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Praying for a cure… {childhood cancer}

We had an eventful crazy summer–and there is just no way to write all that we had going on. But today–I was reminded of something I didn’t share…that I want to. I want to share to help those that don’t always get to leave with good news.

After we brought Zeke home, we were having a lounge around the house day. I was watching my older kids sitting in the breakfast area–swinging there little legs back and forth as they sat eating their cereal when I noticed what looked like a knot in my 8 year old son’s leg. I thought MAYBE it was the way the sun was hitting it. Surely it was just the way the light was hitting it–but having a mommy mind and heart (aka – struggling not to make everything a worry)…of course my mind started racing. I ran over and asked my Parker to stretch out his leg–and the lump was even larger. It was below his knee where he said he had been experiencing pain, and it was hard as a rock. I called the pediatrician to be safe, and we went the next morning.

Our pediatrician said he wasn’t worried, and it could likely be just a Baker’s cyst. If it was–it could go away on it’s own or need to be removed–but wasn’t anything to be worried about. Because of it’s size and how it felt though, he referred us to the pediatric orthopedist to be sure. The days that followed, I caught my mind wandering and myself staring at my little Parker–wondering if our worlds were about to be rocked. I sent Rich with him to downplay it, and I stayed with the children. Honestly, I don’t react so well to uncertain news…y’all I am so NOT strong–so I knew it’d be better to send Richard. I know that makes me sound awful–BUT we also had just been home for a few weeks with our newest from China who wouldn’t stay with a sitter either. Richard called me to let me know they had completed the x-rays–and the doctor just wasn’t sure. My heart SANK. What do you mean not sure? So many questions–all that would have to wait until we went to Emory for a full MRI.

We scheduled it for Sunday, so one of us could again take him while the other stayed home with our new one and the other children. We would also have to wait for the report on Monday after the doctors reviewed the results. Lots of time on our knees here…and realizing that really–everything can just change in a blink for our children. Knowing there is NOTHING we wouldn’t do for all our children to be well–to say I was distracted for most of July in a fog is an understatement. Our doctor called with GOOD NEWS on Monday morning. It was benign, and we would watch it–but it was NOTHING to be worried about. I think I lost a few hairs in those weeks–but here’s the thing…we got to walk away with good news. Not everyone does. Yet in that moment…I WOULD HAVE DONE ANYTHING to find a cure…to help my child…to be a part of helping other children that have childhood cancer.

Just a year earlier we had been at a party celebrating our friend’s child being cancer FREE after a long and hard journey with childhood cancer. We watched osteosarcoma take little Bailey’s leg–but it did not take this little bulldog of a girl’s spirit to fight. She fought long and hard and BEAT cancer. And unlike me–well, she can’t just walk away with good news and forget her encounter. Because her encounter wasn’t just a scare–but it was an ugly beast that sent thousands to their knees praying for her fight with her. Bailey and her family are now trying to raise funds for Rally Foundation and CURE for childhood cancer research. For the next 48 hours you can join them by pre-ordering one of the t-shirts on Bailey’s mom’s blog! But you need to pre-order before September 4th at midnight! Pre-order a childhood cancer awareness t-shirt here on her blog.

Currently, we have another precious friend named Lindsey who’s precious little daughter Lola is fighting childhood cancer. With every Facebook post of little ones with backpacks heading off to school–I can’t help but think of all the things racing through Lindsey’s mind as she prepares her daughter for a year being in hospitals and at home more than school…and instead getting her little monkey in her place so her friends don’t forget her and remember she’s coming back–she just needs to get well first.

Oh my heart. I can hardly take the thought…so I can’t imagine how the mommy heart feels that doesn’t get to leave with good news. For those of us who get to back up our loves tomorrow for preschool and school–we can do something though. While these children fight–we can support organizations like Rally and CURE raising funds for childhood cancer research.

I’m so thankful I got to walk away–but heartbroken that that’s not everyone’s story. Will you join me in supporting this amazing cause? For all the Creeds, Lolas and Bailey’s out there! Let’s make a BIG HUGE smile on Miss Bailey’s face and flood her mommy’s blog with pre-orders to help them raise funds to win the fight against childhood cancer!


Sandi - September 3, 2013 - 2:35 am

Oh my heart is broken for this little one having to fight a battle no one should have to bear. Can’t wait to get the shirt & to share their story! Blessings will rain down on this family. My heart is also sad about your previous post regarding someone not being entirely kind about your kiddos’ adoption conversation (which was hilarious). Know this…Your blog teaches, inspires, helps, encourages, lifts others to bring them closer to God & leads them nearer to the path he intends. Light when it shines brightly may blind some who are not walking in light. Sounds weird but it is entirely true. God was convicting her heart of something & instead of looking within she struck out. It is not about you, but her own failings. Some people look for the worst in people & when they do not find it they create it. I’m thinking she is in need of prayer. I will be praying for her heart & for yours. I will pray for health for your family too! PS Not only have you filled your nest with precious little birdies (not full yet by the way) by following God’s call, but you have also assisted a veritable flock of others who are flying a little closer to God as a result of hearing your story! Keep flying & fighting the good fight!!! Isaiah 9:2