The Young Family Farm »

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Just in case you wondered;)

I’m still alive:). Hey guys!!! I’m still here…I’m just slowin’ down a bit as this season is already busy enough!!! We laid low for the rest of the week last week–and as of Friday we are seeing an attachment counselor What IS attachment counseling you ask??? An attachment counselor helps you see areas you can help your child develop a more secure emotional attachment to caregivers/parents. Through healthy attachment there is greater healing on psychological, emotional, and behavioral levels that often develop as a result of the parent-child disruption and/or early trauma. In case you are wondering–we are not seeing in BIG issues–but it is inevitable that EVERY adopted family who brings home a child that is not a newborn will see different behaviors that are due to attachment or rather detachment. We want to be pro-active and make sure we are doing everything we can to help encourage healthy attachment.

For us…right now–that means lots of holding…responding quickly to every cry…lots of reassuring where we see fears…speaking truth constantly into our little one (We love you…We are here…God loves you)…co-sleeping when the dark is too scarey…mommy and daddy being the ones to meet needs consistently…lots of hugs and kisses…and even lots of down time (during this season–yikes…but we’re determined:) I’ll update here and there tidbits of what we are learning–but the exciting thing for you 225 mommies coming the retreat is our attachment counselor will be there to answer your questions and offer strategies, ideas and advice during Attachment 101. It’s wild when you learn what happens chemically in the brain during change–but it’s also so HOPEFUL and AMAZING to know and learn how LOVE HEALS!!!

And remember–it’s NEVER too late…and God is ABLE to do all things!!! He who calls you will equip you!!!

Hope you all have a fun weekend…we have some really funny pictures to share from ours later!!!

Katy - December 12, 2010 - 7:57 am

oh, this post brought tears to my eyes. I want to be there. My heart longs to have those experiences one day. I think the picture at the bottom is what put me over the edge. I LOVE it. I want my own. 🙂

Kim - December 12, 2010 - 9:43 am

Oh my … that photo says it all!
Love & Blessings from Hong Kong,

Amy - December 13, 2010 - 8:42 pm

Hi! I love your pictures!

How did you find an attachment counselor? Do you know if they would be able to recommend one in my area? We brought home 5 month old twin girls and we notice a lot more fears/insecurities in one of our daughters. We are trying to be really proactive, but after 8 months home, we sometimes notice huge steps back…
Amy G.