SO fun! Just saw that my favorite Kids Worship CD is giving away a FREE song! You can download it here:
If you have been reading my blog for awhile, you know that I LOOOOOVE Seeds Family Worship CDs! There are many things I have invested in to help build up my kiddos in their walks with Christ—but this is by far one of the best of those!!! I had a hard time finding worship cds that my kids would dig—and that…well, didn’t make me go cross-eyed too…there’s only so much of “Who built the ark? Noah! Noah!” that this momma can take. Don’t get me wrong–I appreciate the old school…but one thing I love about Seeds is it gets stuck in my mind and it’s SCRIPTURE…WORD-for-WORD! I catch myself memorizing scripture along with my kids without even realizing it!
I’m such a fan of Seeds family worship—that guess what?! They gave me a coupon code to give friends and family (YOU!!!!) to use! AND get this—another think I love about Seeds—in every single cd you buy they give you AN EXTRA (a FREE cd!) for you to share with someone so you can also plant a seed in someone else’s life! How sweet is that?! OK…so, enough-enough! You can buy the cds at and you can even get 20% off your purchase (doesn’t included clearance items) with this coupon code:
I have had friends ask me WHICH ONE they should buy first. I own them ALL. You can do like me and just buy one to see how your kiddies like. But trust me—you’ll be back to buy all of them! AND…not only that…but with each one you get a FREE one to give away! ANOTHER things you could do–go in with a friend and you buy a few…get her to buy a few–and because DUPLICATE cds come with each order…JUST SWAP and you’ll both have a complete set for half the price…PLUS the 20% off with my coupon–and that’s a really good deal:)
OK…so that’s my mini-van mommy plug of the day—NOW I need to upload the video I took yesterday of LANEY with NO TRAINING wheels!!! YAY!! OTHER funny moment…Frank on the coaster car—he was holding Rosie’s leash–and Rosie took off running pulling Frank ALL OVER the place!!! It was hysterical! Ok…so I’m last minute retreat planning–so loading videos will have to wait until tomorrow. Love to you all—now go download the free love song for your kids! And how cool is it that ALL their songs are Bible verses word-for-word! Sorry guys…I just think that is the coolest thing!
by admin
Just checked out the music–LOVE that I can learn right along with Megan and Toben!! Thanks for sharing. 🙂
Thanks for sharing this!! We’ve loved the Hide ’em in Your Heart scripture CDs from Steve Green but need some more scripture to learn with fun songs =) Yes – it’s helped me a TON in memorizing too and I love it when I can recall it at just the right time. Hope yall have fun at the retreat! Wish I could be there and can’t wait for the recordings!
So excited about this! Just ordered our first Seeds CD just last week…of course, I ordered the “Faith” one! Now, I’ll have to use this coupon code and order another one! Thanks! I know my kids will LOVE this…and I will too!
thanks!!! Love Seeds Family Worship!