First—I have to share some important events in our day…
1. Parker, Laney and I killed a VERY big fly today while humming the “Mission Impossible” tune. That’s real life at the Young house. This is actually a big deal here;). Never underestimate the nuissance a tiny pest can create for the mind and soul. After two encores of “Mission Impossible” the nasty nuissance was snuck up on by yours truly—cheers and high fives came from P and L…and Frank flushed the toilet. Nice team work;).
2. The conversation between me and Parker while going to pick up Laney from preschool:
Me: Well, I’m just practicing. I think when I grow up I want to be a racecar driver.
P: Why?
Me: Just do. But I can’t be one right now, because I have a minivan—and I have to wait until I get a racecar.
P: Betcha in heaven, you’ll have a real fast racecar.
Me: Oh yeah baby…I’m gonna smoke Lightning McQueen.
P: Mom, I’m sorry to tell you, but Lightning McQueen is a car, and cars don’t go to heaven.
3. We finished ALL Isaac’s paperwork…everything is signed and notarized…and Frank did the official delivery! NOW…we wait for our “Next Steps” call and a COURT DATE! Please pray we get a speedy court date and the Lord keeps our son well and continues to strengthen him!!! Check out my little delivery man…
4. While getting Frank out of his carseat at the FedEx, I discovered all the headrests in my minivan have been carefully labeled with “L” and “P”…Apparently, these seats are reserved for anyone with names that begin with L or P. My apologies to Isaac and Frank. I trust the letters “I” and “F” may appear in the future per Laney and Parker’s doings. If I could take my mini-van to heaven, then this might frustrate me—but thankfully I cannot…so it makes me laugh instead. And thank goodness I can’t take my mini-van to heaven…especially since I have a future in racecar driving there;).
and finally my 2 cents for the day: Living in Hope: Another choice in the Christian Life
I just got off the phone with our international pediatrician. While I am thankful for her brutal honesty which I know will prepare my heart for the things ahead and a lifetime of unknowns—I choose today to live in hope. Hope is the one thing on my heart. Hope in the Lord is what I choose to cling to today…and tomorrow…and the next day…
Psalm 9:18
“But the eyes of the LORD are on those who fear him, on those whose hope is in his unfailing love,”
Psalm 33:18
“May your unfailing love rest upon us, O LORD, even as we put our hope in you.”
Psalm 33:22
“But now, Lord, what do I look for? My hope is in you.”
Psalm 39:7
“But blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him.”
Jeremiah 17:7
May we find our strength in You alone…
Deuteronomy 31:6
“Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong.”
1 Corinthians 16:13
“But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. “Do not fear what they fear ; do not be frightened.”
Take Courage
1 Peter 3:14
“Immediately he spoke to them and said, “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” Then he climbed into the boat with them, and the wind died down. They were completely amazed…”
Mark 6:51
“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
Isaiah 41:10
“LORD, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance. I will praise the LORD, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me. I have set the LORD always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.”
Psalm 16:5-8
The job today of the international pediatrician was to give me “worst case scenerio” and paint a picture as bad as it might get…and leave me with a choice. However, our choice has already been made. I am reminded today that everything that is truly good—is a choice. Love–it is a choice. Marriage–it is a choice. Even God, Himself, chose us. Sometimes choice can make us crazy. And I can be the queen of being indesicive (especially when it comes to eating out…I make my husband crazy;). Without getting into a theology discussion on free will verse predestination;)…today I am just amazed at what God does in the believer’s heart when we choose to follow Him–trusting in His choices for our lives…ultimately our choices aligning with His—resulting in living in HIS WILL and not our own.
Please hear me when I say that you should be wise, know what you are getting into and be knowledgable and informed in order to make the best choices—but I always want to be careful to allow the Lord to over-ride what “makes sense”. My life, thus far, doesn’t make sense. BUT for me, that is what is so completely beautiful about it. I’m so thankful that I have not gotten my way in the past, and I trusted the Lord in being the ultimate judge and guide in my decision making. Truly, I couldn’t be the author of my story—and knowing what I know now…I wouldn’t want to.
As I listened to the doctor today over and over…“Could this happen…” and “This might happen”…“Be weary of this…” all followed by “ABSOLUTELY”, the word “absolutely” being heard over and over began resonating something in my heart. The term absolutely means “without exception”. For most, this word evokes fear. But for me today—it resonates HOPE. Today, instead of fear—I am choosing to hope in the Lord. Because really–the only thing that is absolute, that is certain–that is without exception always faithful, true and without fault–is my God. And really—who am I to say I “can’t” do something. And then again–who am I to say I CAN do something. Because without Him—we can do NO good thing. If we do, we do it in our own power—and without Him. To make matters worse–I can stare at the unknowns in my life, I can dig deep into the actions and mind of my oldest son and pick even him apart (in his preciousness;) and create unknowns…and I can even look at what is already true and lose all hope. OR I can choose to follow God when I feel Him leading me. So really—the questions and answers that really matter today are this…
Can I trust my God?
Is my God faithful?
Can my God heal?
Will He be glorified if I follow Him no matter what?
Is He asking us to follow Him, trust Him and allow Him to make the final choice?
The answers…are all consistent—and just like the doctor’s…
Help us Lord to follow you no matter what. Help us to choose hope instead of fear. Help us to rest in your way and leave ours behind. Thank you Lord that you have a plan for each of us. Thank you Lord that Your plan is SOOOO much better than the one we could choose. Thank you that you are good—and we can trust you. Amen.
Please pray that our son stays healthy and that we can get a fast court date. Pray that the Lord will be completely over our adoption—that we will have favor in the court in Ethiopia…and that we would pass the first time. And pray that the Lord receives the glory for the great things He has done and will do! May He bless you, go with you and give you peace as you hope in Him.
by admin
Praying for you and your son, and encouraged by your trust in our sovereign God!
Hi. My name is Shannon Stivers. We leave Friday for Ethiopia to bring home our 4 year old son (also through AGCI). I could soooo relate to your post today. Our son has an enlarged spleen. We also heard the “worst case scenarios” with our pediatrician. I will never forget that weekend. I cried, I prayed, I was heavy. But, God was very present and I am so grateful. My husband and I came to the conclusion that Afewerk is our son. He is who God has chosen for our family and like our biological children (we have 4)we would never have chosen for them to be sick, but would have loved them and gave them the best possible care regardless. Afewerk is no different. We still don’t know why his little belly is large, but I am at peace. Just wanted to share with you….thanks.
And a loud AMEN to that. Praying for you all, and for your sweet I-man. 🙂
And “HOPE will not disappoint!” AMEN! You are equipt…you have the Spirit of the Living God living within you! Can’t wait to see you bring that baby home!
Totally AGREE 100% Choosing HOPE in Christ over all that the world could throw our way is worth more than all the treasures of the earth!!!!!!!!! Praying for Isaac and for all of you! Praying for hope! When we talked to our int ped – yep same things about our Hannah and then again about our Naomi…..she told us all the what ifs and how it may happen and we just said – yep that’s good- signed the paperwork…..and let God! That is all we are called to do – obey and do our best. Choose HOPE!
Praying for Isaac, his health, and your court date.
And confirming that God is still in the miracle business! ABSOLUTELY!
I am so grateful that because He lives hope abides.
Love & Blessings from Hong Kong,
P.S. The FedEx shot of Frank’s delivery is PRICELESS!
Definitely praying for you guys! And I have to say that is one cute package deliverer! 🙂
Praying for your little Isaac – praying for your momma’s heart.
and Amen to hope!!
I believe that HOPE is the greatest gift and mover of the human spirit . HOPE is believing that all things are possible because of God. Hope is the healer …. There is no doubt that you and your family is exactly the family that our Lord knew from the beginning of time would be the mom and dad and brothers and sister to Isaac. Sleep soundly and feel the angels here and in Ethipoia guarding and protecting you ! Psalm 91….Pax !!!!
Praying for your sweet baby! “For God does not give us a spirit of fear but of power and love and discipline.” 2 Timothy 1:7
absolutely! a very powerful post. fitting from a woman who serves a powerful god. glad to know my kids are the only ones who “monogram” things that ought not be monogramed. wish i laughed more about it instead of getting frustrated. you are an example to me.
Amen!! God’s blessings overflow …
I’ve got the reminder on my fridge to pray for Isaac and the rest of your family. Looking forward to the day I get to see you united! =)
Andrea – what a killer post today. Praying for your court date to come FAST!!!!!!!! And just so you know, your post (while I know is all about your sweet son) just spoke such scriptural truth to me about a situation we’re praying and seeking the Lord about so hard right now (not even adoption related). So THANK YOU THANK YOU for breathing truth into me today.