Soooo…I completely stink at teaching history. Really–I do. We have been studying the Roman Empire all year–not because I ordered a history curriculum that is only about the Roman Empire–but because I can’t seem to get past chapter 4 as we have been focusing on reading, math and lots of Home Economics (aka: you really can learn by helping mommy around the house;).
On Monday, however, I decided it’d be more interesting to teach and learn if we were Egyptians:) Frank didn’t seem to understand. I’m quite sure there were pirates then…minus the Mater hat of course;)

I even pulled up “Walk Like an Egyptian” on YouTube and showed them how it’s done;)

LOVE my little Egyptian princess!

On a side note–Laney asked me yesterday: “Mommy, do you wish you had golden hair like me?” OH YES baby girl. I love how she describes her hair…she is truly a little princess through and through.
And this one is for Papa. My dad is a HUGE Alabama fan–and as many of you know Rico Suave and I do NOT get wrapped up in sports. So despite Rico Suave being a GA boy (Rico’s daddy was an All-American at UGA) OR my being a Tigerette for Auburn back in my day)…my daddy thinks it’s funny to gift us lots of Alabama gear. My parents weren’t even here this weekend–but because it’s fun for them to match…AND because I get this stuff for free…I geared them all up on Saturday. Now in the SOUTH college football is HUGE–so I think people ’round here think we’re weird that we gear our kids all up in another states gear that we don’t even root for–even rivals of the teams we went to. It’s free people–and football really doesn’t matter…so this is just like princess and pirate stuff to me;) Aren’t they cute though???

Check out my line-backer’s game face in this one…

Isaac calls this his “MAD FACE”! Watch out people…

looooove this sweet boy!

Frank on the OTHER hand…he doesn’t do so well with a “mad face”…

Just in case you’re missin’ Parkerman. He says he’s too cool for our shenanigans. We are still counting down the months (almost 8 months waiting) for one of his front teeth to break in:)

In OTHER news. The kids have decided they really want a baby in our house. I told them we ALREADY have a baby! I ran to the garage–carried the stroller downstairs…popped on the carriage attachment that I never used for Frank…and put it to use! We played “push the baby” which involved running and turning corners AS FAST AS YOU CAN! Our “baby” had a blast!

LAST but not least…Y’ALL get geared UP for the 2012 Wiphan Warthog Waddle! THIS YEAR…Frank and Isaac will be taking each other on in the 1K…and Frank is sacrificially agreeing to give Isaac a 30 second HEAD START! Stay tuned for a rockin’ promo video featuring these two. You know we don’t play when it comes to Wiphan Waddle promo videos😉 And a sneak peak of this year’s Wiphan Waddle’s trophy (carved in Ndola/Zambia by Justin one of Wiphan’s skills training teachers)…modeled by my sista April…YOU KNOW YOU WANT IT;)

That’s a wrap folks! I want to say thank you for all the comments of encouragement and prayers you guys have been sending our way. Thank you for being on this journey with us…I know He makes ALL things beautiful and I’m truly excited to see what He does through it!!!
Love y’all!
by admin
You are the COOLEST mom and teacher and you don’t stick at history.
Hahahaha!! We were stuck in Egypt for months and months and months (because we, too, were focused on math and reading and raising babies and lots of Home Ec) until we were delivered just like the Israelites. Praise Jesus!! Now we’re moving on into Greece. Look out Dark Ages!! We’ve got your number!!