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Trusting Jesus with my whole heart…

Lately at our house…it’s been COLD and rainy…and the mister has been cozy in his pjs…AND SHADES too of course;)

If you want ITY to be your new VBFF–you just give him a pair of shades…the only problem is…IS WHEN he decides to do other things with them…

“Poor Rosie!” is now a common phrase at our house!

Can you BELIEVE she is actually this still to let you put shades on her?! I TOLD YOU GUYS…she is NOT a normal dog!!! Everyone who comes over wants to take her home!!!

Never thought I’d say this…but I’m so thankful for Rosie and the added joy she brings to our home! The children just love her…and when things get wild–she has a safe space under the table between chairs to hide in:). Bless her heart.

On a personal “where have you been note”…I’ve been MIA for the past few days/weeks…and I pulled out some crafts from last year as filler—because you know how I’m a consistent blogger and if I stay gone too long I have my sweet blog readers and friends checkin’ in to be sure all is well. All. Is. Well. But…if I’m ever MIA either life is crazy or God is really teaching me things I don’t know how to express. This week–it has been BOTH of those things. Good things. Hard things. And I’m being challenged how to trust Him with my whole heart. If you haven’t noticed–there’s been a void of my normal “touchy/feely” posts as the Lord has brought some once again crazy things our way—and we have been challenged to step up to the plate in obedience and trust Him to use us…

I have wanted to share this and that–but some things have to remain quiet. Where no one even knows it’s you that is doing them. It’s the worship of silence…serving quietly where no one but the Lord gets the glory. I am trusting Him to make beautiful what looks hopeless…and to turn sack clothes of ashes to dancing again. The hard part–is being willing to weep with those who weep and allow Him to take you there with those He calls you to walk with through hardship. I really believe the Lord is calling us to new things for His sake–and I am always amazed at what happens when you open up your hands and say, “Here I am Lord, use me.”

If we don’t go there with the hurting world…then who will go with them? Who will be a light in the darkness? Who will remind them of God’s promises? Who will go even when you don’t get anything back? When it will require more of you than you feel you have left? When it doesn’t make sense? When it would be so much easier to walk away and say, “I’ll pray for you” and forget. Yet–that is not why we were changed for His glory. He asks us to be willing…to open our hands…to rejoice with those who rejoice and to weep with those who weep…and to be willing for His sake to let our hearts break…and to hit our knees begging for hope that only He can bring. I feel like I have just a small taste of the Kingdom of Heaven as I begin to trust Him with my WHOLE heart…willing to risk everything…and to take chances for His sake.

And in the mean time…finish putting together a retreat for 250 beautiful moms–that I didn’t actually plan…because HE did it all for me. Just a week and a half away…and I can’t wait to worship with these other moms–that also are willing to follow Him to the ends of the earth to be His hands and feet…to be risk takers…to be pictures of redemption in a fallen world…and to raise their hands through the hard stuff. I can’t believe how blessed this life of ours really is!!! I can’t imagine living any other way!

mitzi - January 26, 2011 - 4:18 pm

Amen and Amen. I just LOVE the Lord ushering our hearts away to whisper into them…

Christy - January 26, 2011 - 4:32 pm

praying for you… can’t wait to see what God does next with your heart being so broken for Him. You are such a blessing. Praying for the retreat as well. Can’t wait to hear about all of it! Hoping it happens again and I have the blessing of being a part of it.

Dawn - January 26, 2011 - 9:57 pm

Beautifully written! God is sooo amazing!!!!

*love the pics too- too cute!

Alison - January 26, 2011 - 10:42 pm

I know that God is using you so much!! Keep trusting Him!!! Can’t wait for the retreat!!!

Gini - January 27, 2011 - 1:16 am

First, wanted to say thank you for all that you allow God to do through you (and thank you for sharing it). 🙂 Secondly, Toben (almost 3) caught a glance of the glasses on Rosie and thought it was SO FUNNY! 🙂 See you soon! 🙂

Jenay Brewer - January 27, 2011 - 6:57 pm

Wow. I loved your post and I feel like God is teaching us much the same. We have put it all on the line for an adoption we know He has called us too, and I have to say, it has been hard and I will never be the same, but it is the BEST most BLESSED journey I have ever been on. I am so glad the Lord is teaching me and letting me be a part of this, I’m so glad I didn’t say NO and missed this. I NEVER want to miss what God has for me because I think it is too hard or too risky. He is sooo faithful when we step out in faith to meet us with His mighty Grace!! You can watch this and see our 2 min video about our journey this far.