Taking this crew to the pumpkin patch brought lots of smiles on Saturday…

Just so you know–my youngest is no longer cooperating for pictures. ALL of my children did this at his age because momma takes way too many pictures. But you have to admit–it’s still pretty cute:)
If you don’t have pumpkin farms in your parts…you must see this one. Burt’s. My favorite.

You grab a wheel barrow and the kids go nuts piling in their favorite pumpkins of all sizes.

Then you parade around trying to snap cute pictures of your littles all over the pumpkins–but you have to constantly tell them not to sit on them because we all know that’s a pumpkin farm rule:) I mean–that’s somebody else’s pumpkin. And then you get home and download the pictures–and you have to play around with them because the up close ones all have a orange tent from reflecting off their faces:) LOVE this old timey look with these two…

The boys…

And by girl…

Laying across the pumpkin is no better than sitting on one. It was just too tempting though!

Then we rode the hayride…my handsome boys…

Some hayrides are scary–but not Burt’s. You ride out in a decorated pasture–and then you stop to meet the BIG pumpkins. They tell the story of how being a pumpkin is like being a child of God:
Normal people go home after that kind of day. But the Youngs–we like to push the limits. Now after a day like that…if you really want to laugh–you take this crew to the corn maze…

Now if you are really crazy–you actually let a group like this LEAD you through a corn maze (do not try this one folks…you’ll be lost in this for hours!)

After getting lost for hours…with tiny ones who didn’t nap that day who decide they are scared of being lost in corn, you might even search the map they gave you at the entry for a help hotline…consider calling 9-11…think about just making a mad run THROUGH the corn husks until you eventually exit…AND then you eventually turn around because you decided listening for voices coming through will be easier than going deeper…and you are PERFECTLY fine not finishing and just coming out of the exit:)
NOT that I’m speaking from personal experience or anything;)…

Here’s to getting several really fun things checked off our Fall bucket list this weekend!!! So much fun!
Hope y’all are having a great week!
by admin