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House for Sale {Roswell, GA}

So…here we go. The sign goes up in our yard tonight!! So many sweet memories made in this house. Just finished up taking pictures for our realtor!!! This home. We brought home Frank, Isaac and Zeke in. So many sweet memories. But the farm is calling us. Here’s the link to pictures…of a very RARE […]

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Jodi - February 2, 2014 - 1:54 pm

beautiful home. I hope you sell quickly and can’t wait to read about your farm life adventure. Keeping a house clean with 5 littles is hard. One trick I did was when I knew I had a showing I would throw in Chocolate chip cookies and back them and we all worked to clean before the timer went off and then fed them cookies in the car. Good luck

Erika - February 2, 2014 - 3:03 pm

Beautiful home. Praying you sell quickly for the price you want and it all goes smoothly.

God bless

Amber - February 3, 2014 - 9:22 am

My tip is empty laundry baskets. If you get a call for someone to come and see the house without a lot of notice, run around and throw everything out of place in the laundry baskets and put them in the car. voila. I even had to put dirty dishes from the sink in a basket one time. Also, clorox wipes are your friend. A quick once over of the kitchen counters and toilets can go along way. 🙂 I hope it sells quickly. It can be really crazy selling a house with littles but the Lord will see you through. One day at a time.

Joli - February 3, 2014 - 4:21 pm

Congratulations…so exciting Andrea! I join you in praying that your house sells in His perfect timing…and that He leads you to the exact spot He has waiting for your family! We just recently moved “out” like we’ve dreamed about for years. Our pasture is getting fenced in as I type! WOOHOO! Not much longer until we bring those chickens, and dairy goats? or dairy cow? home! We are living our dream – with our 5, going on 6 kiddos – and I’m so thankful and in awe of how He has blessed us!

Allison - February 5, 2014 - 6:30 pm

What a beautiful home! Every image looks like it is from a magazine! How could you ever want to leave it?! 🙂 I am sure you’ll have no problems selling! it’s gorgeous!

Lisa - February 6, 2014 - 6:58 am

After clicking on the link, I got this message from the site, “Sorry, the gallery download limit has been hit.”(?) God’s best to you as you seek to live the country life!

kelleyn - February 14, 2014 - 8:44 pm

Wishing you a quick sale! Some friends of our who live in Alpharetta sound their house pretty quickly. I know it is so hard eith little ones. Didn’t realize you were so close.

That won’t work for me. {Learning new lingo for the sake of family}

One phrase I think I have learned to say too well: “Hmmm. Let me think. Gosh. Okay. I think I can make that work.” Can you volunteer here? Hmmmm. Let me think. Gosh. Okay. I think I can make that work. THIS is my only opening–would you like it? (There are varieties of how the […]

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Megan - January 22, 2014 - 3:00 pm

Ahhh I can’t wait to follow your journey as you take this step! I am in my heart a country girl and just keep dreaming of the day when we can make it happen!

Amy - January 23, 2014 - 9:40 am

I love it!! We too are in the process of finding our little piece of dirt. Even though we are not in the suburbs of Atlanta, we do want a place big enough for the animals. Yes, it’s hard work, but that is the kind of work we were designed for 🙂
amy (in south ga)

Kim - January 23, 2014 - 9:25 pm

Hi! I’ve been a lurker for at least a year. I find your blog wonderfully inspiring. After reading this post, I just had to comment to put a plug in for where we are living–Greenville, SC. We are also from ATL, and I always thought we would go back to the big city, but not anymore! Greenville is the perfect mix of country and city. Traffic is essentially non-existent and the homeschooling community is robust and very active. In fact, I know way more people who homeschool than do public, and we are doing public school 🙂 I could go on and on, but I wanted to throw it out there because a lot of people don’t realize the virtues of this area.

SleepyMom - January 24, 2014 - 8:57 am

You know it’s okay to live in the “country” and not actually do any farming. Just saying.
My parents also hated city life and staring at the neighbors house 10 ft away so they moved us out of the city to 13 acres surrounded by another 50+ that no one had ever built on. BUT they chose a wooded steep hilly area so no real farming possible. We could have dogs and cats able to run around free and enjoy life. We saw tons of wildlife all the time and we always were in the shade because of all the trees and we certainly never had road noise, neighbor noise, etc. My Dad has chickens now because you don’t need a huge flat pasture for them, and my mom has a huge garden that she built done by the road because that’s the only flat space. The garden has to be long and narrow to fit between the steep hill and the road. I’ve got to tell you country life with minimal farming is kind of awesome and tranquil. There’s enough to do that my kids love visiting and helping pick ripe stuff from the garden and feed the chickens, but it’s not so time intensive as to prevent my parents from traveling to visit grandkids, working, hobbies etc.

I hope your farm adventure in the country works out perfectly for your family.

Natalie - January 24, 2014 - 2:38 pm

Oh how I agree with you! This post sounds like the cries of my heart too! How much slower life could be… if we didn’t live so close to 285. Praying for you and your family! I am so excited for you all! And I can’t wait to follow your “farm story”! 🙂

Ashley - February 6, 2014 - 10:16 am

You just need to move north! Cherokee county! Some farm land but close enough to the city. We live here and couldnt imagine living anywhere else!:) new follower btw and a hopeful adoptive momma in the making:)

Not Just Another Drive by McMission {Restoration Atlanta}

This is a guest post by my sister, April Carlock, who has supported us through our adoptions and run hard with us through ministry in Zambia Africa with Wiphan Care Ministries. She posted a bit of her experience on Facebook with RATL–and I asked her to please share more here. She’s been my best friend […]

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Natalie - January 27, 2014 - 3:42 pm

Love this post! Thank you for sharing! I volunteer at City of Refuge on Tuesday evenings and it is always good… and I’ve been totally wrecked. Thank you and amen… all we need is Jesus!

bazarul lui albert - February 2, 2014 - 4:10 am

Ahhh I can’t wait to follow your journey as you take this step! I am in my heart a country girl and just keep dreaming of the day when we can make it happen!

Where is God? {When things get hard}

First I have to say how important it is for us as moms shepherding our children to be in God’s Word daily. Y’all. I know it’s hard. I’m in a place where it could feel impossible homeschooling 5 kids ages 9 and under. I’m NOT an early riser. And with 5 with different needs–someone always, […]

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Mary (Owlhaven) - January 13, 2014 - 2:53 pm

Thanks, Andrea for your encouraging thoughts! This is exactly how we make SURE to do Bible every day. The kids and I read New Testament every morning at breakfast, and John and the kids read Old Testament every evening at bedtime. At breakfast we go around the table and everyone reads some, and at bedtime John reads. Sometimes we talk about it afterwards, or each pick a favorite verse and tell why we like it, and sometimes we just read and move on. Even though we aren’t moving fast, I feel really good that we’re fitting it into our day regularly in this way.

Thanks for sharing!
Mary, momma to 10, including 4 from Ethiopia and 2 from Korea

Heather Keehn - January 13, 2014 - 6:10 pm

Thank you for this! Such good stuff.

iva miller - January 14, 2014 - 1:02 pm

Great devotions!

Casey Chappell - January 14, 2014 - 3:37 pm

EXACTLY what I needed to hear today. THANK you for taking the time to write and share this. I LOVE my in front large visable leading God… but oh, how I think I’ve misunderstood the times He’s moved behind me to protect and hedge in. This is so helpful to me to get into my mind and understand. I love you… I love your ministry through writing. It’s helping encourage the socks off this weary mommy!

Candy - January 14, 2014 - 3:44 pm


I just read this with tears rolling down my cheeks as I thought back to the last few months of my husband’s life and how I wondered and internally screamed so many times, “GOD!!!! WHERE ARE YOU???!!!!” Four years later I know He was there because I felt Him the moment the ICU doctor told me Bob’s heart had stopped. I see all that He has done on my behalf since the. And how much He has and continues to bless me.

Never saw that passage like you saw it today and I thank you so much for sharing it. It just blessed my heart.

Whitney M - January 20, 2014 - 10:30 am

I have followed your blog for some time and I NEEDED TO HEAR THIS. TODAY. My husband and I have been in the (domestic) adoption process and brought home a baby girl 9 days ago. BUT, after four days of being home with her, the birth family decided to parent her and we had to give back our precious daughter. We feel we are facing a crossroads for our family because we felt the Lord lead us down the adoption (rather than conception) path, and everything seemed to work out to a T. Then our hearts were shattered when we had to give her back. My hubby is pretty discouraged and feels that our time in domestic adoption may be complete, yet I feel we need to press forward a little longer. Maybe we should just BE STILL. Thank you for sharing your wisdom, insight, and encouragement.