YES…the Fed Ex man came!
YES…we turned right around and overnighted our package to AGCI! (It will arrive at 8:30am tomorrow morning!)
YES…we will be holding our breath, hoping for no revisions and waiting for the number and place in line God has chosen for us!
Until then…we are all dreaming.
Laney and Parker are dreaming of a baby to join their team (and with these just 14 months a part…this pair IS a team!)

They are dreaming of another one to laugh with…maybe even tickle…and possibly even pick on (poor Frank is picked on quite a bit these days!)…

And Frank is dreaming of HIS side kick getting here—and quick…
(doesn’t this face look like he is longing for his partner in crime?!)
(doesn’t this face look like he is longing for his partner in crime?!)

“Can’t you see *I* need a buddy! If anyone needs you over here…it’s me! See these two behind me?! They’ve lost their minds—crazy, I tell ya. You and me—we’ve got work to do. We’re taking these two down…finally after a year of being picked up–tickled–dressed up…finally, I’m gonna have a side kick. We’re totally eating all of their goldfish. You tell Almaz and the crew at Hannah’s Hope your jettin’ out on a fast plane cause you’ve got a brotha in need…someone’s waiting on you. Come quick. I need ya bud!”
Get your crew “Go, Seek, Love” Africa shirts here:
Get your crew “Go, Seek, Love” Africa shirts here:
And look what the leader of the pack did today?!

Took our dossier to FedEx…and happily handed over the months of long work!
What a BIG day for us!!! And it was so fun to let Parker be a part of it today!

Parker said as we got in the car, “That was it, wasn’t it mommy? The package that will bring my baby home from Africa?”
“Yes honey, that’s the package!”
And then he replied, “Are you sure we can’t bring home two?”
Thank you Jesus for what you are doing in our son’s heart!!!
Thank you Jesus for changing ours in the process—to love more, to sacrifice with joy and to wait upon your perfect will!
PRAISE JESUS! One step closer to the Babe of our HEART!
(and guess what song was playing while we did all this today?! the first song on today’s playlist that you are listening to right now! Give us eyes to see and a heart to love with Lord!
Man, what an awesome day…rain and all!)
by admin
Those pictures are just precious. My three kiddos have the same shirts. I just love them.
Those are adorable pics! I agree- Frank needs a partner in crime…I mean you know to play with.
Cute!! Where did you get the shirts?? I love 'em!
Thanks so much for the link! I love the precious pictures of your sweet children in the shirts. And CONGRATULATIONS! What a wonderful feeling to have everything out of your hands and on the way to Ethiopia. What a great day! Blessings,
What a great post! Your sweet little boy is going to love reading this someday! I will say a prayer over this package! Have fun tomorrow with the stars!
WOOHOO!! What a great feeling!! I am HOPING to mails ours off tomorrow…one more thing to finalize and then we will jump in line behind you 🙂 🙂 🙂 CONGRATS!!
What a wonderful thing to read just before I head to bed. The financial pressure of how we are going to adopt more children is weighing heavily this eveing and this just puts me right back on track. The how is already done right? My job is to trust God and keep stepping.
I am so excited for you and your entire family!