I thought I’d treat my 2 oldest to night lights a couple of weeks ago. And I just love seeing how they use them…how different these two are.
My little girl…goes to sleep almost every night with a book in hand…I have to remember to turn her night light off for her. It’s already time to buy a new bulb due to a night or two of my forgetting. Love walking by her room and seeing her take in just ONE more story before she begins to dream…

And I just have to shake my head and smile at how he uses his…

LOVE these two…and how unique they are!
She’s got her nose in the books.
He can build anything with Legos–and can maneuver a ball like no mans business on the field (and this is what this momma is watching bright and early EVERY Saturday morning…)

And after soccer–it’s baseball. I said we’d NEVER do 2 sports for 1 child–BUT when you homeschool you have more margin and we’ve had lots more margin for practices and such this year. Rico Suave always coaches–and we have the COOLEST bat-boy you’ve ever seen. Here’s coach and bat-boy after the game…

I could just GOBBLE him right up!

I TRIED to convince Isaac we needed ANOTHER batboy or soccer helper–but Isaac said he wants to sit by momma and that he has lots of work to catch up on…

After church today we went to Stone Mountain Park–will have to post some of that fun…and share my home-made almond butter action with you too…made some tonight with a churn and got a little arm workout in the process. YUMMO.
Blessings to you all!!!
by admin