It was brought to my attention recently via our amazing Stacey Ernvall who is in Zambia serving Wiphan that there are two immediate needs concerning 2 most precious orphans at the school. Outside of our operating budget, we must raise funds for specific needs like these–so we want to ask those of you reading this to please consider reposting, sharing and praying for these two needs. These sweet children have no means of paying for these injuries to be treated–but they do have us…believers who hear, who are want to do something and can creatively help in some way. Will you join me in praying how the Lord might want to use each of us in some way to care for these children?
1. The first need is for little Henry Swazi…
Here is the report we received this week on Henry from Stacey:
Henry Swazi, Grade 5, was playing futbol during lunch break. He went to kick the ball and slipped on the top of the ball. He landed palm down and broke both bones on the inner and outer parts of his wrist. He was taken straight to Mary Begg to be looked at, and they tried to re-set his wrist bones but they were not able to because it is such a severe break. He was referred out to a specialist, Dr. Simzanza, in Lusaka at Italiah Hosptial. Tomorrow morning at 08 hrs we will meet with the doctor to see if they can put him under and re-set the wrist or if he will need surgery to install metal pins to keep his bones together. Henry is currently home with a partial cast and preparing for the trip tomorrow morning to Lusaka with Donald and I. Wiphan would like to raise $1,500USD to cover the cost of the procedures. The health provider requires payment before service is performed.
Please feel free to share this need–and if you or someone you know would like to contribute toward Henry’s medical need–you can give (it is tax deductible) online through Wiphan by going to the donate page at and choose “General Needs” and then type “Henry’s Medical Need” in the comments section. (I will post if and when this need is fully funded–so until you hear otherwise…keeping praying for this need to be met. THANK YOU!)
It is SO important that Henry’s wrist is properly corrected so the same thing that happened to Mary doesn’t happen to Henry. If extra funds are raised for Henry, they will be used to help Mary Banda’s arm that was broken and healed improperly get mobile again. Which brings us to…
2. The second need is for little Mary Banda…
Here is the report received from Kevin Jones on his recent trip on Mary:
Little Mary is an orphan living with her grandmother. Mary attends Wiphan’s Mapalo School. Her arm broke, and it was not looked at. The bones in her arms did not mend correctly and now she CANNOT move her arm. Attached are pictures of her arm. Wiphan has taken Mary to Mary Begg for diagnosis. The x-rays show the procedure to correct this injury can be done but needs to be done in Lusaka. The total cost for correcting this injury is $3,500USD. Please let your friends know about this and see if they can be the hands and feet of Jesus in Mary’s life by donating funds to get this procedure done.
Here is what Mary’s arm looks like all the time–unable to be moved:

Please feel free to share this need–and if you or someone you know would like to contribute toward Mary Banda’s medical need–you can give a tax deductible donation online through Wiphan by going to the donate page at and choose “General Needs” and then type “Mary’s Medical Need” in the comments section. (I will post if and when this need is fully funded–so until you hear otherwise…keeping praying for this need to be met. THANK YOU!)
If extra funds are raised for Mary, then they can go toward Henry’s medical need. BUT I will post when each are fully funded if that miraculously happens!
Thank you for praying for these needs and helping us make these needs known on behalf of the kids at Wiphan in Zambia. We have some exciting news that TWO families will be heading over to serve full-time there in the near future–so we’ll be sharing soon how YOU GUYS can all be apart of that also very soon as well!!!
If you have any questions about Henry or Mary–please send them my way and if I can’t answer them–I’ll forward them to Stacey who is on the ground.
I’m going to get her to snag some pictures of Henry and Mary–so if you are praying for them or you are one of those led to be a part of their medical help–I will post them and you can print them off to pray for them too! Thank you to everyone who joins us in some way for caring for these…whether it’s making the need known, giving or praying!!!
Blessings…and on behalf of Wiphan Zambia–thank you!
by admin