In 4 months, Lord willing–we will find ourselves at the hospital again to bring home another baby. Baby #6. Oh I’m beside myself and can’t WAIT! Expecting this time around with older children has led to more questions–MANY more questions about how things work;). Momma–are you going to chew your food better so the baby can […]
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Powerful! Thank you Andrea for speaking straight to my heart! Much love from Auburn!
…amen… Because we want RESTORATION!!! On Earth as it is in Heaven!!! In one moment some of my sweet ones wish out loud they were with their birth mom…and then later they wish they were born from my “tummy” …or that I had adopted them earlier… They struggle for restoration. One Mama or the other…but why must both be in the heart? So, we pray for restoration. If not here on Earth, then in Heaven. I tell them to pray that somewhere their birth mom and birth dad are putting their faith in Jesus. And if we have to wait until Heaven to all be together we will wait with hopeful expectation to love each other together. Oh how I will love on THAT day to say: “I love them with all that I had and and here they are”…and we can love them together in perfect unity!!!