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Oh happy day! (+ Genesis 18, 19 & 20)

I like themes. Don’t you? So…if today’s post were to have one—it’d be just that! Happy day! I have all kinds of great stuff to share…still haven’t even gotten around to showing you the fun/funny auction purchases from last weekend. One day–they will make it on here;). But better stuff just keeps getting put ahead […]

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Kimberly - January 6, 2010 - 8:38 am

Your heart is soooo big and I love your enthusiasm! Hope to connect again sometime soon! Happy New Year!!!

Nikki - January 6, 2010 - 8:44 am

I finally read this morning — rather than at night — so I can perhaps contribute to the discussion. 🙂

I have to say that what floored me over and over again in today’s reading was the reminder of how sinful even the “righteous” are. I grew up learning about the fathers of our faith — Abraham, Issac, Jacob, etc — as sort of “supermen” with whom God was so pleased because they did everything right. Reading through it again and again as an adult, that image has definitely faded… but coming to the forefront is just HOW MUCH God can do with SO LITTLE. These men weren’t heroes; they were fallen, depraved, greedy, selfish, scared silly… just like ME. And if God can use them in the mighty ways He did, then surely I have hope. Praise our merciful and gracious God!


Amy @ Filled With Praise - January 6, 2010 - 8:45 am

I am so happy for the families that received their referrals yesterday. Such beautiful stories that only God could put together.

I posted about our Bible in one year goal on my blog today. I hope others will join us 🙂

Jennifer - January 6, 2010 - 10:56 am

I sooo enjoyed reading the stories of the families at #1 and #2!!! Happy that your name is going up on the list….or is it “down” as in the countdown? 🙂

Megan - January 6, 2010 - 1:07 pm

So excited about more referrals! Yay!!! Talk about answered prayers!!

I just have to thank you for this post today. My heart just wasn’t really into the reading today, and then I come here and you are so upbeat, enthusiastic, and you learned so much! It made me rethink through the three chapters. I guess that’s why its important to do it as a group. When you are having a bad day, you can lean on those around you. So anyways, thanks!

Thoughts I had: when I was reading ch. 18, in the commentary it was talking about how it was custom in those days to invite strangers in your home so that you could show how your beliefs and how you live your life so that they might believe too. I just thought that was cool and made me think…I’m often hesitant about inviting people into our home. And although you do have to protect yourself and your family, we need to think also from the perspective of showing people through actions what it means to be a Christian.

The whole story of Lot was a little disturbing to me. Just full of preverse characters. I forgot how “real” the Bible is. Somehow though, it is kind of comforting to know that the world has been preverse since Genesis…sometimes I get so discouraged with how awful, sinful, ect. people are today. But it’s good to read stories like that, and see God’s forgiveness and how he blesses the rightous, and I guess just know that there is hope. Do you know what I mean?

I had similar thoughts on ch. 20…REALLY? Claiming she’s your sister, AGAIN? Some people never learn…hahaha! =)

Thanks again, and have a great day!

Angie Walter - January 6, 2010 - 2:10 pm

Oh ANDREA!! With all the excitement I haven’t had a chance to really break down and let the tears of joy flow….but reading this and hearing our story from another person…oh it is just so much sweeter and the flood gates are open!!!! Thank you! Can’t wait to squeal over your call!!!

Charisa - January 6, 2010 - 2:18 pm

Good grief! Whenever I think that our world has become as bad as it could, you just have to re-read these chapters!

I love that Abraham was bold enough to plead with the Lord like that! Sometimes I feel as if my prayers are wimpy prayers. Like I am a begging child. Abraham approached the Lord and boldly asked Him. That shows the depth of closeness they had. Then Abraham decides to pull his favorite half-lie again. She’s my sister! same story..different king. Goodness Abraham, don’t you learn? How often do I repeat the same mistakes, just with different circumstances?

It’s a boy! Isaac is born and named. Laughter…what a name. After Abraham is old and Sarah is worn out. (her words) Love it!!

Is anything to hard for our Lord? (Gen. 18:14) I think of my friend Dawn with these words…Praying for you..Nothing is too hard for our God!

I can so sympathize with Hagar not being able to watch her son die. After reading so many words from Ab’s mom and how she felt giving her son a chance at life. My heart breaks with those words. I feel her heartache and pain.

Heather - January 6, 2010 - 3:13 pm

So much enthusiasm! You basically said it all! One thing I noticed though, is that Lot’s daughters had been affected by where he chose to live. He chose what “looked” best, & look where it got him! His daughters were probably used to that life style because of where they grew up. They carried out the sinful ways of Sodom & Gomorrah by what they did to their father. They’re not all to blame though. Lot should have seen what his girls were learning. And I am amazed by Abraham doing the same thing again…lying about Sarah being his sister! But, how many times do I repeat the same sin over & over?

Natali - January 6, 2010 - 4:55 pm

I’ve just started following your blog today, and I must say I am astounded by your love for GOD’s Word, and I cannot wait to continue reading on :))

julie johnston - January 6, 2010 - 7:33 pm

Hey Andrea! Just saw your facebook link to the simply love shirts…I am returning a Christmas gift to buy one for my hubby…his first adoption shirt! SO excited!!!

January 5th – Feeding the body, mind and soul

For the body OK. I wish I could say I’m a health nut. I’m not a health nut. I wish I cooked like my husband. I’m not a Bon Appetite reader. But give this girl a hotdog or hamburger–and I’m a happy camper. I’m also a shameless Adam Sandler fan. Sorry, I like his humor. […]

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Charisa - January 5, 2010 - 7:18 am


I agree on the obeying today! The neat thing that I read is that Issac was born a year later…after circumcision…kinda neat.

My head was in a fog this morning…but here are my thoughts:
Things that spoke to my heart:

“Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your very great reward.”

Do I feel as if God is my very great reward? Do I live my life like He is?

“You are the God who see me”

I am so thankful that God sees me…all of hurts, my dreams, my passions, my desires, my areas that need refining, and the things that I have finally relinquished control of. He rejoices with me and He hears my cry. I love that about my God.

Abram and Sarai had trouble trusting God with His promises…not unlike me at times…so they decided to take matters in their own hands. Never a good idea. Sometimes I think that poor Hagar really got the short end of the stick with all this. I would love to know more about how she felt.

Abram became Abraham and Sarai became Sarah.

I love this part of the story…total name change to go with everything that God was establishing in your life…do you ever want to change your name?

“I am God Almighty: walk before me and be blameless” My desire for 2010.

Leigh - January 5, 2010 - 7:39 am

THANK YOU for posting that sloppy joe’s recipe. I know that sounds super silly but my husband grew up eating them and well…i did not. He always suggests them but the culinary student in me can’t say yes. That recipe sounds really good so maybe it will go into next week’s menu. He will be so excited!

And we were out of town for the first few days of the new year but I have been reading. I’m a day behind right now but I hope to be up to speed by today or tomorrow! I am loving it though and getting so much out of it!

Lena - January 5, 2010 - 7:39 am

Thank you thank you thank you! Keep the tips coming. I will soon be upgrading my camera and I hope to get better and better at taking pictures. I’m a slow learner.

Liz Blalock - January 5, 2010 - 10:07 am

Thanks for sharing all your wonderful photography secrets. It will come in handy as I am still trying to figure out the manuel mode on my camera. It no longer has an auto button which I am thankful for. What kind of camera do you have? I have a DS 300.

Heather - January 5, 2010 - 10:20 am

I was amazed at how Abram heard what God told him, that he would have many nations born of him, & he believed. Then I guess he & his wife thought God was taking too long. They tried to fix it on their on or make it happen when they wanted. It seems it was Sarai’s idea & Abram went along with it, so they were both at fault. How many times do I not have patience to wait for God’s timing?

Hannah - January 5, 2010 - 11:12 am

Thank you for the kind words on my blog. I am so glad you found me so that I could find you. I have only read the first post and I am excited to read more! Your photography is amazing!! I feel the same about a flash…hate them!

KT Pierce - January 5, 2010 - 1:28 pm

I have turned into a health nut over the last few months… if I wasn’t one already for the past 10 years.

A really delicious snack I’ll recommend to you is this:

Vanilla Yogurt, pour plain or almond granola on top generously, then sprinkle dried blueberries and small thinly sliced Gala Apples (Can’t find Gala? Go for Golden Delicious).

Mmmmmmmm…. Soooo good.

Shot with my Nokia. Hahahaha..

I love you, Andrea!!!!


KT Pierce - January 5, 2010 - 1:30 pm

I have turned into a health nut over the last few months… if I wasn’t one already for the past 10 years. A really delicious snack I’ll recommend to you is this:

Vanilla Yogurt, pour plain or almond granola on top generously, then sprinkle dried blueberries and small thinly sliced Gala Apples (Can’t find Gala? Go for Golden Delicious).

Mmmmmmmm…. Soooo good.

Shot with my Nokia. Hahahaha.. I love you, Andrea!!!!



Amy @ Filled With Praise - January 5, 2010 - 3:33 pm

Thank you for the sloppy joe recipe. I love me some sloppy joes:) I will have to try out your recipe.

On the Bible reading, Paul and I are really enjoying our reading and discussions at night. I also feel a step ahead because I have your insights before I read it. I have never thought about the renaming of A & S being a renewing of hope…like adoption. I love that thought.

Megan - January 5, 2010 - 5:56 pm

Oh man! Those sloppy joes look amazing! Thank you so much for sharing…that will be a must-try in my home. And btw – you seem to cook JUST like I do! It may not be a professional’s style, but hey! It gets the job done and tastes good! =)
Thanks for the tips on photography. Its a total hobby of mine, but I have to deal with my simple point-and-shoot a while longer. My lovely hubby has promsised to buy me a good one before Africa. Any tips on what to get? I’m looking at a Nikon, b/c they have always worked great for me…but I’m open to ideas!
Thanks again for this online Bible studay, I’m lovin’ it!!! =) It’s that extra push I needed to get my devotions back on track!

Megan - January 5, 2010 - 5:59 pm

Loved your insight on chapter 17! Tears graze my cheeks…once again! (And if you know me, that happens to be quite abit!)

Vanessa - January 5, 2010 - 9:41 pm

Thank you for your photography 101 helpful hints. I have always loved the light in your pictures.

Shannon - January 5, 2010 - 11:54 pm

I love Adam Sandler too, and Napoleon and Will Ferrell are also favorites. I think I’ve seen Elf a hundred times and it never gets old! I’m definitely giving the sloppy joe recipe a try…looks yummy! Onto the reading…so full of good stuff to reflect on. Everytime I read the story of Hagar I feel so sad for her. I totally did she go back and serve Sarai? And it so speaks to my heart in the sense that I often try to *help* God along with His plans…Ha! I struggle with waiting and patience and ask why not my timing Lord? I think I’m deserving because I’m asking for “good” things. But time and time again he shows me how perfect His plan is…I am so grateful.

Alisa Hope Wagner - January 6, 2010 - 8:37 am

I have read this verse before, “Do not be afraid…I am your shield, your very great reward.” but you got me all sorts of excited about it! Great writing!

BTW, I love sloppy joe and anything sweet! I am copying this recipe and will cook it up this weekend. Thanks for sharing!!!

-Alisa Hope

January 4

Today’s Reading: Genesis 11:1-26, 1 Chronicles 1:24-27, Genesis 11:27-14:24 It’s not too late to jump in our read through the Bible in 2010 if you are just now catching today’s post. The pdf printable file for reading through is linked on the January 1st post. Thoughts from today’s reading: Gen.11 – The Tower of Babel […]

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Charisa - January 4, 2010 - 6:19 am

Andrea, It makes me laugh when we have the same thoughts on stuff..such as Sarai’s thinking during all that!

And I love the t-shirts! Also, I sent you an email on the zambia t-shirts…did you get it?

Genesis 11-14:24 and 1 Chronicles 1:24-27

Wow, lots of different things going on today. I love to place myself in the Word and pretend that I am there and imagine all that’s going on. It’s a way that I keep God’s Word alive…It is so easy to just read it to get it done—a legalistic kind of thing. But God’s Word is here to change your life and to change your heart…Let it do both.

Gen 11. Tower of Babel

vs.4 “Make a name for ourselves” What towers am I building in my life to make a name for myself? What am I doing just to be higher so that other can see? A tower of self-righteousness? A tower of good works? A tower of seemingly to know it all? May God destroy all the towers that I build publicly and in my heart that only I see.

vs. 5 “But the Lord came down” Okay..imagine that! The Lord coming down. What did that look like? Could they even see him? It says “Let us go down” which speaks to Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Did they all stand upon a mountain and watch and talk? I just love that reference. One thing that I like is that They did come down. Didn’t have to. Could see just fine from Heaven but God chose to come down and be among. Remind you of anything ? The cross. Didn’t have to. Chose to. I am so thankful that He did.

Gen 12..vs. 13. Okay Abram, only half lied, right? Sarai was his half-sister! It’s interesting to me that Abram made a decision there without ever consulting the Lord. He imagined what could happen (and it very well could have) and came up with a scheme. I’d like some more details to all of this…How in the world did Sarai feel about all this? She was taken to his palace…I’m assuming having perform certain duties…I would have been ticked off a bit. I know there is a different culture and such, but that would have been a hard thing to submit to! God being God, intervened. It doesn’t say though how Pharaoh came to know Sarai was his wife…hmmm.

Gen 14…Abram and Lot… Vs 8 –some of the men falling into tar pits…doesn’t that paint quite a picture? vs. 22 Abram accepted nothing from the king of Sodom so that he couldn’t say that he made him rich…It would have made him richer…but here he chose the high rode and accepted nothing.

Everyone have a great Monday!

Amy @ Filled With Praise - January 4, 2010 - 7:41 am

Great pics Parker. Looks like you might have another photographer in the family 🙂

Jennifer - January 4, 2010 - 8:31 am

I was thinking the same thing as far as the “airport t-shirt”…but just hadn’t ordered it yet! Thanks for the prompting…I just got one for my hubby and me! I am starting to feel like our case is moving and excited with anticipation! We need the judge in India to pass us through 4 court hearings b/f we can travel!!! AND…we don’t hear anything until they are all done! Praying for a March Miracle!

Excited that the kids are in the new HH and for the referral list to start crack’in:-)

Jenny - January 4, 2010 - 9:55 am

haven’t read today’s reading yet but looking forward to it:)
Where did you get your shirt you are wearing in the pics? I’ve seen it before on a site but I don’t remember where??:)

Megan - January 4, 2010 - 12:10 pm

I can’t believe that I haven’t noticed before how when God speaks, he keeps using the words “lets” and “us” referring to the trinity! I’m also noticing that since the flood, when God gave them shorter life spans…men are having children (or their wives, whatever) at a younger age and dying younger. Still much older than us, but quite a difference!
Reading the story of Abram, I was really struck by his comment to the king that he won’t take any reward because he doesn’t want people to say the king made him rich. He wants to give the glory to God, where it belongs! Not everyone put in that situation would make the same choice.

Megan - January 4, 2010 - 12:16 pm

Oh, and what size did you get in your ordinary hero tshirt? I thought I heard from Kristi that they ran small, but I can’t remember….

Heather - January 4, 2010 - 12:46 pm

I noticed the shortened life span too. Before the flood they lived 800-900 years old. Then after it was around the 400’s then it went down again to the 200’s! I also noticed how Abram did have faith to immediately drop everything & go where God told him, but when it got tough, he lost his faith. Do I do that when the going gets tough? I hope to fully rely on God & remember that He is in ultimate control. However, even though Abram messed up, God still used him. Abram lied about Sarai being his sister, but then several verses later God blessed him tremendously! God uses us reguardless of ourselves. He can still accomplish His will & it’s not contingent on our faith.

Melissa - January 4, 2010 - 1:51 pm

I loved this t-shirt too. It is the first Orphan Advocate shirt that I have bought! I get lots of comments too from other people! I can’t wait to wear it to the airport when you bring your 4th baby home!