I’m passionate about a handful of things…and I’m SO excited about this upcoming conference in Colorodo as it includes two of “my things” together! Parenting AND adoption. While our Created for Care Retreats are designed to REST, RESTORE, RETREAT and EQUIP–the Empowered to Connect conference is designed for BOTH men, women, counselors, professionals and church leaders to equip families who foster and adopt to bring hope and healing to these children. While rest and retreating is SO important—educating ourselves HOW to parent these special kiddos is so important too! SO…I’m packin’ my bags and flying to Denver!
There is ALSO a conference later this year in Nashville, but because there is an incredible conference for parents here in Atlanta the same weekend of the one in Nashville–I’m flying to the Empowered to Connect Conference in Denver and spreading it out! (Can’t WAIT to tell you guys about what is in Atlanta on Sept. 23-24th for adopting parents!!!) I would LOVE to encourage you all to join us at the Empowered to Connect Conference in Denver on April 8th and 9th if you can! I saw that Denver is listed on the Delta deals right now…but we used our SkyMiles and got a decent deal. Christy found us a cheap car rental for just $60 for the entire weekend and I’m super excited to see some of the adoption moms who were at the retreat in February there too! PLEASE let me know if you decide to come!!!
Okey dokey–so HERE’S the dealio! If you register by March 1st—you get 1/2 off!!! Thanks to Focus on the Family for the 2nd half! YOU CAN REGISTER HERE. To get your 1/2 off type in the discount code FOCUS at checkout!
Here’s a little diddy about the conference if my words aren’t enough! I’m so exciting…excusing this for another GIRLS/MOMMA weekend–but learning how to better parent my sweetie in the process…really how to better parent all my sweeties because parenting one that is having a harder time WELL will help me parent ALL my sweeties well! SO EXCITED!
Empowered To Connect, together with Show Hope, will host the next Empowered To Connect Conference in the Denver, Colorado area (at Mission Hills Church in Littleton) on April 8-9, 2011. Early Bird registration for the Denver conference ends on Tuesday, March 1. In fact, for a limited time you can register for half price, thanks to a generous grant from Focus on the Family!
The Empowered To Connect Conference is a two-day conference for adoptive and foster parents, ministry leaders and professionals designed to help them better understand how to connect with children from hard places in order to help them heal and become all that God desires for them to be. Led by Dr. Karyn Purvis (Director of the TCU Institute of Child Development ), together with Michael & Amy Monroe (Leaders of Tapestry Adoption & Foster Care Ministry), this conference is ideal for adoptive and foster parents, those considering adoption or foster care and those who are serving and supporting others, including social workers, agency professionals, church staff and ministry leaders, counselors, therapists and others involved in adoption and foster care ministries or services.
Visit www.etcconference.org for more details and to register online. You can also view the detailed conference schedule here.
Be sure to register by Tuesday, March 1, to receive the best pricing available for the Denver conference. To receive the 1/2 off Early Bird discount simply use the discount code FOCUS when you check-out from the online registration.
We look forward to seeing you at Mission Hills Church in Littleton, Colorado on April 8-9 for the next Empowered To Connect Conference!
Again–let Christy and I know if you are planning to go! If you are starting an adoption or foster care ministry in your church–I can’t stress HOW BIG this would be for the people involved! SO…please let them know about this!!! If you know counselors that minister in your church or community–this is ALSO designed for them and there is a special time for professionals at this conference too! SO…spread the word–and join us there!
Now…for a FUN give away–because give-aways are just fun…and it’s cloudy and cool outside! Share this information with someone in email that you think this would benefit and you get 1 entry into the give away! Share this on your blog or facebook (or BOTH) and get entered 2 times! Let me know in the comments how you shared this information with others–and Frankie baby will draw a name on Wednesday…just before he hits the running track practicing for the BIG WIPHAN WADDLE on Thursday! What’s in the give away??
A little care package for an adopting family which includes…

Two hard copy study guides that goes along with the book…one for each parent or you can share with a friend…

This incredible book on how to create a Lifebook for your foster or adopted child…
We are ALL about supporting and equipping families…and EVEN if you aren’t an adoptive family–you CAN help encourage adoptive families and professionals that serve them by sharing information on this retreat! And wouldn’t it be fun to win this little care package and bless an adoptive family with these resources too?! Thanks in advance for anyone who shares this conference with others…and hope to see some of you in Denver in April!
And just in CASE you missed my last post about Frankie-baby craziness…here’s a picture to make you smile:)
DON’T FORGET…the Wiphan Waddle is THIS weekend! Can’t come??? It’s not TOO LATE to get Frankie baby to run FOR YOU! If you missed this a few weeks ago…check it out and join us in making a difference in Zambia/Africa! (For the FULL Chariots of Fire effect…please turn off worship music up top before hitting play:)
by admin
Hey Andrea: I’ll be at the conference! (I live about 10 minutes from the church!) I’d love to meet you there…
Also, I’m sharing on FB… I have those books on my Amazon wishlist! 🙂
Wow! Stoked to see that you are going to this! SO AM I! Jeff will be out of town for work, but my mother-in-law is joining me! Possibly my friend who also joined me for Created for Care Retreat too! SOOOO looking forward to it! Hope we can meet up there at some point! 🙂
My husband and I will be there too! You did get a good deal on your car rental. Hope we can meet you there sometime!
I would love to know about the one in Georgia… Who is the sponsor and is it already available to register.
All of these are on our list to purchase. They would fill my ‘waiting time’. I shared by email, facebook and our blog! Thanks-Paula
Hi-I read your blog daily way up here in PA! Love it! We’re about 4 weeks from bringing home our 8 month old baby boy from Ethiopia. Right now he’s in the hospital with pneumonia and measles. Praying that he gets better so we can bring him home. I would love to win the giveaway! I emailed the link and posted on facebook for 2 entries. I have a private blog for just me to journal life…so that would be pointless! We’re doing a Karin Purvis study in our orphan care ministry at church…it’s fantastic! God Bless you.
I have sent this to various people through email! Your blog is so inspirational and challenging. Thanks for serving the Lord as you do!!
i live very close to the church and will be there. we chould make lunch or dinner plans for one of the days
[…] last fun drawing before calling it quits for the night! Last week I shared about the Empowered to Connect Conference here on my blog and anyone who shared about this AMAZING conference got entered to win an amazing adoption care […]