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Well, I’ll be!

As soon as you are perfectly content WAITING…guess who just emailed me to say our home study has been submitted to AGCI? Yep–our home study coordinator said our study is being submitted TODAY to AGCI. Kuddos to the hubby for jumping through the last hoop! And super kuddos to our home study coordinator for working away anyway in good faith that Richard would jump through successfully for us:). Yay! Happy. Relieved. Excited.

Now we just wait to see when AGCI approves and if they want any revisions. If they want revisions, we revise and resubmit. If they approve, our coordinator notarizes our home study and we send in the final with our dossier! Can I get a da-se-YAY!? It won’t be long now and we’ll officially be on the list! Super YAY!

Now on the burner…20 portrait sessions to edit and a trip this weekend to Columbia. We’re so excited to meet the Johnson family finally in person and see the Oatsville family while we’re in Brentwood too! What fun families to celebrate finally being done with paperwork with!!! Thank you God that we are not alone in this beautiful calling…and most of all—Lord, I am SO humbled that you would call us to be parents again in this beautiful way. WOW. I can’t wait to bring our little baby home! (I literally teared up today when Donna emailed me to say our home study was being sent today!)

Kim - October 29, 2009 - 3:50 pm

Totally jealous that you will be in our hometown of Brentwood and hanging with our buddies the Johnsons & Oatsvalls.
Have a GREAT visit!
Love & Blessings from Hong Kong,

Amy - October 29, 2009 - 4:30 pm

Yay! We just got word that our home study was approved today but we still have some hoops to jump through and I just pray that our dossier documents are all correct!

Beautiful Mess - October 29, 2009 - 4:38 pm

Praise the Lord! That is awesome!

Terri - October 29, 2009 - 5:55 pm

What a beautiful family you have! Congratulations on your upcoming adoption!

emily v. - October 31, 2009 - 7:34 pm

Yay! Love it!! Doesnt it feel GREAT to have that paperwork done!! Celebrating with your family!