Life is still ticking along–and I have such sweetness to share from the past 48 hours with princess T. Some serious sweet time. Seriously. In 5 weeks–I have gone cross-eyed many a day…practiced slow breathing to remain calm;)…and thought I might have seriously jumped in water well over my head. But folks–in the past 5 weeks I have also fallen in love with a little girl who will be 16 years old on Monday. Ask her if she wants to go some where now with older kids or friends and she says, “No! Tonya stay with momma!” I thought she might have twisted her ankle tonight bee-lining to get in my van when I was pulling out of the driveway for a grocery run. She jumped in and told me she was my baby and needed to go with me. Funny girl. Then we proceeded to have to have a come to Jesus meeting in Trader Joes for appropriate behavior (she saw someone in there with blue hair and made quite the redonkulous scene.) LOVE her. She seriously makes me laugh. And put on some Russian music–and she breaks out in folk dance like no man’s business. All I have to say–is pray for our hearts next Thursday…tears are gonna be shed. But until then we have 6 more days to love BIG.
I have to tell you a sweet moment at Hobby Lobby yesterday. We were getting some things for her party in shades pink, pink and pink–and we walked down the puzzle isle. She spotted a puzzle of a little girl sitting in Jesus’s lap. The little girl had curly hair and blue eyes…and oh–I bet princess Tetyana looked just like her as a little girl. But now I know the history of this little girl–and this little girl at this age…even this young age–was hurting. And–I wish I could have been there. But I wasn’t…and I wish I could rewind time and some how she could have been hosted before there was too little time. And now–she tells me part of her wants to stay here–and part of her wants to go to her motherland. Oh my heart. But HE is enough. I have to believe He will be enough for her and will care for her…
So she saw this picture of the little girl with Jesus and she squealed saying, “Yesu and Tetyana!!!” (The girl will speak in Spanish before English;).
“You want?” I asked.
“YES! YES! I want! Yesu and baby Tetyana!”

We bought that puzzle…and I thought the whole way home about what it meant for me. We just have to trust Him to continue to care for her and protect her as He has thus far. I can’t type anything else about this now. I’m a little sad–and I just have to trust Him with her. Who takes an orphan who has aged out who calls you mama to the airport and waves goodbye to them? Wiping away tears…momma has to log off now I’m afraid. Please pray with me for miracles for her life. Please pray the Lord would open doors and continue to create bridges between us and ministries in the Ukraine, that the Lord would open the doors to a trade school or even higher education that will best protect our girl and encourage her walk with Him and that she will know every day how loved she is and that she always has family.
Okay before I completely lose it–I’ll be MIA for the next 24-48. A family that traveled with us 2 years ago to bring home their daughter from Ethiopia when we traveled to bring home Isaac came in town from the west coast—and we’re housing their crew of 6 for the next couple of days…so momma will be MIA for a bit. I’m going to try my best to blog on Saturday night so I can catch up on the last few days.
In closing–I just want to encourage any one who is considering hosting…to trust the Lord–take the leap of faith…and know there are other ways to care for orphans outside of adoption that will absolutely make the biggest changes in the hearts and lives of these kids. I’ll warn you that they can be painful though…I can completely rest knowing a child is under my roof or in a loving family—but fostering, hosting, visiting orphans…it can do something to you that you don’t expect on a completely different level…requiring you to cry out to Jesus to please, please, PLEASE will you protect them Lord??? Will you be enough? Will you come through for them again and again and again???
Alrighty y’all…have a good weekend!!!
by admin
TEARS!!! So precious!
Praying for your heart and that of T’s. I cannot imagine how difficult that send off will be. Joining with you in interceding for a place for her when she returns to the Ukraine. I don’t say home, because I think in both your hearts, home will always be with you.