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January 5th – Feeding the body, mind and soul

For the body
OK. I wish I could say I’m a health nut. I’m not a health nut. I wish I cooked like my husband. I’m not a Bon Appetite reader. But give this girl a hotdog or hamburger–and I’m a happy camper. I’m also a shameless Adam Sandler fan. Sorry, I like his humor. So, I got made fun of when the hubby walked in the door when he asked what’s for dinner…and I did my “Sloppy-Joe…Sloppy, Sloppy Joe” impression of this: Did I seriously go there? Oh–if you know me well…you know this is typical behavior. I apologize for those of you who aren’t fans. There’s just something about him, Napoleon and Will Ferrell that I can’t help but love. Needless to say there is never a dull moment in our house. So today my friends—this is MORE than just ANY sloppy joe. It is a sloppy joe that deserves some respect…to be repeated…and a recipe shared. I’M SO SERIOUS. My hubby went back for seconds and his Bon Appetite lovin’ self said they were SOOO GOOD! So…print this bad boy off, cook it up and sing one time for me and Adam Sandler;). This recipe has been tweaked—so just smile when you see how I measure and cook;)

Sweet Sloppy Joes

1 lb ground beef
half of an onion, chopped
3/4 of small green pepper, seeded and chopped
1 – 8 oz can tomatoe sauce (the secret is in the sauce you choose;)
a bunch of ketchup;) (seriously, I squirt it in until it looks right…but I’m guessing it’s about 1/2 cup if you need a measurement…add more later if it looks like it needs it;)
2 tablespoons brown sugar
1 tablespoon Worchertershire sauce
1 teaspoon mustard
1/8 teapspoon garlic powder
4 sesame seed hamburger buns, toasted (MUST do! I should have tonight…and that would have put these over the top!)
*Cook first 3 ingredients until beef is browned; drain. Stir in the rest of the ingredients; simmer 10 minutes, stirring often. Serve on toasted buns. YUM!

For your soul
July 5 – Genesis 15:1 – 17:27

Wow–just when you think you can’t add any more drama to the mix…we dig deeper. The Bible is really exciting when you get into it! OK..I have A LOT of thoughts on today’s reading…but I’m going to try to remain brief and only share the biggest WOW’s.

Ch.15–I love how GOD starts this. So many times in scripture we see writers saying TO God…YOU are MY this–YOU are MY that…but here God, Himself, comes down in a vision to Abram and says “Do not be afraid…I am your shield, your very great reward.” WOW. God HIMSELF. That blew me away as I thought about God’s grace in this. God is Abram’s reward. He is his protector. What do WE have to fear when we are God’s? And Abram’s response? Seems a little surprising. He asks but what God can give him since he is childless. Seems pretty bold. But Abram knew God’s promise already and wants this promise furfilled. So he asks. And the Lord confirms.

Ch. 16–God made His promise…told Abram the deal–but Sarai and Abram got anxious…impatient…thought they would help God out a little bit on His promise. Although according to custom a man could sleep with his servant and include her children in his household–something just doesn’t seem right about it, does it?! And we see the fruit of this as this plan to use Hagar to bear Abrams descendants instead brings jealousy and sorrow. I felt like Sarai was cruel to kick Hagar (pregnant Hagar!) to the curb. That made me so sad to think about! YET…the Lord saw Hagar’s misery…and HE CAME AND SPOKE TO HER. ONLY the LORD could call her back. I mean, can you imagine?! If I were Hagar and someone said, go back and SERVE Sarai I would have laughed my head off…YEAH RIGHT! But the LORD comes down and even says a blessing to her that he will increase her descendents and she returns obediently. (With the added bummer to Ismael’s spoken future…just not what I would want to hear prophesied of my unborn son).

Ch. 17–Are you believing the drama? And today we end with Chapter 17–one of my all time favorites. God changes Abram’s name to Abraham and Sarai’s name to Sarah. It reminds me of us giving our adopted son a new name. Just like Abram, he will have NEW hope, a NEW family, a NEW future…seems to call for a NEW name. I love this story of God coming down and telling Abraham that Sarah would bear him a son. OF COURSE he and his 90 year old self fell facedown and laughed! And he was instructed to name him Isaac. (love that name by the way…storing that one in my heart;). Finally, I love that the Lord established a covenant with Abraham and instructed him to circumcise himself (ouch!) and every male in his household. And when did he follow the Lord’s instructions? (vs.23) THE SAME DAY! Sincere obedience makes no delay. One phrase those who know me well hear me say over and over is “delayed obedience is disobedience”. As a mommy, I shorten that down to “obey right away” to the children. Oh, that when the Lord asks us to do something, when he puts something on our hearts to do…oh that we would HEAR and “obey right away”. Easier said than done. But I pray 2010 can be a year for listening, hearing…and obeying–quickly. What is the Lord asking you to do today, this week, this year for His glory? Forgive someone you haven’t? Love someone who is hard to love? Make a meal for someone…even when you are doing good to just make a meal for your own family? Sponsor a child who needs your help? Open your home to a foster child or orphan? What is it God is asking you to do? The only way to know–is to open your heart—open your hands—ask Him…and then…pray that you can obey right away like Abraham.

May you each have a beautiful and blessed day. Let’s remember to pray for our children as they go back to school (my oldest heads back to half day preK this morning). And help us Lord to be filled with your Holy Spirit—come down and fill us—and pour Yourself out into our children’s lives in a way our own flesh never could. AMEN.



Charisa - January 5, 2010 - 7:18 am


I agree on the obeying today! The neat thing that I read is that Issac was born a year later…after circumcision…kinda neat.

My head was in a fog this morning…but here are my thoughts:
Things that spoke to my heart:

“Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your very great reward.”

Do I feel as if God is my very great reward? Do I live my life like He is?

“You are the God who see me”

I am so thankful that God sees me…all of hurts, my dreams, my passions, my desires, my areas that need refining, and the things that I have finally relinquished control of. He rejoices with me and He hears my cry. I love that about my God.

Abram and Sarai had trouble trusting God with His promises…not unlike me at times…so they decided to take matters in their own hands. Never a good idea. Sometimes I think that poor Hagar really got the short end of the stick with all this. I would love to know more about how she felt.

Abram became Abraham and Sarai became Sarah.

I love this part of the story…total name change to go with everything that God was establishing in your life…do you ever want to change your name?

“I am God Almighty: walk before me and be blameless” My desire for 2010.

Leigh - January 5, 2010 - 7:39 am

THANK YOU for posting that sloppy joe’s recipe. I know that sounds super silly but my husband grew up eating them and well…i did not. He always suggests them but the culinary student in me can’t say yes. That recipe sounds really good so maybe it will go into next week’s menu. He will be so excited!

And we were out of town for the first few days of the new year but I have been reading. I’m a day behind right now but I hope to be up to speed by today or tomorrow! I am loving it though and getting so much out of it!

Lena - January 5, 2010 - 7:39 am

Thank you thank you thank you! Keep the tips coming. I will soon be upgrading my camera and I hope to get better and better at taking pictures. I’m a slow learner.

Liz Blalock - January 5, 2010 - 10:07 am

Thanks for sharing all your wonderful photography secrets. It will come in handy as I am still trying to figure out the manuel mode on my camera. It no longer has an auto button which I am thankful for. What kind of camera do you have? I have a DS 300.

Heather - January 5, 2010 - 10:20 am

I was amazed at how Abram heard what God told him, that he would have many nations born of him, & he believed. Then I guess he & his wife thought God was taking too long. They tried to fix it on their on or make it happen when they wanted. It seems it was Sarai’s idea & Abram went along with it, so they were both at fault. How many times do I not have patience to wait for God’s timing?

Hannah - January 5, 2010 - 11:12 am

Thank you for the kind words on my blog. I am so glad you found me so that I could find you. I have only read the first post and I am excited to read more! Your photography is amazing!! I feel the same about a flash…hate them!

KT Pierce - January 5, 2010 - 1:28 pm

I have turned into a health nut over the last few months… if I wasn’t one already for the past 10 years.

A really delicious snack I’ll recommend to you is this:

Vanilla Yogurt, pour plain or almond granola on top generously, then sprinkle dried blueberries and small thinly sliced Gala Apples (Can’t find Gala? Go for Golden Delicious).

Mmmmmmmm…. Soooo good.

Shot with my Nokia. Hahahaha..

I love you, Andrea!!!!


KT Pierce - January 5, 2010 - 1:30 pm

I have turned into a health nut over the last few months… if I wasn’t one already for the past 10 years. A really delicious snack I’ll recommend to you is this:

Vanilla Yogurt, pour plain or almond granola on top generously, then sprinkle dried blueberries and small thinly sliced Gala Apples (Can’t find Gala? Go for Golden Delicious).

Mmmmmmmm…. Soooo good.

Shot with my Nokia. Hahahaha.. I love you, Andrea!!!!



Amy @ Filled With Praise - January 5, 2010 - 3:33 pm

Thank you for the sloppy joe recipe. I love me some sloppy joes:) I will have to try out your recipe.

On the Bible reading, Paul and I are really enjoying our reading and discussions at night. I also feel a step ahead because I have your insights before I read it. I have never thought about the renaming of A & S being a renewing of hope…like adoption. I love that thought.

Megan - January 5, 2010 - 5:56 pm

Oh man! Those sloppy joes look amazing! Thank you so much for sharing…that will be a must-try in my home. And btw – you seem to cook JUST like I do! It may not be a professional’s style, but hey! It gets the job done and tastes good! =)
Thanks for the tips on photography. Its a total hobby of mine, but I have to deal with my simple point-and-shoot a while longer. My lovely hubby has promsised to buy me a good one before Africa. Any tips on what to get? I’m looking at a Nikon, b/c they have always worked great for me…but I’m open to ideas!
Thanks again for this online Bible studay, I’m lovin’ it!!! =) It’s that extra push I needed to get my devotions back on track!

Megan - January 5, 2010 - 5:59 pm

Loved your insight on chapter 17! Tears graze my cheeks…once again! (And if you know me, that happens to be quite abit!)

Vanessa - January 5, 2010 - 9:41 pm

Thank you for your photography 101 helpful hints. I have always loved the light in your pictures.

Shannon - January 5, 2010 - 11:54 pm

I love Adam Sandler too, and Napoleon and Will Ferrell are also favorites. I think I’ve seen Elf a hundred times and it never gets old! I’m definitely giving the sloppy joe recipe a try…looks yummy! Onto the reading…so full of good stuff to reflect on. Everytime I read the story of Hagar I feel so sad for her. I totally did she go back and serve Sarai? And it so speaks to my heart in the sense that I often try to *help* God along with His plans…Ha! I struggle with waiting and patience and ask why not my timing Lord? I think I’m deserving because I’m asking for “good” things. But time and time again he shows me how perfect His plan is…I am so grateful.

Alisa Hope Wagner - January 6, 2010 - 8:37 am

I have read this verse before, “Do not be afraid…I am your shield, your very great reward.” but you got me all sorts of excited about it! Great writing!

BTW, I love sloppy joe and anything sweet! I am copying this recipe and will cook it up this weekend. Thanks for sharing!!!

-Alisa Hope