Our sweet Emma (my niece) and Parker man had pool parties yesterday for their birthdays. Their birthdays are always the same weekend as they were born a few days apart. SO…we spent all day swimming:) Parker and Laney were much harder to catch as they were ALL over the place…and the 2 year olds were way entertaining I must say.
Here is Frankie baby with his cousin…they were SO funny together yesterday.

This 2 year old is insisting more and more on some independence…it’s messy–but ya gotta learn some how…

And while our older 2 year old is pretty independent, he’s not too proud to get help now and then…

THEN after Emma’s hula party–it was time for the pirate party on our side of town. Don’t think we are terrible but we forgot the candles so we just sang. THANKFULLY we did candles with the fruit cake earlier on his actual birthday. Parker was totally cool with it. Wish I had taken pictures of the pirate piñata fun but I was busy putting 2 eye patches on each kiddo before they hit the piñata. They wacked it with swords…which broke the swords instead of the piñata…so Rico Suave had to run in the woods real quick by our hood pool and find a big stick. We’re always winging it:) The kids had fun though!

Don’t mess with ITY when it comes to cake. He is learning to share…but sharing his cake–even with one of his best buds is pushing it…

“Momma! Do something!”

Standing his ground…

Whew…now we have a break from birthday fun until November when Frankie baby turns THREE! He is already telling us he wants a Thomas, Spiderman, and Lightning McQueen party:) Do we have to stop calling Frankie baby, Frankie baby, when he turns three??? Even ITY calls him that so that will be a sad day if we do!
Off to a Sunday afternoon family reunion! Y’all have a good one!
by admin