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Papa Don {Donald Mutumba – A Life Well Lived}

Today–in Zambia Donald Mutumba, the COO of Wiphan Zambia, will be laid to rest. He was a great and compassionate leader with a heart for the widows and orphans he served. Please pray for his wife and family as well as all of Wiphan as we grieve. He will be greatly missed.

Our hearts are heavy and we will miss Papa Don…. Please pray for his family as well as the Wiphan family.

My sister, April, once asked Papa Don WHEN he was going to retire. His answer? “You never retire from the Lord’s work.”

Papa Don led well. A father figure to 450 children we love in Zambia. A loyal husband and role model for the men surrounding the compound and teachers in our school. An encouragement to the widows in our program. This man will be greatly missed on this side of heaven.

Giving to a ministry is good. BUT digging in–joining to serve…to stick with even just ONE ministry…for the long haul (whether it’s a nursing home around the corner or a family up the street or a ministry of 450 kids across the world–whatever it is…pick one)…that’s where the beauty is. Making a commitment that this is where I will stand and the people I will be a voice for–changes everything. Through thick and thin…through people watching and tearing it apart when it’s not perfect…just stand and run and serve and don’t give up. THIS is what I am reminded of when one of our dearest servants leave us. When they succeed–you dance. When you see many around you join you to sponsor kids–and you see funding for meals and schooling for many happen–you thank Him that we get to be a part of it all. When you get to see a kid with cancer that couldn’t afford treatment go through a year of treatment and you hear “cancer free” from a village in Ndola–you shake your head in disbelief and awe. Because–they deserve a fighting chance too. To see Him work wonders and people love them who don’t even know them. And when the ones you love in this ministry go to be with Jesus–you get to smile and say, “Well done–good and faithful servant. It was an honor to run with you. See you…one day–after our race is also done.” And then–keep running.

THIS friends is so worth running for. DIG IN. DO LIFE. KNOW THE PEOPLE YOU SERVE AND SERVE WITH BY NAME. DANCE WITH THEM. REJOICE WITH THEM. GRIEVE WITH THEM. And keeping running. Until you see Him face to face too.

We will miss you Papa Don!

To join the legacy of Papa Don and us in Zambia–please visit We would love and be honored to have you join us.