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Praying for a cure… {childhood cancer}

We had an eventful crazy summer–and there is just no way to write all that we had going on. But today–I was reminded of something I didn’t share…that I want to. I want to share to help those that don’t always get to leave with good news.

After we brought Zeke home, we were having a lounge around the house day. I was watching my older kids sitting in the breakfast area–swinging there little legs back and forth as they sat eating their cereal when I noticed what looked like a knot in my 8 year old son’s leg. I thought MAYBE it was the way the sun was hitting it. Surely it was just the way the light was hitting it–but having a mommy mind and heart (aka – struggling not to make everything a worry)…of course my mind started racing. I ran over and asked my Parker to stretch out his leg–and the lump was even larger. It was below his knee where he said he had been experiencing pain, and it was hard as a rock. I called the pediatrician to be safe, and we went the next morning.

Our pediatrician said he wasn’t worried, and it could likely be just a Baker’s cyst. If it was–it could go away on it’s own or need to be removed–but wasn’t anything to be worried about. Because of it’s size and how it felt though, he referred us to the pediatric orthopedist to be sure. The days that followed, I caught my mind wandering and myself staring at my little Parker–wondering if our worlds were about to be rocked. I sent Rich with him to downplay it, and I stayed with the children. Honestly, I don’t react so well to uncertain news…y’all I am so NOT strong–so I knew it’d be better to send Richard. I know that makes me sound awful–BUT we also had just been home for a few weeks with our newest from China who wouldn’t stay with a sitter either. Richard called me to let me know they had completed the x-rays–and the doctor just wasn’t sure. My heart SANK. What do you mean not sure? So many questions–all that would have to wait until we went to Emory for a full MRI.

We scheduled it for Sunday, so one of us could again take him while the other stayed home with our new one and the other children. We would also have to wait for the report on Monday after the doctors reviewed the results. Lots of time on our knees here…and realizing that really–everything can just change in a blink for our children. Knowing there is NOTHING we wouldn’t do for all our children to be well–to say I was distracted for most of July in a fog is an understatement. Our doctor called with GOOD NEWS on Monday morning. It was benign, and we would watch it–but it was NOTHING to be worried about. I think I lost a few hairs in those weeks–but here’s the thing…we got to walk away with good news. Not everyone does. Yet in that moment…I WOULD HAVE DONE ANYTHING to find a cure…to help my child…to be a part of helping other children that have childhood cancer.

Just a year earlier we had been at a party celebrating our friend’s child being cancer FREE after a long and hard journey with childhood cancer. We watched osteosarcoma take little Bailey’s leg–but it did not take this little bulldog of a girl’s spirit to fight. She fought long and hard and BEAT cancer. And unlike me–well, she can’t just walk away with good news and forget her encounter. Because her encounter wasn’t just a scare–but it was an ugly beast that sent thousands to their knees praying for her fight with her. Bailey and her family are now trying to raise funds for Rally Foundation and CURE for childhood cancer research. For the next 48 hours you can join them by pre-ordering one of the t-shirts on Bailey’s mom’s blog! But you need to pre-order before September 4th at midnight! Pre-order a childhood cancer awareness t-shirt here on her blog.

Currently, we have another precious friend named Lindsey who’s precious little daughter Lola is fighting childhood cancer. With every Facebook post of little ones with backpacks heading off to school–I can’t help but think of all the things racing through Lindsey’s mind as she prepares her daughter for a year being in hospitals and at home more than school…and instead getting her little monkey in her place so her friends don’t forget her and remember she’s coming back–she just needs to get well first.

Oh my heart. I can hardly take the thought…so I can’t imagine how the mommy heart feels that doesn’t get to leave with good news. For those of us who get to back up our loves tomorrow for preschool and school–we can do something though. While these children fight–we can support organizations like Rally and CURE raising funds for childhood cancer research.

I’m so thankful I got to walk away–but heartbroken that that’s not everyone’s story. Will you join me in supporting this amazing cause? For all the Creeds, Lolas and Bailey’s out there! Let’s make a BIG HUGE smile on Miss Bailey’s face and flood her mommy’s blog with pre-orders to help them raise funds to win the fight against childhood cancer!


Sandi - September 3, 2013 - 2:35 am

Oh my heart is broken for this little one having to fight a battle no one should have to bear. Can’t wait to get the shirt & to share their story! Blessings will rain down on this family. My heart is also sad about your previous post regarding someone not being entirely kind about your kiddos’ adoption conversation (which was hilarious). Know this…Your blog teaches, inspires, helps, encourages, lifts others to bring them closer to God & leads them nearer to the path he intends. Light when it shines brightly may blind some who are not walking in light. Sounds weird but it is entirely true. God was convicting her heart of something & instead of looking within she struck out. It is not about you, but her own failings. Some people look for the worst in people & when they do not find it they create it. I’m thinking she is in need of prayer. I will be praying for her heart & for yours. I will pray for health for your family too! PS Not only have you filled your nest with precious little birdies (not full yet by the way) by following God’s call, but you have also assisted a veritable flock of others who are flying a little closer to God as a result of hearing your story! Keep flying & fighting the good fight!!! Isaiah 9:2

Happy 40th Anniversary to my sweet parents!

We have had ONE busy weekend! We celebrated P’s birthday Friday night, my niece’s birthday Saturday…and then we decided to surprise my parents with a little wedding fun renewing vows with ring pops as the grandkids put on a little wedding and reception for them. It was so sweet…and so fun! Here’s a little sneak peak! (Here’s the direct link just in cast the one below doesn’t load well…)

My dad helped us a bit plan the night–and about this time last year he started working on a song to give my mom on their 40th. Sweet man drove to Nashville a few times to actually have it professionally recorded in a studio for her. Here is the video…he started it out making it look like he just recorded it on the back porch..but he definitely went to great lengths to make it special! I have some pretty sweet parents who are still very much in love! So blessed! (You can watch the direct the direct link HERE.)

And then we enjoyed watching this video of more sweet pictures…(direct link HERE)

So this is our crazy family! We might be as country sounding as they come with our Southern accents…but we love each other–and that’s better than anything you could ever hope for when it comes to family.

The greatest gift my parents have given me–is showing us girls how to work things out. We are committed to our husbands, our families and to our friends. We have watched our parents and learned how to work through hard–because it hasn’t always been easy…but we have learned that you never, ever give up. We have learned when you have hard relationships–friendships…or whatever–that when things get hard or uneasy or uncomfortable…you don’t avoid…you don’t run–you go deep–TOGETHER…because right around the corner…well, that’s where the best stuff is. They have taught us to be loyal, true and to take risks. And to be vulnerable–real and authentic in who we are with each other. I’m so thankful for what they are leaving us…a legacy to pass down to our children…and to our children’s children. And so thankful for sisters–who have shared every part of the beautiful alongside me. Mom and dad–we love you very much! Thank you for fighting for one another and for teaching us what it means to really love.



Candy - August 26, 2013 - 11:15 am

This was beautiful.

Maureen - August 26, 2013 - 11:47 am

How beautiful! Your Dad is a wonderful singer and your parents are so special! What a wonderful example of a Godly marriage! Congratulations to them on their 40th wedding anniversary!

And the kids wedding ceremony was soooo precious! Just loved it! Thank you for sharing!

Jodi - August 27, 2013 - 7:50 am

Thanks for sharing. That was so sweet. Congrats to your parents. May the have many more.

Stacey - August 27, 2013 - 7:26 pm

That was awesome!!! I can’t believe how much you look like your dad in the wedding picture at the end of the video. I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a resemblance as you two have, very neat!!!

Mindy Hoying - August 31, 2013 - 8:09 am

What a beautiful celebration of love!!!

Jennifer - September 6, 2013 - 2:36 pm

Oh my heart. What a precious family! Brought back Cosby show flashbacks!

Jennifer - September 6, 2013 - 2:42 pm

And Dancing In The Minefields is our song too. Next month will be our 14th anniversary. Your parents are an inspiration to those of us that were “too young.”

a gift…

Foster moms.

I’m sitting here…pouring over page after page after page…of 2 years documented from my son’s nanny from the orphanage in China. This is not normal I know. Such a gift for me to have this. A treasure.

Every milestone…every funny…every illness…every new mannerism–2 years this special caregiver–so much more than a care-giver…really “middle mom”…standing in the gap…she jotted–she documented–(she made this momma laugh with the nicknames and how many times she wrote the word naughty;) and made pictures to go along with the milestones. (Even my first child–as over zealous as I was–doesn’t have this!)

Everyone who meets our little love is surprised with how bonded he is to us–and how happy and secure he is in just 2 months home…TODAY–2 months home today! I have to give huge props and a standing ovation to the “middle mom” who stood in the gap and loved him first. He didn’t know he was waiting while I was jumping through hoops because he was being loved so big! It may have been her job–but she loved him as her own. THANKFUL. And now I’m trying to figure out how to get back over there and really thank her…again.

I realize this is a treasure. We do not have this for other son. Oh how I wish we did! BUT what this really reminds me tonight of is this–the importance…the powerful impression–the privilege of molding and shaping of a precious heart…the most amazing job these “middle moms” get to be a part of. She did this beautifully. Not knowing or caring if we would appreciate it. But because she loved him.

I. Am. Thankful.

Never underestimate the healing you might be a part of and what your love can do as you foster, stand in the gap, teach children at school…or where ever you are! Make the most of every opportunity to love big!

lynn - August 16, 2013 - 6:37 pm

How wonderful. Such a precious gift to have. Not sure if you can, have or have thought about…but can you send her just a note with a picture to show/say how he is doing and to think her for taking such amazing care of him before he could come home to you? Sounds like she loved him so much and sure she still does. Might rest her mind knowing. (but then again might open an old wound…not really sure but thinking might bring a smile).

lynn - August 16, 2013 - 6:39 pm

***thank her…not think her

Frances - August 16, 2013 - 9:50 pm

Thank you friend…from the middle moms. It is not an easy journey, but such a beautiful
one. The Lord has led us to THREE of our children through the journey from foster care to adoption. And truly…I count it a treasure to have known and traveled with their birth families for years. It is a grace-filled, sacred place and we are grateful to be along for the ride of a lifetime with our Father!

No matter whether you put biological, birth, adoptive or foster in front…at our hearts…we are MOMS!

admin - August 16, 2013 - 9:55 pm

Lynn–I just had to share that I got to MEET his special nanny in PERSON while I was there! Such a treasure! We have been sending over pictures–and the staff there has shared what a delight it is to receive them! THANKFUL! Oh how LOVED our sweet one is!

Michelle Lafayette - August 18, 2013 - 8:38 pm

What a beautiful post! How lucky your on was to have this amazing woman in his life!

Jeni - August 19, 2013 - 9:50 pm

As a foster mom, I love this :). I love that he was ready to love you because she loved him. It encourages me to keep on keepin’ on even when it is so hard.

Great is His faithfulness.

I love blogging…”online journaling”…whatever you want to call it–simply because I just love looking back and seeing what was happening this same time last year. It rings of His faithfulness. Always.

Can you remember?

What was happening this time in your life LAST year?

What were you trusting God with?

What were you stepping out in faith for?

What has God done and how has He moved since this time last year.

I just jumped back over to this week LAST AUGUST on blog to see what what happening.

We were almost out of our first trimester of our pregnancy…although I hadn’t announced it on my blog YET because I didn’t want to take the wonder off what the Lord was doing in the life and journey of the teenager who had lived with us for the summer…and who the Lord was moving mountains to bring home forever as the daughter of our dear friends the Martins.

I was DYING to announce their adoption of her…oh I could hardly stand it. And a few posts later–Andra…her momma shared the story herself. If you ever read anything on my blog–skip right over all my junk–and read THAT. Truly amazing.

I was so excited because in just a couple of weeks would be their final court appointment and another ultra sound for us–and we were going to announce it their adoption being FINAL (yayyy!) on the SAME day as our pregnancy (super YAY!). Little did I know on that day I would be having a D&C…yet so much goodness was ahead.

Oh what the Lord has done!

If you would have told me THIS time last year that we would not have a newborn–but a 2 year old beautiful son from China–I would have scratched my head…we didn’t have a home study or anything in place at that time.

If you would have told me THIS time last year the adoption of our Princess T would have been final and just weeks later she would have been home…and that a year later I would be swimming with my kids at her pool party celebrating her 17th birthday…I might have done a cart wheel (and injured myself in the process;).

If you would have told me THIS time last year that a year later today–my 2 big kids would be at their first day of a hybrid school where they’d go 2 days a week so I could pour into Created for Care (not to mention laundry for 5)–and have extra time to pour into my littles…I would have breathed deeper knowing that although the Lord called me to homeschool (which I LOVE) yet I still need a little margin to pour into ministry too.

If you would have told me last year that my pregnancy wouldn’t result in a baby–but my heart this time a year later would be full of JOY and PRAISE…I think my knees might have buckled–but I would have held on for the ride.

Oh…what a ride this year has been.

Oh…how good He is.

Last week–I posted that sweet, funny conversation of Frank and Isaac. Truly–it WAS sweet and funny. A mom…author…older lady/reader–wrote a comment that I chose not to publish. But I’ll tell you now what it said. She read that conversation and said how sad and pathetic their conversation was that they are confused kids about which is adopted…yadda…yadda…yadda. Yet–she really doesn’t know me. OR what God has done in our lives. How does that comment tie into this post of God’s faithfulness in the last year?

Well–over and over and over–you will have discouraging (maybe even crazy) people comment about your life…and you will be tempted to believe the lie that it breathes into your mind and even your heart. But no one knows you like your Father in heaven does. This person doesn’t see the hours upon hours I pour into my babies. She doesn’t know that some times my little preschoolers act like preschoolers–saying funny little things…and maybe-yes…some times they are even confused–but oh how sweet they are. How loved they are! She doesn’t know the time I pour into teaching them, loving them, guiding them. But He does. And when they are 5 or 10 or 15–they might still be a little big confused…it will just sound different. But rest assured–I will walk through the hard with them. We will find ways to laugh. To celebrate. To look for Him when things don’t make sense. And both you and I will always have people stepping in saying their opinions–that are often so far off…because they really know nothing about us at all. DO NOT LISTEN. Love them. But don’t listen. Instead–look at what is TRUE.

Never listen to the opinion of someone who hasn’t been there all along–who has no idea where you have been and all that the Lord has done and is doing in your life now. Instead–allow the truth of what God has done and His faithfulness be what carries you through the current unknowns and uncertainties in your life. And marinate on what is true.

What is TRUE in my life right now is this…

God has moved mountains and made wondrous (hard, painful, beautiful, miraculous) changes in my life in the past year. I would give ANYTHING in the world to hold our sweet baby who is now in heaven…whose heartbeat I got to see not once but several times as we waited to see what would happen. I still long for another newborn. Am I crazy? Yes. (And I’m really for Not Nice Nelly to comment and tell me what she thinks about that too;). I think the way the Lord designed me, I’ll ALWAYS long for another baby. I just love them. And I’ll always long for the one I saw doing summersaults. But the story He has written in the last year–I wouldn’t change. (I had to erase that a few times…and take a breath.) I’ll say it again. The story He has written in the last year–I wouldn’t change. I would not. I would not.

His plans aren’t always easy…are they?

But oh.

Oh what joy.

What joy comes in the morning!

We are figuring out our new normal with 5 littles. We have 5 healthy children. I’m healthy. Richard’s healthy. Princess T is settled in with her family. I looked on the P.S. of that post last year–and our friend’s daughter was getting ready for her last chemo treatment–and she is now cancer free! God truly has moved mountains in the last year. And His faithful endures forever.

The world around you will always be reminding you what a mess you are surrounded by–but listen not to the world but remember His faithfulness…and celebrate His goodness and purpose in your life!

What has God done in your life since this time last year? 


Rhonda Braswell - August 13, 2013 - 12:40 pm

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you …. and did I say Thank YOU!!!!! I didn’t even know I needed to read that as bad as I did until I read it!!!! I am prone to get busy and only focus on what is around me and what people are saying to me today …. thank you for reminding me to take the time to look back at everything that God has done, answered, repaired, created and solved in just a year!!!! God Bless you and your “littles” (I now use that term due to reading your blog everyday, I hope you don’t mind).

Megan - August 13, 2013 - 1:17 pm

This is lovely. May His ways and plans and faithfulness always shine through our years :)That’s why I love to journal too- to see how everything is unfolding and how He is loving us through each detail.

Gini - August 13, 2013 - 2:07 pm

What a year! I LOVED reading this post–how amazing and what an adventure is this life we are given. Thanks for sharing!

Jennifer Pighini - August 13, 2013 - 2:26 pm

I can’t believe all of that happened in! Wow isn’t God amazing. I am continually blessed to see your faith in action and how everything has played out with your sweet family! Thank you for the reminder to be thankful for all of the joys (big and small) in our lives.

Mary - August 13, 2013 - 4:40 pm

You’re absolutely right, don’t listen to the remarks. Children say interesting things, whether they’re adopted or not.
I happen to have two beautiful children who were adopted.

I was just thinking about T yesterday. Thank you for updating! We have had many things happen this past year. I love to look back to see what God has done. The biggest one is we finally know why are son behaves the way he does and have a diagnosis that has helped tremendously. God moved mountains this past year and in a swift fashion, I might add. All praise to Him!

Laura - August 13, 2013 - 7:30 pm

I love that maybe your littles are sometime confused about adoption, but none of them are confused about what a family is!

You are all blessed to have eachother.

JEthiopia - August 13, 2013 - 10:54 pm

Haven’t commented in a while but always read. Love this post! You are so right. It is easy for people to judge from the outside looking in, and I know for me it is each to take those comments to heart.

Reading this post, it is truly amazing what has happened in the past year!

Maureen - August 14, 2013 - 12:41 pm

I remember last year following all of your adventures about Miss T. I so wanted you to adopt her and just couldn’t understand why you weren’t, but you would allude to reasons and so I waited patiently for you to reveal the whys…and I was heartbroken for you when you wrote about your sweet little angel going to heaven…I cried and prayed for God to be good to your family because you were all so sweet and I couldn’t fathom why your hearts were being broken.

All of this while my own journey to adopt my twin babies was finally coming up to their birth! They were born on September 2nd, wonderfully made and like little angels they have transformed this house of girls into a loud, messy, but joyful home! Just 2 years before this I had come to the point that I believed that my baby days were over. After 5 children (1 homemade and 4 adopted.) I kept trying to talk myself into feeling content. After all, God wants us to be happy where we are and I felt like I was so blessed to have my children that I should stop praying for more!!

And then He so gloriously blessed me with twin boys!! And I was sooo happy! And everyone around would say, but I thought you were done? Didn’t you say you didn’t want anymore?! But I never said that, I just never said I was anything but content. And this past year holding my babies and living faithfully through mothering twins, which is never easy, I never let go of the miracle that is my boys and the fact that I get to be their mother! Thank you, thank you, thank you LORD!

And I have watched your family grow again and rejoiced with you! Yes, God is so good!! Yes, His plans are so much more wonderful than our own! And yes…as my boys get so big now I catch myself looking at newborns and saying little prayers…just one more? Whatever He has for me…I am so excited to see how our stories continue to unfold!!

Rachel - August 14, 2013 - 10:23 pm

I was about to go to Europe for the second time in a year after I’d won a trip for 4. I was taking my then boyfriend (now husband!), brother & his best friend, an awesome girl we all love.
I was deepening my faith.
I’d found out I was about to become an aunty! Gorgeous baby girl was born in April.
My sister announced they would be moving with the baby from Singapore…taking that baby to Houstom (gasp! so far away from Australia)
And this time next year…we might be starting the foster/adoption process!

I still hope to maybe maybe be able to visit the US in March to visit sissy, BIL, & precious niece & it’s my hearts desire to attend the Created for Care weekend in March. We will see if God opens up doors for that trip!

Jennifer - August 16, 2013 - 1:55 am

“Never listen to the opinion of someone who hasn’t been there all along–who has no idea where you have been and all that the Lord has done and is doing in your life now. Instead–allow the truth of what God has done and His faithfulness be what carries you through the current unknowns and uncertainties in your life. And marinate on what is true.” Thank you for this post! We too have been judged and misunderstood concerning our family’s choice to adopt. I wrote about it on my blog as well, though not as eloquently as you have here.

Confessions of a mom whose children don’t have a peanut allergy…

I have 5 children. Ages 8, 7, 4, 4 and 2.

Although I homeschool my older two, we also attend a co-op where my 8 and 7 year old attend classes from 8:30-2:30pm. My two 4 year olds (not twins–but 8 months apart) will go to preschool this year a few days a week–and my 2 year old…newly home from China…will be glued to my hip. Next week my older two will start school. In a few weeks, my middle two will start preschool. Getting them all dressed, out the door in time, lunches packed, etc–IT FEELS CRAZY. So every year–when I find out we do not have a peanut allergy in our class…I often take a deep breath of relief–EVEN THOUGH my kids HATE peanut butter…if you read labels–you know it’s in everything.

I confess. I take a deep breath and wipe my brow. Hearing that news at open house–well, it feels like it’s going to be an easier year.

I also must confess–although none of my children have a peanut allergy–I have a niece who does. And after reading a very eye-opening scary article about a precious little girl who accidentally ate something with a trace of peanut butter in it at camp this summer–I thought about what a stick in the mud I have been even feeling a sigh of relief in the past when I find out we can bring in whatever snack we like.

After reading that story–I was so afraid. Afraid–what if some mom accidentally packs something with peanut butter in it for my niece this year? What if some mom in a hurry on party day–brings something in and she accentually tries it? What if Benadryl or the EpiPen does NOT work in time? And for several nights–I laid in bed…for hours–unable to sleep as I thought about this. I sent my sister the article–not to scare her…but to remind her that even though there have been no close calls–we can’t get lazy. She thanked me and forwarded on to the nurse at her school too.

A week or two passed. I forgot about the article. And I…well, I get to forget about my niece’s allergy. I don’t have to read labels (unless she’s at my house which is only now and then). I don’t have to read every label on every trip to the grocery. I don’t have to make a bring cupcakes to birthdays–just to be safe. I don’t have to walk in the first open house EVERY YEAR and watch moms and dads point to the agenda as they read “PLEASE DO NOT PACK ANY THING IN YOUR CHILD’S LUNCH THAT HAS PEANUTS OR TRACES OF PEANUTS–WE HAVE A CHILD WITH A SEVERE PEANUT ALLERGY IN OUR CLASS”…and pretend I didn’t see them roll their eyes or give a “GREAT:(!” smile. I don’t have to always have children to my house instead of friends homes…or break a sweat at every holiday party when the bowl of peanuts is spotted—or casually hide it…or even make up a silly reason why we have to leave.

At the very most, when there is a child in my child’s class with this allergy–I have to use a little more of the brain the good Lord gave me–and simply read labels. For ONE meal out of the day–packing a lunch–I have to pack things omitting one little ingredient…no losing sleep, no worrying every where my child goes, no feeling like I need to tag along or always be there…just in case.  This…this is the very least–I can do.

But really. I think I should and can do more.