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The Wiphan Zambia’s Top 10…

Here’s a post I just got from April…my sista! They are having an amazing trip at Wiphan–and this momma is just DYING not to be with them! Christy–my Created for Care Sidekick and my sister…TOGETHER…loving on 450 precious kids–oh I can hardly stand it. SOOOO…who’s in for a Wiphan Zambia trip for next summer?? Because I’m SO in! Okay…without further delay…here are April and Christy’s Summer ’13 Wiphan TOP TEN from their trip so far…
So we actually have internet tonight so I thought I’d write out some highlights of my trip to Zambia… or atleast my personal Top 10. There is already so much and we’ve only been here 3 days… I’m homesick for my family but I LOVE this place and these people!

1) Meeting Mwape. I am in love with this little 8th grade girl, with the most gentle spirit. Heather and I got to sit with her in her bedroom as she showed us her school work and told us she “will just cry if she doesn’t make the top grades” on her test. I love Mwape. She was talking about her test to see if she gets to go to 9th grade. I’ve never wanted someone to pass a test more in my life.

2) Hugo and Oliver following us home. Two of Wiphan’s Mapalo 2nd grade students showed up at the Castle Lodge;) on Saturday afternoon. I think they have a crush on Heather. They wouldn’t leave until we told them we were going to our rooms and we told them to meet us at church the next day. The next morning, Sunday morning, they didn’t meet us at church. They met us at the entrance to the Castle Lodge! Hugo wanted to carry Heather’s bag and Oliver held my Bible… Mischievous but special young men. They showed up at the Castle Lodge AGAIN after church and stuck their feet in the pool and got chased by Nila, the attack shitzu:). All in all- I’m thinking a pretty eventful day for them. I am going to love watching these boys over the years at Wiphan!

3) Being told at the pizza place at the “mall” that though the sign says you can get 4 “GetYouSome”s for free if you order 2 large pizzas- we didn’t qualify for the deal because we ordered 5 large pizzas. You only get the deal if you order exactly 2 large ones? I love Zambia!

4) Hearing the kids Sunday School class sing the CBS song “Read Your Bible, Pray Everyday” at church this morning. I’m not sure there are words for what it meant to hear those little voices with their beautiful accents sing those words! PRAISING God for David and Patti Henderson and CBSI!!!

5) Catherine Chanda (6th grade Wiphan student) breaking my heart when she hugged me today and wouldn’t let go and said, “I love you so much”. Because I know I’m not THAT lovable (she’s only known me a couple of days;)), it makes me see how much she just wants and needs to love and feel loved. Catherine is a double orphan. I’m looking forward to getting to hug her tomorrow!

6) Having Mary Kunda (1st grade Wiphan student) sit on my lap and play with my hands through a 3 hour Zambian church service.

7) Getting to dance and sing for 2 hours with the coolest worship leader IN THE WORLD- Pastor Aaron! and THEN getting to talk about God from the “pulpit”. We each got to share a little at church today. Surreal to get to stand and tell them how I’ve been crying tears of joy throughout the morning as we’ve been singing because I can NOT believe how big and amazing our God is. I talked about Hagar and how God found her at the well and how He is the God who sees us. I mean, HOW do I get to do this!!?? Only by the grace of God. People say that all the time- but I know what it means at this moment. I’m in awe of Him and so humbled by my inadequacies. And that He gave me the chance to tell someone about Him and what He means to me. Little me!? The only way this could be ANY better is if Harris and the girls were in there dancing with us. I’m not even sure my heart could hold that much! God truly is good ALL THE TIME!

8. Seeing chickens mate… Not really a highlight but it happened.

9) Watching Heather teach kids in the compound the ChaCha Slide (she played the music on her iphone;)). She also taught them Jesus Loves Me & Jesus Loves the Little Children. BUT I’ve got to admit watching her say “how low can you go?” and seeing all those little smiling faces dancing with her. Super fun moment!

10) After asking Christy who she thinks would play her if there was movie about her… her response being “Whoopi Goldberg”. It took me a few minutes to recover from that answer I was laughing so hard;)). I’m laughing so hard I’m snorting now, just thinking about it. Seriously- that was HER first, gut answer. She didn’t even hesitate!

Okay- so I thought doing a Top 10 would make me not write too much but still pretty long! If you hung in there, I miss y’all! Tomorrow is when the week really begins… We will be working with the kids all day Monday at Nkwazi and Tuesday and Mapalo… when the people on the trip who haven’t been here before get to meet ALL the kids and finally see the school in action. Good stuff and I’m so excited! 

XO- April
“The world is full of suffering, it is also full of overcoming it.”
~Helen Keller

a little closer…

Each day brings sweet connections…more than the day before.

But the night.

Oh the night. Four times so.

Exhausted after a day of chasing littles. After dinner, I spend an hour playing a Hasbro Guess Who game with Frank…then Isaac…then Laney–then Isaac again. Frank jumps in and out of my lap—a fair weather teammate. When things are going good–he jumps in my lap and starts guessing for me. And takes me down and runs away again. Richard is in the room with Zeke putting him down…and then we trade.

My heart is pulled. I hear him crying…knowing he wants his momma. A connection we already have. But I have to let Richard help…and the others need their momma too. Parker stands back and laughs at us all.

Does your guy have nail polish?” Frank asks. Parker laughs harder. Only faces are shown. You can’t see hands any way. And I doubt any of the guys would be wearing nail polish if they were. Playing this game with Frank asking the questions keeps us all laughing. But I can hardly breath hearing one cry–so I hope Frank’s questions will quickly get us out–and sure enough…they do. No, their guy doesn’t have a mohawk. In fact–NONE of the guys in Guess Who have a mohawk. Thank you very much for wasting another turn…and helping us lose quickly…so mommy can relieve daddy and relieve my heart from the agony of wanting to calm him.

I pick him up. His body touches mine. And the cries stop. Truly a sweet miracle. I lay down with this 23 pound sweet one snuggled on my chest. It takes him a bit to catch his breath from the crying–but in just a few minutes his quick breathing has calmed and he has his little finger in his mouth.

He looks up at me. I wipe away his tear.

Wo shi ni de mama. Ni shi wo da wawa. Wo ai ni.”

Simple words.

I am your momma. You are my baby. I love you.

In his language.

He understands.

He reaches one hand for my chin. And puckers his tiny lips—and I give him a kiss.

He smiles–and reaches again. For another. And another.

Staring in his big dark eyes…I melt. He smiles. And he reaches for another kiss again and then rolls over beside me–curled up close under my arm.

In his sweet raspy night time whisper, “Mama.”

“Wo ai ni wawa.”

“Ai ni.

This is truly a miracle to an adoptive momma’s heart. To any momma’s heart–this is…but especially to one who must go in not expecting this. It might take weeks, months or years for this to come. But this—so soon…a sweet gift.

Every night I treasure this time.

It seems to take longer and longer and longer each night. But this…we are making up for many lost nights. Not that they can be made up for–but having this extended time to connect…to talk to one another in the quiet…without the commotion of many littles…it is sweet. What a momma’s heart dreams for.

I know this is exactly where I’m supposed to be. Not volunteering at a million things or traveling here or there. These five precious ones need me–and although they would be just fine without me–because the Lord would care for them and provide–but right now…I know this is exactly day in and day out where I am supposed to be. The laundry is piled sky high. There are dirty dishes in the sink. And I’m 2 days past due a grocery store trip. But my heart is full. Knowing I am right where I am called to be for this season. And if there’s no coffee beans or diapers for the morning…a drive thru will do the trick and a field trip to the store I’m sure can fit in some where.

I’m carefully watching each of my children’s hearts…and some are transitioning to growth more easily than the others. Tending to this is much more necessary than tending to any to-do list. I think with 5–I may have just thrown that list away and I’m just going to watch them for the rest of the summer and simply be with them.

Dear Lord–will you help us all as mommies to step back–and see what you have for us right where we are? How can we love the children you have given us in deep, real ways? Help us to speak each of their heart languages–and to be sensitive to who they are. Help Lord to not speak quickly–or to be frustrated when they don’t listen–because they are made differently than us. Help us to be patient and guide them and love them big. Help us to listen–to really listen. Teach us to have fun with them–and how to tune the world out when necessary. Walk with us. Speak to us. Guide us. Love through us. Love us big Lord–because boy do we need it! Thank you for being enough. In Your Jesus’s name…Amen.

Blessings to you as you follow…right where you are.


april - July 9, 2013 - 2:53 am

I love that you learned Manadarin before and during bringing home. You are a wonderful momma. Your kids understand, in their own way that Zeke needs their momma right now. Thank you for sharing.

Natalie - July 11, 2013 - 11:26 pm

I’m really enjoying your blog. We are eagerly waiting to be matched to our daughter in China. I would love any recommendations you might offer on resources to learn some basic mandarin. I’d love for our family (including girls 6&8) to learn t little, especially some songs.

Thank you & God bless your sweet family,

Faiza - July 14, 2013 - 9:31 pm

I just wanted to share with you that this post spoke right to my heart. Being a mommy of 2 little ones and a third on the way, I tend to get stuck in the details of our daily routines and comparing myself to what other mommies I know do with their children. Thanks, because I needed to hear this.

1 month in our arms… {and a few other reflections}

It has been a whole MONTH since we first met our newest love! Crazy–how time flies by! And we’ve been home for 3 weeks!

Things here are going well…one day at a time.

I’m still working on figuring out our new normal with 5 little ones–which will be much easier when our new one understands English as the dailies without language can make a normal trip with 5 kids under 8 to Target that much crazier. Anything and everything he sees right now–he reaches for and wants…and I find myself racing down the aisle feeding him a fruit squeeze pouch while throwing in necessities to get us through.

For the record–I can get a lot of necessities in 2 fruit squeeze pouch time.

Bringing home a toddler has been night and day to bringing home a 11 month old. Comparatively in our circumstances–this is so much easier and smoother than I could have imagined. I expected that it would be harder because of age–but I think our older one is more easily able to draw connections with cause and effect–momma will always come…it’s okay to nap because she’s right there in the next room–all things that might be much harder for a younger one to understand. When we have a bump–it has surprised me–and then I remember we have only been home 3 weeks and it makes sense…because for the most part we are where we were after a year. Connections are all different and some take longer–and I’m just so thankful for the connections we are making…how sweet they are.

I read the best book this week “Loving the Little Years“…and it’s been so perfect for where I am right now. This momma has 5 little ones–all small. This book has challenged me to really be watchful of each of my children and where EACH of them are emotionally. I’ve found greater joy in my bed time with each child–reading them their bed time books…and then sneaking in my only girl’s room to curl up with her…turn on a night light and read more of the Penderwicks together. I just love her chapter on “Me Time”–and how to see this differently once you are a mom. “Me time” can now be found in sweet one on one time with my spouse or individual time with children. I do not have to hold on to or go away to find or keep the “old me” because the “old me” is…well–the OLD me. I love being a wife. I love being a mom. And really–these are now intertwined in WHO I am. Honestly, I feel alone without these sweet people the Lord has gifted me with. I do love some by myself time every now and again…but it’s okay that I don’t have to be on a tennis league—part of a girls club—go on yearly girls get aways or beach trips to BE ME. In fact, I think if and when I did those things I would feel less like me at all. And that’s okay. (Totally okay for anyone else who wants and finds joy in doing these things–I’m not at all saying you shouldn’t…but the harm I think is when we HAVE to or NEED to in order to be something.) Am I think I might be homely–or something like that–because I’m finding joy in just being here…in the middle of this crazy–with lots of laundry, lots of day in and day same ole, same ole…playing games, reading books and just being together–for me it is more than enough and I wouldn’t want to miss a moment of it!

This momma has been thinking a lot this week about life–and what really matters. We have a dear friend who was diagnosed with cancer last October. They have 11 beautiful children—4 biological children, 1 child who has gone to be with Jesus, and 7 brought home through special needs adoption. They have been such a source of encouragement for us. Mike is in his last days here on this Earth–and he has run so bravely, boldly and with such honor. He followed the Lord’s call to grow time and time again–and after 8 months of fighting…he is home resting–and spending his last days with his sweet ones. His wife, a dear friend of mine, home schools there children. They live in a small town in Tennessee–and go to church with Rich’s aunt and uncle–and we have grown to love them through the years. They don’t have a blog…for people to read and follow–but trust me…if you could–oh the things you would reap from their witness and life. Day in and day out–they have loved these children. This–this loving our children…the day in and day out…what might seem often as mundane–is truly holy. While I will never understand…why most of their littles had their first parents taken away at a young age and were given these amazing ones…and then to say goodbye this week to their most precious daddy–I do know this…God is good. He is good. And this…this is not our home. Watching this precious family walk in these last days of one of their beloved’s–gives me a new sense of what this life is really all about…and that we were made for so much more. When I live for the Kingdom–because only that matters…that is what we really live for–then everything changes. It really is so worth going to bed completely worn out because I tucked each one in…read books…stayed up late doing this or that for the children.

I read a blog post last week–about Africa. About the church. About the West. I think the motivation behind it was for us to wake up–and start doing something to really make a difference. But what if. What if you already ARE? What if waking up every morning…loving on your babies–right in your home…choosing not to fuss or gripe or yell…but to get on their level and pour love in…what if this was the biggest difference YOU are called to make?? And what if this–in the eyes of our Father–is the greatest of all?? Maybe we aren’t all called to go get dirt under our nails and live in Africa. (However, I’d love it if it were some where in my future!) Honestly–the time I’ve spent in Zambia were some of my easiest, most-fulfilling days of all because I saw change and it made me feel good about myself. (Just being honest.) It’s a little bit hard to feel good when you wiping urine off a toilet seat for the 10th time, starting another load of laundry, breaking up a toddler fight or telling a child to put up the Kindle and please feed the cat. Some times it’s the day in and day out like this…when the enemy sneaks in and says, “You know–you should really be doing more.” So you find yourself picking up your lap top–searching for more…and then you are sucked in…reading about someone else’s more…when really–there is more right in front of you. Sweet ones–right in your home…where you can really make a difference. Prodding their hearts. Talking about their feelings. Sharing with them the love of Christ. Challenging them to think outside of themselves. And I think of this family that we love–that is about to change forever on this Earth as they say goodbye to their daddy…and I know they are thankful. He spent every moment away from work with them…building in, pouring in and even helping with laundry. And most will never know their story–but I have no doubt that the lives of 11 beautiful children are forever changed–and those fortunate enough to know them personally to see the love that was poured in…we are all forever changed. Reminded of what really matters.

Life is precious. Too sacred, sweet and short to compare or live unkindly…no room for even unkind thoughts–instead we should celebrate and love one another…in our different places…no matter how simple or seemingly perfect. I’m learning to be thankful for each new day…each new connection…every moment. Press on sweet mommas. Your job matters! Keep pouring in–and ENJOY every moment! It is sacred!

A few sweet words…

John 11:23-26 Jesus said to her, “Your brother will rise again.” Martha said to him, “I know that he will rise again in the resurrection on the last day.” Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?”

2 Corinthians 5:6-8 So we are always of good courage. We know that while we are at home in the body we are away from the Lord, for we walk by faith, not by sight. Yes, we are of good courage, and we would rather be away from the body and at home with the Lord.

“Love begins at home, and it is not how much we do… but how much love we put in that action.” -Mother Teresa

“Keep the joy of loving God in your heart and share this joy with all you meet especially your family.” -Mother Teresa

Maureen Werner - July 6, 2013 - 8:58 am

I love that book! It really spoke to my heart at a time when I genuinely needed it. So glad you have read it and it has helped you.

I too think about living somewhere where I could make a difference, and then I remind myself that this is where God has me, and my Mission is my children (For now!). I need to stop trying to peek around the corner to see what is next in my life and stay in the moment that is NOW!

Praying you have the most wonderful summer ever with your Little Ones! Oh and would love an update of your beautiful girl you hosted last summer. Praying that she has settled into her new family and they are loving her BIG!

Blessings to you!

Sara - July 6, 2013 - 10:26 am

I have followed your blog for about a year and I just want to thank you for your honesty. My husband and I are about to bring home our two year old daughter from Congo (excitement mixed with almost overwhelming fear) and we have four boys at home now who we homeschool. In this process I have been so encouraged by what you have chosen to share and this post spoke to me b/c so often I feel that I am not doing nearly enough! Thank you, friend, and God bless you and your family!
BTW, I will definitely be ordering that book! 🙂


Ellie - July 8, 2013 - 9:24 am

Thank you for sharing your heart! I love what you said about the enemy sneaking in and lying to us about how we should be doing more. Wow. I think you are right on target with that. I’ve heard that lie before when I have been taking care of my home and being a wife and a diligent student and feel like I should be doing more…when the life God has called us to is often right in front of us. Thank you for that lovely reminder this morning. God bless!

China Adoption Pack-List

Before I forget what we packed and what we needed and didn’t need–I better right it down for any mommas who might ask me our packing 2 cents. (Got an email just today–and thought it’d be a great thing to share…this is for you Katie:) When you finally get that TA–it can be so hard to THINK. SO–I’m just going to include what we DID need and what I’m glad that we DID have with us…and anything that I WISH we had packed!

We set one room aside for packing–our little one’s nursery–so I could just toss things on our checklist in here and close the door so no littles would rearrange or move things for us;)…

We took 2 large suitcases. One full of things for our sweet ones and things for other sweet ones at his orphanage. The other big suitcase was full of mommy and daddy’s things:). We did take our 7 and 8 year olds–but they packed EVERYTHING they needed for 15 days in their carry-ons. Pack light is our motto–and there was really nothing we needed–so I’m glad we packed the way we did! For those reading this later–we traveled in June 2013–and I’m sure things haven’t changed too much if it’s within a few years:).

Here’s our little travel crew BEFORE we took off! We took the big 2 kids with us–left the 2 younger ones with grandparents…and off we went to bring home number 5!

Q-tips (travel pack)
Wet Ones & Disinfectant Wipes (4-5 travel packs)
Travel Conditioner (All the hotels have shampoo)
Face Wash Cleansing Pads (you don’t have to worry about any spills)
Travel Disinfectants (the more the better if you ask me!)
Travel Tissue packs (2 or 3 packs – just for the squatty potties you encounter:)
Travel size toothpaste (2)
Feminine products (The stores there do NOT sell the same kind of things we use:)
Little Toothbrush for new one
Fluoride-free Toothpaste (assume this is a new thing and they are going to swallow it:)
Travel size toothbrushes for all travelers
Sunscreen—Maybe (We packed sunscreen but the smog is so bad there that you really don’t see the sun. We never used it!)

Anti-nausea medication with dosage for different children (we have one that often gets really sick when traveling)
Neosporin or Polysporin
Azithromycin (antibitotic for baby)-Yes
Infant thermometer
Advil (Rich was so thankful I packed this for his back–the mattresses in the hotels were like rocks:)
Melatonin (You can find liquid melatonin at Publix! This is great to use to get back on the right time zone to help you sleep!)
Pink Eye Medication (Glad we brought this!)
Pepto Bismol Chewable Tablets
Travel Pro (No one got sick–and we even gave this to our new one as soon as he was with us! Just one spray for kids and 2 for adults! Keeps you well naturally! You can find it HERE.)
Quiet Digestion (Again–we are all about prevention and doing so naturally:) Rich and I took 3 a day as long as we had no tummy trouble. Rich ate something that wasn’t so great–so per our holistic doc–he did 3 – 3x a day on that day:). All was well! THANKFUL for this! If we could have only packed 2 things in the medical topic–it would be this and Travel Pro! You can find it HERE.)
Tummy Qi – This is what we packed for or little one and the kids! We gave them 2 dropper fulls a day to keep their tummy’s healthy while we were traveling. You can find it HERE.)

Travel size laundry liquid detergent (4) – I was SO glad we did this!!! I’ll spare you the details–but there were several occasions I had to wash clothes in the hotel tub and it really couldn’t wait until the morning!
Small Scissors – strange I packed these. BUT I used them SEVERAL TIMES! Glad I had them!
Plastic Bags: Plastic Grocery bags, Tall Kitchen bags, Snack size Ziploc, Small size Ziploc
Clothes pins (These are great if you are in a situation where you have to wash clothes in the tub and hang them to dry! Most showers there have a pull string for hanging wet clothes to dry. IF NOT–you can use the clothes pins to hang drying children clothing from curtains and such!)
Snack containers (We took THESE.)
Water Purifier – This is GREAT to have and worth the investment as your husband can take this camping later:). You can fill up water from the sink and purify it. This is probably safer and more reliable than even water bottles. When you get to a hotel late at night and there’s no time to go buy water bottles–at least you have this! You can buy one HERE.)
Small Flashlight – Our power went out for an entire day:) This is great to have at night when you need to find something and not wake everyone else too:)

Toddler/Child/New One Clothes and items:
3-4 pajamas
7 shirts/tops
7 shorts/pants/bottoms
7 socks
1 zip up sweatshirt
Swimsuit (We used this a LOT at the Guangzhou hotel!)
Baby Carrier – Even though our little one was 2 years old–we still used this a lot and were glad we had it!
Crib Sheet Saver – We were thankful we brought an ultimate crib sheet to put in the pack and play the hotel provided. They had sheets–but with stains on them–this just was nice to have.
Diapers – We were told you can just buy them there. AND YOU CAN. BUT–they were very expensive. I just wished we had packed all we would need the entire time. I spent too much time figuring out how to get to a store that sells them in Guangzhou and was shocked at the cost once we got there. Pack these if you will need them!)
Swim Diapers – Many of the hotels have pools. I didn’t have these but wish I had packed them! We took him swimming in a regularly diaper and it got really heavy and not fun to clean up later!
Wipes (2 refill packs)
2 Bottles – We did not pack these and had to go buy them! Wish we’d packed them! I thought a 2 year old wouldn’t be on a bottle–but momma was wrong. This is great for bonding too–so just be safe and pack them if you have a little 3 or under.
Bottle Brush
Disposable gloves (Just bring them. Assume your little has picked up parasites. You’ll know within a few diaper changes if you’ll need them. But PACK THEM! You’ll thank me later.)
Travel formula cup if your little one is still on formula (our 2 year old was!) You can buy formula THERE!
Bibs made of silicone for easy cleaning.
Small toys – We were so thankful to have a few small things to play with at the Civil Affairs and Consulate appointments. Think lots of waiting with a little one–and what would entertain them.
Diaper Bag – Because our little was 2, we got him a cute little backpack at Target and put diapers, wipes, a bottle, snacks and a toy in it for each outing.

Mom clothes
2 pairs pants
2 skirts
3 shorts
7 tops
2 pairs of PJs
7 undies and 3 bras
One pair Toms
One Pair tennis shoes.
Flip flops.
4 pairs of socks
swimsuit & swimsuit coverup (used a lot at Guangzhou hotel)
Small/Light umbrella

Dad Clothes
3 pairs of pants/jeans
Lots of T-shirts
3 Dress shirts
5 pairs of shorts
2 long sleeve shirts
8 pairs socks
7 pairs underwear
One pair casual/dress shoes
One pair tennis shoes
Baseball Hat

For traveling siblings–Made sure we had 7 days worth of clean things for each and they packed everything in their carry ons like rockstars! They also packed their swimsuits and coverups–so glad we packed these! They also brought books, travel games, colored pencils and fun mosaics to color and we loaded up our Kindle with fun books and educational games for them too.

File Folder for paperwork (I labeled each section so we could easily find things: medical/civil affairs/consulate/extra copies/etc)
PAPERWORK + MONEY (travel cash + all fees for orphanage/civil affairs/etc)
Small Notebook for taking notes that can fit in diaper bag/backpack/purse (used this more than I thought!)
Compact Bible
Bubble wrap to wrap breakables if needed for trip home-Yes
Toddler backpack
Headphones (BEST PURCHASE EVER! We bought noise cancellation ones for me and Rich, nice ones for the kids and even a pair for our new one. SO thankful we had these for the long flights!)
2 Travel Neck Pillows (My kids swiped mine–so we could have used another!)
Chinese Children’s Music – Downloaded this on my iPhone and it was PRICELESS! We memorized “Rock-a-Bye” baby in Chinese BEFORE we left–wasn’t easy–but it was THE best use of time EVER. Our sweet boy sings this back to us–and has been one of the best bonding things we’ve had! THIS IS OUR TREASURE HERE.
Video Camera, Digital Camera and Battery Chargers

Y’all–there is pretty good food in China–so you don’t really need to back much. We are pretty healthy, organic eaters-BUT we did eat McDonald’s in Beijing and Guangzhou–and it was some good stuff:) You can buy peanut butter, jelly, break and all kinds of stuff that would weigh too much to pack in Carrefour (like Walmart or Target)–they are in just about every city! Just ask your hotel concierge where Carrefour is and you’ll be SET!
2 boxes of granola bars (great for snacks)
1 box Trader Joes instant coffee (most hotels have coffee–but a few you’ll be better off using their hot water and using these)

Gifts: We wanted to take things for the orphanage caregivers, Civil Affairs and Guides–something that wasn’t made in China:)
8 gift bags and tissue paper
8 travel mugs
8 packets of local coffee
–Most agencies give you a list and ideas here! OR you can be creative!

You can have your clothes washed by laundry services in Guangzhou. It’s cheaper at one of the places on Shamian Island than through the hotel services-and be sure to request they also DRY your laundry. They will also deliver to your hotel for a small fee. We were fortunate enough to stay in a place in our son’s province that HAD a washer and dryer–we were staying at a friend’s place there–so it was perfect. BUT in most cases–by the time you get to Guangzhou you’ll need to do the laundry to finish out the last week. We also took the subways in Beijing and Guangzhou instead of Taxis–MUCH faster and cheaper!

If you are reading this and getting ready to take off on a journey of a LIFETIME–congratulations! Try not to stress out about the packing! Anything you forget you can find there! We downloaded Google Voice so we could text our family here for free–and we Skyped for free also. All the hotels had Wi-fi–so we were able to update our blog using a VPN (Panda Pow worked great for us) and email too. Try to focus on the journey ahead and all the sweetness it holds–and journal as much as you can to remember each sweet day! You can look back on our journey on my blog just a big earlier than this post as we just returned home about 2 weeks ago. Our little man is already doing so great–and we are so thankful for all the Lord has done and will do. May you be blessed in your journey to your little love–and may you be filled with strength, rest, peace and joy as you embark on this beautiful trip to bring home your child! Laugh a lot–enjoy every moment and don’t sweat the small stuff while you are there. It’s going to be AMAZING!

Our travel crew leaving the orphanage…

And our crew finally all together at the airport after returning home…

FINALLY! Young party of 7—ALL together!

Be blessed! It’s a journey you will forever treasure!


P.S. So–another part of our packing included packing for the 2 children we were leaving with family to care for while we were gone. This is our 2nd adoption overseas–and both times Mama Judy has put together gifts–little happies–for the children staying behind to open each day. This time my 3 and 4 year olds didn’t travel–so they got to open ONE gift each day. It served as a countdown and fun distraction to how many days until they would see us again!

Maria - July 4, 2013 - 11:55 am

Thank you so much for posting this! We are leaving for China in 2 weeks to go get our baby girl (she’s 2 also). This list will be SO helpful for us.
Thank you!

Mary - July 8, 2013 - 6:56 am

Thank you! We’re awaiting TA and supposed to go in August. This will be our first child (a son). This is a great help. I love the cheerfulness of your post!

Cindy - July 8, 2013 - 12:40 pm

I am so happy for your family! Congratulations to you all. He is adorable.

Janice - August 4, 2013 - 9:13 pm

I just found your packing list and we are getting ready to leave for China in 3 weeks. How did you fit all that stuff in just 2 suitcases? How did you fit all your kids clothes in their carryons?

admin - August 4, 2013 - 10:07 pm


We actually had EXTRA room in our 2nd suitcase! SOO…we took (along with all this on the list) a backpack, 6 outfits and several books–a massive care package for another little girl’s family who wanted to send a care package. All her stuff from her soon-to-be parents took up HALF of one of our suitcases–so if you aren’t taking things for people too you should even have extra room. My kids are just 8 and 7 so their clothes are little. A carry on was plenty big for a week’s worth of clothes–and we traveled in the summer–and shorts and tees do not take up nearly as much room as sweaters and jackets (this might be tighter for winter travelers). There’s really no need to take lots of snacks either as there is PLENTY of edible yummy snacks in all the little shops on the streets:). Please feel free to contact me through my contact page if you have specific questions! Happy to give you my cell number too if you have questions too!



Ashley - January 19, 2014 - 10:39 am

I googled “packing for China adoption” and your blog popped up! This list looks great – THANK YOU! We are hoping to travel to get our daughter in April or May.

Many Blessings to your family, Ashley

Post-Adoption-Prep: “The First Days Home…When There’s a Full House”

Families have asked me how to prepare for the first weeks home after international adoption (and honestly these would apply to bringing home through foster care and even a newborn too!)–and to be honest–even after a year home with our first one, I had to really THINK HARD what to tell them. It’s really hard to give good advice on this unless you are in the middle of it, because like all things–when life moves on and you find your new normal, it can be really hard to remember what it was that you REALLY needed. I always smile when I read articles written by adoption moms who it’s been 15 or so years for and read their advice. It often rings “you just need Jesus” and don’t be hard on yourself/give yourself GRACE–two very ambiguous hard to grasp concepts when you are the middle of hard. YES–I agree…Jesus IS enough. BUT when it comes to bringing home a toddler, child or teen who has experienced trauma in their past–while Jesus will be the one that heals–I also believe it will be strategies, the church (His people) and prepping ahead of time (being prepared) for the transition that He will ultimately work through. [It’s not either/or here–it’s both/and!]

Prepping to come home with your first or even second child verses a full house can also look very different. For example, when we brought home Isaac, we had 3 biological children at home that had never experienced the circumstances our new one had. All three were very secure and confident in our love and their place in our family–so we were really able to stay home in the first weeks and “cocoon” with little distractions from the outside world. This time though–coming home with 4 children at home–one who did come to us through the miracle of adoption–our transition would be a wee bit different. BEFORE I forget…before we find our NEW normal…before I can no longer remember the advice to give–I wanted to write down a few of the things that have been “AH-HA!” moments for me this time–things that I wish I had known before our first adoption and stuck to well–and things that I am so thankful for this time.

I was GOING to write a post on “how to serve adoption families in the first days home” BUT for 2 reasons I changed it. 1–The only way that would really help you would be to SHARE my blog with those in your life that support you in hopes that they will do some of those things…and lets face it–telling people your family might need help might feel weird. 2–It’s better to prepare yourself and be prepared AND just be blessed by those who ask to help or bless you. So, in the middle of the transition and change…and just being home 2 weeks with our 5th child–here are the things that I wish I had not only known but really grabbed ahold to our first adoption–and things I’m sticking my best to this one.

First Days Home When There’s a Full House: From a Momma in the Middle of It

1. In the first days, conserve your sanity–not trees.

I’m all about conserving the environment. BUT when you are newly home–for the first month–stock up and use paper products instead of having to load and unload the dishwasher every night. When you have a big family, every meal can be a full load. So just in the first month home, stock up on paper plates, cups and even plastic utensils (you can toss them in your recycle bin!). Before you travel, stock up on toilet paper, paper towels, wipes and napkins. These are things you will use A LOT more often than you ever did before as a new one says no to food that is new, as food is thrown more than it’s ever been in your house and for some–as parasites take their toll on maybe more than just your new one in the family. If you have brought home a child before and know what the big G is (giardi)–then you know you will need more wipes and toilet paper than you though humanly possible. With that action going on in the house–fatigue sets in–and the last thing you want to be doing is cleaning dishes too. You will be thanking me later every time you toss out a paper plate instead of doing the dishes. Promise.

2. Every time someone says–“How can I help?”–your response is just 1 simple word: MEALS.

Meals were so helpful when we brought home newborns. Newborns wake in the night, they often cry in the day–and they are fussy in the 5 o’clock hour making meal time very difficult. I often wondered HOW I would ever cook again while the meals were coming from dear friends during our newborn days. This is SUCH a wonderful way to bless a family growing and going through change in their family.

It wasn’t until we adopted internationally a toddler, fostered a teen, brought home a toddler the second time…each time–I was reminded that MEALS are THE biggest way to help a family. When you have a bigger one that doesn’t sleep the way a newborn sleeps during the day or even at night–meals are even a greater help in this circumstance as you can imagine. When you travel internationally–not only does your child have jet lag and isn’t sleeping at night–but YOU will not be sleeping at night and be back on course for a few weeks EITHER. At 5pm–it will feel like 5am–and turning on the oven is potentially a fire risk to you and your family;) (Kidding–kind of;). The 5 o’clock tired time for newborns is the same for toddlers–only it looks quite different on a newly home toddler. A newborn having a fit is easier to calm (I’ve had newborns with colic)–and trust me–a newborn with colic doesn’t even hold a candle to a toddler who is scared, a teenager who needs to be held—or having to hold two toddlers at once that are both struggling to find where they fit and their new roles in your family.

If you don’t have meals–then you will likely eat cereal on these nights when moments of healing are more important SO when someone asks how they can help–even if you do not think this will be hard–say a MEAL.. Trust me. This is HUGE after you are home from the airport as you figure out time zone changes, as you are learning your new one with a language barrier and as you can’t figure out any food your new one will eat–you and the others in your home WILL still need to eat. Filling up their tummies will allow you to focus on your new one–AND different meals brought from friends will also offer new foods for your little love to try.

If you have a friend kind enough to set up a meal calendar for you–then hug them, kiss them on the cheek and bless them. Having meals the first few weeks home has been the biggest help of all–every other night has been the biggest blessing for our family as we eat left overs the other nights.

3. Be honest and vulnerable with your close friends when they offer to help with your other children.

If you have other children at home–another way friends might help is to have play dates or sleepovers for the other children who are likely getting a bit of the shaft and having to make some big sacrifices during those first weeks home. While you do your best to balance the needs of everyone–it’s likely that your new one may have more demanding needs at first. There will be days that it will be healthy for your other children to have a break from home as a new one settles, grieves and as you find your new normal while giving the others a time of refueling in the form of play dates and sleep overs.

CAREFULLY gage WHAT and WHEN your children need a break/breather. Be honest with friends WHEN a child needs a break and can use a play date. You will be tempted to accept a play date offer when it is offered or best for your friend’s family–“when they are invited”. There will be times when you need to huddle in as a family and help your new one heal together–to find your new normal together–and at the same time your best friend or your child’s best bud calls for a helpful play date. DO WHAT IS BEST FOR YOUR CHILD AND BE HONEST. (You will likely be tired–so here is something to refer back to that you can say, “Thank you SO much for inviting her over to play. We really, really need this–and this sweet thing could use a break. BUT we are going through a connection time where we need to huddle together. Can I have a raincheck and call you when we are over this hump and could she play then instead?”)

There will be times when friends invite your child over and your child DOES need a break and it WOULD be a good time–but you need more than just a play date and you will need to be honest about this. Your friend doesn’t understand what your new one is really going through and how not only do you need help with a play date–but you ALSO need help with transportation THERE and BACK for your child. When you bring home a 2 year old who has NEVER in his LIFE sat in a carseat–a 10 minute ride strapped in a seat–buckled at the chest–where they can not see you…they cry out to you but unfamiliar things just keep going by them through glass faster and faster–more and more stimulating…this can actually be a very traumatic experience in the first weeks home.

Put yourself in your new child’s shoes if he/she is freaked out by the carseat. This can be scary when you think about it this way. IF this is your child–and your friend says they would love to have a play date for your child but wants you to drop them off because the water heater man or whatever is coming to their house–then consider your new child over their water heater;). The transit there and back could likely do more damage than how the play date itself would help at all.

(In this circumstance say, “This timing couldn’t be more perfect for her/him to have a play date! You have no idea how much this would mean to me! I have a bigger favor to ask of this play date and please be honest if this is too much for you and we can have a play date another time. Our new one is still very scared of the car seat. We must limit our transits right now to emergencies or when there is another adult to sit in the back with him to help him learn this isn’t a scary thing although it is overstimulating and new. Because we are still figuring out his sleep I’m not sure when I would be able to drop her off or pick her up either. Would there be any way we could schedule the play date around times that would be convenient for you to help with transportation?” I know asking for extra help like this can be hard–but think of your child in the back seat screaming and overstimulating and ALL the changes he or she has already had to endure these last few days and weeks–and be brave for your child. Asking for help–even to my family and closest friends–is hard for me! It requires me to be brave and remind myself that they LOVE our family and if they knew this and the reasons they would be overjoyed to go the extra mile for us!)

4. Die to pride and forget the cost (your checkbook will recover)–and hire help when you need it.

In the first weeks home with a new one, if I was worried about laundry and a clean house–I would truly miss so many connecting opportunities. Yes–we all know YOU CAN do this. BUT finding your new normal and how to get it all done WILL take some time. If your home and laundry start to fall apart–CALL FOR HELP. If you have friends blessing you with meals–then use the extra grocery money saved to hire a babysitter to fold laundry instead of watch kids or hire a cleaning service to scrub toilets.

Right now, we have a babysitter coming over on Tuesday and Thursday from 9am to 3pm. She does housework and laundry so I can connect with the kids and be more watchful of every ones hearts and better gauge what each child needs. In the later afternoon while Zeke and Isaac are napping, she will take the older kids to the pool so I can rest OR she will stay here folding laundry and listening out for babes to wake ready to call me in when they stir so I can stay in the back swinging with the kids or slip-and-sliding while house work continues. I’m able to give the other kids more of me and connect with them on these days during the naps of our new one.

5. Load up and invest in fun that can happen at home while your new one settles in.

With 4 other children who want to party and play, staying at home with a new one can be tough FOR THEM. To make things more fun during this time of allowing your new one to settle, load up on fun things at home for the other kids. Buy the slip-and-slide that you hate because it kills the grass…and remember your grass is just grass:). Grab the art supplies you never buy and let them go to town. Stock up on face paint and other fun that can happen at home–that you always avoid;)–and make this time at home special for your other kids. You will even feel like a kid again as you splurge a bit on home fun! (Other ideas: sprinklers, outdoor chalk, window markers, water colors, board games, garden supplies)

6. Create special nights for the other children–one on one time with each one.

I have learned that it is very important during the first days to have heart-to-hearts with each child and just ask them questions on how they are doing. One-on-one time will minister to their sweet hearts–and it doesn’t have to be a date night special outing occasion but maybe something as simple as ice cream on the porch together after the others have gone down for bed or sitting on the front steps just the two of you while you let the others watch a quick cartoon one morning. I thought one child was at one place until a little one-on-one talk one evening that led to a big realization that we actually needed MORE one-on-one times with this sweet one. I had NO idea one of my children was struggling so as this one had been so engaged in helping and loving our new one! We were able to make a list together of things that we could do just the two of us!

7. Embrace BALANCE in your mommying during this time of transition.

Stock your frig with healthy snacks–so you can order the pizza tonight for dinner. Do not fret over the chicken fingers or pizza you are serving for dinner on the nights you do not have meal help–your children are most likely loving this! AND it’s easy–especially if you are serving on your paper plates:) It’s also easier to feel okay about this if they have eaten healthy snacks all day.

Read the books. Remember the equipping skills for helping a new one heal. Do what you are able to. Pray that the Lord would lead and guide you. REST that He is able to heal and each kiss…each connection…each word of affirmation is a step closer. And as you do all of this DO NOT, DO NOT, DO NOT compare yourself, your circumstances/experience OR your children with ANY one else. Every child is different. Every need is different. Every family is different. Trust the Lord to lead and guide your family as you go to Him and open your hands to Him. When you are tempted to look to the left or right–STOP. And look up. This is too hard to look to the left and right–but that is what the enemy would want you to do. Stop when you catch yourself doing this–and just look UP–and then love out. Pour out as He pours in. He will equip you. You can do this with His strength!

Make decisions, accept help and answer questions through a filter of what is best for your child/children/family. Do not try to accommodate those trying to help if it makes it harder–it’s okay to say no thank you if it makes things harder or if things are too crazy. You will also likely get lots of questions about your new one from those who are there to help you and you will be tempted to answer in a way to accommodate their curiosity rather than what is best for your child. ALWAYS answer questions by filtering it through what is best for your child. (When someone brings you a meal, drops off goodies, picks up another child–and they are standing in your home–and they ask an innocent but invasive question like, “So what do you know about your child’s story…what do you know about their birth family…”

DO NOT answer with what you are not okay with sharing simply because you didn’t want to be rude. Assume they will go home and tell their child–assume their child will one day be on the playground with your child–assume one day their child will be upset with your child and their child now has information that could make a forever wound on your child’s heart. PUT your child first and say, “This is our child’s sacred and sweet story–and one day when he is ready–we want him to be the one to share it.” It might feel weird at first–but you’ll get this question more than once and twenty times if you are a mom through adoption–so go ahead and practice it now. It feels normal and right after awhile and not rude at all.)


If you don’t already have a thing. Something that brings YOU rest. That replenishes YOU. FIND ONE. It can be laying out by the pool in your neighborhood for a few minutes after your husband gets home. It might be running a few miles in the morning before he leaves for work. It might be like mine–WRITING…blogging/documenting your days. It could be cooking. Sewing. Crafting. Working out. Gardening. If you don’t already have a thing–FIND ONE. The first days might not be the time for your thing–but you will need a thing…something that replenishes you in the months and years ahead. Whether you are a mom with 1 or 10–you must take care of yourself and find something that just allows you to exhale and allows you to feel like you. Never look to the left or right on this either–because we all have different things that bring our different personalities rest. You just need to find yours and make sure you do it once a day if you can. I’m far from doing my thing once a day–but a few times a week of writing for me and I feel like a new momma again.

Please feel free to contact me if you ever have any questions, need encouragement or just have a prayer request during your mommying. No matter where you are–it’s never easy and there are always challenges. It is such a treasure when we find others to run beside and encourage–and it would be my honor to ever do that for any of you. BY THE WAY…there is a sweet retreat we do every year for adoption mommas (those considering adopting, in process or already home) and we’d love to have you join us to encourage one another and refuel. You can check out the details about this retreat Created for Care at BLESSINGS to you all as you grow! May you sense His presence and follow Him close on this journey!

Are you a family that has recently grown through adoption? Are there things not listed here that you found to be nuggets that you would like to share with other families preparing to grow again? Please share those in the comments below and I’ll add them to this post! And honestly–I would LOVE to have your nugget of wisdom to hold onto myself! So if you have one…please share away!

JessicaD - June 27, 2013 - 4:13 pm

Your sister shared this post with my sister today. With me in mind. I cant tell you how blessed I am that she thought of me. It’s been a hard day here… and small things count.

This post is fabulous. And I am coming back to peruse the rest of your blog. 🙂

Saturday a scared little-girl-inside is coming from Ukraine to spend 6+ weeks with my little family. I have no idea if she is free for adoption. I do know she had been with a foster family but “they got rid of her for younger children”. I hope and pray she can be my daughter.

Julia Dansby - June 27, 2013 - 6:36 pm

My nugget that God has and is teaching me is that we never arrive! We adopted a 12 year old daughter out of the foster care system 2 and a half years ago. It is important to know that we never arrive period, but especially in the sense of adopting – we never get to a point where all of the complex dynamics of adoption cease to exist and healing has finally been achieved and things are now “easy”. There will always be new issues or trials that arise as a result of adoption and all that is involved with that in the child’s life. We never arrive with our children through adoption and it has helped me greatly to let go of this expectation and idea that one day (surely one day) we will “arrive”. As if we will finally reach that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. It will forever be a process. Hopefully progressing to deeper levels, but always a process. God is using you to encourage so many Andrea (especially me) – keep on keeping on!!!

RLR - June 28, 2013 - 10:37 pm

Thank you for the wonderful suggestions!

We are in the homestudy process for international adoption, and I know I’ll want to come back to this post one of these days. Would you be willing to add some kind of image so this post is “pinnable”? We also know a few families who will be bringing children home from Uganda and Ethiopia over the next several months, and I’m going to remember to pick up kids for playdates and take meals.

Jessica - June 29, 2013 - 2:57 pm

What wonderful advice! We’ve been home about four weeks with our little blessing from China, and I agree with everything you said!! No new nuggets of advice here, but thankful to read yours :).