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Beauty from Ashes {His immense love from one stranger to another}

Today I got to catch up with my dear friend Kristin. We met through a ministry mutual friend–and oh my…this girl has challenged my faith, spurred me on closer to the cross and reminded me of many things–like “God’s got this”…only she shares it in a different phrase—hilarious–much better–and a God story to go with […]

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Rebecca - March 3, 2014 - 9:00 am

Love this, love her heart and love God and His creativity.

jenny - March 3, 2014 - 9:21 am

Wow. Just, wow. Such a beautiful story and challenge to each of us!! Thank you for sharing!!!

leslie - March 3, 2014 - 12:42 pm

Wow. Thank you for sharing this story. It challenges me on so many levels.

Kim - March 3, 2014 - 5:59 pm

Andrea- I read this once this morning, and then went to re-read it to my kids, and couldn’t finish because I was crying so hard. My husband finished reading the story. Not a dry eye in the house. What a great way to start the morning! I then watched Lupita Nyongo’o’s speech on “beauty” at the Essence awards, ( I cried again. “You can’t eat beauty, it won’s sustain you, compassion is what sustains you”. What a great Monday! God is SO good, and people never cease to amaze me with their big hearts. Thanks for sharing!

Gretchen - March 21, 2014 - 8:33 am

Wow! This story blessed me today!

Holly Anne - April 4, 2014 - 5:27 pm

Wow, thank you for sharing. Such a beautiful example of how God just wants to LOVE people through us. Loved this story.

How Lyme Disease Changed Me {lessons for this mom’s heart}

I haven’t written much about my awful, dark, difficult—once hopeless days…weeks…months…years of dealing with Lyme disease. It was such a hard season for me–and a time in my life that I had what is known in the Lyme world as “brain fog”–so forming logical thoughts, much less writing a blog about it was impossible for […]

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Erika - February 25, 2014 - 1:37 am

Hi Andrea! I had to open up my laptop and comment because you always say “I don’t know if anyone even reads my blog” – and I want you to know that I read every single post!!! 🙂 I have read your blog for years – probably since you started it – although I have no idea how I found it. Now I read it on my phone – and it’s just about impossible to comment there.

You have been SUCH an encouragement to me as you’ve shared your heart. I can’t tell you what an impact you’ve had through this blog. Not just me – but I tell people about your blog – like one sweet friend of mine adopted their son from China in June 2013- and I told her to read your blog because she didn’t know anyone else adopting internationally. I have told many friends about your perspective and the challenges you face – and this post about Lyme Disease is one I’m sure to pass on to anyone I meet who is struggling with it or knows someone who is!

Also- you are a big encouragement to me in the realm of homeschooling and keeping family a priority.

We may never meet in person – but I want you to know that the ripple effect of your blog has reached me – and I know that my faith and my family are stronger as a result of reading your blog all these years.

Can’t wait to see what the future holds for you and your crew as you move to the farm and start a whole new chapter!


Ashley - February 26, 2014 - 9:09 am

Beautifully written. Thank you for this piece of vulnerability. I especially loved what you “needed to know” it spoke volumes to me today.

sarah hurst - February 26, 2014 - 1:35 pm

what a blessing you are to so many! i remember reading your blog during those months, years of not feeling well and not knowing what was wrong. you continued to trust and believe that the Lord had a plan through it all and i’m so thankful that you’re now on the other side! thank you for your encouraging words!

Nancy Brownlee - February 26, 2014 - 1:43 pm

Dear Andrea, A friend connected me to your blog this week and i read your Feb. 2014 post for the first time. For the most part, your story could be my story. Two biological and one adopted children, I have struggled with lyme for going on ten years and I too am much better but the journey has been so long and so hard. The story got even harder last year when my 14 year old daughter manifested major lyme symptoms and missed 20 weeks of school. She still has her PICC line and is receiving antibiotics that way. We did the herbal treatments for two years but just could not stave it off. I have forwarded your blog to a number of friends who contracted lyme the same time we did…a family mission trip we took to TN. I want to thank you fro the encouragement….i often thought of “going public” with our disease but never felt lead by the Lord to do so. Your last blog provides such hope for healing for those in the valley. My daughter Mary and i have been so blessed by our time together and we certainly have had no choice but to lean totally on the Lord. We have slowly moved Him into the position of healer instead of medicines and doctors and yet consider them blessings/gifts from HIm. I am very encouraged and pray often for lyme to become more “exposed” to the world so that perhaps better tests and treatments become available. I see that happening mostly through social media. So thank you once again! Your post was a blessing. Nancy

jenny marrs - February 26, 2014 - 7:58 pm

oh, andrea! my husband battled lymes, as well, but not for nearly as long as you. thankfully, he was diagnosed rather quickly (it took a few months)…it is so unbelievable how little doctors in the south know about this disease!! so, so scary!! we had just had our twins … they were in the nicu for a month and we stayed in a room down the hall. dave just thought he had a terrible flu and the doctors gave him steroid shots to help, which actually hid the symptoms for a little while. eventually, he went to a number of doctors and kept being told that his extreme fatigue (and all the other symptoms) were caused by becoming a new dad of twins. REALLY?!? It was so unbelievable and scary and frustrating. i am so thankful that you were both finally diagnosed properly and received treatment and healing!!

also, i had to comment because this post spoke such encouragement and truth into my heart tonight.. dealing with a totally different situation in this season but really feeling thankful that i read this because it was so encouraging!! thank you:)!!

Melissa - February 27, 2014 - 9:58 am

I also wanted to say that I have followed your blog for several years…I can’t believe it’s been so long since your battle with Lyme’s Disease because I remember that time so easily! Your faith in the Lord and positive outlook has been so encouraging. I started reading your blog because I was interested in adoption and although our lives haven’t yet taken that road, I’ve learned a lot from you about loving on others and taking joy in your children; blessings from God. I’m glad that you are better now and still using your blog to lift up and encourage others.

Julie - February 28, 2014 - 1:26 pm

Wow! That is an awesome story– thank you for sharing and encouraging. I would love to know the doctors name if you are able to give it out!

Grace - March 1, 2014 - 3:51 pm

I stumbled across your blog and…Thank you. You’ve touched my heart…to keep trusting no matter what! I know what you’re talking about…ah, it’s so elusive. Constantly struggling with some yet unknown “whatever” it is, isn’t easy, but how great to know our great Physician. It will be worth it all when we see Jesus!!!

Karen - March 21, 2014 - 2:16 pm

Andrea- I have been to C4C for the third year now. We have some friends in common. I loved reading your heart on here about your season of illness. I was diagnosed with 2 types of thyroid cancer and had a thyroidectomy in November of this year. I then had to do nuclear medicine which threw me into a very hypothyroid state. I experience a lot of the same symptoms, vertigo, brain fog, and much pain every day. I also home school my two kiddos. I thank you for what an encouragement you are to other women out there. Myself included. Telling your truth is hard, but powerful. There was no way, according to my Doctors, that I should have been ready for C4C this year. But, I knew that God wanted me there, and I prayed for Him to make a way and he answered my prayers. I heard so much at C4C that I needed to hear and was able to praise my father for all the blessings this illness has brought to my life. His strength is made perfect in our weakness. That used to just be words to me, but in my humble state I now know it to be so. very. true. Thanks for all you do to share even through the fogs of life!

Kids Perspectives on Interracial Marriage…

Some days, I think one of the best gifts I’m giving my interracial family–is an interracial family. I’m thankful how they see one another–as siblings, friends and brothers and sisters in Christ. I’m sure some–even some reading this blog don’t dig it. And that’s okay. You can close out my blog with the little “x” […]

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Meg - February 20, 2014 - 8:08 am

Excellently written.

Abby - February 21, 2014 - 6:55 am

I absolutely love this post!!!

Crystal Als - February 26, 2014 - 3:25 pm

My family is interracial (I’m white,husbands black)and we have the most adorable little caramel babies. I often laugh at the snide comments and looks we both get when we are out but I know that my children will grow up loving and accepting ALL kids not just the kids that match their skin tones.

Kelly - March 19, 2014 - 3:17 pm

Andrea, I love this.

Surrounding Yourself with Peacemakers…

“Tis better to have 3 friends who are peacemakers that 300 who are not.” -ME:) My husband always reminds me, “Surround yourself with people of peace.” He is definitely one of the most peaceful I know! Through a discipleship study he is walking through–he has been encouraging me to look for peacemakers and walk with […]

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Virginia - February 14, 2014 - 10:44 am

Love this Andrea.. So often I want to fix things or try to solve the problem for someone.. to remember that I can’t & it’s not my job is so freeing. The example of our Lord loving everyone but having his close circle of friends & an even closer inner circle gives me the freedom to not try to be best friends with everyone.. I just can’t do it & do it all well, so I choose to choose wisely 🙂 thanks for the reminder! {hugs} to you