Many years ago;)–back in my photography days I met her mom. Not in person. But through a photography forum. We connected as we both had a heart for Africa. They were adopting from Ethiopia. We had a ministry in Zambia. We watched them grow. Later we grew through adoption as well. Then we watched them go. To Tanzania to be missionaries. Lola…their most precious princess–their little girl who was like my Laney–same age and so full of twirls and girly and life–got sick–so they came home to get to the bottom of it. Never did they imagine they were here to stay…to get their baby girl well.
Lola was diagnosed with cancer shortly after. And we were all shocked. Watching them move home from the mission field. Deep breaths. Here–this most precious family had gone to serve–and we scratched our heads…and took deep breaths and hit our knees…for their Lola.
That was well over 2 years ago.
Her fight began. She started chemotherapy to fight leukemia. A disease that took my littles grandpa much too early. A disease that we don’t like. A disease want to join others in fighting against in any way we can for the sake of little Lola’s all over the world.

This picture (above) was from a sweet time celebrating 2 years of completing chemotherapy. With her sweet, sweet family who I just adore to pieces…mmet the DeYoung crew:

There was a sweet, sweet time of celebration. And then this summer–the sweet princess relapsed. And those of us who have watched the journey–yet again hit our knees. This family–is beyond precious. They had been caring for host children who were orphans–and wanted to adopt…one who also had fought leukemia…because no one should have to fight alone…but when the relapse happen–their worlds again turned upside down. I’ve yet to meet Lindsey. Or Lola. But I am so on team Lola. Praying for her. Praying for a miracle. And cheering this family on…praying they would feel the Lord’s hand and His presence–and asking for a miraculous complete and forever healing of sweet Lola.

Over two years of fighting–and this sweet girl is still smiling. Not always of course–because treatment days are hard. But her fight continues. And as a friend–as a mom–I just want to be on Lola’s team. Praying for her. Cheering her on. Fighting with her. Will you join me??
Rachel Walsher at Proclaim promotions helped me design some rockin’ t-shirts. The proceeds of these t-shirts will go to help medical costs or little things Lola might need…blessings to remind her that she is not alone–and there is a BIG TEAM of moms and kids all over the U.S. who are also on her team–cheering her on, believing in her, praying for her and wanting to remind her that she is LOVED…BIG.
Will you join Team Lola and pray for her when your kids wear this? When you wear this tee–will you pray for her–pray for strength and for all those kids in throughout the world like Lola fighting childhood cancer??
We are going to have a PRE-SALE for TWO WEEKS! November 12th we will submit the total order–and the tees–will be printed and then shipped to us and out to you! THIS IS A PRE-SALE–to help us not have to buy tees and not sale them:) If you want to buy more than one–(kids and adults)–y’all I’m a stay-at-home, homeschool crazy momma–so if Paypal charges you twice for shipping–I’ll send the extra $4 back your way!! I’m too crazy to figure it all out:)
To show your Team Lola love–you have TWO t-shirt options!
Option 1: The regular pink tee – $20 for kids and $25 for adult tee (Available in Sizes: Kids 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and Adult S, M, L, 2XL)
Option 2: The baseball tee – $25 for Kids and Adult Sizes (Available in Sizes: Kids 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and Adult XS, S, M, L, XL)
It only takes ONE minute to order a TEE and join Team Lola–and what a blessing it would be bless this family and join them in helping them care for the little and big things as Lola fights cancer. Will you join me??
Please feel free to share–and help us bless this sweet family! Excited to watch others join us! And super excited to bless Lola. We love you Lola girl and we are cheering you on!
If you would like to bless the DeYoung family directly–please contact me through my contact page.
Can’t wait to get my Baseball Tee on!
by admin
Is there a way to purchase more than one at a time and have them shipped together? Paypal isn’t letting me “add” to my order… Thanks for doing this. 🙂
Hi! I just ordered a bball T. I’m not sure if I got the right size. SO sorry! I meant to do a girls size 8. I was having a hard time placing the order and all of the sudden I had paid. Thank you!!!