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The things kids say {in families that grow through adoption}

The car conversation I will never forget:

Frank: Mom, when will I get to meet my birth mom? Isaac–I was adopted and one day I want to meet my birth mom…my real mom.

Isaac: Frank. Mom is you REAL mom.

Frank: Well, I know–she is NOW.

Me: Frank darlin’–I am your birth mom. You grew in my tummy. I have shown you all those pictures…

Frank: NO! Mommy, I know that’s what you liiiiiike to tell me but I am from the state.

Me: The state?

Frank: The state of GEORGIA. My birth family loved me, but they couldn’t take care of me so they sent me to the state and then you got me.

Me: Hmmmm…Frank is there anything else that you would like to tell me about your birth family?

Frank: MOM. You know more than I do. I was just a baby. You need to tell me more about them.

Me: Frank–I am your birth mom. I carried you in my belly.

Isaac: Yep. She su-WAH did! And she came all the way over to E-fe-opia to push me out of her belly too. She pushed and pushed–and out I popped and then she gave me a cucumber.

Parker: OH man! Mom–they are all mixed up!

Isaac: Ohhhh dat’s right! I had a nudder mom first!

Laney: Yes Isaac! And Frank–you don’t have another mom. But you do have another dad.

Me: WHAT?!?!?

Laney: Frank–you have a Father in heaven…you know that!

Frank: Yes-I know but there aren’t police in heaven.

Isaac: But dare is Cars 2 dare!

Oh my. The conversations you have in your mini van whole running errands when you are a family that has grown through adoption. Love my 5 kids!! They kinda make my day!

Amy - August 7, 2013 - 8:31 am

That absolutely made MY day!!! Oh so funny!!

Candy - August 7, 2013 - 10:06 am

THAT is hilarious! They all definitely know you wanted them whether birthed by you or not. Kids are so funny and delightful.

sarah hurst - August 7, 2013 - 2:10 pm

this is hysterical!! absolutely loved it…thanks for sharing!

jeanne - August 8, 2013 - 11:56 am

Ok, I loved the IG story but the whole story is even better! So cute!

Rebecca - August 10, 2013 - 7:03 am

That is SO funny!! Laughing so hard I’m crying.

Back from Traverse City, MI…

We are back after an AMAZING week in Traverse City! Did you think I’d fallen off the planet?? Well–I kind of have. I’ve really just been trying to be 100% with my littles–and having 5 littles 8 and under–this is just such a sweet time. Having so many that are little right now–also means it’s hard to get special one-on-one time with each of them. And we haven’t had one-on-one time with Zeke since we met him…so when Rich had Traverse City on his calendar for work travel–the grandmothers said they’d tag team keeping the older 4 while Rich, Zeke and I took off for a sweet week together…

His first adventure with mommy and daddy…

If you have never been to Traverse City–it is AMAZING. It may be my FAVORITE place in the United States to rest, relax and recoup! Rich and I really needed this–and it was good time together and with our new little man. Traverse City is located on Lake Michigan–on the bay…and there is a beautiful peninsula full of farms growing cherry trees and grapes–with several wineries. We spent one day with my DEAR friend Carissa Woodwyk and her kids. It was beautiful, restful and so fun!


The property out here you would think would be in the millions–but it is NOT. And oh my…it is gorgeous. If I could live ANY WHERE in the U.S…um–hands down…THIS is where it would be! And around every corner are beautiful Michigan beaches…

Zeke had a sweet week with us–and it was wonderful to just slooooow down from Atlanta life.  I am SO not a city girl. But you some times don’t get to pick where you are planted–and you just smile…and bloom there. BUT ONE DAY…oh one day I would love to live on a big ole farm. Community in the city is so different than small town life. It’s scattered it seems with too many much too busy for one another. It was SUCH a treat to get to spend some time with a dear Michigan friend who is a small town momma–who carved out a day to just be with us and have fun together.

Now…we are safely home. Unpacked. Doing laundry…but I think our washer may have just broken:). I think I wash too many clothes with this bunch! And tomorrow…is a new day! Thankful to be home and have all my chickens under one roof! I think I may be horse from reading books to everyone tonight–but that is one sweet thing to be horse from I guess;). Thankful for this time and for these memories!




Allison - August 24, 2013 - 9:59 pm

What a blessing to spend some focused time together. I LOVE Traverse City!! I was born and raised in West Michigan and spent many summers in TC as a camp counselor. The beaches, the dunes, the Cherry Festival, Moomers Icecream–I didn’t know what a gem northern Michigan was until I moved away (married an Air Force guy). It makes my heart smile that you love it there, too. 🙂

A family I would love for you all to meet…

I have had the joy of knowing this family for over 10 years–and it’s been such a honor to watch the Lord work in their lives. Just a few years ago this dad was in in corporate America while the momma was staying at home raising her crew. And then the Lord called them to go. I remember their packing up their lives to follow His call–and it’s been such a joy to watch God’s story unfold in their lives as they followed Him across the world to a place they have to carefully walk where the gospel is concerned.

Many of you may have a heart for East Asia–or even have children adopted from that area of the world and you often wonder how you can continue to pour in to this area. One way is to partner with families serving in that area. I have been wanting to share this sweet family with you all–and I asked this family to share just a bit of their story and their life serving in East Asia…

We are a family of 6 living in East Asia.  Life here is not easy, it isn’t always fun, but we consider it a privilege to be here! 

We have served here in East Asia for a total of almost 5 years, 2 of those years with our children who are 9, 7, 4 and 7 months.  Living and raising children in another culture is always an adventure, and when you mix in the ministry that God has called us to do, sharing the Gospel in a country where it is illegal to tell others about Jesus, you know it has to be a calling! 

It wasn’t easy for us to leave the comfortable life we had come to know in Charleston, SC and move to this city of over 14 million people, but God laid on our hearts a desire to be involved in spreading His Gospel to people who have never before heard the name Jesus.  It took us a number of years to answer that call, but here we are–and we are constantly being blessed by being a part of the Gospel reaching the last unreached areas in the world. 

 We’ve also come to realize that many people would like to be involved in what we are doing!  Many would love to be here in East Asia doing ministry, but for various reasons are not able.  However, those people can be a part of what God is doing in this part of the world through prayer and financial support.  We would love to tell more people about what God is doing in East Asia, about the men and women who have never heard His name coming to know Him, about an underground church that is growing rapidly, and about men and women that are being sent as missionaries from a country where it is illegal to share the Gospel to other countries where it is also illegal to share! 

We are beyond blessed and are so thankful to be a part of God’s work in a unique time in missions history in East Asia!

 Is God calling you to be a part of His work in East Asia? We would love to partner with you in reaching the unreached!

THANK YOU for sharing some of your story here! If you would like to know more about this precious family, the work they are doing and how YOU can be a part of it–their two biggest needs right now are prayer support and monthly financial support. If you would like to know more–please contact ME through my contact page. I can send you links to learn more as well as pop something in the mail for you! (Pray that they can find 10 more families to give $100 a month!) ANY amount helps them reach their monthly need! You just NEVER know who is being called to serve in this way in East Asia–and who might just happen to read this that would like to partner with this family to serve that part of the world!

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you are curious, just want to know more or if you would like to join them in serving in some way!




Anna - July 25, 2013 - 8:24 am

Could you kindly link us to this family’s website ?
Thank you

To a first time mom…

(Photograph below by AGR Photography)

(My sweet Frank…my 3rd little love…now preparing for his 5th birthday…is telling me he wants yet another Knight party:)

Today I had the SWEET joy of capturing one of best friend’s little niece. She is under 2 weeks old–and oh what a joy it was to capture this sweet one. Having spent years and years as a newborn photographer and having retired to solely be a mommy–it was a fun gift to give this new mom bursting at the seams with joy toward her new one. As I sat with her–soothing her new one to sleep for treasured photographs–we talked about mommy hood and all the advice that had come her way from other new moms. We laughed at much of it–and I encouraged her to RELISH the moments of this new one…not allowing the comparing with others to ever steal her joy. I thought of all the little nuggets I have gathered along the way…and shared some with her–and it was sweet to watch her take a deep breath and begin to breath in this tender, sweet time that goes by in a blink.

I shared with her these little nuggets (some no-brainer obvious things that we often make more difficult than we should)–and thought some of them are just too good not to share with other new moms as well…

1. When you new baby cries, pick him up. Feed him. Change him. Soothe him. Meet that little love’s need and remember you can never spoil a child from loving him too much. I hate Baby Wise. It was the first book I read as a new mom. And the first book I threw away. Something in my heart just felt–this isn’t right. Strict schedules–crying it out–all of it…just didn’t feel right. Psalm 139:14 is truth–your baby is fearfully and wonderfully made. If you will simply watch your baby’s sleep cues–put your baby down when she/he is tired–feed your baby when he/she is hungry–and hold that sweet one as much as he/she will let you–you will be VERY surprised how easily schedules fall into place. I’ve never let a baby cry it out–and my babies are all amazing sleepers. They sleep in until 8am. Go to bed at 7:30pm. And they are rockstar nappers. (Ask the sweet girl here today–as my 8 year old politely interrupted and asked if could he please go upstairs and take just a short nap. For the most part my littles all drop their naps around 5 years old–but every now and again they beg for them. Nap time has been a sweet time–with no tears–so it’s a restful, sweet place for them. It’s that for me too!).

And for some…like my first–you may have a babe who has colic–that lasts for 6 months and there is absolutely nothing you can do to make the late afternoon crying stop. I understand this situation all to well…and I’ll never forget discovering we were expecting again while this colicky love was just 5 months old (they are 14 months apart!) and wondering how I would ever make it. If you have a colicky love–just hang in there…try everything you can think of and trust your mommy instincts. For our colicky love the noise of a vacuum cleaner helped–and we had one spot in our bedroom that was cleaner than any other place. Get creative and hang in there. This too shall pass. And remember you are not alone. (My colicky baby ended up being my BEST napper! Just hold on to that until you get through it!)

2. Never, ever compare your child to someone else’s. (This includes Baby Center and those updates on what your baby “should” be doing at so-and-so age/stage.) The comparing–this starts early. Susie Cue–your dear friend who happened to give birth weeks before your sweet one’s arrival. You get a phone call when her babe smiles, rolls over, sits, coos, says mama, etc, etc, etc. NOTE TO SELF: Beware of Susie Cues. And limit your time and play dates with them as well. They will be comparing for years to come–and this is unhealthy for both you and your sweet one. Love the Susie Cues–but don’t fall into the comparison games. By 2nd grade, trust me–no one is sitting around asking when their child rolled over, sat or how many words they could say by that 18 month checkup. No one even remembers by then–and Susie Cue has moved on to comparing pages in Chapter Books too. Go back to Psalm 139:14–your child is fearfully and wonderfully made–and each will do their own thing in his own time. Some will do things in much later times as well. We brought home our 4th little one from Ethiopia just before he turned one. He couldn’t lift his head or sit. He is four years old now, and he caught up just fine with lots of love and encouragement. Remember to keep the main thing the main thing–and enjoy loving your little one…and let Susie Cue give her update on the answering machine next time she calls. OR grab it and encourage her how wonderful that step is for her little love…just don’t jump in with comparing.

3. Remember everything is for a time. A blink. A short, short time. There will be things that are not easy. For me–it was the beginning and no sleep. I wanted my babies to sleep through the night SO BAD. I remember. But now. Now. Oh–I’d give anything to be woken up in the middle of the night 4 or 5 times…to get to rock them again…feed them again…to have that quiet–just the two of us again. This time is fleeting. It goes by fast. SAVOR every moment…even what seems hard. You might need to drink coffee in the morning. I didn’t drink coffee until I became a mom;). And if you are nursing–I promise one cup of coffee won’t destroy your milk supply. I promise. Many times our babies would only sleep in our bed. Whatever works! I couldn’t talk our oldest into climbing into bed and snuggling with us now–so enjoy this sweet time while you can. I promise a 16 year old kiddo isn’t going to want to sleep in the middle–so if your baby sleeps cuddled up with you better–then do it! If she sleeps better in a pack-and-play beside you–do that! Find what works–and meet that little love’s need. (You can’t spoil a child from meeting their needs…their wants maybe–but never their needs.)

4. Sleep when the baby sleeps. Finally. You got her to nap. There’s a pile of laundry. The house is a wreck. I remember those days. I also remember climbing back in to bed almost every time and napping daily with my loves. Looking back almost a decade later–this is one thing I will never regret. Live a life where you ask yourself, “In 10 years, will I be glad I did ____ or ____.” I do not regret leaving the laundry. I may have regretted not snuggling with my love and napping beside her while she napped. Oh I wish I could go back! You will still have a pile of laundry in 10 years, but you won’t have that tiny love and you certainly won’t be able to nap. Sleep while your little one sleeps! You will probably need it for the night ahead!

5. Enjoy life…and leave the music on. My best sleeper and easiest little love are my 3rd, 4th and 5th children. By then–I wasn’t on edge…waiting for every little move to see what I should do next. They rolled with the punches and often times had to be on the go. I came home for naps and such–but outside of that–we enjoyed life around us…visiting parks, friends and daddy at work…and I left the music on (because I love music). I didn’t tip toe–so they learned to sleep in almost any environment–and because we did this they were easy to put down any where–as long it was nap time or bed time. Children are so resilient–but if you tip toe you teach them to require that–so keep the music on and run the errands you need to. Just be home in time for their naps and be consistent. Be consistent leads me into the early years of discipline…but that post is for another day. This one…is just for new mommies…in the first months:)

6. Remember that He is enough for your baby–and enough for you. I remember losing sleep over my first love. I let fear control my heart–and even steal my JOY. I worried. Worried. And worried some more. Would he stop breathing in his sleep? Would the congestion lead to RSV? Was I making enough milk? Would he weigh enough at his next checkup? Would he ever get on a nap schedule? Will his brain develop properly if he doesn’t nap long enough? It took me a few babies to learn that congestion was just snot–and it’d often work itself out. It really didn’t matter if they sucked their thumb or a paci. Nap schedules take time to work themselves out. And if they were under weight that probably means they are petite. I wish I could have just ENJOYED my first love. I think I passed down more worry to my first love as I let worry steal much of my joy in my first months of motherhood. I wish then I’d known the power of the Lord is 100% capable of caring for the little things–AND the big things when it comes to babies. My 4th love–I wasn’t there for the first year, and he was given coffee the first year of his little life simply because it was what was available. He had not met any major milestones that were normal for the first year for healthy babies. YET it was the Lord that watched over him and sustained him when I was across the world. He was enough then. He is enough now…for you–and for your little one. And my 4th, well–he has caught up just fine and is running around like a wild little 4 year old cowboy with the best of them…the same stage as Susie Cue’s 4 year old too despite his early delays. He will care for your love whether your little is beside you in a bassinet or across the world. So sleep…rest…and trust Him to care for your little one. He is enough.

Some times, mommying is as sweet or as hard as you make it. We’ve had special needs, colic, and 2 years olds newly home from other countries…but in just a couple of weeks with lots of love, attention, listening and watching their cues–we were on schedules and in our groove. It can be very overwhelming though the first time around–but don’t let it be! If it’s too overwhelming–then maybe you need to get out, have a breather and add a little something to your day to get your mind off it being perfect. It never will be perfect…but it can be sweet. So focus on simply enjoying the moment and meeting your love’s needs and you’ll be surprised how things begin to fall into place. I’d give anything to go back to those first weeks! So enjoy every moment…because they go by in a blink!

Mary (Owlhaven) - July 24, 2013 - 1:37 pm

Love this, Andrea!

sarah hurst - July 25, 2013 - 1:56 pm

absolutely beautiful post! i have one little girl, hoping to have a second child soon, through adoption and i couldn’t agree more with what you’ve typed out above! i stressed and worried so much about every little thing when my daughter was a baby, and sometimes i still do. having this reminder and something that new mommies can read is such a blessing! thank you for taking the time to share your heart and words with us!

Fingerprint Owl Fall Craft {Whoo Whoo Are You Thankful for?}

So this morning I was brave enough to take 5 kiddos to Hobby Lobby…5 kids 4 and under:). My older 2 were at camp–and I grabbed a friend’s younger two to join us for a little bit of what we call MOMMY CAMP! It’s for the kids not old enough to do day camps yet! Walking around Hobby Lobby I was trying to find something fun to put handprints on–and decided to go on the cheap and just buy plain wooden squares that could be painted.

You can get these at Hobby Lobby. They are just 6 3/4″ wooden square plagues. We already had cheap sponge paintbrushes, orange/white/brown paint, and a black paint pen.

1. We painted the squares ORANGE. ALL the kids did this step by themselves! I mean–you can’t mess this up! Just let them go nuts!

2. Then–take a sponge round brush (or a normal one and just spin it to make a circle) and dip in WHITE to make dots. I let the oldest which were 4 years old do this step themselves too. We did this BEFORE the orange was dry so it had a fun swirl look to the dots. (AND I wanted to be done before lunch time:).

ALLOW TO DRY. We sped things up by using my hair dryer:)

3. Paint owl body in center with BROWN paint using a small paintbrush. Just paint a BIG, fat “U” and connect the top of the U with a small smiley face:) [Again, my 4 year old did this with my explaining it that way.] OR you can paint the U and connect for your child and let them fill him in with brown.

4. Paint 4 fingers on each hand and press on each side of the owl for his wings.

ALLOW TO DRY. Again…we used the hair dryer. Kids love this step!

5. Using paintbrush, paint TWO big white circles for the eyes,  little upside down triangle for the nose and add some little feet!

6. Then we finished it up using a black paint pen. Dots for the eyes and writing “Whoo…Whoo…Am I Thankful For?” And then their NAME at the bottom! So easy! So fun!

(Sorry I didn’t snap more pictures of the process! I just had my phone and my hands were full! Hope this makes sense! It’s nap time now…so I wanted to share before our day gets crazy again:)

Whoo…Whoo…Am I thankful for??? These precious children that I get to love! So thankful!

