The Jesse book is now closed…but the ornaments hang for a few more days–remembering all we learned together this year as a family as we walked each day together.
The presents–all unwrapped…and as a mom of little ones…I feel the need to squeeze out more sweetness…more memories…more magic. And there is reason. I believe–because the Maker put that desire there.
Because…there is more.
This is when it’s really just beginning.
The awaited for Savior was born–and for the wise men–their journey would now begin. It would take a year…a YEAR of day in and day out travels for them to finally reach the Savior.

For us–this is when the journey…when the real magic should begin too.
THIS is what I really want to teach my children.
We build up Christmas…and we should. The awaiting. The anticipation. The awe. The joy. The Savior is born! Now…it is time to go find Him.
And this is what we do. Together. Individually. Day by day. We look for Jesus. We come together and share how we find Him…how we see him in the daily–and we remind each other what He looks like day to day in each of our worlds as we see His light and presence shining through.
For little children–we leave the nativity up longer that has rested all season on our mantel. Only we take away the wise men. We move them on the other side of our home. And each night they journey closer. We read about the wise men as a family for the next week or so. And each night we each write on a piece of paper how in some way–we saw Jesus that day. And in doing so–we begin our year like the wise men did–looking for Jesus. We begin our year not with a list of things we want to do better. Because really–if we just look for Jesus–and that is ALL…then grace abounds–and we need to do nothing more.
And this truth is what I want to teach them.
Just look for Him.
In the daily.
That’s it.
Look for Him in every circumstance and trust Him to show up–to show you what to do–to trust Him to be there–and to continuously wait on Him.
And on hard, hard days. I need a reminder. And some days. They will too. And on days like that–we grab our treasure box full of little ways we saw Jesus in the beginning–and we remind ourselves how to see Him again…and again…and again. We remind ourselves of His faithfulness in our lives. And as we see Him ever so clearly throughout the year–we jot it down…and place it in this magi treasure box. And we learn together how seeing Him, knowing Him and experiencing Him is really the greatest treasure of all.
I wrote a Magi Devotional several years ago. I’m going to refine it a bit–but if you would like to follow along–or print it off each day to read together and walk your children through looking for Jesus as they learn about the Magi–and start the year off as they did…these devotionals are a work of heart from our family to yours.
So tonight–or tomorrow night–or whenever you read this…simply start by just moving your nativity Magi and getting ready to let them venture through your home…and this King through your heart.
The Journey of the Magi now begins…

by admin