Okay…this is Andrea being completely real–completely vulnerable…and the Lord asking me to die to my pride. This last month has brought AMAZING surprises for our family…AMAZING! We have seen the Lord over and over and over…meet our need and show up in the unexpected! We have been able to pay for our adoption all in cash–upfront…and although I wanted to stop working and be 100% stay-at-home mom last summer, I continued to photography business editing only after my kids went to bed…going to sleep most nights at 3am…ALL for Isaac—and SO WORTH IT! I was committed to working hard to coming up with the money–and we figured out how I could stop working in December—and save so much each month January-June until we got a summer referral as our agency predicted for us. We even knew Richard would get a raise this summer–which would make everything work out as well. AND THEN…SURPRISE! YET…the Lord provided. We cleaned out our savings AND checking (all but $20!)…we cashed in bank stock…and we completed the final payments on our adoption. PRAISE JESUS!
All the while, I watched others raise support–and I watched God provide. And I have to confess, I was thankful I didn’t have to raise support for help. Trust me, there have been months where things were very tight…and I’d always praise the Lord we didn’t have to ask for help…although there was one time in the Fall where I broke down in front of my Bible study and just asked them to pray for us that we would trust God. Through some of those precious girls–the Lord did provide and it was soooo humbling…but something about it—felt right.
This entire journey–I have felt the Lord pricking my heart saying, “Andrea. I want you to die to your pride. You and Richard are not in this alone. Allow me to use my people to ease this financial need.”
I would always answer in my mind, “But Lord–we have a nice house. I could go back to work. And oh Lord—if I make our need known they will think we shouldn’t be adopting…” The list goes on to the things I would tell the Lord. But again…
He pricks my heart and says, “Let me get the glory. Allow me to provide. Won’t you let others be a part of this amazing journey? It’s not just yours Andrea. Let my will be done.”
When we pass court, we will be traveling around 4-5 weeks later—and our agency estimates it will cost around $3,000 for our travel per person. We have decided that Richard will stay here with our kids, and my mom and sister will go with me—and they both have so graciously go and buy their own tickets. We are trusting God to cover our costs—and we are even hoping we might even be able to use some of our SkyMiles if the dates work out…but we know because we’ll have a 1-2 weeks window to buy the ticket after receiving the Embassy date that we also can’t count on it.
I called my sweet friend Addie this morning with the idea to have this big event here in town…A CUPCAKE—jumpies…face-painting…the works. Wanna know why? PRIDE. I felt like if I could make it a really fun deal…it would just look like FUN and at least people would have fun coming;). I love friends who encourage us on our journey, see things from a different perspective and speak truth into our lives. What Addie told me very much aligned with what my Father has been speaking to my heart…TRUST ME—this isn’t about YOU…it’s about ME getting the glory. Addie is right…my blog readers are the ones who have been a part of our journey. And before I do anything crazy as we all know Andrea doesn’t have much time to be crazy right now;)…it only makes sense to allow my sweet blog readers to join us in the journey by helping us bring our baby boy home.
Would you pray about helping us bring our Isaac home?
Would you consider joining us and being used…becoming part of our story—and allowing the Lord to get the glory as His people support one another in His will being done?
You can “buy a cupcake” for any amount…and any amount helps! I want to believe God for BIG things—so if by some crazy miracle we get more than we need…it will be donated to Hannah’s Hope orphanage in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. If you would like to join us in helping us bring Isaac home…you can “buy your cupcake” by donating here:
Please include your name, email, blog address (if you have one) and your mailing address in the “notes” on Paypal OR please send this on my contact form—because after we pass court (hopefully on May 13!) I would like to send all of those who joined us a paper cupcake with our cupcake’s picture on it…so you can pray for us as we travel to get him and bring him home!
After you “buy your cupcake”…just for FUN—you and your kiddos can MAKE a virtual cupcake and send it to andreainga@yahoo.com! Go here to create your cupcake—send it to my email and I will be posting ALL of my sweet cupcakes with the donor and your blog (if you have one!) under my “adoption” link on my blog.
I want to thank you all for being a part of our journey…for loving us—and most of all…for supporting us by praying for Isaac. Thank you for letting me be real…share my yucky pride stuff…and for loving me anyway. Thank you for encourageing me—and thank you for considering joining us in helping bring our cupcake home financially too. We covet all of your prayers! Truly, this life is not our own! We love you all!
P.S. Look under the “adoption” link on our blog to see contributor cupcakes! This page will remain on our blog for years to come to help us remember how the Lord provided and those who He raised up to help us go across the world to bring home our son…and to even put in his life book as a reminder to us…that we really are all in this together! Thank you friends for joining us!
by admin
Just wanted to encourage you as you raise funds for your adoption. My husband and I just brought our little girls home in January and we also emptied savings accounts and fundraised our way home. God will provide. It will be an awesome thing to watch!
I love, love, love this idea!!!! I am thinking of this crazy way I may can help…I’ll email you once my critters are sleeping:)
Don’t fret….dying to pride- huge step….letting others help you bring home GOD’S CHILD- nothing better than that!
Hi there! I just recently found your blog through lucy lane’s. So excited for your journey and can’t think of a better thing to contribute to. Hope our little donation will be one of many drops in a soon to be overflowing bucket. God will provide! And although we don’t know each other personally, just knowing that you are a sister in the family of God is enough! Praying for Isaac’s swift homecoming.
Andrea, spoke with my sister and we have an idea for you to raise $ for your trip. Please email me if you are interested. Do you know about our Prayer Angels -Psalm 91- God will put his angels in charge of you… They could be sold to you at wholesale price and you could price them like the stores do and I think it could be wonderful for everyone. I know that you could make something very cool…it is like a blank slate except for the verse in the middle…it is great personalized or left as is. It would make us feel so happy to help you and your family on the journey to bring Isaac home !
[…] Friday, we posted a cupcake fundraiser to help fund our Ethiopia trip. I contemplating selling t-shirts and emailed a few places…told […]
We are just starting our adoption journey and am interested in how to do this virtual cupcake fundraiser? We have been calling our little dumplings our cupcakes….so cute! Any help or advice would be very much appreciated! Blessings on your journey