The Young Family Farm »

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our saturday…

His FIRST basketball game ever…

and Rico Suave totally survived his morning at the Nutcracker. He had front row seats with his princess…and she LOVED it…so he endured:). Way to go Rico.

Holly–one of the most dear 23 year olds in the world–flew in…and she got here JUST in time for Parker man’s game. Holly is going to be teaching Laney-loo and her friends some worship ballet tomorrow for Laney’s “Praise God party”. ONE day she’s going to have to share her God-story with you…and how the Lord weaved us together so perfectly. LOVE when she is here with us–and thankful to have her as a part of our family:).

THEN…my momma got here…and we all scooted over to my friend Christy’s house to see an old man with a beard:)

Isaac loved him! And he tried to see if he could make the most of his time and asked him for a piece of “tandy”. Mrs.Clause melted…and ITY quickly got a candy cane. Frank on the other hand…he wasn’t so sure.

THEN…we came home for a little R&R…and then we hit up Hobby Lobby for a few crafts for the party tomorrow–and I spotted a nativity with an Africa theme. The 50% off nativity scenes made it even better:). Isn’t it just perfect??!!

Hope you all have a blessed weekend!


Rachel N - December 4, 2011 - 8:01 am

I just love everything about that nativity. Who makes it? I’ve been looking for an African theme nativity for years, long before we had our Ethiopian babes.

Kim - December 4, 2011 - 9:47 am

WOW … the photos with Santa are magical! What a beautiful bunch!
Love & Blessings,

Lauren - December 4, 2011 - 1:40 pm

SO cute!!! The kids are just precious. I can’t get over Lane’s 6th birthday… amazing!!! And way to go Parker!!!!:D

april - December 4, 2011 - 7:23 pm

wow that old bearded man looks like real santa, if I ever had to invision the real one haha 😉 super cute pics of the kids with him! We still want to take Isaac to see santa!