Isn’t he delightful?! This was my Mr.Frosty made of:
* hat – oreo cookie half + mini-reece cup
* eyes and buttons – big round sprinkles (Target)
* nose – you’ll never believe this…but dried cheese…it’s called improvision people!
* arms/sticks – pretzels (stick pretzels would be better, but I need the curved ones for Sunday’s craft/snack)
* toothpicks (hold the marshmellows together)* scarf – Fruit Rollup

[if you make these this weekend, go ahead and buy a bag of miniature Reece cups and the loopy pretzels b/c when you see Sunday’s craft you will need these again…and it is WAY cute and you’ll already have these on hand]
We are getting geared up for a really fun weekend! And when I say fun…you are going to be in for a TREAT on Sunday when I post the pictures from our weekend! Yep, we are heading South with our family of 5 (I’m even packing our Jesse Tree to go with us!)—and we’re going to spend the weekend with Richard’s very bestfriends. A handful of crazy guys that are all single and our family will be trecking South to stay in Americus, Georgia at one of the guy’s property. Our kids will be tossed upside down, tickled, chased and worn slap out by Sunday. And I’ll have lots of fun pictures I’m sure! We’ll be scooting back just in time for a visit from SANTA and party in our home on Sunday! I’m so excited to see my Bible study mommas and ALL their families, and we have SANTA himself showing up to celebrate the season with us!
I wish you each a fun filled weekend with your family. Just 2 weeks until Christmas so enjoy every moment of this sweet holiday time with those you love!
by admin
My boys (16 and 13 years old)looked at me like I had three heads when I asked them if they wanted to make chocolate dipped marshmellows with me. They are all about the eating part but want nothing to do with the preparing part of making food. So I solicited my adorable 7 year old nephew who excitedly made the treats with me! Thanks for the recipe:)
Loved the cute little marshmellow idea. I will have to try this with my kids.
I just found your blog a few weeks back. We live in the Atlanta area as well and would love to meet up sometime. We brought our daughter home from Ethiopia back in January (almost a year ago, the time really does fly). I look forward to watching your adoption journey as well. It is a beautiful thing.