Today was more than I could have hoped for–and I’m in awe as I get ready to go to bed after our first night with Zeke how perfect today has been. It has been tear free–although naturally it took awhile for our sweet boy to warm up. We took lots of time and didn’t rush picking him up–giving him all the space he needed before stepping into his world. We played with little toys and trinkets for about 20-30 minutes and then he warmed up–and came to sit in my lap. The rest–oh my…is history.
There are so many sad, hard, broken parts of adoption–but today…oh it has just been full of beauty. I have been amazed–and truly overwhelmed by His goodness with us today. Our sweet boy started calling me “momma” and Richard “baba” on his own–and he is a snuggle bug. He rubs his cheeks on my cheeks when I hold him–and he’s a bottle of laughter when Parker and Laney play with him. Truly. Today couldn’t have been more perfect. When we got home, we napped together–and I had to wake him up after a 3 hour nap and he was all smiles. One of my friends has a Chinese helper here for her kids–so she made me traditional Chinese oatmeal (rice, veggies, porridge type mix) and he gobbled that up for dinner as I fed him–and wanted some of my rice and spice too:).
He is still on a bottle–and he is now down for the night…as are the rest…so momma is about to go to bed too. We have to be up early to go to the Civil Affairs tomorrow. Then on Wednesday we are going to see Pandas if he is still doing well. We are just taking things really slow and just enjoying him. AND–for the record…memorizing “Rock a Bye Baby” in Mandarin–paid off and was worth it. As we laid beside one another at nap time I started singing it to him in Mandarin–and his face LIT UP! Sweetness. He took his little hand to my cheek as I sang…and I think I’ve been a puddle from melting ever since! We had dinner tonight at the apartment next store with our friends–and he had fun running and playing–and screaming “Mao!” out the window (he was spotting cats:). We are thankful. God is good. His plans are perfect!
Sooooo…I wanted to post a couple (not quite a hundred–hahah) of the pictures from our day. Our friends were so dear to bring us to the orphanage themselves–AND to take pictures for us. Their littlest of their 4 came along too (he is just 5 months and was QUITE the hit with the nannies today!) We left at 9:15am and got to the orphanage around 10:15. It took us awhile to find it–but we finally did–and met him just minutes after arriving.
It’s been an amazing day.
Night night:). Another big day ahead tomorrow:)
by admin
Sitting on the bench at an amusement park with tears in my eyes. So moved by your description of his first day with you…So thankful to be part of God’s incredible miracle of adoption!
Oh the goodness of God is evident all over your update and photos! Yay, God!
Continuing to pray!
Oh my, HOW BEAUTIFUL is your son, Zeke?! Congratulations!!! Thank you for sharing your journey with the world. 😉 I’ve been waiting and waiting for THIS post, and I almost shouted out loud when I saw that your blog had been updated today. I’m SO thrilled to see your baby in your arms… of course I cried as I watched the slideshow, and now I just have a big ol’ grin plastered on my face. LOVE your family! Thank you for allowing so many folks to witness GOD IN ACTION. Our family will be praying for the Youngs, now a party of SEVEN – woohoo!!! 🙂
Wonderful news! So happy for you all! Enjoy!
So wonderful to see your family now complete and you heart start to fill with Zeke. And each hour you grow together. This has been the ever best thing I have ever done, went through, or been apart of in my whole life so far! I think so much of you and your family as we get ready to leave GZ and the Garden Hotel tom. Knowing that you will be here the next day. It has been wonderful and the hotel is wonderful ( not sure your staying here) but a little warning if you are….the area you have to go out to get meals is very rough. I felt like I didn’t need to have my son out after dark here. “street woman” trying to touch him and homeless men that crawl on the streets grabbed two of the boys in our group. So just be careful and on guard of those things. I wasn’t. God bless yall….we will fly back to Shanghai tom and back home thurs morning. I’ll be thinking of yall and checking in. God Bless LaKasha mother of two finally !
YAY!!! PRAISE THE LORD!!! So excited and happy for ya’ll! Yes, great is His FAITHFULNESS indeed!!! 🙂
How wonderful!!! I am so happy for you and your family!!!
The pure joy on your face is beautiful! Congratulations and so exciting to finally have Zeke in your family. Praise God for the glory you are bringing Him by caring for another orphan. A blessed boy.