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Merry Christmas!

here is a sweet song my heart is singing this Christmas! It’s about a China adoption—but my heart is still singing it to our baby who we can’t WAIT to have in our arms in 2010!!! I just love this song–and to make it even more special it’s performed/sung by some dear friends of our family. (Be sure to turn off the music at the bottom of the page before playing so you can enjoy every word!)

I love the thought that THIS TIME NEXT YEAR our baby will have been home with us for awhile. EVERYTHING will look different…the table, the stockings, the noise level;), the laughter…I am so excited for everything 2010 will bring for our family—but I sure am LONGING for our baby this Christmas! Please pray for all the birthmoms in the world who have acted in bravery…choosing to give LIFE to their baby…and choosing adoption when they had no other choice…please pray for the babies out there who are hungry and homeless—as you hear your children’s laughter PRAISE GOD…and forget not those who are hungry and cold this Christmas…and in thanksgiving HOLD the sweet children the Lord has given you already a little TIGHTER! Pray for the children stuck on waiting lists that the Lord in 2010 would RAISE UP mommies and daddies to BOLDLY say “Lord, my heart and home are open for YOUR glory! USE ME.” I am PRAISING GOD this Christmas that He opened our family’s eyes, our hearts and our home. Our lives and hearts are ALREADY CHANGED…FULL OF MORE JOY…our children are more thankful, more compassionate, more merciful…MORE LIKE CHRIST…and this is a BLESSING from the Lord I KNOW for our obedience in following Him in taking care of the orphans…and making just one of them OUR CHILD! One less without parents. One less without a home. One less orphan in the world. And the MIRACLE…is that I already feel DEEPLY for him!!! Thank you Lord for the miracle you do in the hearts of those you call! I feel like I am living a DREAM COME TRUE! And to think…this is so much greater, grander and glorious than the white picket fence life I once thought about. HELP US LIVE FOR YOUR GLORY LORD IN 2010!

Merry Christmas sweet friends, family and blog readers! It is my hope and prayer in 2010 that I would get the blessing of hearing from some of my blog readers that they too are joining us on the adoption journey! It is a WILD ride—but one of the most amazing ones I’ve yet to be on!


jonesethiopia - December 23, 2009 - 9:39 pm

Merry Christmas! 2010 is going to be a great year for you!

Andrea - December 23, 2009 - 10:03 pm

Thank you friend! I am SOOO excited about what 2010 brings!

Amy @ Filled With Praise - December 24, 2009 - 6:26 am

Merry Christmas! I cannot wait to see what God has planned for both of our families in 2010!