapter to address the issue they are debating—whether outward blessing is a mark of a true believer and a ruined life would prove you to be a hypocrite. Oh if his friends could just see and understand that this is not true—then they would be able to hold his hand and help Job through this difficult time. They want to make sense of his life, and they think they have the answers. How I wish they could be a friend to Job right now…but for Job, this too is part of the process.
Looking forward to the chapters ahead! Now…it’s getting hard not to read ahead all over again:). Have a beautiful Sunday:)
by admin
That is a wonderful idea! I can’t wait until I have a little one to try the Easter tree with! You are very inspiring. I want to be a mom like you that instills Jesus in their everyday life. I love that Job calls God his REDEEMER! He is our Redeemer. One of His many names! I hope that when my friend’s have times of need that I can encourage them & not be like Job’s friends. I want to help them through the rough times, not add to their stress! Have a blessed Sunday!
What a great idea. Thanks for sharing.
I love your Easter tree! We gathered symbols last year and I hung them from the chandilier above our table. Easter was special to me in a way it has never been before! Also, we made a “tomb” out of a type of homemade play dough (and baked it). We sealed Jesus in, and on Easter the tomb was empty. (The kids were totally amazed that he was gone!!) Have you read “Treasuring God in Our Traditions” by noel Piper? It is greatand she talks a lot about the true meaning of Easter. We still give each child a small basket on Easter morning, but I hope it is not all they remember when they grow up!!
Chapter 19:
Poor Job! Everyone he has ever loved has turned from him. What would you do in a situation like this. Would you cling closer to God? I hope I would! It’s amazing that he still states the truth with such certainty.
“I know that my redeemer lives.” (19:25)
“I will see him for myself. Yes, I wil see him with my own eyes. I am overwhelmed at the thought!” (19:27)
I kind of feel sorry for Job’s friends, because we need to remember that we will be judged by the measure with which we judge others (Matthew 7:1-5, James 2:12-13).
Chapter 20: Really? Let’s further insult the insulted and suffering…nice.
Chapter 21: This chapter should remind us that we worship God for who He is, not for what He will do for us…because often times the godly do suffer. Just because we are Christ-followers doesn’t mean we will escape pain and suffering. But don’t let that depress you. Take comfort in the fact that someday the wicked will be judged, and Christ-followers will be blessed (Luke 16:19-31).