The Young Family Farm »

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a little get away…

we really needed a little get away.

we’ve been doing a lot of this…

a lot of this…

and this has been my view when I look back all week…

…i got much too close for comfort to an alligator…with 7 tiny kids behind me (trusting me and my friend Jett to protect them)

…kept our 7 littles while our friends took off to the ER after getting stung by a sting ray

…gotten more exercise this week than i have all year while riding a bike and pulling littles behind

…tasted more flavors of sherbet than i knew existed

…had watermelon on the beach

…danced with Rico on the sand while he sang our song–and a photographer snapped pictures from afar

…laughed A LOT during family pictures not worrying one bit how they were turning out…we just had fun

…caught 12 guppies, 2 baby crabs and 1 hermit grab (they were all released to go home to their families)

…collected 72 seashells

…watched a crane hunt for fish for at least 1 hour with one of my littles…one of the sweetest hours of our trip

…laughed A LOT…a whole LOT–with some of the dearest friends in the world…vacations are so much fun to share with another family you love.

LOTS of pictures to come!

SOOOOO thankful for a time to reconnect to one another and rest together.

Hope you all have had a blessed week!



lauren - May 25, 2012 - 8:55 am

sounds so wonderful!!! so glad you had a get away!! Those picture (especially the one with Lane and the kite) are just amazing!!!!