Confession. Some times I don’t see it right. Deuteronomy is right on. And some times I just don’t interpret what the Lord says as the Lord says it. Maybe it’s not even interpretting it wrong…but my sinful flesh wants to hear it differently.
Confession. Some times I fall into the sin of thinking my serving the orphan and the widow is a calling…or its like an offering to God from me…or for lack of better words from my mommy brain—that I’m doing “extra”.
From a parent’s words—“Son, you must go to school…You must do your homework. You must get a job.”
In life…there will be MUSTS. And then there will be I WISH YOU WOULDS. I wish you would do this…I wish you would do that…I wish you would be a leader. I wish you would be outgoing. Every parent also has their I WISH YOU WOULDS.
There is a BIG different between MUSTS and I WISH YOU WOULD. B-I-G. And the consequences for NOT doing the MUSTS—are BIG. The consequences from NOT doing the I WISH YOU WOULDS…might make life a bit less adventureous…but the consequences not the same.
So…how do we hear in this reading from the Lord…
“Every third year you must offer a special tithe of your crops. In this year of the special tithe you must give your tithes to the Levites, foreigners, orphans and widows so that they will have enough to eat…”
Have we as Christians followed the Lord in provided abundantly for the missionary, orphan, widow and poor? Do we give them our left overs rather than out of sacrifice?
And why do I think I’ve done anything “good” when I have given left overs to the orphan and widow and poor? How will I look at my son when he comes home from school and says to himself, “I went to school today just as my mom said I must!” or “I flushed the toilet mom after going potty.” That’s great son. Those are things you must do. But now when he goes and gives his sister something WITHOUT being asked just because he geniunely LOVES her and has compassion for her…now this—THIS…deeply pleases me.
Oh Lord, forgive me for when I have not given sacrificiously to the orphan, widow and poor. Help me to understand your musts—but to do them with a heart of compassion as I understand your heart deeper. Forgive me Lord for some times getting caught up in my own life and not desperately fighting for those you say we must fight for. Speak to our hearts this weekend how to priortize our time, finances, and lives according to Your commands, instructions and your will. My hearts desire is to please you—and truly I want my actions to be an overflow of love and compassion that only You could put there.
by admin
WOW- a new perspective 🙂 Thank you!
You’ve just written a post that’s been stirring around in my head all week; however, you said it much more eloquently than I could have. You are such a gifted writer. Love your blog and your heart!
You know I love your ♥ and this post actually mimics what I have been battling with all day long….. it’s been a crazy CRAZY day and as much as I want to think I am ‘doing the extra’ I fail miserably at doing enough. It’s like scratching the surface of what my God expects. Demands. Oh how I want to overflow!