Somebody in our house TURNED “4” today!!!
Happy Birthday baby girl! I am so thankful to have you as MY sweet love!!! FOUR things I love about you are…
1. I love how you dance EVERY day in the living room…with our WITHOUT music…you twirl in circles…you dance on your toes…my prayer is that you would dance through this life with the same joy you have now.
2. I love how you ask me to sing “your goodnight song” to you EVERY night…and how it is YOUR song…that WE made up…that NO ONE else has. “Goodnight sweetheart, close your eyes—goodnight, my princess, my darling. Lay down your head–in your princess bed…and sleep until the morning. Good night sweetheart…and dream the most glorious dream. Goodnight sweetheart…and sleep until the morning!”
3. I love how you listen to everything I say and how you record even the big words I use in that mind of yours…and how you try to use them yourself. I laugh when I hear your little voice say “eventually, exactly, completely, difficult, frustrating, amazing, incredible”…everything sounds sweeter out of your little voice. And I love the way you say gymnastics–“zhen-nas-tix”. Please, no one correct that one. I love it.
4. I love your mommy, caregiving heart. I love to watch you take care of others. When I ask you what you want to be when you grow up–you instantly say “A mommy”. And I love that already this is your dream and priority in life. You take such good care of your baby brother, Frank…and when Parker will act like a baby, you take such good care of him too;).
Happy Birthday to my big girl! Mommy loves you to pieces and pieces and more pieces!
by admin