Reflections from this adoption momma today. Adoption has changed me far more than I ever imagined…maybe just as much as the lives of my children. Adoption has changed the way I see both my biological and adopted children–and it has changed the way I value, connect, cherish, discipline and parent all of them. Adoption has divinely ruined me as I have watched the orphan spirit dissolve and be replaced with the spirit of sonship…not all at once but bit by bit…and not just for my children but for me as well. Adoption has taught me that I have more to risk by remaining comfortable than taking risks and opening my hands to whatever the Lord wills for our family. Adoption has erased my logical decision making about college and retirement plans and helped me to live out that family really matters most and the belief that God will meet all of our needs according to His riches and glory. Adoption is a painful, beautiful, refining, redeeming, healing process-not just for my children but for all of us that step foot (willing or unwilling) on this path none of us might have chosen in a perfect world. I’m learning through adoption how much we really all need each other and how for every scrape–He has much more than a bandaid…He has healing in His hands. I can’t imagine my world without adoption–and I’m so blessed to be a mom through it.