The princess celebrated her 6th birthday this weekend…and the praise God party that she sweetly requested was a hit! It was so much fun to see Loo-bear and her sweet little friends dancing in circles together and just celebrating together.
Here was the cake she requested…she wanted Jesus and Laney on the top of the cake…

Two days after the party–we’ve officially eaten everything but Jesus on the cake. I just can’t do it:). THEN she requested all her friends to be on her cake TOO…

They learned a dance with a tambourine–and they danced in circles and they did an amazing job performing for the parents at share time too!

I’ve still gotta download the video–I’ll have to share some of the final performance sweetness tomorrow! We made little ornaments with a Bible verse for the girls to take home…along with their tambourines and a really cute little bell on a ribbon with a bow with Christmas colors. Forgot to take pictures of those things:)
It was a really fun birthday–and as you can’s taken me a couple of days to recoup:) THEN tonight–I joined some of my friends for a Ginny Owens concert at my church. If you EVER have the chance to hear her in person–you HAVE to go!!! She is a JOY to listen to–and she is HILARIOUS! I think my side hurts from laughing at her stories. For those of you who don’t know Ginny, she has an amazing gift for song writing and singing. She doesn’t let being blind keep her from making the most of every gift the Lord has given her. I sat amazed as she played the piano, sang and had us rolling laughing…and crying to.
The story of how she wrote the song “Amen” had me in tears. She made a dear friend, Ronnell, in her 20’s about 5 years ago who had a very rare form of cancer. Ronnell was a singer and songwriter–and she was also working on a book…determined go getter to say the least! Ginny and Ronnell had quite a bit in common with their singing and writing–and then when you added their spunk and humor to the table…they sound like they were quite the pair! Ginny had been working at one point many years earlier on an idea of a song “Amen” but was never able to finish it…until she met Ronnell. And they wrote this song together…as Ronnell was okay with her disease and WHATEVER the Lord wanted to do with it. If He chose to heal her–she would sing for His glory. And that would be great! And if He chose to take her home to heaven–then she would sing with Him in His glory. And that would be the yes of all. So…she was able to say “AMEN” to whatever God’s plans would be…despite her feelings for what might happen here on Earth.
Months later, Ginny sang “Amen” at Ronnell’s memorial service. And she put it away for many years–before pulling it back out again recently. What a blessing it was to hear Ginny share this sacred story. To share how she had shared this with her mom–who had just gone through a battle with cancer…and WON! How really…we CAN say “AMEN!” to anything and everything the Lord brings our way…because…HE IS GOOD! And we were made for heaven. And to bring glory to Him while we are here on earth!
WOW! It was quite a night celebrating…and such a blessing reflecting again on my daughter’s birthday on Sunday! I feel like I’m living a dream on Earth…to see Him work daily and to get to trust in Him on this journey! He has an amazing God story for each and every one of us as we look to Him and trust Him!!!
by admin
I LOVE her party–so beautiful! (Yes, it would be hard to eat Jesus!) And love Ginny Owens, too–how fun!
amazing!!! you have one incredible little girl!!! such pretty little dancers… I can’t even imagine how blessed our Father was by her birthday party. Precious.