2 Our mouths were filled with laughter,
our tongues with songs of joy.
Then it was said among the nations,
“The LORD has done great things for them.”
3 The LORD has done great things for us,
and we are filled with joy.
4 Restore our fortunes, O LORD,
like streams in the Negev.
5 Those who sow in tears
will reap with songs of joy.
6 He who goes out weeping,
carrying seed to sow,
will return with songs of joy,
carrying sheaves with him
This VERY month last year—the Lord broke my heart in a new way for the orphan and widow. He is STILL in the process of teaching me and breaking me for these precious groups of people of His…but this month for us also bring GREAT joy for the sewing that has been done. There have been tears…OH MY–many tears. The anxiousness in my heart has been hard as I know I should not be anxious for anything–yet how does a mommy not desire deeply to be joined with her child that the Lord has sewed so miraculously in her heart? And in JUST 16 days the LONGING…the WONDER…the WAIT will finally come to close—just 16 days I will board a plane to hold him for the first time! (Am I just a LITTLE BUT excited?! As our international pediatrician would say…ABSOLUTELY!) I have caught myself telling the Lord several times… “Lord…please let him LIKE me!” I am just talking as I clean, drive or watch the kids play and I say that to the Lord without even thinking and realize this is my heart’s deep desire. I love him…and it will take some time I know for him to know me and understand why I love him so…and love me back…BUT all things are possible with the LORD.
What a BEAUTIFUL picture of our Father’s love. How He loves us so! How He wants us to KNOW Him. And how patient He is with us when we kick and scream and pitch our fits…He is consistent…He embraces us…and He is madly and crazily IN LOVE–with US! And all the months and months and months of sewing and tears…the harvest is about to come…carrying my sheaves and rejoicing as Psalm 126 says!
I got my final update on our Isaac from the orphanage yesterday. It will be the last time I reread and REREAD…and REREAD every detail…imagining…wondering…wanting to ask for more. Yet, today I sit here rereading.
Here is a little bit about our love according to the special mommas at our orphanage…
Isaac T. Young
He is 62 cm long. (We’re guessing he is in between 3-6 months clothes…if you have any insight on this for me based on those measurements…please pass it on!)
He drinks 4 ounces of formula at each feeding and wakes up 3-4 times throughout the night to eat. (And I’ll LOVE every. single. waking!!!)
He is described no longer as a happy baby but as a FUSSY baby! (Uh oh Isaac! We have GOT to do something about that;)
He is not willing to go to strangers any more and is very aware. (Yay that he is making connections in his brain…boo that seperation anxiety is in full swing…WE NEED PRAYER that Isaac will be comfortable with me and that we would BOND quickly!)
He still has a swollen tummy because of the malnourishment. (Sooo…when you see his round tummy–I wish it was because he was eating so much…but we’re still healing a bit from malnourishment…pray for complete healing for my little man:).
He LOVES to be held and they think he will transition quickly into our family. (Ok…these statements seem to contradict the above description…but I’ll take them for what they’re worth!)
I am so excited for everything ahead…and I am SOOOO thankful to my friends, family and precious blog readers who have prayed and prayed and PRAYED some more for us. I was dreaming this morning as we were picking berries of what our life would look like in just a month from now. And as my child held out a hand full of our berry harvest (this is our morning ritual to run outside after breakfast and fill up on that days harvest of black berries!), I was reminded how the Lord just longs to bless us…how He has an INCREDIBLE plan for EACH of our lives! How beautiful it is when we follow…NOT always easy…NOT always fun…but in the end—there He is…being CONSISTENT ONCE AGAIN…and holding out His hands and saying “Here…I told you I would bless you—you thought you had a perfect life figured out…and then I asked you to surrender it to Me…so I could replace your desires with MINE…and give you my BEST. Now, REJOICE…be glad…and ENJOY my blessing!”
by admin
As far as clothes go, I would bring a few different sizes or just a lot of clothes. 🙂 I know our girls’ clothes didn’t fit at all and I went by the measurements they gave us.
I am SO EXCITED for your family! It will be an amazing experience. Enjoy every minute!
Oh and I LOVE that picture! Those berries look so yummy!
beautiful post and Oh I am sure that little malnourished tummy of his will go down and be normal and that he will become so loved once he is in your arms :0)
Give him one of your gorgeous smiles and that sweet boy will bond with his momma in flash 😉
How could he not like you? =) Anyone would be lucky to have you as a mama! Counting down the days with you dear friend…we will keep you in our prayers!