Seriously…at OUR house…is there EVER REALLY a “last day” for summer?!
So…YES it is a Tuesday night.
YES…that means it is a school night.
BUT…recreaction and outdoor activity is important as it helps get some energy out…and of course it can always provide family bonding.
Of course—BEFORE we got started Richard laid the ground rules.
1. NO one, I mean, NO one—come near baby Isaac.
2. Do not intentionally hit someone in the face.
3. Throw as hard as you can…and run as fast as you can.
After the balloons were all gone–there was quite a bit of water in the bucket from the busted balloons. I was proud of Parker for being a quick thinker–and he did exactly what I would have done. He initiated daddy for being the best balloon thrower by dumping it on him…and we all thought it was hysterical!
It’s all about work hard and play hard at our house. And we even set the camera up on a chair and put it on the timer to get a quick family shot. Only you can’t get 2 one-year-olds to look at a camera that no one is standing behind;)…but still…all of us together…
And while we were filling the balloons, Rich was kind enough to grab the camera and capture one of me and my Frankie-baby…
AND SPEAKING OF FRANKIE-BABY….he was eyeing me today when I was fixing Isaac’s hair–something I do a lot of (having fun with his curls!). AND Frank added a NEW WORD to his vocabulary. I don’t EVEN put GEL in Isaac’s hair, but Frank said, “Gel me” and point to HIS hair. HILARIOUS! So…I did:)He thought it was GREAT!
And I did a not so great job on Isaac’s hair today. I was having a little too much fun and put TOO MUCH curling custard in it…and it turned Soul Glow…This picture doesn’t even show the true amount…but it started DRIPPING and I had to get a towel out to dry it some. BUT by the end of the night…it was just right:).
And while I was on a hair kick—I whipped these out after the kids were in bed for the princess…Wanna know a funny fact about me? I started making hairbows in the 6th grade. I’d sell them at church on Wednesday nights and take orders! Yep–I’m the second born child. The little entrepeneur. I’ve had a sewing business in my 20’s after teaching…it went from kids clothes to curtains. Hated it. THEN…I started a photography business which I LOVED…but I loved my kids more and got too busy so I quit all together! NOW…I just have fun making clothes, bows, things for our home…and of course taking pictures of our children! So…there ya go;). A little extra:)
Have a great night—and praying tonight our little guy will sleep!!! Tomorrow’s post may stay up all week as I’m sharing about an AMAZING family and how YOU can join me in encouraging and supporting them!!!
by admin
Great family photo!!! Missed reading while I was away, but I think I might just be caught up now. =)
ok, so you need to start making me some bows..we’ll call them the Lucy lane bows..and I’ll advertise and you make them and we’ll sell them and raise money for famlies adopting…come on…great idea..huh?? 🙂 kj
We had out the water guns and slip & slide tonight at our house. Too much fun! = ) There only little once!
Can you do a post on how to make bows??? I’ve been wanting to but haven’t figured it out yet! YOurs are perfect!
Kristie….if you do that I’ll send you a huge heap of bows you can sell off to give to an adopting family. I was making bows to match my dresses….but stopped that to jus tdo sewing. Now I have a HUGE stash of fun bows I need to do something with!
loving your summer fun. and can i just say at the risk of sounding a bit creepy, your kids dimples are to die for! hope you ALL slept well :O)
Love the last day of summer shots!
Bows?! Is there anything you can’t do?